Trabajos de Titulación - Enfermería

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    Intervenciones de enfermería en el síndrome de miller fisher
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Córdova Guillermo , Fanny Jessenia; Siguenza Patiño , Esthefany Dayanna; Palaguachi Tenecela, Angel Efrain; 0106323462; 0106451545
    Introduction: Miller-Fisher syndrome (MFS) is a clinically diverse disease, relatively symmetrical, involving both motor and sensory functions, with either a single-phase or recurrent progression. Objectives: To describe the prevalence, risk factors, complications, therapeutic approach, and nursing interventions in patients with DMF. Methodology: A literature review was conducted in databases such as PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, Redalyc, SciELO, Web of Science, and Taylor & Francis. Boolean operators (AND and OR) were used in the respective search equations as a search strategy. Results: The most significant findings revealed that the prevalence is high in East Asia, with an 87.5% positive diagnosis rate; in Ecuador, 185 cases were reported in 2012; in Chile, the prevalence ranges from 1.1 to 1.8 cases per 100,000 people, and in Colombia, it varies between 1% and 5%. Risk factors include pregnancy, potential associations with COVID-19 vaccination, and upper respiratory tract infections, particularly with Campylobacter jejuni. Complications range from respiratory and neurological difficulties, such as cranial nerve paralysis and speech problems. The treatment involves diagnostic imaging techniques, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), plasmapheresis, and steroids such as methylprednisolone. Nursing interventions encompass vital signs monitoring, specialized care, and rehabilitation. Conclusion: The percentage varies according to the geographical area and gender, taking a multidisciplinary approach to treating this complex condition. The implementation of intensive physiotherapy with comprehensive rehabilitation care coordination is crucial for improving the patient's clinical outcomes. Keywords: Miller Fisher Syndrome, prevalence, risk factors, ophthalmoplegia syndrome, nursing care.
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    Amputación infracondilea transfemoral en adolescente con diagnóstico de osteosarcoma
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Segarra Parapi, Paola Michelle; Chillogalli Farez, Jonnathan Bayron; Puente Arroyo, Anita del Carmen; 0106803018; 0105671135
    Osteosarcoma is a primary malignant bone tumor with a high incidence during childhood and adolescence, with important prevalence and incidence figures worldwide. It requires a multidisciplinary trained team in the timely identification of needs and prevention of complications, and the participation of nursing professionals is of great relevance. Objective: To determine the role of nursing professionals in the holistic care of osteosarcoma. Methodology: The analysis of a clinical case was carried out. Presentation of the clinical case: A 13-year-old female patient, with a history of osteosarcoma who underwent a supracondylar transfemoral amputation reported hyporexia, neuropathic pain at the stump level, soft tumor in the pelvic region. For the last four days, she presented exacerbation along with anorexia, asthenia, and photophobia. Results: The nursing assessment showed the main diagnoses for which care plans were established: knowledge deficit, nutritional imbalance, reduced physical mobility, sleep disorders, chronic pain, body image disturbance, and ineffective coping mechanisms. Conclusion: The inclusion of the nursing role is crucial in the recovery process due to the daily closeness with not only the affected individuals but also their families. Critical points highlight the domain of care, its objectives framed in preventing complications, and the relevant educational domain after the application of high-impact surgical therapies such as amputation, considering that it most frequently affects vulnerable groups such as children and adolescents. Keywords: Osteosarcoma, Amputation Stumps, Lower Limb, Adolescent, Chronic Pain.
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    Intervenciones de enfermería en pacientes colostomizado por cáncer de colon
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Aviles Cerrufo, Jhandry Rubén; Puentes Arroyo, Anita del Carmen; 1105139156
    Colon cancer is defined, according to the WHO, as a pathology in which rectal cells multiply excessively within it; this type predominates in the left part of the colon canal. Objective: To identify priority nursing interventions in colostomized patients due to colon cancer. Methodology: A literature review was conducted in Redalyc, Scopus, and SciELO databases and institutional pages, with publications in English, Spanish, and Portuguese between 2019 and 2024. Results: Worldwide, by the end of 2024, the American Cancer Association expects a higher number of cases around the globe. It is the leading cause of morbidity. Its predisposing factors can be genetic, dietary, environmental, or lifestyle. The therapeutic approach contemplates diagnosis with colonoscopy and biopsies of abnormal tissue. Complications that may occur must also be taken into account, such as liver metastases, dermatitis, stoma ischemia, prolapses, and stenosis. Nursing interventions in colostomized patients include screening, emotional support, management of signs and symptoms, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care. Conclusions: Colon cancer represents a global concern due to its increasing prevalence and high mortality. Its incidence is increasing, particularly among young people, which highlights the need to understand related factors, including genetics, an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle or little physical activity, and tobacco and alcohol consumption. Within the Nursing Care Process, it is crucial to identify problems and plan interventions that optimize and improve the lifestyle of colostomized patients. Keywords: Prevalence, ostomy, cancer, treatment, nursing care, colon prevalence, cancer, cancer treatment, colon cancer.
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    Intervenciones de enfermería en otitits bacteriana en pacientes pediátricos
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Matute Landi, Viviana Lisseth; Morocho Morocho, Diana Elizabeth; Guapasaca Yanza, Ana Beatriz; 0106520828; 0106731367
    Introduction: Otitis is an ear infection caused by bacteria, mainly affecting the middle ear, causing pain, hearing loss, and fever in children. Methodology: A literature review was conducted using scientific databases such as Scopus, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Springer, Medigraphic, PubMed, ProQuest, and Web of Science. The Health Sciences Descriptors DeCS/MeSH were used to obtain the following keywords: "otitis," "nursing care," “risk factors," "prevalence,” “treatment," “disease prevention,” “child,” “pediatrics,” “standardized nursing terminology” and “complications,” along with Boolean operators to establish search strategies. Results: The prevalence of bacterial otitis varies globally, with a notably high rate of 22.48% in the Balkan Peninsula. Associated factors include age, daycare attendance, environmental conditions, and exposure to cigarette smoke. Common complications are mastoiditis, with Bezold abscess being less frequent. Treatment involves the administration of antibiotics, surgical interventions, and tympanostomy tube placement. Nursing interventions focus on educating parents and providing quality care. Conclusions: Mastoiditis is the main complication of bacterial otitis. Nursing interventions emphasize the administration of medications during patient care and providing educational material to parents, which is key to reducing cases. Keywords: Otitis, prevalence, complications, nursing care, pharmacotherapy
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    Intervenciones de enfermería en hepatitis A
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Mora Morales, Marjori Silvana; Castro Salinas , Josselinne Verenise; Toalongo Salto, Janeth Esperanza; 1150337978; 0106253487
    Introduction: The hepatitis A virus (HAV) constitutes an important public health problem worldwide. This pathology is characterized by liver inflammation, and its transmission occurs via the fecal-oral route through contaminated water or food intake. Therefore, a lack of hygiene contributes to its spread. Objective: To develop a literature review focused on “Nursing interventions in hepatitis A.” Methodology: An analysis of bibliographic sources was conducted using scientific databases such as SciELO, Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and the institutional page of the World Health Organization (WHO), among others. Results: The reviewed articles showed a high prevalence of the disease in endemic areas affecting the general population. Among the associated factors, a low socioeconomic level, illicit drug use, ingestion of contaminated food, and low vaccination coverage were found. The most frequent complications are fulminant autoimmune hepatitis, acute liver failure, and problems during pregnancy, such as premature placental abruption, fetal liver injury, and mother-to-child transmission. Regarding the therapeutic approach, there is no pharmacological treatment. However, there are options, such as vaccination and hygienic practices, to combat it. Finally, nursing interventions focus on promoting and preventing this disease. Conclusion: The role of nursing is essential in the prevention and management of hepatitis A; it goes from strictly following infection control practices to the administration of vaccines, actively contributing to efforts to eradicate this pathology. Keywords: Hepatitis A, risk factors, complications, prevalence, nursing role.