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Propagación “in vitro” del penco bicolor (Agave americana) para la flora urbana de la ciudad de Cuenca
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Sanmartín Yunga, Jessica Paulina; Campos Murillo, Nathalie del Consuelo; 0106744824
The objective of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of in-vitro micropropagation techniques of penco bicolor (Agave americana), in which 120 seedlings were used, extracting the auxiliary buds. The explants introduced in vitro were incubated at 18.5°C for 21 days, using 4 replicates. During the rooting stage, 4 treatments were used, using Murashige and Skoog 4.4 g/l culture medium, added with 4 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid (ANA) and 3 mg/l kinetin and 12 g/l agar for solidification. The results obtained determined that the best propagation protocol was through the evaluation of explants with shoots per treatment and the number of shoots per explant, obtaining the highest percentages of explants with shoots in treatments 2, 4 and 8 with values of 50%, 10% and 20%, respectively; On the other hand, treatments 10 and 1 showed 100% and 80% incidence of contamination, while treatments 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 did not show explants with sprouts. In addition, the count of the number of sprouts per explant showed that the treatment with the highest number of sprouts was T2, while treatments T1, T3, T5, T6, T7, T9 and T10 did not show any sprouts. The explants were immersed in 20% tween for 10 min and rinsed. For disinfection, they were placed in 70% alcohol and 20% chlorine for 10 min, rinsed three times in sterile distilled water and then seeded in culture medium. Keywords: hormones, in-vitro, sprouts, fungi, bacteria
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Efecto de enraizadores en esquejes de gañal (oreocallis grandiflora) y quishuar (buddleja incana) bajo cámara húmeda
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Rivera Mayencela, Freddy Fabián; Espinoza Bustamante, Xavier Esteban; 0350064002
Deforestatio has caused the decrease of native forests, affecting ecosystems, however, to recover forest áreas, a fundamental alternative is the propagation of native forest species and proceed with reforestation. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of rooting cuttings of Gañal (Oreocallis grandiflora) and Quishuar (Buddleja incana) under humid chamber, as a contribution to the production of native forest species and / or ecologically vulnerable. A completely randomized experimental desing was used with eight treatments and five replications, obtaining 40 experimental units, each one formed by 35 cuttingd that were applied the different treatments, which were planted in forest trays containing coconut fiber substrate plus earthworm humus and transferred to the interior of a humid chamber, the statistical data werw analyzed by análisis of variance and the Tukey significance test at 5% using the InfoStat application. Give as results T6 (Quishuar + IBA) and T4 (Quishuar + coconut water) at 28 days. The native forst species, Oreocallis grandifora, did not respond to asexual vegetative propagation, because it is a epecies that generlly develops at temperatures ranging from 7°C to 27°C. Therefore, the humid chamber does not contribute positively to the asexual vegetative propagation of these species. Keyworkds: Deforestation, Native species, Rooting, Asexual vegetative propagation, Humid chamber.
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Propagacion vegetativa de babaco (carica pentagona hilb) mediante tres enraizadores naturales bajo invernadero en la parroquia Guapán del Cantón Azogues
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Rodríguez Sánchez , José Eduardo; Tambo Caraguay , Víctor Raúl; 0302767140
The farmers of the Guapán Parish, in their eagerness to expand the market of products they offer to the region, have ventured into the cultivation of babaco under greenhouse with the method of asexual propagation by cuttings; however, they have faced several problems related to low rooting rates such as rotting of cuttings and low productivity of plants during cultivation. For this reason, this research aims to evaluate the effect of three substances of natural origin to promote the rooting of babaco cuttings under greenhouse in the Guapán parish of the Azogues canton, to offer strategies to farmers in the area to successfully root babaco cuttings. To meet the aforementioned, an experiment was conducted in which a 4x3 factorial arrangement was used, i. e., four rooting agents with three repetitions of doses, in which three natural rooting agents (coconut water, willow extract, and bee honey) were used against a commercial control based on ANA to test their influence on plant height, number of shoots, survival of cuttings, root length, volume and number of roots. Among the main results found, it was evident that coconut water was the rooting agent with the best results since it obtained higher percentages compared to the other natural rooting agents and even to the commercial control. Keywords: natural rooting agent, babaco, cultivation, greenhouse, experimentation
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Efecto de aminoácidos obtenidos de residuos de la industria avícola en el desarrollo de maíz (zea mays)
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Pallo Garcia, Jennifer Micaela; Vázquez Vázquez, Jacinto Enrique; 2000103396
The mismanagement of poultry industry wastes produces contamination; however, suitable management can generate agricultural products. This research aimed to assess the effect of amino acids obtained from poultry industry waste on the development of corn (Zea mays). To this end, a randomized complete block experimental design with six treatments and four replications was employed, giving a total of 24 experimental units, each one consisting of a pot with 2 kg of the substrate, soil in which 3 corn plants were grown and to which the different treatments were applied: The variables evaluated were: plant height, chlorophyll level, fresh weight and dry weight of the plants. For the statistical analysis, the analysis of variance ANOVA and LSD Fisher test (0.05 %) of the statistical program InfoStat were applied. The foliar application of T2 favorably influenced the corn plants in terms of chlorophyll levels 60 days after planting, the rest of the variables did not show significant statistical differences, however, T1, T3, T4 showed high means with respect to the other treatments. The control showed better values for plant dry weight and root dry weight. Therefore, the foliar application of amino acids obtained from poultry industry residues can positively influence the development of corn plants considering their dosages and environmental factors. Keywords: amino acids, beneficial microorganisms, human meat, cabbage
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Factores de riesgo, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la psoriasis del cuero cabelludo. Revisión sistemática
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Gutiérrez Avila, Denisse Melissa; Peláez Vélez , Luzmila Carolina; 1104379126
Background: Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition characterized by scaly, whitish or silvery, shiny, erythematous, and pruritic plaques, with the scalp being one of the most commonly affected areas. Its management in clinical practice is challenging due to its resistance to treatment and tendency to recur. Objectives: To describe the risk factors that influence the appearance of scalp psoriasis, and the diagnostic methods and updated treatments of this pathology. Design: A systematic review was conducted. Methods: Eligible studies were identified in the PubMed digital database by applying the filter of the last five years. The terms searched were “scalp psoriasis” and “psoriasis del cuero cabelludo.” The articles were screened according to title, abstract, and content for selection. Results: Forty sources were included (intervention articles, literature review, and case reports), considering the inclusion criteria for further analysis. Discussion: The predominant risk factors for developing scalp psoriatic lesions include family history, sun exposure, stress, and medications, such as adalimumab and hydroxychloroquine. According to the reviewed sources, the diagnosis should involve anamnesis, physical examination, dermoscopy, and biopsy. Recommended treatments include topical medications (corticosteroids), systemic therapies (methotrexate), phototherapy, and biologic drugs (brodalumab). Keywords: psoriasis, scalp, trichoscopy, phototherapy
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Monitoreo de plagas asociadas al cultivo de manzana en las comunidades de Agüilán y Guapán de la parroquia Guapán del cantón Azogues
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Rodríguez Sánchez , Juan Carlos; Tambo Caraguay , Víctor Raúl; 0302767157
The Parishes Guapán and Agüilán are locally known for their production of chemical-free apples; nonetheless, it has been identified that farmers have a generalized lack of knowledge about the identification and adequate control of pests. Thus, this research aims to monitor the pests associated with apple tree crops that are present in these Parishes as a strategy to propose cultural, biological, and mechanical control methods for the proper management of orchard pests. To meet the above, an intervention was conducted in the apple orchards of Guapán and Agüilán to place several Mcphail, Delta, lure and light traps to capture and identify the types of pests present in the crops and to verify or rule out the presence of the fruit fly. Furthermore, a data collection instrument was applied to determine the knowledge of the fruit grower population on pest identification and control methods. Among the main results obtained, it can be mentioned that evidence of the presence of the fruit fly was found in some of the crops and that the apple fruit growers of Agüilán and Guapán are not prepared to face a potential pest threat in their orchards due to the lack of knowledge and concern of the authorities. Keywords: monitoring, crop, crop, pest, apple, trapping
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Biol a base de suero de leche y su efecto en lechuga (Lactuca sativa)
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Lema Paguay , Jaime Owaldo; Vásquez Vásquez , Jacinto Enrique; 0350152518
Solid and liquid wastes from dairy industries cause contamination, whey is discarded into water tributaries and soils causing damage to various ecosystems, so the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of biol produced from whey and with the interaction of beneficial microorganisms, BMOs obtained from human flesh plant (Jungia rugosa), on the development of lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa). A completely randomized design (CRD) was used with three treatments and four replicates, T1= control without application, T2= Biol 1, T3= Biol 2. Two types of biol were applied to the lettuce crop for evaluation. The results of the analysis of the biols show that they have desirable characteristics with a notorious difference in the pH value: Biol 1 is 5.00 and Biol 2 is 3.70. The productive characteristics of the lettuce plants were studied through the analysis of variance and the Tukey significance test at 5% of the InfoStat program, the T2 treatment (Biol 1 buttermilk) presented higher values of weight and plant diameters with averages of 429.79 g and 45.50 cm respectively, followed by T3 (Biol 2 Gordon 2013) and in third place the T1 (Control) with the lowest values. It is concluded that the two biols have a positive effect on the development of lettuce plants. Keyword: Contamination, biol, whey, beneficial microorganisms, lactuca sativa
Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Izquierdo Estacio , Verónica Antonella; Centeno Dávila , María del Cisne; 0941585978
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Efectividad de la vacuna del virus del papiloma humano en la prevención del cáncer cervicouterino. Revisión Sistemática
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Rojas Reyes, Greinny Adamaries; Flores Barrera, German Emilio; 1105156242
Background: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus with high oncogenic potential associated with cervical cancer, making it necessary to implement preventive measures aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine in preventing cervical cancer. Method: A systematic review based on publications from cohort studies, case-control studies, and literature reviews selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria from the past five years, retrieved from the databases UpToDate, Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed. Results: The data were summarized descriptively. Evidence shows that the HPV vaccine is statistically effective when administered to individuals under 14 (OR: 0.39 (0.23-0.64) 95% CI). Multiple studies demonstrate effectiveness with vaccination regimens of one, two, and three doses, including in women with a history of cervical lesions positive for high-risk oncogenic HPV (OR: 0.19 (0.13-0.27) 95% CI). Keywords: Human Papillomavirus, cervical cancer, papillomavirus vaccines
Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Lara Ocampo, Alex Patricio; Lima Illescas, Miriam Verónica; 1150447058