Trabajos de Titulación - Medicina Veterinaria

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    Termografía Infrarroja como técnica alternativa para la detección de Mastitis Subclínica Bovina en la parroquia Cumbe
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Vega Cárdenas, Lisseth Estefanía; Cuenca Condoy, Mercy del Cisne; 0105757512
    The study aimed to validate the use of infrared thermography (IRT) as a diagnostic technique for subclinical bovine mastitis (SBM). A total of 250 Holstein Friesian and crossbred female bovines were evaluated from the first to sixth calving, between 30 and 150 days of lactation, managed under a semi-intensive system in the Cumbe parish, Cuenca-Ecuador. Initially, SBM was detected using infrared thermography, with predefined temperature ranges for healthy and diseased quarters. These thermal ranges were validated through the California Mastitis Test (CMT) field test. From the positive mammary quarters for CMT and IRT, milk samples were collected in 10 ml falcon tubes for somatic cell count (SCC) using Ekomilk Scan. The evaluated variables included Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV), Validity Index, Youden Index, Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratio. The results showed a prevalence of SBM of 28.8% and 16.5% at cow and mammary quarter levels, respectively. Regarding the variables studied, Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV), Accuracy, Youden's Index, Positive Likelihood Ratio, and Negative Likelihood Ratio were determined as 99.46%, 92.19%, 97.60%, 97.37%, 98.33%, 0.92%, 12.73%, and 0.01%, respectively. No positive correlation was found between temperature and environmental humidity with the thermal values of IRT. It is concluded that Infrared Thermography could be implemented as a promising technique for SBM detection. Keywords. Bovine mastitis; infrared thermography; diagnostic technique
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    Producción de embriones in vitr de vacas Holstein estimuladas en fsh-rb
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Iñamagua Lala, Luis Nelson; Argudo Garzón, Daniel Ernesto; 0302174289
    The conventional use of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) in follicular hyperstimulation has raised concerns due to its effects on gene expression and embryo quality. In addition, considerable variability in the response of hyperstimulated cows has been observed, affecting the efficacy of the process. Follicle Stimulating Hormone - pituitary (FSH-p) of porcine origin, commonly used in these protocols, can induce immune responses in cattle, increasing the risk of pathologies and affecting the quality of the resulting embryos. In contrast, recombinant bovine Follicle Stimulating Hormone (rbFSH), derived from recombinant technology, is a promising alternative to improve in vitro embryo production and quality in Holstein cows. This research aimed to thoroughly evaluate the effects of rbFSH on in vitro embryo production in Holstein cows. The results indicate that rbFSH did not significantly increase the production of viable oocytes according to the classification table established by the International Embryo Technology Society (IETS). On the other hand, during embryo development, the stage of segmentation was evaluated, a percentage variable measured as cleavage rate, where it is clear to note a specific numerical difference in the group treated with bovine recombinant FSH (74.38) compared to the control (68.4), but this difference was not statistically significant (P<0.05), obtaining similar statistical results in terms of the number of embryos obtained at the end of this study. Keywords. Production; embryos; rbFSH; culture; In vitro.
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    Estimulación folicular con FSH recombinante bovina previo a la opu en vacas Holstein
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Chauca Guamán, Jennifer Eliana; Argudo Garzón, Daniel Ernesto; 0350173571
    Ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration has been recognized as an effective technique for obtaining high-quality oocytes in cows with high genetic value, especially when combined with prior follicular synchronization protocols. Over the decades, the use of conventional FSH in follicular hyperstimulation protocols has faced challenges, such as the need for multiple doses to maintain its biological activity and the risk of contamination and variability between batches. In response to this, recombinant gonadotropins such as recombinant bovine FSH (rFSH) have emerged as a promising alternative. Purified by affinity chromatography, rFSH offers higher purity and hormonal stability. In this experimental research, the use of rFSH in follicular stimulation of Holstein cows was evaluated, and it was compared with standard hormonal synchronization. The results suggest that rFSH, compared to the control protocol, did not yield significant differences in follicular development and consequently in the recovery rate. However, numerical differences were observed (rFSH= 50.63 + 19.22; Control= 45.85 + 19.22). Similarly, the oocyte recovery rate based on category shows similarity in results, with categories I and II highlighted as more recovered. This approach could potentially represent a significant advancement in the next stage, specifically in the production of in vitro embryos in dairy farming, enhancing the efficiency and profitability of the process. Keywords: rbFSH, OPU, Follicular Stimulation, Reproduction
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    Guayabo (Psidium guajava L) como regulador de la flora microbiana cecal en pollos broilers.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Pachar Tuza, Rene Eduardo; Cuenca Condoy, Mercy del Cisne; 0106570351
    The study determined the effect of Psidium guajava L, as a prebiotic in the feeding of Broiler chickens, using 400 one-day old birds, weighing approximately 45g, assigned to a Complete Randomized Design (CRD), in four treatments, T0 (Control), T1 (0.25% Psidium guajava/ton of feed), T2 (0.50% Psidium guajava/ton of feed) and T3 (0.75% Psidium guajava/ton of feed), including four replicates for each treatment and 25 broiler chicken for each replicate. Zootechnical management was similar in all experimental units, with respect to bird density/m2, environmental variables, sanitary calendar, and nutritional program according to their physiological stage. The variables studied were production parameters (total live weight, weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, carcass weight and mortality percentage), and the presence or absence of Salmonella spp at the cecal level. The results related to the production variables did not show significant statistical differences between treatments (p<0.05); however, a numerical difference was recorded, with the best cumulative feed conversion achieved by treatment T1 with 1.27; while the highest carcass weight and the lowest mortality percentage was achieved by treatment T3, with 3164.30g of weight and 2.5% mortality. Regarding the microbial population of Salmonella spp., no positive effect was observed. lt is concluded that the additions of crushed guava leaves do not exert beneficial activity on the productive parameters of the birds nor on the control of Salmonella spp. at the cecal level. KEYWORDS: Broiler Chickens, Salmonella Spp., Productive Parameters, Psidium guajava L.
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    Evaluación de la calidad espermática en conejos sometidos a flushing lumínico.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Eras Quizhpe, Marcia Alexandra; Argudo Garzón , Daniel Ernesto; 0105147821
    The lighting system is a stimulant for reproduction in some species (horses) and an inhibitor for others (sheep); For this reason, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of light flushing in New Zealand rabbits to evaluate their sperm quality. We proceeded with a sample of 12 rabbits divided into two groups: the experimental group (light flushing) that used 16 hours of lighting (12 hours natural and 4 hours artificial) and the control group that used only natural light (12 hours). A total of forty ejaculates obtained by the method of collection with the artificial vagina and using rabbits as a mannequin were used for their proper collection. A significantly higher average volume was determined in the experimental group (1.02 ± 0.29 vs 0.76 ± 0.26 mL); as well as motility (83.00 ± 16.89 vs 44.75 ± 28.49%). We also found that in the experimental group there was less presence of gel, this difference being statistically significant (10 vs 55%); the amount of abnormalities did show improvement in the number of sperm in the experimental treatment (9.24 ± 7.02 vs 13.75 ± 4.37%). No significant differences were found in sperm concentration; in the percentage of vitality and functionality of the sperm membrane evaluated through the HOS Test. The seminal characteristics had a positive and significant correlation, in terms of volume, motility, with the increase in illumination time, and negative and significant correlations with the presence of gel and abnormalities. In conclusion, subjecting rabbits to four hours of artificial light improves the seminal characteristics of rabbits. Keywords: light flushing, sperm quality, rabbits, semen collection.