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- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoEfectividad de los biomarcadores P16/ Ki 67 en lesiones intraepiteliales escamosas de bajo y alto grado en el cuello uterino(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Armijos Duchi, Edith Jackeline; Villavicencio Ledesma, Johela Estefania; Salazar Torres, Zoila Katherine; 0106694672Introduction: persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection that leads to the development of cervical cancer, through the search for highly sensitive and specific tools such as p16/ki-67 biomarkers for early detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the P16/Ki-67 biomarkers in low- and high- grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in the cervix. Methodology: it is a systematic review type study. The information was collected from articles published from January 2018 to April 2023, in scientific databases (Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, and Taylor and Francis). Finally, 15 were considered for analysis, for which the keywords were used: tumor biomarkers, p16 gene, ki67 antigen, squamous intraepithelial lesions of the cervix, human papilloma virus. In addition, AND, OR, and NOT Boolean operators were used. The PRISMA method was used. Results: Intraepithelial lesions are alterations of the cells of the epithelium of the cervix, if they are not treated they can evolve into cancer, for which different methods have been implemented for their detection, one of them is the efficacy of biomarkers such as p16 /ki67, with a sensitivity of 96.43% and a specificity of 60% in the detection of low and high grade intraepithelial lesions. Conclusion: it has been determined that the p16 and ki-67 biomarkers have better sensitivity and specificity for the detection of low- and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, so it is suggested to use these biomarkers as a complement to the Papanicolaou test.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoOrtoqueratología vs ortoqueratología combinada con atropina para el control de miopía en ninños: revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Zambrano Peralta, Pamela Nicole; Ortiz Quito, Mayeli Nicole; Cervantes Anaya, Luis Alberto; 0107559593; 0705805786Purpose: Due to the great repercussion of myopia in schoolchildren and its complications in ophthalmic health, it is important to prevent and reduce the progression of myopia. Objective: The purpose of this investigation is to determine the efficacy of orthokeratology (OK) compared to orthokeratology combined with atropine (AOK) for the control of myopia in children. Methods: A systematic review that included systematic reviews with meta-analyses, as well as randomized and controlled clinical trials, was carried out in the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, ProQuest, Taylor & Francis, Science Direct databases, as well as a manual search. of the Q1-Q4 journals of the Scimago Journal & Country Rank, published in the last 5 years in English and Spanish. Eighteen studies that met the eligibility criteria were considered. Results: The articles selected included 6,866 patients for analysis, where orthokeratology combined with 0.01% atropine was found to be more effective due to its ability to reduce the progression of myopia and axial elongation. Conclusion: In our investigation, it was determined that there could be an additive effect in the combination of 0.01% atropine with orthokeratology in a period of 1 to 2 years of treatment in patients with mild myopia; however, more multiethnic studies should be carried out, in where a correct evaluation of the progression of myopia, genetic and environmental factors that may influence the results is considered.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoEstilos de crianza como predictores del apego, dependencia emocional, abuso psicológico en relaciones de pareja(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Larriva Rodriguez, Jose Santiago; Vintimilla Espinosa, María José; 0106629900; María JoséThe present study addresses the issue of parenting styles as predictors of attachment, emotional dependence, psychological abuse in couple relationships, the same one that aims to analyze and synthesize results of existing bibliographies about parenting styles as predictors of adult attachment of emotional dependence and psychological abuse in couple relationships. From the methodological point of view, a bibliographic and descriptive investigation was carried out, taking the articles from scientific databases such as; Scopus, PubMed, Scielo, and Elsevier. The results obtained allowed us to establish that parenting styles are predisposing factors for emotional dependence in the future, we must also remember that attachment is usually very susceptible to psychological violence, so when determining the type of parenting that is applied Within the parent-child relationship, a possible succession of subsequent events such as dependency, insecurity, lack of self-control, aggressiveness and, above all, care for emotional maturity, will determine us.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAsociación entre la edad y el efecto protector de la lactancia materna contra sobrepeso y obesidad. Revisión sistemática de la literatura(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Guaman Robles, Ronaldo Andres; Pardo Bañol, Dianna Valeria; Alarcón Flores, María José; 0603950858; 1314071109Background: Breastfeeding has been recognized in most of the reviewed bibliography as a protective factor against obesity and overweight, however, to the researchers' understanding, the time until when it plays a protective effect is uncertain. The aim of this study is to analyze the scientific evidence published to date, to determine: until when does breastfeeding have a protective effect against obesity and overweight in children. Methods: A systematic search of medical scientific literature was performed in databases: PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science, from the last 5 years from May 2018 to May 2022, in English or Spanish. Results: 30 articles were included among which we found; 19 cohort studies, 9 cross-sectional, 2 randomized, and 1 meta-analysis. Conclusion: Breastfeeding seems to be a protective factor in most studies for children up to 7-8 years, early childhood. In addition, possible explanations involve components of breast milk as regulators of hunger or excessive caloric intake in artificial feeding.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoUso de los probióticos como tratamiento de síntomas intestinales causados por depresión(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Castillo Hernandez, John Paul; Chalco Calle, Diego Fernando; 0107325912Depression is a disabling disease that affects the general population regardless of age, socioeconomic status or gender. Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms whose function is to maintain the normal microbiota of the body, the current research corresponds to a literature review of narrative type, where the information collected will be obtained from scientific sources through search engines such as: PubMed, Scielo, Web of Science In addition, for a more efficient search we proceeded to the use of bilean operators such as, AND, OR, NOT in conjunction with keys acquired from bibliographic managers or MeSH, the human organism has a microbiota that comprises about 0.2 kg of the total weight of the patient, this proportion helps us so that there is a correct osmosis, however, in people with depressive syndrome, the microbiota is going to be found increased or decreased, complicating the picture of the disease. The use of prebiotics is safe, without side effects and benefits people with depression, as it modifies intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, as it is a disease that has a strong link with chronic degrees of depression, celiac disease, gastritis