Trabajos de Titulación - Enfermería

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    Intervenciones de enfermería en otitits bacteriana en pacientes pediátricos
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Matute Landi, Viviana Lisseth; Morocho Morocho, Diana Elizabeth; Guapasaca Yanza, Ana Beatriz; 0106520828; 0106731367
    Introduction: Otitis is an ear infection caused by bacteria, mainly affecting the middle ear, causing pain, hearing loss, and fever in children. Methodology: A literature review was conducted using scientific databases such as Scopus, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Springer, Medigraphic, PubMed, ProQuest, and Web of Science. The Health Sciences Descriptors DeCS/MeSH were used to obtain the following keywords: "otitis," "nursing care," “risk factors," "prevalence,” “treatment," “disease prevention,” “child,” “pediatrics,” “standardized nursing terminology” and “complications,” along with Boolean operators to establish search strategies. Results: The prevalence of bacterial otitis varies globally, with a notably high rate of 22.48% in the Balkan Peninsula. Associated factors include age, daycare attendance, environmental conditions, and exposure to cigarette smoke. Common complications are mastoiditis, with Bezold abscess being less frequent. Treatment involves the administration of antibiotics, surgical interventions, and tympanostomy tube placement. Nursing interventions focus on educating parents and providing quality care. Conclusions: Mastoiditis is the main complication of bacterial otitis. Nursing interventions emphasize the administration of medications during patient care and providing educational material to parents, which is key to reducing cases. Keywords: Otitis, prevalence, complications, nursing care, pharmacotherapy
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    Intervenciones de enfermería en hepatitis A
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Mora Morales, Marjori Silvana; Castro Salinas , Josselinne Verenise; Toalongo Salto, Janeth Esperanza; 1150337978; 0106253487
    Introduction: The hepatitis A virus (HAV) constitutes an important public health problem worldwide. This pathology is characterized by liver inflammation, and its transmission occurs via the fecal-oral route through contaminated water or food intake. Therefore, a lack of hygiene contributes to its spread. Objective: To develop a literature review focused on “Nursing interventions in hepatitis A.” Methodology: An analysis of bibliographic sources was conducted using scientific databases such as SciELO, Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and the institutional page of the World Health Organization (WHO), among others. Results: The reviewed articles showed a high prevalence of the disease in endemic areas affecting the general population. Among the associated factors, a low socioeconomic level, illicit drug use, ingestion of contaminated food, and low vaccination coverage were found. The most frequent complications are fulminant autoimmune hepatitis, acute liver failure, and problems during pregnancy, such as premature placental abruption, fetal liver injury, and mother-to-child transmission. Regarding the therapeutic approach, there is no pharmacological treatment. However, there are options, such as vaccination and hygienic practices, to combat it. Finally, nursing interventions focus on promoting and preventing this disease. Conclusion: The role of nursing is essential in the prevention and management of hepatitis A; it goes from strictly following infection control practices to the administration of vaccines, actively contributing to efforts to eradicate this pathology. Keywords: Hepatitis A, risk factors, complications, prevalence, nursing role.
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    Intervenciones de enfermería en la malnutrición de los adultos mayores
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Juca Mendoza, Jessica Maria; Gordillo León, Evelyn Thalia; Cumbe Guerrero, Karla María; 0106140189; 1105063950
    Introduction: Malnutrition is a pathological condition characterized by deficiencies or excess food intake, leading to a caloric or nutrient imbalance caused by poor eating habits. This condition results in the development of associated pathologies and complications that affect the patient’s physical health and functional ability. Nursing staff must intervene promptly to identify malnutrition and monitor and control the nutritional status of older adults. Objective: To determine the prevalence of malnutrition in the older adult population and identify associated factors, therapeutic approaches, complications, and nursing interventions in their nutrition. Method: A literature review was carried out in scientific databases such as Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest, and Taylor & Francis to gather evidence on several strategies and approaches in nutritional care for this vulnerable population. Results: Malnutrition in older adults is a significant concern with a high prevalence and associated factors such as functional dependence and chronic diseases. Its complications range from weakness to compromised immunity. The therapeutic approach includes a thorough assessment, customized nutritional planning, and multidisciplinary monitoring. Nursing interventions are crucial for monitoring nutritional status, educating on healthy eating habits, and coordinating comprehensive care. Conclusions: Malnutrition is a highly prevalent disease in older adults, often associated with underlying comorbidities. Early therapeutic intervention and efficient nursing interventions can reduce the potential complications in this population. Keywords: Malnutrition, older adults, prevalence, therapeutic approach, interventions, complications, nutritional care, associated factors.
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    Malos hábitos alimentarios y su impacto en el rendimiento académico en los adolescentes de latinoamerica
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Merchán Heras, Jessica Karina; Hernandez de la Cruz, Cielo Cecilia; Martínez Ortiz, Mariana Alexandra; 0105789366; 1083555937
    Eating disorders are based on bad eating habits, whether due to excess, lack, poor quality or inadequate meal times. Objective: To conduct a literature review on poor eating habits and their impact on academic performance in Latin American adolescents. Methodology: The research was carried out in the following scientific data platforms: Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest, and SciELO, obtaining 50 scientific documents. Results: The prevalence in the countries with the highest incidence of poor eating habits was Mexico, with 94% of adolescents having poor eating habits; in Honduras, 71.9% consumed junk food, while in Cuba, 29% consumed fruits and vegetables. In Ecuador, adolescents consumed a large amount of junk food; however, in Azogues, 66.3% of young people had low, medium, and high-quality eating habits. Regarding the associated factors, it was found that the most influential are the socioeconomic and educational variables. Concerning the impact of poor eating habits on academic performance, it was identified that adolescents who do not have a poor diet are affected in their academic achievement; as for the therapeutic approach to malnutrition, this should be multidisciplinary. Finally, in nursing interventions, it was recommended to promote nutritional health through lectures and educational programs. Conclusions: Poor eating habits among adolescents in Latin America lead to chronic non-transmittable diseases and the risk of becoming overweight and obese. Keywords: Eating habits, adolescents, nursing, nutrition, Latin America.
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    Insuficiencia renal en adultos mayores
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Sanchez Chillogalli, Kevin Paúl; Toalongo Saltos, Janeth Esperanza; 0705530681
    Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, renal insufficiency is a health condition in which the kidneys cannot properly filter waste and excess fluids from the blood. Objective: To conduct a literature review on "Renal Insufficiency in older adults." Method: A descriptive bibliographic analysis was conducted using a narrative approach, structured with scientific articles obtained from the following databases: SciELO, Dialnet, Medigraphic, Redalyc, PubMed, health institutional websites, and the Spanish Society of Nephrology. Results: In older adults, Chronic Kidney Disease has a higher global prevalence among men at 14.11%, compared to 13.6% in women. The most predisposing risk factors include older age, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and family history. Common complications include anemia, immune system alterations, chronic inflammation, osteodystrophy, and hormonal imbalances. Within the therapeutic approach, the following are utilized: dialysis, dietary control, and pharmacological treatment, which includes finerenone, canakinumab, pentoxifylline, statins, (SGLT2 inhibitors), and the combination of angiotensin receptor blockers and neprilysin inhibitors. Nursing interventions encompass education, a humanistic approach, guidance throughout treatment, and primary care such as hand hygiene, use and handling of protective barriers, and monitoring physiological indicators. Conclusion: Chronic kidney disease is a common condition in adults with various factors that may influence its development. The significant role of nursing staff throughout the patient care process is emphasized. Keywords: kidney failure, elderly, prevalence, treatment, nursing care