Trabajos de Titulación - Odontología

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    Prevalencia de labio y paladar fisurado en niños de 0 a 5 años atendidos en el Hospital Teófilo Dávila del Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador, Machala- Ecuador 2017.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Cárdenas Torres, Luis Miguel; Reinoso Quezada, Santiago José; 0105843866
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of Laboratory and Palate in 2017 at the Hospital Teófilo Dávila of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador in the city of Machala. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out that will be developed by obtaining information from the files of patients with a diagnosis of cleft lip and / or palate attended at Teófilo Dávila Hospital. RESULTS: The prevalence of laboratory and palate in the Teófilo Dávila hospital in Machala is 0.62 per 1000 children attended. There is a relationship between the age of the mother and the presence of lip and / or cleft palate, the younger the mother is the higher the risk. The consumption of multivitamins such as folic acid reduces the possibility of presenting the formations. In the study, there are no relationships between the presence of cleft lip and / or palate and the socioeconomic level of the families of the children. The family history of the lip and palate significantly increases the likelihood that the child will present this formation.
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    Importancia del estrés en la consulta odontológica en la primera infancia: revisión bibliográfica
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Romero Illescas, Mateo Sebastián; Calle Prado, María Daniela; 0105094858
    Stress was first described by Hans Selye (1936), an Austrian physician who defined it as "nervous tension" to explain the response of the system to exogenous stimuli. This article aims to learn about the factors that generate and promote stress during dental consultations, both for pediatric patients in early childhood, as well as for parents and oral health professionals. In the dental office, the most common stressors are painful experiences, which result in certain complications at the time of providing dental care, generating stress in pediatric patients, parents, and the dentist, which is why pain management is of utmost importance. Health professionals often find themselves in stressful situations, and dentistry, being an area with a high level of theoretical knowledge and skill, on its own can become a challenge, even more so in pediatric dentistry for which control is needed in the behavior of the child and the parents, creating a stressful environment. At the end of the literature review, it was concluded that stress, both positive and negative, and its control, is an extremely important factor that modifies the behavior of children in pediatric dentistry.
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    The effects of bruxism on patients with dental implants.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Cordero Astudillo, Nicole Gabriela; Quito Vallejo, Erica Dayana; 0104351671
    Bruxism is a parafunctional activity with involuntary nonfunctional rotation, grinding, or clenching of teeth, awake or asleep. In current literature, its association with dental implants has remained controversial. Objective: This article aims to analyze literature, identify the effects of bruxism on dental implants and how it could lead to complications or failure. Data: An electronic search of studies of the previous five years, related to bruxism and dental implants, was performed on April 2021. Sources: It was conducted in the following databases: Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Wiley, Elsevier, and ResearchGate. Study selection: Inclusion criteria are clinical studies, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, randomized or not, that involved people with bruxism and dental implants, and published within five years of the search date. Exclusion criteria are duplicated, poorly designed studies, published before the search date, and people without bruxism and dental implants. Conclusion: Dental professionals have a generally open mental outlook on performing dental implant treatments in patients with bruxism. Literature shows consistent data on bruxism causing complications with porcelain fractures, an increase in implant failure, and mechanical complications. Research analyzed recommend the placement of as many implants, in a proper position, to reduce overload, and longer implants with a larger diameter for more implant-bone surface area. Bruxism is considered to have statistically significant effects on dental implants, but it is not a contraindication. Although, there is no specific treatment due to the diversity of existing criteria, it is suggested to follow the mentioned recommendations to prolong longevity.
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    Percepción de la competencia social de la sonrisa en pacientes adultos de la ciudad de Machala-Ecuador, año 2021
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Mariño Arévalo, Cristina Adelaida; Encalada Verdugo, Liliana Soledad; 0150711471
    Introduction: The smile is the main facial attractiveness of a person, the satisfaction and acceptance of an individual with this generates a sense of well-being and correct performance in the different daily activities of the person. The smile often becomes subjective and has characteristics that differ in tastes and perceptions that are not always similar in all people, due to various factors such as age, sex, among others. Objective: To determine the characteristics of the perception of the social competence of smiling in adult patients in Machala 2021. Materials and methods: Current descriptive and cross-sectional study, focused on the adult population of Machala-Ecuador, using the Forms tool, a survey was carried out and disseminated through an instant messaging network, collecting data that would later be evaluated using the Wilcoxon and chi-square tests. Results: Acceptance for the dental smile was higher, obtaining a median of 9 points to the gingival smile which obtained a score of 8, with a statistically significant significance (p=0.001). Conclusion: In the inhabitants of Machala there is a marked preference for a dental smile.
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    Calidad de vida relacionado con la salud bucal en adultos de la ciudad de Quito.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Muñoz Torres, Tonny Fabian; Ramos Montiel, Ronald Roossevelt; 0105925945