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    Manejo clínico de sarcoma pleomórfico indiferenciado de miembro superior en gestante de 24 semanas de embarazo: reporte de caso
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Cruz Zambrano, Amada Carolina; Dominguez Villizhañay, Juan Diego; 0706360732
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    Características clínicas de la viruela del mono en adultos
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Ortiz Freire, Germania Elizabeth; Claudia Gabriela, Clavijo Rosales; 0105879035
    Introduction: monkeypox (MPV) is a rare, self-limiting disease that has occurred in various regions of the world. It is endemic to western and central Africa. At the beginning the symptoms are non-specific such as headache, asthenia, lethargy, myalgia and fever that begins before the appearance of skin eruptions which go through stages of evolution (ranging from macules to scabs). Objective: to describe the clinical characteristics of monkeypox in adults. Methods: a bibliographic review was carried out, through an electronic search in the main databases (PubMed, Taylor & Francis, Scopus and ScienceDirect). It was included articles published between January 01 st, 2018 and October 25th, 2022. Results: characteristics of monkeypox at different stages of the disease were identified. Among the most prevalent lesions are vesiculopustular skin lesions, followed by fever, headache and pruritus; and among the least frequent were arthralgia, myalgia, odynophagia, and lesions in the oral and perioral region. Conclusions: it is concluded that there are different clinical characteristics in each stage of monkeypox
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    Dímero D como predictor de gravedad y mortalidad en pacientes críticos diagnosticados de COVID-19
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Ortiz Encalada, Bryan Patricio; López Tinitana, Juan Guillermo; 0302691878
    Covid-19 is a transmittable viral disease that has currently become a worldwide pandemic, causing mild and severe respiratory, cardiac, neurological, and other problems. It was discovered in Wuhan China, and so far, there is a vaccine for it; however, there are still cases of Covid-19 outbreaks. It has also been observed that patients with high D-dimer values have a worsened prognosis and a high probability of mortality. This study aimed to determine the clinical usefulness of D-dimer as a death predictor in critical patients diagnosed with Covid-19. The current document is a descriptive study of the narrative literature review type. In this way and to fulfill the aim, information was obtained from databases such as ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Scopus, in Spanish and English, with research restricted to 2021. Therefore, the aim is to establish the usefulness of D-dimer values above 0.5 ug/ml as a death predictor in patients who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and are suspected of suffering thrombotic events that put the patient's life at risk. Finally, thanks to the study carried out by the research team; it was determined that values above 0.5 ug/ml and even 5 or 6 times above normal correspondingly lead to severity and mortality values. It is therefore important to determine D-dimer values in critical patients.
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    Desarrollo pondoestatural y psicomotor en niños alimentados con leche materna en comparación con los alimentados con leche de fórmula
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Ortega Albarracín, John Frank; Barzallo Ochoa, Tania Pamela; 0104726484
    Breast milk is the natural food for babies because it provides ideal nutrition and is one of the most effective ways to ensure the health and survival of children. However, the World Health Organization points out that worldwide, almost two out of every three children under one year of age are not exclusively breastfed during the first six months of life as recommended; a number that has not improved in recent decades. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare physical growth and psychomotor development in breast-fed children compared to formula-fed children. The findings obtained in this research indicate that breastfeeding seems to prevent the appearance of undesirable health problems such as excessive weight gain, which has been associated with formula feeding. Because of the results described, breastfeeding should be encouraged as the best and safest way to feed infants.
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    Impacto de la Tocilizumad sobre la depresión en pacientes con artritis reumatoide
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Orellana Romero, Paula Michelle; Castillo Solano, Freddy Damián; 0705753374
    Depression is a mood disorder that occurs very frequently due to pathologies that interfere with the patient's daily life. The aim of this article is to review the literature on the impact of treatment with tocilizumab, an interleukin-6 antagonist, on depression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It was found that all patients presenting with this autoimmune disease at any time will develop depression. Regarding the association of rheumatoid arthritis with depression, biological processes have been established that are still not fully clarified. However, the advancement of science has been able to identify that the effects on brain structure and function produced by immunological alterations are present in both conditions, where these changes are correlated with neuropsychiatric symptoms. This study has shown that tocilizumab therapy has a favorable effect on criteria demonstrating the severity of depression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis