Trabajos de Titulación - Arquitectura
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto de circuito urbano sostenible: Puertas del Sol, Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Calle Naula, Mateo Sebastián; León Andrade, Mónica Piedad; 0106200934This research studies the mobility problem and the low presence of green spaces on urban roads in Cuenca, specifically in the zone of “Puertas del Sol”, where vehicle congestion and the disconnection between key points affect the inhabitants' quality of life. This paper proposes an urban circuit that integrates green areas and tactical urban planning strategies to improve connectivity, pedestrian and vehicular safety, and environmental sustainability. The methodology includes a literature review, existing infrastructure analysis, mobility demands evaluation, and information gathering through interviews, and on-site observations. The design of the urban circuit focuses on creating a friendlier and more sustainable environment, incorporating elements such as clear signage, safe pedestrian crossings, bicycle lanes, adequate lighting, and efficient traffic management. In addition, including green spaces is prioritized to reduce pollution, mitigate the heat island effect, and promote a healthier environment. These measures seek to solve connectivity problems, improve the urban image, and promote more orderly and safe mobility. The result is a preliminary project combining functionality, safety, and well-being, offering a comprehensive solution for Cuenca's mobility and sustainability challenges. This innovative approach can serve as a model for future urban interventions, demonstrating that it is possible to balance urban development with the quality of life of citizens and the preservation of the environment.Ítem Acceso Abierto Revitalización urbana vacíos urbanos e integración barrial caso de estudio barrio del PIT O-8(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Bacuilima Tenesaca, Ana Lucía; Calle Gaón, María Gabriela; 0106995491The central purpose of this study is to develop an urban-architectural preliminary project for plot 002 in the El Salado neighborhood and its surroundings through an approach focused on urban revitalization. The research centers on fundamental concepts for the transformation of this area, such as urban voids, urban regeneration, public space, social cohesion, and neighborhood dynamics, which are essential for understanding sustainable urban development. This research is complemented by analyzing case studies that serve as models for planning, design, and strategies, supported by primary and secondary sources. Urban voids in the study area are identified and categorized, followed by an analysis of the site corresponding to plot 002. This process employs a descriptive and explanatory approach, using qualitative and quantitative methods such as site visits, participant observation, data analysis, and surveys. These actions allow for determining the current situation of the study area and identifying the problems and needs of the El Salado neighborhood, which are fundamental aspects for establishing design criteria and strategies. The combination of approaches facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the studied phenomenon and the triangulation of results, ensuring the validity of the findings. Finally, a preliminary project is developed that renews the neighborhood, transforming the urban void into a dynamic public space that helps reduce disuse and insecurity in the area. The ultimate goal is to reintegrate and revitalize the urban fabric, transforming it into a livable and community-oriented space that promotes social cohesion among its residents.Ítem Acceso Abierto Evaluación de la transformación arquitectónica de la Casa Larga y el impacto que influyen en los valores del bien(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) López Encalada, Rolando Santiago; Calle Gaón, María Gabriela; 0105797591The Historic Center of Cuenca is a unique space that combines colonial architecture with European influences and native elements. This creative blend of artistic styles led to its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. Over time, adaptations of historic buildings for new purposes, driven by the growth of commercial and tourist activities, have led to modifications that could compromise their authenticity and heritage value. The rehabilitation of abandoned homes is not a recent phenomenon; however, in recent years, it has gained significant momentum to counteract residential deterioration and abandonment, affecting the physical and social aspects of the area. This research focuses on the "Long House," a rehabilitation project by architects Durán and Hermida between 2019 and 2023. Changes in the architectural characteristics of the house following its intervention are examined, focusing on the transformations in the use of space. Through this analysis, we aim to identify values, evaluate impacts, and establish action plans for future interventions in Cuenca's heritage properties, ensuring the conservation of its rich cultural heritage.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis y reinterpretación de la arquitectura Inca en proyectos de vivienda contemporánea mediante estrategias de diseño a nivel de anteproyecto(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ayala Bravo, William Balmore; Avila Calle, William Balmore; 1150249041The study analyzes and reinterprets Inca architecture for its application in contemporary housing projects, using design strategies at the preliminary project stage. The constructive, spatial, and aesthetic principles of Inca architecture are explored, adapting them to the needs and characteristics of modern housing. The objective is to create a housing proposal that integrates cultural and heritage values, merging the architectural legacy with current design demands and trends. Through this reinterpretation, the goal is to offer new housing solutions that respect the historical and cultural identity of the region. The research is organized into several phases: first, a theoretical analysis compares Inca construction systems with contemporary ones; then, new ways of applying these principles in contemporary design are proposed, maintaining their essence and adapting them to user needs; finally, a proposal for contemporary housing based on Inca principles is developed, using artificial intelligence to optimize design and environmental resources. This research aims to serve as an academic reference for future projects that integrate modern methodologies with construction systems from ancient civilizations, such as the Inca.Ítem Acceso Abierto Propuesta arquitectónica a través de estrategias de eficiencia energética para el diseño de un centro de adultos mayores en la parroquia Checa(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Chacón Quinchi, Edisson Andrés; Zambrano Abad, Inés Priscila; Moscoso García, Pedro Alex; 0105944144; 0106507312The research focuses on creating a proposal for a comprehensive center for older adults in the parish of Checa, Ecuador, in response to the demographic growth of this population and the urgent need for infrastructure that enhances their well-being. This initiative is based on statistical data from the census, which highlights the significant increase in the elderly population and the urgent need to address their specific needs. The lack of adequate facilities and common misconceptions about care centers for older adults are acknowledged. On the other hand, bibliographic information is being collected to reach a consensus on the different design strategies implemented in the proposal through case studies and established standards. Data on user needs and context analysis are gathered to determine the functionalities of the proposal that could benefit from the local climate. Finally, the proposal is developed using all the information collected, considering criteria that ensure the design of accessible and comfortable spaces for older adults, incorporating energy-efficient strategies.Ítem Acceso Abierto Mirador Ecológico Cachipamba: diseño sostenible y bioconstrucción para potenciar el ecoturismo(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Latacela Lojano , Cristian Fabián; León Andrade, Mónica Piedad; 0302299557The research addresses the inappropriate use of the natural viewpoint in the community of Cachipamba, Azogues, which has generated negative effects on the sociocultural environment and the experience of visitors. The need to transform this infrastructure into something functional and environmentally respectful is justified. The study proposes solutions that promote sustainable tourism, vital for local development, through the rehabilitation of the viewpoint with principles of sustainability and bioconstruction. This will improve residents' quality of life by providing a healthier environment and preserving the natural landscape for future generations, aligning with sustainable development goals. The transformation is anticipated to attract more visitors, generate income, and stimulate the local economy. From a social perspective, the new design will offer recreational and commercial spaces that meet the community's and tourists' needs, enhancing social cohesion. In the scientific realm, the integration of bioconstruction will contribute to the conservation of the natural environment. The objective is to propose a preliminary project from the tourist viewpoint of Cachipamba, applying bio-construction techniques to recover the degraded space and promote sustainable tourism. The study, conducted with 200 participants selected through stratified random sampling, culminated in a design that optimizes the distribution of recreational and commercial areas, enriching the user experience and turning the viewpoint into a model of environmentally responsible infrastructure.Ítem Acceso Abierto El impacto de radiación solar y la humedad en la madera. Manual de protección en las condiciones climáticas de Cuenca – Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Bustamante Amoroso, Juan Bernardo; Albarracín Vélez, Giovanny Marcelo; 0105107015In the past, wood was more commonly used in construction; however, over time, greater insecurity arose regarding its use due to factors that caused deterioration and the limited technology available at that time, which did not guarantee the material's lifespan. This research studies how solar rays affect wood and proposes a method to improve its durability without incurring high costs, promoting more ecological architecture. The research provides economic benefits by reducing maintenance costs, social benefits by enhancing the aesthetics and durability of wooden constructions, and scientific benefits by advancing knowledge about coatings and wood protection against adverse environmental conditions. This research aimed to establish protection methods for wood against direct deterioration caused by solar exposure and humidity in the climatic conditions of Cuenca. The results indicated that self-sealing glossy coatings showed the least alteration in the natural color and texture of the wood, followed by catalyzed matte lacquers.Ítem Acceso Abierto Vivienda de interés público para la Parroquia de Javier Loyola - Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) López Campoverde, Gerardo Nicolás; Contreras Escandón, Christian Hernán; 0106070246The research proposes a public interest housing program (VIP by its Spanish acronym), for the “Javier Loyola” Parish in Azogues, aimed at reducing the housing deficit through an economical, accessible, and flexible design. The study addresses the lack of adequate housing due to overcrowding, insufficient basic facilities, and population growth—factors that current programs need to comprehensively cover. Therefore, an affordable architectural project for low-income families is developed, combining efficient urban design with flexibility criteria and accessible policies to facilitate its acquisition. The research is approached through bibliographic analysis and evaluation of urban, social, and economic conditions, followed by a proposal adapted to future users' needs, supported by established participatory design methodologies and expert judgment. The results highlight the viability of a “VIP” model that optimizes functionality, accessibility, and adaptability, providing a sustainable and adequate housing solution for the “Javier Loyola” community and contributing to improving the quality of life of its inhabitants.Ítem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto de centro de tratamiento de adicciones aplicando criterios de emplazamiento, psicología del color y percepción de materiales en la Parroquia El Valle, Cuenca – Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Chango Pillo, Wilo Javier; Rodas Romero, Edison Favian; Reyes Rodas, Deisy Katerine; 1723433833; 0105138440The project's primary aims to design an addiction treatment center in the “El Valle” parish in Cuenca between 2023 - 2024. In order to propose therapeutic spaces aimed at the integral improvement of patients, given that the proposal is based on a literature review that culminates in an architectural preliminary project which approach is holistic, and covers both the medical aspects, and the psychological and social-emotional needs of people with alcoholism and drug problems. In this sense, the design prioritizes fluid circulations and safe accesses guaranteeing functionality and security in all areas. Additionally, compliance with current regulations in Ecuador is also ensured since reference architectural cases have been analyzed, and surveys were conducted with directors of rehabilitation centers in Cuenca - Ecuador, who identified common deficiencies in current facilities. Thus, it enabled the development of a more efficient environment that promotes coexistence and facilitates patients' physical, mental, and emotional recovery. Consequently, it is necessary to create an environment that favors wellness, calm, and introspection, by applying principles of color psychology to induce positive moods and selecting materials that work effectively in the built environment to improve perceptions of safety, warmth, and comfort. Green areas have also been integrated to beautify the environment and contribute to emotional well-being by promoting the recovery of patients.Ítem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto de vivienda multifamiliar aplicando estrategias bioclimáticas para disminuir el consumo energético de iluminación artificial, en la ciudad de Cuenca-Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Morales Jara, Andy Paúl; Peñaranda Peñaranda , Elvis Alexander; Torres Quezada, Jefferson Eloy; 0105810212; 0150765782This research focuses on energy efficiency and optimization of natural lighting in multifamily buildings, applying bioclimatic strategies to reduce the energy consumption of artificial lighting. Given the growing concern about the environmental and economic impact of energy consumption, it is necessary to evaluate the influence of modifications to openings and the building context on natural lighting. The importance of this research lies in its potential to contribute to sustainability and energy efficiency, offering an innovative approach to bioclimatic design that can be replicated in other regions. It benefits the construction industry and residents by reducing energy costs and improving comfort. The general objective is to analyze the influence of modifications to openings and the environment on natural lighting. A descriptive and simulated study is used with a universe of multifamily buildings in Cuenca, evaluating simulations of different scenarios. The results reveal that energy efficiency is improved with the proposed modifications, optimizing natural lighting, reducing the need for artificial lighting, and contributing to sustainability standards.Ítem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto de diseño para la Estación de Ferrocarriles de Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Toral Sarmiento, David Fernando; Jara Alvear, Joanna Priscila; 0105083430The Cuenca Railway Station has suffered damage over time due to prolonged deterioration, abandonment, and disuse by the State for many years. This essential historical landmark has fallen into decline regarding its use, posing a threat to its physical structure and value as a historical and cultural asset for Cuenca. The lack of an economic and social approach to revitalize the station has significantly underutilized its potential. These factors of abandonment have led the local community to take action on their own, appropriating specific spaces for communal use. Therefore, throughout this research project, each factor that makes this space suitable for restoration is considered, along with an urban-architectural revitalization proposal that integrates public spaces linked to an urban design, that serves to reuse the railway station. To this end, a prior literature review was conducted to understand optimally the theoretical concepts about abandoned public spaces. Furthermore, considering functional, occupational, topographic, aesthetic, and environmental factors from the users’ perspective, a site diagnosis was elaborated. Finally, a preliminary enhancement project and an urban-architectural design based on an analysis of precedents are proposed.Ítem Acceso Abierto Diseño de un centro de atención psicosocial comunitario mediante principios de arquitectura sensorial en la Ciudad de Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Illescas Santos, David Josue; Bermeo Sarmiento, Juan Diego; Calle Gaón, María Gabriela; 0106620685; 0107653651Nowadays, Ecuador faces a significant deficit in infrastructure for mental health. This lack is evident in cities like Cuenca, where facilities for this type of center are notably limited. In this context, psychosocial centers are presented as reinterpreted spaces dedicated to the rehabilitation and emotional support of a traditional psychological center, where sensory architecture plays a crucial role in positively influencing the perception and experience of users. This thesis focuses on designing an outpatient Community Psychosocial Care Center in Cuenca, Ecuador, based on sensory architecture principles to improve users' wellness. Local needs are met through a methodology that includes a literature review, regulatory analysis, and multi-criteria diagnosis. Thus, the study seeks to create an environment that promotes calm and inclusion through sensory elements such as light, color, materials, geometry, shape, and vegetation, contributing to improving the population’s quality of life.Ítem Acceso Abierto Readecuación del antiguo peaje de Chaquilcay para la recuperación y activación del espacio público(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Pelchor Vargas, Josué Mateo; Jara Calle, Luis Fernando; Peñafiel Ortega, Cristian Eduardo; 0105998421; 0105793905The abandonment of the old toll booth at Chaquilcay has generated a series of problems in the area, such as insecurity, vandalism, deterioration of the urban landscape, environmental pollution, and underutilization of the space. These conditions affect residents and visitors, harming coexistence and the area’s development. A descriptive and exploratory approach is used to collect quantitative and qualitative data to address this situation. This information helps identify the community’s needs and possible ways to improve the current state of the space, prioritizing the analysis of the perceptions and contributions of the affected inhabitants and merchants. Based on the data obtained, an urban-architectural intervention that seeks to recover public space and enhance the urban image is proposed to contribute to the local economy and promote citizen integration. The proposal also aims to foster local development and activate the area, positively impacting the economic, social, and cultural spheres.Ítem Acceso Abierto Diseño de un edificio multifamiliar eficiente energéticamente mediante la implementación de paneles solares(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Andrade Tenesaca, Cristian Geovanny; Ulloa Aguilar, Kevin Steven; Quizhpe Campoverde, José David; 0302687686; 0106000318This research focuses on the design of an energy-efficient multifamily building through the implementation of solar panels in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The study addresses the critical issue of high energy consumption in the residential sector, which has economic implications and contributes to the increase of greenhouse gas emissions. By integrating renewable energy sources, the project promotes urban sustainability while enhancing energy efficiency in the building design. The proposed architectural model is not only aimed at reducing energy consumption but also serves as a replicable solution for other urban areas facing similar environmental and economic challenges. The research employs a quantitative approach, analyzing a representative sample of buildings and incorporating bioclimatic design principles to optimize natural resources. This approach demonstrated a significant reduction in energy consumption and an improvement in residents' comfort. Furthermore, the study highlights the potential of this energy-efficient model to play a key role in shaping sustainable urban development, offering practical solutions for future architectural projects in other regions.Ítem Acceso Abierto Diseño de un jardín terapéutico y regeneración de un tramo de la vía principal en la Parroquia Zhidmad - Gualaceo(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Arias Segovia, José Sebastián; Pérez Espinoza, Yahara Fernanda; Pintado Farfán, Julio César; 0105826739; 1719361147The design of the therapeutic garden in the Zhidmad parish of the Gualaceo Canton intends to revitalize a public space currently without significant purpose. The initiative includes regenerating the main road, integrating it harmoniously with the garden, and connecting it with the nearby cemetery. A thorough investigation of the environment will be conducted to adapt the design to the community's needs, ensuring its inclusiveness for all ages. The preliminary project will focus on therapeutic elements and local and sustainable materials. The garden will have areas for recreational, social, and mental activities to improve emotional and physical wellness. Surrounded by medicinal plants and native flora, it will offer spaces for inhabitants to interact and enjoy a natural and relaxing environment. This project will improve the physical environment and promote social cohesion and a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the sense of community and connection with nature in Zhidmad.Ítem Acceso Abierto Concepción del espacio interior/exterior en la vivienda en base a la filosofía de Peter Sloterdijk(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Armijos Cedeño, Camila Verónica; Chacón Barrera , Pablo Sebastián; Calle Gaón, María Gabriela; 0706488467; 010378671; García CalleThis thesis focuses on applying Peter Sloterdijk's philosophical concepts to architectural design, specifically on the relationship between home indoor and outdoor spaces. The research explores how Sloterdijk's ideas of "bubbles, balloons, and foams" can help understand quality of life in contemporary architecture, examining the interaction between private and shared spaces and their impact on the sense of community and belonging. The research uses case studies in Cuenca's historical downtown, using a matrix that evaluates morphological, cultural, and social aspects. This method allows patterns to be identified in spatial organization and their effect on the inhabitants' functionality and experience. As a result, eight parameters based on Sloterdijk's theory are proposed to understand the indoor-outdoor relationship in houses. These emphasize the importance of harmoniously integrating both spaces, for example, through windows and terraces, to connect the building with its surroundings. Furthermore, they highlight the need to consider spatial diversity and the interconnection of different living areas to create environments that promote wellness among occupants.Ítem Acceso Abierto Optimización urbanística del Centro Histórico de Cuenca mediante estrategias de supermanzanas entre las calles Presidente Borrero, Simón Bolívar, Mariano Cueva y Mariscal Lamar(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ayora Guillén, Mateo Nicolás; Ayora Guillén, Esteban Javier; Espinoza Iñiguez, Enma Alexandra; 0106369572; 0104975719; García Calle, Anthony AlxanderThis graduation project proposes an innovative and necessary approach to address the challenges of mobility and sustainability in the Historic Center of Cuenca. Through an analysis of national and international case studies, issues such as traffic congestion and the reduction of public spaces have been identified. To resolve these problems, the implementation of the concept of superblocks is proposed, a model that prioritizes pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport, transforming the way citizens move around. A key aspect of this proposal is the active participation of the community, involving residents from the planning phase through to execution. Collaborative workshops and surveys are suggested to allow neighbors to share their ideas and needs, while the creation of neighborhood committees would enable oversight and adjustments to the plan based on the results of pilot tests. The project concludes that this model would not only alleviate traffic but also revitalize public spaces, improving the residents’ quality of life. By achieving a balance between modernization and the preservation of historical heritage, this proposal emphasizes the importance of flexible planning based on safety, accessibility, and ongoing community participation to achieve truly sustainable urbanism.Ítem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto de equipamiento deportivo en la cabecera parroquial de Checa(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Vega Cuesta, Jorge Miguel; Quezada Ortega, Jaime Ramiro; 0105766562This thesis project aims to develop a preliminary project for sports equipment that meets the requirements and needs of the head of the parish, Checa, seeking to create a functional and adequate sports space that contributes to the well-being and development of the community by promoting physical and recreational activities. This work is divided into two phases: data collection and proposal. The data collection phase is subdivided into three parts: literature review, data collection, and multi-criteria analysis. Once the intrinsic characteristics were determined, the final phase of the project, the proposal, was carried out, in which it was considered appropriate to design a space that would include a multifunctional court, a sports area, a square, a green area, and a parking area.Ítem Acceso Abierto Reacondicionamiento de un espacio deportivo para la creación de un mercado-plaza multifuncional en San Bartolomé, Azuay(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Morales Silva, Mateo Sebastián; Otavalo Guachichulca, Mateo Sebastián; Contreras Escandón, Christian Hernán; 0150232007; 0105772982This work addresses the lack of adequate commercial infrastructure in San Bartolomé, Azuay, proposing the refurbishment of a sports space to create a multifunctional Market Square. It is justified by the need to promote local economic development, improve the community’s quality of life, and strengthen social cohesion. The general objective is to design a sustainable architectural space that integrates commercial and social functions. The urban context, the needs of the population, and relevant case studies are examined through mixed research that combines quantitative and qualitative analysis. The studied population includes residents and merchants of San Bartolomé. Additionally, interviews were conducted with key stakeholders such as Architect Boris Albornoz, an expert in public space design, and the Planning Director of the GAD of Sígsig, Architect Javier Pesántez, to gain insights on urban design and local context, respectively. As a result, an architectural proposal that combines market areas, public squares, and flexible spaces is presented, utilizing local materials and sustainable design strategies, incorporating the recommendations of the interviewed experts. The project aims to positively affect the local economy and social cohesion, and serve as a model for sustainable urban development in the region.Ítem Acceso Abierto Propuesta de intervención urbana arquitectónica para la Fábrica Pasamanería S.A.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Morocho Suconota, Juan Pablo; Vásquez Ortiz, Kevin Israel; Aguirre Ullauri, María del Cisne; 0107085698; 0106439854The urban expansion in Cuenca (Ecuador) has integrated peripheral facilities that have become immersed in the city. One example is the “Pasamanería S.A.” factory, in the “El Vecino” neighborhood. Its industrial architecture—characterized by sawtooth roofs, large open areas, and disorganized spaces—has generated empty spaces and social problems. The study was based on a bibliographic compilation methodology framed within a socioeconomic, architectural, and historical perspective. At first, it was elaborated by compiling general concepts on industrial architecture and revitalization of urban industrial spaces, followed by an analysis of the socioeconomic impacts resulting from these interventions. In addition, international cases, such as Duah Xi'an in China and Halle Pajol in France, are studied to apply design strategies to the local context of the “Pasamanería S.A.” factory. Altogether, these analyses are supported by a SWOT matrix and a design criteria matrix that provides the foundations for the proposed intervention. Secondly, a historical review of the growth of Cuenca and the “Pasamanería S.A” factory is conducted, and a SWOT analysis of the neighborhood and the factory to identify opportunities and threats. Results from a focus group survey are also incorporated to reflect community perception. The results reveal the importance of creating green spaces, improving urban connectivity, and promoting commercial and recreational use of the industrial site. The final proposal offers a revitalization blueprint that integrates modern design with the original architectural elements, promoting social and economic cohesion within the neighborhood and serving as a replicable model for other deteriorating urban sectors.