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  • Ítem
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    Los influencers como gestores del marketing digital en las empresas cuencanas
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Freire Ramírez, Darío Javier; Argudo Palomeque , Fabián Vladimir; 0705965671
    This study focuses on the crucial role of influencers in digital marketing in Cuenca. It examines in detail their collaboration with local companies, evaluates their effectiveness in promoting products and services, highlights the evolution of digital marketing in Cuenca, and emphasizes the critical role of influencers in brand building and interaction with digital audiences. The analysis delves into consumers' perception of influencer recommendations, assessing their impact on purchasing decisions and brand identity building in the digital market. The study identifies successful collaborations, revealing key elements for success and addressing the challenges influencers and companies face. It also explores the metrics used to measure the impact of campaigns and emphasizes the importance of authenticity in these collaborations. In addition to providing detailed analysis, the study anticipates future directions and areas for improvement to strengthen collaboration between influencers and local companies. It offers a deeper understanding of how influencers can drive business growth in Cuenca’s specific digital environment. It points out strategic ways for the continued development of this relationship in the digital age.
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    Propuesta de un plan de comunicación estratégico para impulsar un microemprendimiento
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guachisaca Saca, Juliana Marisol; Ochoca Ochoa, Ramiro Bolivar; 1950112688
    This research is related to the importance of managing organizational communication strategies to enhance the image and level of sales in the “Virgen del Carmen” Producers Association (Asoprovir by its acronym in Spanish) belonging to the Chapintza community in Zamora Chinchipe province. Its general objective was to propose a strategic communication plan to promote this microenterprise operated by members of 14 families from the Chapintza community. The survey conducted among consumers in the area justified this initiative because most of them indicated the necessity of implementing a communication plan focused on content analysis and the use of appropriate channels and tools by the communication department to keep them informed and engaged with their target audiences. The methodology used in this study involved a literature review to learn what communication experts say about strategic communication techniques and the administration of surveys to product consumers. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with cantonal and provincial authorities, and interviews with experts who validated the research project. This work also includes a document containing the strategies, actions, channels, communication tools, and the budget for implementing the communication plan.
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    Acceso Abierto
    Análisis de la temática informativa en tres medios digitales de Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Campoverde Loja, Juan Fernando; Coronel Crespo, Pedro José; Cordero, Édgar; 0107587560; 0105501589
    This research focuses on the analysis of the informational themes of three digital media in Cuenca, in order to propose, describe, and substantiate the recurring themes that are presented daily to the public. This analysis is based on qualitative and ethnographic research that uses observation as a technique. The methodological techniques allowed us to identify the preference of these media for the treatment of information on events and the minimum attention that issues related to health, culture, education, among others are given to. Furtheremore, it is evident that the dissemination of crime report generates greater monetization in relation to other types of information, which damages knowledge of other social facts. Therefore, it is essential to return to an agenda and planning from the media to improve the contribution to the formation of public opinion.
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    Acceso Abierto
    Producción de un libro fotográfico de artesanías del cantón Sígsig.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ortega Loja, Johnn Jairo; Valverde Lojano, Carlos; 0106095995
    A photograph is worth more than one imagines. It allows us to express and demonstrate the reality of our surroundings to keep memories, moments, and emotions of yesterday and today. It will enable new generations to recreate events and experiences. This photographic book aims to exalt the masters of ancestral and hereditary art in different parts of Ecuador. However, this research focuses on the arts of the canton of Sigsig, highlighting the talent of admirable characters in this sector. Unfortunately, many artisans have disappeared over time due to rigorous changes in society and the social behavior adopted by the new generations, influenced by globalization, the rise of the technological era, and adaptation to it. In this context, the small number of artisans still preserving the trade remains to be determined. They fear being replaced by industrialization and becoming the last generation of artisans with a legacy and trajectory likely to be forgotten.
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    Análisis de la evolución de las transmisiones deportivas a través de streaming, caso LigaPro
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Peña Amoroso, Nicolás Julián; Argudo Palomeque, Vladimir; 0105942684
    This qualitative research aims to analyze the evolution of sports broadcasts through streaming: “LigaPro” study case, as well as knowing the events developed as a result of the implementation of football broadcasts since the origin of the so-called “LigaPro” in Ecuador. Streaming, in the context of technology and digital entertainment, refers to the real-time transmission of multimedia content, such as videos, music, or games, over the Internet. Instead of downloading all the content before it can be consumed, as was done before, streaming allows users to access and enjoy the content while the transmission occurs. At first, a scientific literature review was used to explore what has been written on the topic, which helped the understanding and focus on the topic of study. In addition, observation was applied, which made it possible to describe some of the applications and tools to detail their use. Analyzing certain characteristics of sports broadcasts through streaming with semi-structured interviews with experts was attempted. For example, the fact that content is sent in small fragments called “packets” played on the user’s device as they arrive allows for continuous and smooth playback without waiting for it to download completely. Additionally, streaming is often supported by high-capacity servers that can handle multiple simultaneous connections. Streaming has become a fundamental part of how we consume media today, promoting a variety of platforms and services.