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Control prenatal en mujeres en edad fértil a nivel del Ecuador duranta el año 2023
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2025) Calderon Carabajo , Valeria Fernanda; Orellana Barros, Marco
Efecto analgésico perioperatorio de la combinación de bupivacaina al 0.5% y fentanilo por vía epidural lumbosacra en perras sometidas a ovario-histerectomía
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Bastidas Cárdenas , Jorge Andrés; Castillo Hidalgo, Edy Paul; 0150533602
Ovariohysterectomy (OVH) is a common surgical procedure in female canines, associated
with intense pain due to the tissue trauma sustained during the operation. Consequently, it is
essential to employ effective methodologies for preoperative analgesia. In these cases,
epidural anesthesia has been recognized as a fundamental approach to alleviate postoperative
discomfort due to its advantages. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the
perioperative analgesic efficacy of a combination of 0.5% bupivacaine and fentanyl (50
mcg/ml), administered via the lumbosacral epidural technique, in canines undergoing
ovariohysterectomy. For this purpose, apparently healthy patients aged between 1 and 5 years
were selected and classified as ASA I according to the criteria established by the American
Society of Anesthesiologists. The subjects were randomly distributed into two groups: the
B+F group (n = 5) received a lumbosacral epidural administration of 0.5% bupivacaine
combined with fentanyl (50 mcg/ml), and the B group (n = 5) was treated with 0.5%
bupivacaine alone using the same route. The results showed statistically significant
differences (p<0.05), where the B+F group treatment demonstrated a lower average score on
the Glasgow pain scale (1.27 ± 0.87) compared to the B group (2.73 ± 0.87). These findings
suggest that the combination of bupivacaine and fentanyl not only improves pain control but
also may reduce the need for additional doses of anesthetics and analgesics (such as NSAIDs)
during the postoperative period.
Keywords: Pain relief; Canine; Ovariohysterectomy; Glasgow Pain Scale.
Lactato en sangre periférica en pacientes críticos, componente esencial del protocolo de estabilización guiada a metas
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Rodriguez Muñoz, Mónica Nicole; Rodríguez Muñoz , Mónica Nicole; 0350149498; Castillo Hidalgo Edy
The management of critically ill patients in veterinary medicine requires rapid identification
of complications for effective decision-making that benefits their health. Blood lactate is a
key biomarker in evaluating hypoperfusion, metabolic acidosis, and organ damage, with
well-established applications in human medicine, but still limited in veterinary care. This
study evaluated peripheral blood lactate levels as a prognostic indicator in 30 critically ill
canine patients with multiple causes, admitted to the "Le Peluts" Veterinary Specialty Clinic
in Azogues. Lactate levels were measured upon admission and at 12 hours after treatment as
part of a goal-directed stabilization protocol. A significant reduction (p≤0.05) in lactate levels
was observed, from 4.34 mmol/l (+3.85) to 2.14 mmol/l (+2.96), indicating a positive
therapeutic response and clinical improvement. A strong correlation was also found between
lactate, heart rate, and prognosis score for each patient, with higher lactate levels linked to
unfavorable outcomes. Additionally, mucosal coloration was associated with better
prognoses, reinforcing lactate’s role as a dynamic tool in clinical decision-making. This
emphasizes the importance of integrating lactate monitoring into stabilization protocols. This
approach not only improves survival rates but also optimizes management and decisionmaking
in critically ill veterinary patients. Future research could explore differentiating
lactate levels based on pathology type, enhancing its potential as a prognostic indicator for
various conditions, ultimately improving clinical outcomes and treatment strategies.
Keywords: Biomarker; Hypoperfusion; Prognosis
Concentración de cortisol como bioindicador de bienestar animal en la manada equina expuesta a estímulos sociales
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Padrón Pesantez, María Eulalia; Maldonado Cornejo, Manuel Esteban; 0150175420
Equines are highly sensitive to stress, meaning that any activity around them can trigger a
release of plasma cortisol, thus impacting their well-being. Research on this subject has
primarily focused on the utilitarian aspect of these animals, which often involves exploiting
them beyond their natural capacities and consequently compromising their health. This study
aimed to determine serum cortisol levels using the quantitative ELISA (Accubind) technique
in a herd of horses used for equine-assisted therapy, compared to a stable group at the same
location, measured at different times of the day as a bioindicator of animal welfare. For this
purpose, eight castrated male horses from the same herd were selected, with four participating
in equine therapy (experimental group) and four not (control group). Blood samples were
drawn twice daily over five different days, resulting in a total of 80 samples. The cortisol
range in the experimental group was 10.97 ± 5.73 μg/dL, while in the control group, it was
9.03 ± 3.99 μg/dL (p≥0.05). A significant difference was found between groups when
comparing the interaction of circadian rhythm (morning and afternoon) (p<0.05). Horses in
the control (10.21 μg/dL) and therapy groups (11.94 μg/dL) began with similar values;
however, the control group showed a decrease (7.84 μg/dL) in cortisol levels by the end of
the day, unlike the therapy group (9.99 μg/dL). These results indicate that equine therapy
affects cortisol levels, possibly due to the physical effort involved, which may disrupt the
animals' circadian rhythm.
Keywords: ELISA; Stabled; Equine-Assisted Therapy; Circadian Rhythm
Sensibilidad y especificidad diagnóstica: histeroscopia versus ecografía transvaginal en el sangrado uterino anormal. Revisión sistemática
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Narvaéz Carangui, Carla Maricela; Gallegos Vintimilla, Santiago Homero; 0302616644
Diagnosing abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) requires precise techniques to clarify its cause. This systematic review compares transvaginal ultrasound and hysteroscopy methods in terms of sensitivity and specificity for the overall diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding of structural origin. The methodology followed the PRISMA model, including randomized clinical trials and observational studies published in English or Spanish. Results: The studies revealed that hysteroscopy had a notable sensitivity of 82.35% but limited specificity (47.06%). In contrast, ultrasound demonstrated higher specificity at 83.3% but lower sensitivity (42.67%). Regarding positive predictive value, transvaginal ultrasound was superior with 71.23% compared to hysteroscopy with 60.87%, while the opposite was observed for the negative predictive value. Likelihood ratios (LR) indicated favorable values for hysteroscopy. Conclusion: Although both methods have advantages, hysteroscopy is more suitable for diagnosing AUB. The choice of technique depends on clinical factors, available resources, and patient-specific characteristics.
Keywords: hysteroscopy, transvaginal ultrasound, sensitivity, specificity, predictive value