Trabajos de Titulación - Sede Azogues - Ingeniería Empresarial

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  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estrategias de marketing y consumo sostenible en la industria del turismo: Azogues-Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Bonilla Lucero, Efrain Thomas; Tenecela, Juan Bautista; 0107632721; Tenecela, Melissa
    Tourism is a global socioeconomic force that also represents a growing environmental threat. Sustainability is not a distinct type of tourism but an essential condition for all its forms. This work investigates marketing strategies and sustainable consumption in the tourism industry of Azogues, Ecuador, and proposes management tools to promote sustainable tourism. It draws on theories related to consumer behavior, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, the circular economy, shared value creation, and value co-creation. The theoretical review identifies several key strategies: personalized emotional experiences, sustainable and educational tourism, corporate social responsibility (CSR), inclusive tourism and agritourism, shared value in tourism, collaboration for value, and sustainable and responsible marketing. The study emphasizes integrating sustainability into marketing strategies, promoting responsible business practices, and protecting the environment. The research analyzes the potential for tourism development in Azogues following the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting that implementing sustainable practices in small and medium-sized enterprises can drive economic recovery, benefiting both ecosystems and local communities. Finally, it concludes that sustainable tourism can be a viable path for the region's economic development if ecological marketing strategies and a balanced management of environmental, social, and economic aspects are applied. Recommendations include creating differentiated tourism products, the efficient use of natural resources, and community involvement in tourism development. Keywords: sustainable tourism, ecological marketing, sustainable consumption, Ecuador, corporate social responsibility
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ávila Crespo, Geovanny Francisco; Quevedo Vázquez, Jorge Oswaldo; 0302281753
    The study on financial education at the Catholic University of Cuenca-Azogues employs a quantitative methodology with an exploratory and descriptive approach. It uses the positivist paradigm to obtain objective data through surveys applied to a randomly selected sample of 348 students and teachers from a population of 3,629 individuals. This cross-sectional research does not manipulate variables and focuses on evaluating the level of financial knowledge. Normality tests were conducted, concluding that the data do not follow a normal distribution. Spearman's test was used to measure correlations. The results show significant and positive correlations between financial education and income and expenditure variables (r = 0.675**), savings (r = 0.531**), and debt (r = 0.526**). These coefficients indicate a strong relationship between financial knowledge and financial resource management, suggesting that better financial education is associated with improved skills in managing income, savings, and debt. The research highlights the need to enhance financial education at the university, as the high correlation levels suggest that increased financial knowledge can significantly contribute to more effective financial management. Keywords: savings, debt, financial education, expenses, income.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Impacto de la percepción de inseguridad en las actividades productivas de Azogues – Ecuador en 2024
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Sucuzhañay Sucuzhañay, Jonnathan Patricio; Reyes Cárdenas , Narciza Azucena; 0302649108
    Productive activities are influenced by the perception of insecurity and how business owners address this insecurity. Therefore, the research aims to investigate the impact of the perception of insecurity on productive activities in Azogues – Ecuador, in 2024. The study uses a quantitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive scope. It is based on an in-depth review of various academic articles related to the study variables and their interrelationships. Spearman’s correlation confirmed a .290** relationship between the two variables —perception of insecurity and productive activities—. In conclusion, numerous factors influence the perception of insecurity, such as theft, threats, lack of street lighting, and scarcity of police officers, among others, which prevent daily activities from being correctly conducted. Keywords: productive activities, delinquency, Ecuador, insecurity
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estrategias gerenciales de las MIPYMES orientadas al turismo sostenible en Azogues-Ecuador: un estudio descriptivo. Universidad Católica de Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Casanova Malats, Nicolle Briggitte; Solis Muñoz, Juan; 0929659787
    This work investigated the management strategies of Micro, Small, And Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) directed towards sustainable tourism in Azogues, Ecuador, addressing the scientific question of identifying variables that impact sustainable tourism. Methodologically, it focused on quantitative analysis within a positivist paradigm and had an explanatory scope. The Multiple Linear Regression Model was applied using the Ordinary Least Squares Method, which successfully explained the variance in the sustainable tourism variable in the following model: Sustainable tourism = 0.892 + 0.532Prom_SustainabilityPolicies + 0.246Prom_StaffTraining + €. The results confirmed that the research met its scientific goal and objective, providing straightforward answers to the posed question and fulfilling the aim. It offers a solid basis for informed decision-making by the authorities of Azogues, Ecuador, promoting sustainable tourism in the city based on the analyzed statistics. Keywords: tourism, training, resource management, innovation, manager
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estudio diagnóstico de la aplicación del análisis financiero en las MIPYMES comerciales de Azogues-Ecuador . Universidad Católica de Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ashqui Ashqui, Alex Jonathan; Solis Muñoz, Juan; 0350259768
    This study responds to the need to approach the execution of the financial analysis application for commercial Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) of Azogues, Ecuador. The methodology was a descriptive correlational study with business owners from SMEs in the canton of Azogues. The research population comprised 180 registered individuals in the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Azogues database. A sample with a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error was employed, resulting in 102 respondents. The work identified statistically significant predictor variables such as financial education, access to financial resources, technology implementation, and organizational culture, influencing the dependent variable and financial analysis. The investigation question and general objective were successfully addressed through the employed methodology. Financial analysis can be applied to SMEs and can generate strategies for long-term success. Keywords: financial analysis, decision-making, finance, organizational culture, business
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La inteligencia emocional en la gestión de conflictos laborales: estudio de caso . Universidad Católica de Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Gómez Gálvez, Kevin Iván; Mantilla Crespo, Xavier; 03050215098
    This study addresses the knowledge gap in emotional intelligence related to conflict management in Ecuador's commercial micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The methods used included the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine the non-parametric nature of the data and Spearman's correlation test to analyze the relationship between variables. A Likert-scale questionnaire was applied to a randomly selected sample of 216 workers through quantitative data collection and analysis. A positive and significant correlation (r = 0.604) was found between emotional intelligence and conflict management. The conclusions highlight the importance of integrating emotional intelligence development programs into commercial MSMEs as a method to promote conflict resolution. Additionally, new lines of research are suggested, including longitudinal studies and evaluations in diverse contexts, which will provide a broader understanding of the long-term benefits. Keywords: Conflict management, intelligence, emotional intelligence, work
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis estratégico de sostenibilidad en la producción de adornos navideños artesanales. Caso de estudio
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Romero Yanez, Stuarth Fernando; Quevedo Vázquez , Jorge; 0302472949
    Strategic sustainability in companies, marked by financial transparency and commitment to development, influences their results and relations with society. In the context of environmental awareness, companies face demands from diverse stakeholders, from investors to ethical consumers. The article “Strategic Analysis of Sustainability in the Production of Handmade Christmas Decorations. A Case Study” is based on theories such as Marketing Mix, Sustainable Innovation, Stakeholders, Resources and Capabilities, and Corporate Social Responsibility. Its positivist and quantitative methodological approach addresses sustainability in producing handcrafted Christmas decorations. The objectives include understanding strategic sustainability, tracing applied theories, applying validated instruments, and presenting results. The article aims to analyze strategic sustainability in the production of handmade Christmas decorations, identifying its relationship with increased sales, which means, whether strategic sustainability explains the increase in sales. The research demonstrates that sales of handmade Christmas decorations increase through the marketing mix and sustainable innovation. Keywords: handicrafts, strategies, innovation, marketing, sustainability.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Dimensiones del diseño y aplicación del marketing digital en las MIPYMES de Azogues-Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Pesantez González, Pablo Sebastián; Reyes Cárdenas, Narciza; 0302992862
    This study responds to the need to approach the execution of the financial analysis application for commercial Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) of Azogues, Ecuador. The methodology was a descriptive correlational study with business owners from SMEs in the canton of Azogues. The research population comprised 180 registered individuals in the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Azogues database. A sample with a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error was employed, resulting in 102 respondents. The work identified statistically significant predictor variables such as financial education, access to financial resources, technology implementation, and organizational culture, influencing the dependent variable and financial analysis. The investigation question and general objective were successfully addressed through the employed methodology. Financial analysis can be applied to SMEs and can generate strategies for long-term success. Keywords: financial analysis, decision-making, finance, organizational culture, business
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Experiencia del cliente con base en la optimización de procesos en PYMES Azogues – Ecuador. Universidad Católica de Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Mendieta Tello, Xavier Esteban; Mantilla Crespo, Xavier; 0301894408
    This study explores how customer experience can influence process optimization within SMEs in Azogues. The research aims to identify the customer experience factors that impact process optimization. It employs a quantitative approach with an exploratory, descriptive, and correlational scope to determine relationships between the construct variables in the previously established sample. Additionally, a comprehensive review of existing literature was conducted through academic articles and prior research to gather vital information to support the study. Spearman's correlation confirmed a .532** relationship between the two variables: customer experience and process optimization. The investigation concludes that various factors such as service quality, effective communication, customer satisfaction, service personalization, and technology adoption play a crucial role in how companies can improve their internal operations and, in turn, enhance the customer experience. Keywords: customer experience, process optimization, quality
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de mercado para la importación de productos con propuestas de valor diferenciadas
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Peralta Cárdenas, María José; Quevedo Vázquez, Jorge Oswaldo; 0350104725
    Background: The importation of products into the market is influenced by each company's value proposals and how customers adapt to them. The research aims to establish differentiated value proposals based on the customer experience in product importation. A literature review was conducted to gather important information regarding the topic. Methodology: The research started with an exploratory and correlational quantitative study to understand the relationship between the two variables. The Cronbach's Alpha method was applied to ensure the instrument was highly reliable, producing results closely aligned with reality. The investigation was conducted in the province of Cañar, with 384 individuals selected based on a predetermined sample. Results: A strong relationship between the variables of Differentiated Value Proposals and Product Importation (.139**; Sig. 0.006 <0.05) was observed, indicating a statistically significant correlation. Conclusion: In summary, product importation is beneficial when implementing value proposals different from the competition, prioritizing each product's quality, variety, innovation, and exclusivity or services. Keywords: Cañar, Ecuador, product importation, value proposals
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estudio ergonómico a los bienes y servicios de las MIPYMES de Azogues- Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Naula Peñafiel, Jennifer Katherine; Quevedo Vázquez, Jorge; 0302898895
    The study reflects and addresses the importance of ergonomic analysis of goods and services of MSMEs in Azogues-Ecuador. The technique used in the methodology is quantitative analysis since it focuses on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the food sector located in the city of Azogues. The evaluated population comprised 16,103 commercial activities, from which a probabilistic sample was obtained with a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error, resulting in 376 surveys. It was also determined that the variables MSMEs sales level Cognitive Ergonomics and Environmental Ergonomics demonstrated 61.5% of the variability of the dependent variable. Finally, the general objective of the study, the research question, and the established hypotheses were satisfactorily resolved, facilitating businesses in the city to establish the path to success in the market or to apply the findings to future research. Keywords: environmental, cognitive, ergonomics, MSMEs, sales.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estudio descriptivo de la política de inclusión laboral en las PYMES de Azogues- Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Tenezaca Cajamarca, Vanessa Nicole; Solis Muñoz, Juan; 0302320858
    The study addresses the problem of identifying the factors that influence the perception of the work environment in commercial SMEs in Azogues, Ecuador. The methodology used was explanatory, applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to evaluate the normality of the nonparametric data. Spearman's correlation was employed, revealing significant relationships between the perception of the work environment and the variables labor inclusion policies 0.776, organizational climate 0.839, and transformational leadership 0.705. The multiple linear regression model indicated that organizational atmosphere is the most influential factor, explaining 58.8% of the variability in the perception of the work environment. It suggests that commercial SMEs should develop strategies that continue to strengthen labor inclusion policies and organizational climate since these variables directly impact the improvement of the work environment, impacting performance and job satisfaction. Keywords: leadership, work environment, organization, productivity, gender.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de la experiencia del cliente en MADERMAD: Estudio de la percepción de calidad
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Cajamarca Peñafiel, Adrian Patricio; Mantilla Crespo, Xavier Augusto; 0350121760; Mantilla Crespo
    Background: This research evaluates how customer experience influences the perception of the quality of products and services at MADERMAD, a company commercializing wood panels. In the soft construction sector, considering the dynamic changes and increasing consumer expectations, MADERMAD must adapt to sustainability, digitalization, and customer service to maintain its competitiveness. Objective: To evaluate how the customer experience at MADERMAD affects the perception of the quality of its products and services to identify critical areas for improvement that can significantly contribute to increasing customer satisfaction and strengthening the company's competitive advantage. Methods: The study was quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional, and based on a positivist paradigm. Data was collected through a Likert scale questionnaire applied to MADERMAD customers, using statistical programs like SPSS v.25 and Excel. Techniques such as linear regression, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, and Spearman's tests were applied to validate the relationship between customer experience and quality perception. Results: The results reveal that customer experience significantly influences the perception of the quality of MADERMAD's products and services, with satisfaction levels reaching 91.8% and 95.4%, respectively. It provides MADERMAD with a notable competitive advantage and highlights the importance of customer experience in shaping quality perception. Keywords: customer experience, quality perception, satisfaction level, competitive advantage.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estudio diagnóstico del uso de la infraestructura tic básica (hardware, software e internet) en instituciones educativas de educación básica, Cantón Azogues Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Lema Romero, Wilson Rolando; Chérrez Vintimilla, Paúl Fernando; 0302238647; ., .
    The objective of this work was to carry out an analysis of the use given to the basic infrastructure (hardware, software and internet) in private and public institutions of the Azogues canton, belonging to the province of Cañar. The research used a descriptive research design - non-experimental analytical under the quantitative approach, using stratified sampling due to the volume of students and institutions; in addition to a technical sheet that evaluated 9 institutions and a survey of 389 students from 16 institutions. The representation and analysis of the data used tools for statistical analysis IBM SPSS and Excel. The results determined that the institutions have equipment with old characteristics such as low-capacity processors and memories, and the laboratories do not supply the large number of students. In addition, despite the fact that the infrastructure exists in educational institutions, access is greater from homes. On the other hand, the knowledge that students have about technological tools is acceptable, however it is advisable to analyze the number of students per machine, time and frequency of use, as well as re-consolidate knowledge since technology is currently involved in all fields of study, in addition to being an essential tool to carry out any activity.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La necesidad de una clínica pedriátrica en la ciudad de Cuenca, inversión factible para el cantón
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Santander Vega, Celena Estefanía; Quevedo Barros, Manuel Rafael; 0107175085; ., .
    Based on the analysis of Art. 24 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in point 1 it determines: the child has the right to enjoy the highest possible level of health and to receive treatment for their illnesses, it must be ensured that no child is deprived health services; Similarly, the Constitution of the Republic, 2008 establishes: children and adolescents will receive priority and specialized attention in the public and private spheres. Therefore, it seeks to know the need for investment in a pediatric specialty clinic for the care of patients between 0 and 17 years of age and a business model is proposed for its implementation. The methodology used is non-experimental research with a cross-sectional design, the method is the analysis of documents related to the subject of study; Obtaining as a result the feasibility of the project, based on the Internal Rate of Return and the Net Present Value of two scientific articles with characteristics similar to what the research work intends, the same ones that were carried out in the provinces of Ecuador. Private clinics within Ecuadorian territory offer health services mainly internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, emergency, intensive care, etc. However, there are very few clinics dedicated specifically to the care of children and adolescents
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    “Manjar de leche calostro: una propuesta de emprendimiento”
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Novillo Coronado, María José; Quevedo Barros, Manuel Rafael; 0302443890; ., .
    The milk jam, based on colostrum, is a delicious dessert from Latin American gastronomy, especially in countries like Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, and Paraguay. In the case of Ecuador, it is more common in the inter-Andean region due to the supremacy of cattle ranches. The dairy cows’ first milking is unsuitable for sale, so it is used to prepare foodstuffs such as colostrum milk and colostrum milk jam. This tradition has been lost over time, and very few homes continue with this legacy, hence the idea that the youth and future generations know about these preparations. Therefore, this research aims to determine the possibility of implementing an enterprise regarding the production and commercialization of colostrum milk jam in Azogues city. In this way, to make known the nutritional properties of this tasty food that has been forgotten. The methodology used is non-experimental and qualitative, through a bibliographic review of scientific data sources, based on the inductive-deductive method. The investigation results reveal that it is an excellent business proposal for the city because it is feasible and promotes economic development through gastronomy.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    “Diseño para la implementación de emprendimiento de fundas biodegradables con base en almidón, Azogues - Ecuador”
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Pérez Pérez, Marco Giovanny; Solis Muñoz, Juan Bautista; 0302125349; ., .
    Plastic is commonly employed in various products and services of single-use, such as plastic bags, which causes that large amounts of this material to be discarded daily. This event generates excessive contamination of the elements of nature. Thus, this bibliographic review is proposed to know the proposal of an industry of biodegradable bags made of starch in Azogues city as a response to the increasing pollution problem since there is no similar product in this city. The methodology used is a non-experimental analysis based on the bibliographic study of the research topic. In conclusion, due to the social and environmental impact caused by plastic bags, the implementation of companies that produce bags from biodegradable materials is an excellent alternative for the world’s population, minimizing the severe consequences caused by pollution and being an environmentally friendly alternative.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Diseño de un modelo de negocios para la optimización de la farmacia San Andrés zona de planeamiento Z7-Azogues
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Vintimilla Veloz, María Gabriela; Solís Muñoz, Juan Bautista; 0302680525; ., .
    This research has as aim to design a business model for a new course of action, optimization of the administration, management and productivity of the benefits of the pharmacy San Andrés located in the canton Azogues for the service of the citizenship and this way to obtain an increase of participation in the market and greater profitability. The method used in this study is descriptive type with innovation, therefore, is nourished of the qualitative, and quantitative approach and it is part of the mixed approach and not experimental court. Chapter I it is mentioned the theoretical perspectives fundamental for the elaboration of the research, in the chapter II analyzes the line base and the critical aspects of entrepreneurship, chapter III it is presented an improvement project with the elements of an investment study and the last chapter presents a management model based on the 4 P of marketing mix. This work help to determine that the business of a pharmacy can be profitable and to contribute to the economy of Ecuador if a correct administration is applied.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Modelo de negocios para la implementación de una empresa procesadora de cárnicos de res en la parroquia Nazón cantón Biblian
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Sisalima Salinas, Paola Gabriela; García Alvarez, Florencio Iván; 0302499850; ., .
    The objective of the study is to design a business model for the implementation of a beef processing company in the parish Nazón ef the Cantón Biblián through the use of different tools for better economic benefits, in accordance with the objectives of the National Development Plan 2017-2021. A lifetime. The research problem that has been detected through the initial questions of the researcher in the speculative terrain raises the question: Is there a business model for the implementation of a beef meat processing project, in the parish Nazón of the Cantón Biblián? The proposal or methodological approach known as framing methods, techniques and instruments, taking into account the research topic located in the parish of Nazón canton Biblián will be solved with the application of the action research method, as an anchor method based on synthetic analytical methods, Inductive deductive, historical, descriptive, and direct observation. The results show that there is a potential unsatisfied demand of 414,946.00 kg for the year 2019, growing to 458 917.10 by the year 2023, the project is technologically possible because there is technology and machinery as well as raw material enough to comply with the proposed production plan, with regard to the economic part, the operating budgets have been drawn up and, based on this, the working capital for a month of operation that amounts to $70 816, 58 USD. As far as the economic evaluation is concerned, the IRR is 24.42% and a NPV of $ 30 944.77. In conclusion, the project is viable for execution.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Diseño de un modelo de negocios para incrementar el componente de ocupación del Hotel Rio Piedra - Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Saquicilí Cabrera, Paúl Gustavo; Reyes Cárdenas, Narcisa Azucena; 0302201579; ., .
    An improvement plan is the purpose of this document to enhance the occupancy of a three-star hotel in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The city is experiencing a very significant growth and development in the hotel industry during the last decade. Due to the tourist development that Ecuador has been experiencing, the receptive tourism in this city has increased considerably, since it is one of the favorite destinations for the national travelers. The proposal consists in developing a plan focused primarily on Guayaquil as the target market, that is, hosting the largest number of tourists from that place, being its first option, through the application of premium advertising plan. The Hotel, besides having basic or essential accommodation services, offers the guest a "Tourist Island Service”, which is responsible for planning and offering the lodgers and the public in general, all kind of activities. The analysis shows that applying this type of plan in the hotel, the level of occupation will increase. Right now this level is 42.2%. It is estimated to get an approximate 80% to 90% of occupation for the next years. The investment to make both direct and indirect is risky but has a very significant long-term performance if the correct measures are taken.
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