Trabajos de Titulación - Medicina Veterinaria

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  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Efecto de la menaquinona 4 y coenzima Q10 en la calidad espermática de semen porcino
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Tapia Benavides , Freddy Josué; Alvarado Alvarado, Juan Carlos; 0107159311
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Variación de PH y pérdidas por goteo en la premaduración cortes bovinos procedentes del centro de faenamiento del cantón Cañar
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Suárez Vásquez, Susana Carolina; Maldonado Cornejo, Manuel Esteban; 0302856745
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes caninos con pancreatitis aguda (cPL anormal)y su correlación con cambios en la biometría y química sanguínea
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Bravo Chimbo, Jennifer Michelle; Aguilar Caivinagua, Jennifer Michelle; 0107432031
    Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common disease in dogs, with variable severity and a significant mortality rate ranging from 27% to 58% of cases. Secondary complications, such as azotemia, are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in these patients. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between AP cases in dogs and changes in hematologic and blood chemistry parameters. A retrospective study was conducted at the Austrovet veterinary clinic, where data were collected from 33 medical records of canine patients diagnosed with AP using the canine pancreatic lipase (cPL) test between 2022 and 2023. The prevalence of azotemia and its correlation with hematologic and blood chemistry parameters were determined. The results of this study showed that red blood cell count, hematocrit, and hemoglobin levels were below normal values. Non-regenerative anemia was the most prevalent hematologic disorder, followed by neutrophilia and leukocytosis, suggesting an active systemic inflammatory response. Regarding blood chemistry, azotemia was frequently observed in 36.36% of cases, which could indicate renal impairment. Elevated alkaline phosphatase (39.39%) and serum amylase levels exceeding three times the normal range (39.39%) were other common findings, suggesting the presence of cholangitis and/or pancreatic damage. Thus, these results highlight the importance of hematology and blood chemistry in the early diagnosis of AP, as these abnormalities indicate severe complications such as azotemia. Timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment could help reduce mortality and improve the prognosis of dogs with acute pancreatitis. Keywords: Acute pancreatitis; Azotemia; Hematology; Blood chemistry
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Microdosis de coenzima Q10 como potencializador de la calidad espermática de semen ovino crioconservado
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Quinche Guazhambo , Mónica Daniela; Moscoso Piedra, Andrés Leonardo; 0106979446
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Efecto de hembras estrogenizadas sobre el comportamiento sexual y la calidad del carnero.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Labanda Sigcho, Jorge Eduardo; Moscoso Piedra, Andrés Leonardo; 0107329237
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Evaluación de tres dilutores comerciales sobre el semen de ovino post congelación
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Paucar Quito, Janneth Elizabeth; Alvarado Alvarado, Juan Carlos; 0106540495
    Sheep breeding has a significant impact on the country's economy; however, traditional management practices are often maintained in this industry, which reduces international competitiveness. For this reason, it is essential to improve sheep production through the genetic improvement of animals with high productive and reproductive potential. The objective of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of three commercial dilutors, Ovixcell, Andromed and Triladyl on the sperm quality of post-freezing ovine semen. According to the parameters of each commercial house in semen from rams of the Katahdin, Pelibuey and Dorper breeds, with 15 extractions, 5 for each sheep, for a total of 45 samples, evaluated by traditional microscopy by staining, fluorescence, pH, also included kinetic parameters evaluated by the CASA system, all variables were evaluated at two intervals, in fresh semen freshly diluted and post-freezing. In the analysis of permeability and progressivity in fresh diluted semen, Triladyl obtained efficient results (p< 0.05), while in kinetics Andromed and Triladyl achieved a remarkable impact (p< 0.05), when analyzing the mentioned parameters in post-freezing Triladyl obtained significant results (p< 0.05). 05) while the other controls rotated, Ovixcell in second place demonstrating better resistance to cryopreservation (p< 0.05) before Andromed, which has evidenced a significantly drastic decrease, indicating high mortality in thawed semen. It is concluded that the Triladyl extender better preserves the functional characteristics of ovine sperm by protecting the plasma membrane, conserving vitality and providing greater protection against the consequences of cryopreservation. Keywords: sheep, sperm, diluent, cryopreservation
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Proyecto de titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Guiracocha Viñanzaca, Ingrid Michelle; Moscoso Piedra, Andrés Leonardo; 0107568669
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Efecto analgésico perioperatorio de la combinación de bupivacaina al 0.5% y fentanilo por vía epidural lumbosacra en perras sometidas a ovario-histerectomía
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Bastidas Cárdenas , Jorge Andrés; Castillo Hidalgo, Edy Paul; 0150533602
    Ovariohysterectomy (OVH) is a common surgical procedure in female canines, associated with intense pain due to the tissue trauma sustained during the operation. Consequently, it is essential to employ effective methodologies for preoperative analgesia. In these cases, epidural anesthesia has been recognized as a fundamental approach to alleviate postoperative discomfort due to its advantages. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the perioperative analgesic efficacy of a combination of 0.5% bupivacaine and fentanyl (50 mcg/ml), administered via the lumbosacral epidural technique, in canines undergoing ovariohysterectomy. For this purpose, apparently healthy patients aged between 1 and 5 years were selected and classified as ASA I according to the criteria established by the American Society of Anesthesiologists. The subjects were randomly distributed into two groups: the B+F group (n = 5) received a lumbosacral epidural administration of 0.5% bupivacaine combined with fentanyl (50 mcg/ml), and the B group (n = 5) was treated with 0.5% bupivacaine alone using the same route. The results showed statistically significant differences (p<0.05), where the B+F group treatment demonstrated a lower average score on the Glasgow pain scale (1.27 ± 0.87) compared to the B group (2.73 ± 0.87). These findings suggest that the combination of bupivacaine and fentanyl not only improves pain control but also may reduce the need for additional doses of anesthetics and analgesics (such as NSAIDs) during the postoperative period. Keywords: Pain relief; Canine; Ovariohysterectomy; Glasgow Pain Scale.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Lactato en sangre periférica en pacientes críticos, componente esencial del protocolo de estabilización guiada a metas
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Rodriguez Muñoz, Mónica Nicole; Rodríguez Muñoz , Mónica Nicole; 0350149498; Castillo Hidalgo Edy
    The management of critically ill patients in veterinary medicine requires rapid identification of complications for effective decision-making that benefits their health. Blood lactate is a key biomarker in evaluating hypoperfusion, metabolic acidosis, and organ damage, with well-established applications in human medicine, but still limited in veterinary care. This study evaluated peripheral blood lactate levels as a prognostic indicator in 30 critically ill canine patients with multiple causes, admitted to the "Le Peluts" Veterinary Specialty Clinic in Azogues. Lactate levels were measured upon admission and at 12 hours after treatment as part of a goal-directed stabilization protocol. A significant reduction (p≤0.05) in lactate levels was observed, from 4.34 mmol/l (+3.85) to 2.14 mmol/l (+2.96), indicating a positive therapeutic response and clinical improvement. A strong correlation was also found between lactate, heart rate, and prognosis score for each patient, with higher lactate levels linked to unfavorable outcomes. Additionally, mucosal coloration was associated with better prognoses, reinforcing lactate’s role as a dynamic tool in clinical decision-making. This emphasizes the importance of integrating lactate monitoring into stabilization protocols. This approach not only improves survival rates but also optimizes management and decisionmaking in critically ill veterinary patients. Future research could explore differentiating lactate levels based on pathology type, enhancing its potential as a prognostic indicator for various conditions, ultimately improving clinical outcomes and treatment strategies. Keywords: Biomarker; Hypoperfusion; Prognosis
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Concentración de cortisol como bioindicador de bienestar animal en la manada equina expuesta a estímulos sociales
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Padrón Pesantez, María Eulalia; Maldonado Cornejo, Manuel Esteban; 0150175420
    Equines are highly sensitive to stress, meaning that any activity around them can trigger a release of plasma cortisol, thus impacting their well-being. Research on this subject has primarily focused on the utilitarian aspect of these animals, which often involves exploiting them beyond their natural capacities and consequently compromising their health. This study aimed to determine serum cortisol levels using the quantitative ELISA (Accubind) technique in a herd of horses used for equine-assisted therapy, compared to a stable group at the same location, measured at different times of the day as a bioindicator of animal welfare. For this purpose, eight castrated male horses from the same herd were selected, with four participating in equine therapy (experimental group) and four not (control group). Blood samples were drawn twice daily over five different days, resulting in a total of 80 samples. The cortisol range in the experimental group was 10.97 ± 5.73 μg/dL, while in the control group, it was 9.03 ± 3.99 μg/dL (p≥0.05). A significant difference was found between groups when comparing the interaction of circadian rhythm (morning and afternoon) (p<0.05). Horses in the control (10.21 μg/dL) and therapy groups (11.94 μg/dL) began with similar values; however, the control group showed a decrease (7.84 μg/dL) in cortisol levels by the end of the day, unlike the therapy group (9.99 μg/dL). These results indicate that equine therapy affects cortisol levels, possibly due to the physical effort involved, which may disrupt the animals' circadian rhythm. Keywords: ELISA; Stabled; Equine-Assisted Therapy; Circadian Rhythm
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Efecto de la fitoestrógenos de la alfalfa en la espermatogénesis de los cobayos machos
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Cajamarca Ortega, Josue Ismael; Bravo Alvarez , María Ximena; 0302568365
    In this research, alfalfa phytoestrogens in the pre-flowering stage are examined because they affect spermatogenesis and the hormonal profiles of male guinea pigs. It aims to evaluate phytoestrogen through diet. Three experimental groups were created. The first group was fed with alfalfa in pre-flowering, the second group was fed with free balanced alfalfa, and the third was fed with a combination of the diets. In consequence, the levels of testosterone and estradiol were measured. Therefore, the diameter of the seminiferous tubules, Leydig cells, spermatogonia germ cells, spermatocytes, and spermatids for the guinea pigs that received alfalfa experienced a decrease in germ cell production and significant hormonal variability, especially in estradiol levels. The findings suggest that phytoestrogens can negatively affect the level of testosterone over a certain period. However, no significant differences were found in testosterone levels, with phytoestrogens being part of a balanced diet of essential proteins that provide ideal nutrients for reproduction, growth, and tissue development. In the same way as the plant diet, phytochemicals prevent damage to cells from diseases to systems such as the cardiovascular or nervous system; therefore, a balanced diet of nutrients is ideal. In this sense, food improvement is important for the breeding of guinea pigs by determining the source of phytoestrogens, affecting on the physiognomy, and achieving a positive effect on nutrition and reproduction.Keywords: Phytoestrogens; Alfalfa in pre-flowering; Hormonal profile; Testosterone; Estradiol. Keywords: Phytoestrogens; Alfalfa in pre-flowering; Hormonal profile; Testosterone; Estradiol.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Comparación de dos sistemas de producción intensivo de pollos Broilers en ambiente controlado en Naranjito y Cruz de Hueso, Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Cargua Manguia, Alejandro Moises; Cargua Manguia, Alejandro Moises; 0940157522
    In this research, it was possible to analyze and determine the impact of altitude on the performance of broiler chickens in a controlled environment. A thorough comparison was made in two farms located at different altitudes, the first at 100 meters above sea level (Naranjito); the second was at 500 meters above sea level (Cruz de Hueso). Evaluation parameters such as the effects of temperature, humidity, wind speed, and gas levels (CO2 and NH3) on birth growth and health were established. The data provided in the findings indicate that, although the values are insignificant, the external environmental conditions had a minimal, almost imperceptible, influence of mortality and feed conversion ratio. In particular, lower external temperatures were observed in Avicelenes 2, negatively affecting the birds' energy expenditure and growth rates. According to the mentioned results, it is necessary to highlight the significance of considering altitude to optimize broiler production. Likewise, it is advisable to suggest specific management strategies for farms at different altitudes. Furthermore, it is highly recommended that subsequent studies analyze in detail the cost-benefit of broiler production at different altitudes, as well as the types of management that typically include diet, water, biosecurity, genetics, and infrastructure, all with the sole objective purpose of determining whether or not there are significant differences in prolonged research periods. Keywords Broilers, Houses, Altitude, Microclimate
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Determinación microbiológica de "Campilobacter jejuni" en la carne de polo procesada en el centro avícola (AVICAB)-Ricaurte
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Caldas Balarezo, Edgar Leonardo; Campos Murillo, Nathalie del Consuelo; 0105674725
    In the southern region of Ecuador, there are reports of the prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni, which poses a significant risk to the biosecurity of companies. Campylobacter sp. is a Gram-negative bacterium with zoonotic potential that can cause various diseases. This study aimed to determine the presence or absence of Campylobacter jejuni in processed chicken meat at the Ricaurte Poultry Center “AVICAB” by identifying hemolytic bacteria. A total of 50 samples of 25 grams each were collected from the carcass (the body of the bird) and the cecum (appendices of the large intestine). These samples were inoculated onto enriched culture media and refrigerated for 8 and 48 hours, with 25 samples for each period, totaling 100 inoculations. The results showed no statistical variation (p≥0.05) in the formation of bacterial colonies between the carcass and cecum of chickens. In terms of time, it was observed that at 8 hours, there was a lower presence of bacterial colonies compared to 48 hours, with statistical differences (p≤0.001). The MALDI-TOF results identified bacterial contamination from Escherichia coli, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Enterobacter asburiae in the cecum and carcass of chickens at a ratio of 2:2; however, Campylobacter jejuni could not be identified in any of the samples (0%). This data generated a useful baseline for establishing subsequent bacterial presence within the company, and it is recommended that the established actions for the company’s process guidelines be implemented as a preventive measure against Campylobacter jejuni and for general bacterial control. Keywords: Campylobacter, E. coli, S. maltophilia, E. asburiae, MALDI-TOF.
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Comparación cualitativa en queso semi-maduro elaborado con bacterias termófilas y mesófilas
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Vásquez Vásquez, Carlos Francisco; Iñiguez Heredia, Franklin Alfredo; 0350124202
    This study aims to compare two bacterial strains for producing semi-ripe cheese using thermophilic and mesophilic bacteria for this study. These bacteria play a crucial role in the lactic fermentation process of cheese, offering the possibility of obtaining significant changes in its sensory properties, including flavor, texture, aroma, and nutritional composition. The research was conducted through the elaboration of cheeses by using pasteurized milk coagulated with enzymatic liquid rennet. These cheeses were subjected to a controlled maturation period of around 30 days. During the laboratory experimental phase, samples of each cheese were taken weekly for five weeks. These samples were subjected to a serial dilution of 10 to minus 7 to obtain manageable concentrations for analysis. During the first week of sampling, 12 cheese samples were obtained, and three lots were selected for grouping and subsequently composed into a combined sample. From this combined sample, 10 grams were taken to prepare a stock solution necessary for subsequent analyses. This solution was grown on nutrient agar to determine the Colony Forming Units (CFU). Various culture media were also used to detect pathogenic bacteria in cheese, including MacConkey, blood agar, MRS (for lactobacilli), and Salmonella-Shigella. The results provided vital information on the microbiological and sensory quality of the final product, highlighting the notable differences between the use of thermophilic and mesophilic bacteria in its production. Keywords. Semi-ripe cheese, thermophilic bacteria, mesophilic bacteria, Colony Forming Units.
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Efecto de la concentración de la coenzima Q10 en la refrigeración de semen ovino
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Cruz Paredes, Sonia Viviana; Moscoso Piedra, Andrés Leonardo; 1207504711
    The sperm cryopreservation process faces considerable challenges, especially regarding the integrity of the plasma membrane, which becomes more fragile with refrigeration and freezing, affecting both the morphology and function of the sperm. In this study, the effect of various concentrations of Coenzyme Q10 (0.2 mM, 0.4 mM, 0.6 Mm, and 0.8 mM) on the quality of sperm from sheep of the Katahdin, Dorper, and Pelibuey breeds after different periods of refrigerated storage (0 h, 24 h, and 48 h) was investigated. The research conducted at the Catholic University of Cuenca for five months used techniques such as sperm motility analysis, vitality tests, and evaluation of mitochondrial activity using Rhodamine 123 and Propidium Iodide. The results indicated that different concentrations of Coenzyme Q10 had a significant impact on sperm quality. The 0.8 mM concentration showed the best results regarding motility, vitality, and mitochondrial activity, while lower concentrations showed a decrease in these parameters compared to the control group. Furthermore, it was observed that this coenzyme reduced the formation of crystals during refrigeration, improving sperm quality, especially at 0.6 mM and 0.8 mM. Katahdin rams exhibited superior initial sperm quality, which benefited from subsequent extractions. Keywords: Coenzyme Q10, Refrigeration, Sperm Quality.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estado nutricional segun referencias OMS 2007 y local en escolares de la provincia de Morona Santiago, Ecuador - 2024
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Esparza Solis, Bryam Dario; Mesa Cano, Isabel Cristina; 0105593008
    Nutritional assessment is an essential process for identifying malnutrition, particularly in vulnerable populations such as children. During growthand development, children are at a higher risk of experiencing various forms of malnutrition, whether due to deficiencies (undernutrition) or excesses (overweight and obesity). To analyze the level of concordance in nutritional status according to WHO 2007 standards and local references for schoolchildren in the province of Morona Santiago, Ecuador 2024. An observational, retrospective, descriptive cross-sectional study. The sample was obtained from a public database provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC), comprising a population of 11,566 schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years (5,896 boys and 5,670 girls). To evaluate and compare nutritional status according to national references and WHO 2007 standards, IBM SPSS Statistics version 25 was used. The WHO reports a prevalence of severe underweight of 14.6%, whereas national data show only 1.1%; the general underweight prevalenceis 67.2% according to WHO, compared to 7.5% nationally. Obesity is reported at 7.1% by WHO and 17.5% nationally, with severe obesity at 0% according to WHO and 8.0% in national data. Regarding height, the normal height category is 54.0% in WHO data versus 63.1% nationally, and verytall height is 5.7% according to WHO compared to 1.6% nationally. Kappa indices indicate weak concordance for weight (0.358) and very weak for height (0.248), reflecting significant differences between international and national evaluations. The results reveal significant discrepan-cies between national data and international WHO standards, with notable differences in the prevalence of malnutrition, weight, and height among children. Keywords: Nutritional Status; Child Nutrition Disorders; Body Mass Index; Reference Standards.
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Efecto de la concentración de la menaquinona-4 sobre el semen ovino en refrigeración
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Faican Pauta, María Belén; Moscoso Piedra, Andrés Leonardo; 0107966897
    Sperm cryoconservation is one of the practices with the most significant impact in Veterinary Medicine, helping small and large farmers, integrating modern genetic technologies to improve the viability and motility of sperm through the use of antioxidants such as menaquinone-4, MK-4, or vitamin K2, which neutralizes the increase in free radicals. This study aimed to examine this effect at doses of 1 mM and 10 mM on the sperm quality of three sheep breeds (Dorper, Katahdin, and Pelibuey), which participate in a genetic improvement program. For this analysis, five ejaculated individuals from each animal were used, which were evaluated using Host, Eosin-Nigrosima, Propidium Iodide, and Rhodamide tests, observing the viability, integrity, and potential of the mitochondrial membrane. At the same time, the parameters of PR, NP, IM, VCL, VAP, VSL, STR, LIN, ALH, and BCF were analyzed by the CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis System), yielding statistically favorable results when using doses of 1 mM and 10 mM. While in the evolution of 0, 24, and 48 hours, a gradual variation was seen in the viability and integrity tests. On the other hand, the Katahdin breed stood out in its sperm quality. However, the group was homogeneous, concluding that using Manaquinone-4 as an antioxidant proved to be a factor that helps cryopreservation in refrigerated sheep semen. These results provide new information for future research on using menaquinone-4 in sheep semen and other species. Keywords: vitamin K2; semen, cryopreservation
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Efecto de la concentración de la nenaquinona 4 en semen ovino post congelación.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Zuña León, Juan Carlos; Moscoso Piedra, Andrés Leonardo; 0104789599
    The production of sheep in the Andean countries represents an important economic activity, which has increased the need to improve their reproduction, with artificial insemination (AI) and specifically the cryopreservation technique being the most studied. To maintain and enhance seminal quality in different species, synthetic and natural antioxidants have been added to increase fertility by improving semen quality. With this background, the role of Menaquinone-4 (vitamin K2) added to sheep semen was studied, mainly for its antioxidant property to improve the characteristics of the semen during the freezing and post-freezing processes. In this research, the effect of the concentration of this substance in post-thaw ovine semen was evaluated, and applied in the following doses (1 millimole and 10 millimoles), in diluted semen from Dorper, Katahdin, and Pelibuey sheep. Over 11 days, semen free of treatment was studied. The results demonstrated that the application of Menaquinone-4 to fresh semen showed better characteristics in thawed samples regarding propidium iodide values, progressive motility, non-progressive motility, immobile sperm, curvilinear velocity, average velocity, linearity, head amplitude, and tail beat. Based on the C.A.S.A. (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis System), the values were significantly reduced (p<0.01). It is concluded that treatment with Vitamin K on ram semen reduces cellular damage by neutralizing free radicals, resulting in more active and functional sperm after freezing. Keywords: Artificial insemination, sperm quality, cryopreservation, Menaquinone 4.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Papa china como alternativa de remplazo energético parcial en la ración alimenticia de pollos broiler.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Barros Guichay , Jhon Moises; Verdugo Piña , Pablo Sebastián; Cuenca Condoy, Mercy del Cisne; 0107127037; 0107265365
    The study evaluated the addition of Chinese potato (Colocasia esculenta), as a partial energy replacement in broiler chickens, on the effective response and in vivo digestibility. A total of 800 one-day-old broilers were used, distributed in 4 treatments, eight replicates and 25 broilers per replicate. Treatments included the control group (T0), the inclusion of Chinese potato meal in the feed ration T1 (10%), T2 (15%) and T3 (20%). The zootechnical management of the birds was similar in all treatments, with 49 days. The variables studied were: productive parameters, feed digestibility and cost-benefit ratio. The results showed that feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion and mortality percentage evidenced significant difference (p<0.05) during the growth phase, reaching the highest weight gain in T3 with 506.94 g. The best feed conversion was recorded in T2 with 1.34, the digestibility of DM and PB of feed was more edible in T0, and the fat content of the meal was more digestible in T1 and T3 during the growth and fattening phases, respectively. Hematological parameters did not show significant variation (p>0.05) between procedures and phases analyzed. The cost-benefit ratio was higher with T3, obtaining 0.70 cents/bird concerning T0, which showed a cost-benefit ratio of 0.49 cents/bird. It is concluded that supplementation with Chinese potato in broiler chickens' feed is an alternative for partial energy replacement. Keywords: Colocasia esculenta, production parameters, broiler chickens.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Uso de semen sexado en un protocolo simplificado de fsh-p más ecg en vacas holstein en producción.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Chauca Guaman , Joselyn Estefania; Argudo Garzón , Daniel Ernesto; 0350173589
    Superovulation is reproductive biotechnology that has been widely used in cattle for several decades. However, applying several doses of pFSH to donors for four days causes stress in the animal. Recently, it has been shown that replacing the last four doses of pFSH (porcine Follicle Stimulating Hormone) with one dose of eCG (Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin) produces an equal number of embryos and a superovulation response similar to that of the conventional protocol. Therefore, this study’s objective was to use two hormonal protocols, such as pFSH and a combination of pFSH plus eCG. Treatments were applied employing the FTAI technique with sexed semen. These studies were conducted on 4 Holstein Friesian female cattle in production, about 90 days postpartum, with a body condition of 2.75 to 3. They are located in the Pilatos sector of the Biblián canton, in the province of Cañar. Embryo collection was performed seven days after insemination using sexed semen once the treatment was completed. The superovulation response resulted in the number of corpora lutea and viable embryos from both the first and second treatments showed no significant difference. Therefore, it can be concluded that the simplified protocol of pFSH plus eCG produces a superovulation response and a similar number of transferable embryos when using sexed semen compared to the conventional protocol. Keywords: Holstein, cattle, superovulation, pFSH, eCG, sexed semen.
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