Trabajos de Titulación - Ciencias de la Educación

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  • Ítem
    Solo Metadatos
    El cuento dramatizado como recurso didáctico para desarrollo de la motricidad en niños de educación inicial
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Deleg Brito, Christian Fernando; Matute Guzmán, Carmen Viviana; 0106907173
    Dramatized stories are a widely used strategy in the early grades that has many benefits and advantages for children, including improved motivation and development of motor skills through intervention in the motor area. This research aimed to analyze the influence of stories on the motor skills development of children in an educational unit in the city of Cuenca. The research uses a mixed approach, descriptive, cross-sectional, experimental design (pre-experimental), and inductive-deductive method. A Denver Test evaluating child development was applied as a research instrument, of which only the items related to the motor area were used. The results show that the statistical value of Pearson's coefficient "r" is r = 0.89, meaning a direct positive relationship exists between the two variables. The degree of correlation between the pretest indicators of the independent variable, dramatized stories, and the post-test indicators of the motor variable is very high. Finally, it is concluded that the children who participated in this research, after applying the guide, optimized their motor skills, improved their relationship with the social environment and their peers, promoted active participation in the context, and sought the development of their autonomy
  • Ítem
    Solo Metadatos
    La música como estrategia metodológica para el desarrollo del lenguaje oral en educación inicial
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Abad Gualán, María Belén; Crespo Crespo, Walter Benigno; 1150974234
    Music as a methodological strategy has great importance in formal and non-formal education at the early education level. Through songs and rhymes, it significantly strengthens oral language development in preschool children. However, some children have difficulties in the pronunciation of words and phonemes, construction of short sentences, use of fluent age-appropriate oral language, expression, communication, and social interaction, which, among other things, hinders an appropriate process in the education of young children. The research was conducted through a mixed approach, descriptive in scope, through the pre-experimental method, using the instrument PLON-R Oral Language Test Navarra-Revised (2005), applied as a pretest, pedagogical intervention, and posttest. As a result, the children significantly improved their oral language development. In the pretest, the level of "normal" language was 67%; after the pedagogical intervention and the application of the posttest, it reached 83%. On the other hand, the level of language "needs improvement" dropped from 25% in the pretest to 17% after the application of the posttest. The level of language "delay" dropped from 8% to 0%. It is concluded that music as a methodological strategy does favor the development of oral language in infants, such as pronunciation, oral expression, and assertive communication, among others.
  • Ítem
    Solo Metadatos
    Actividades lúdicas para el manejo de la hiperactividad en niños con TDAH en educación inicial
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Cando Méndez, Yamileth Estefanía; Trelles Astudillo, Hilda Josefina; 0150644987
    This research aims to determine the influence of sensory stimulation as a resource to enhance psychomotor development at the early education level. For this purpose, the Psychomotor Development Test (TEPSI by its Spanish acronym) was applied to determine the level of performance concerning the psychomotor development of children between 2 and 5 years old. Pre- and post-pedagogical intervention measurements were performed using a sensory activity guide. The population considered in this study consisted of 16 children from the initial education level II of the “Unidad Educativa Particular Pasos” in the city of Cuenca. The results obtained in this research showed that 87.5% of the children were within the normal range in the pretest, while 12.5% were at risk. After implementing the pedagogical intervention activities, a significant increase was evidenced in the post-test. In the post-test, 93.75% of the children studied presented an average level of development, and only 6.25% were at risk. These results demonstrate that pedagogical mediation with sensory stimulation activities positively impacted on psychomotor development. In conclusion, the relationship between psychomotor skills and sensory stimulation is closely linked. They are two directly related variables that make it possible to enhance psychomotor skills in primary school children.
  • Ítem
    Solo Metadatos
    El Kamishibai como estrategia metodológica para el desarrollo del lenguaje oral en niños de la primera infancia
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Maza Guillermo, Erika Adriana; Trelles Astudillo, Hilda Josefina; 0106804826
  • Ítem
    Solo Metadatos
    Actividades lúdicas para el manejo de la hiperactividad en niños con TDAH en educación inicial
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) García Barros, Nathaly Paulina; Matute Guzmán, Carmen Viviana; 0150720399