Trabajos de Titulación - Trabajo Social
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Ítem Embargo Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Romero Piedra, Kimberly Nahomi; Urgiles Patiño, Estefanía Mishell; Cárdenas Lata, Bertha Janneth; 0706413051; 0302519459Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores que limitan la reinserción familiar en post rehabilitados del centro especializado en tratamiento de alcohol y drogas “Renacer”, cantón Paute, provincia del Azuay, Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Culcay Illisaca , John Henry; Barahona Landa, Evelyn Jessenia; Herrera Hugo, Blanca de los Ángeles; 0105066856; 0105526677Family reintegration of individuals who have undergone addiction rehabilitation programs is a crucial process to ensure their recovery and prevent relapse. This study addresses the issue of family reintegration of post-rehabilitation individuals at the "Renacer" specialized center for alcohol and drug treatment (CETAD by its Spanish acronym). The objective is to analyze the limiting factors in the family reintegration of post-rehabilitation users. The research was descriptive and exploratory, with a sample of 15 post-rehabilitation users and a population of 10 families, where surveys were applied to evaluate variables such as family communication, emotional support, conflict resolution, and participation in joint activities. The results revealed that communication problems (33.34%), lack of family support (26.67%), and difficulties in resolving conflicts (20%) are the most prevalent barriers to family reintegration, all with a moderate prevalence. These factors were identified as critical areas where intervention could be focused to improve reintegration. Although less prevalent (13.34%), the lack of participation in joint activities remains relevant for some individuals and requires attention. In conclusion, to improve the family reintegration of post-rehabilitation users at the CETAD "Renacer," it is essential to develop interventions that strengthen family communication, emotional support, and the ability to resolve conflicts. Additionally, it is recommended that programs be implemented that promote more active participation in joint activities, which will contribute to a more solid and sustainable recovery.Ítem Acceso Abierto La intervención del trabajador social en el sistema judicial: acompañamiento a familiares de víctimas de femicidios en Cuenca, Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Verdugo Astudillo, María del Cisne; Cañizares Medina, Andrés Ernesto; 0106540891The research focuses on the essential role of social workers within the judicial system in their intervention with the families of femicide victims. This work aims to analyze the participation of the State Attorney General’s Office Azuay from the area of the System for the Protection and Assistance of Victims, witnesses, and the Azuay Judicial Council, in the support of families of femicide victims in Cuenca, Ecuador. Through qualitative methodology based on interviews with four social workers, the study describes their roles, responsibilities, and the impact of their work in the support process. The specific objectives detail the activities and responsibilities assumed by the professionals, giving a clear vision of their role in managing the judicial process for the families. Furthermore, intervention practices and strategies were identified, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. Finally, a social work intervention proposal was developed for these institutions, which seeks to promote awareness and prevention of violence against women. The research reveals the need for flexible approaches, analyzing family dynamics, providing specialized support, and improving interdisciplinary collaboration. It is suggested that development methods be increased to enhance the work in these processes by revising and updating current protocols and support programs so that these families can adopt approaches based on gender and human rights perspectives.Ítem Embargo Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-08-14) Illescas Pugo, Tania Guadalupe; Montero Vega , Karolina Aracely; Herrera Hugo, Blanca; 0106664071; 0302480918Ítem Acceso Abierto Deserción en la educación escolar en zona de Ricaurte - Cuenca – Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Gómez Correa, Adrián Leonardo; Cañizares Medina, Andrés Ernesto; 0704910157School dropout or desertion is a phenomenon that expanded during the global COVID-19 pandemic due to the closure of economic activities throughout the country, which produced unemployed people with no income. This issue had a more significant impact on rural areas than the urban zones of Cuenca in the province of Azuay. In the Ricaurte parish, these conditions of school dropout have been observed among students due to the lack of economic resources. Therefore, it has been proposed to address this phenomenon generated in rural education during the closure of the educational units. This research aims to analyze the causes that determine school dropout in the “Santiago de Compostela” School in the rural area of Ricaurte, Cuenca, Azuay. A quantitative research method with a field design was used. The population was 430 students, and the sample consisted of 220 subjects. A documentary and field technique was applied through a survey and a questionnaire as an instrument. The results showed a medium level of school dropout attributed to migratory, economic, and family conditions. The school does not attract students' interest, and consequently, it is concluded that there is a direct relationship between the social, economic, and family causes of students and school dropout.Ítem Acceso Abierto La educación sexual frente al embarazo adolescente en la Unidad Educativa Andrés F. Córdova de la ciudad de Cañar.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ojeda Narvaez, Karen Amanda; Chacha Lozano, Diana Gabriela; Urgiles León, Sandra Jackeline; 0302323977Teenage pregnancy is the state of pregnancy of women between 10 and 19 years of age. It is considered a global problem because there is a high mortality range, transmission of sexual diseases, and school dropouts. Thus, when starting and maintaining an active sexual life at an early age, it is important to have adequate knowledge of sexual and reproductive rights to have a tool to avoid unplanned pregnancies. Therefore, this research aims to analyze how sexual education affects adolescent pregnancy in the “Andrés F. Córdova” Educational Unit. The methodology used the quantitative approach, with the survey technique, applied to 38 pregnant students from the educational unit under study. The type of research was descriptive and correlational. The results indicate that in the institution, there is little information on all the topics that are part of sexual education, which is why it is concluded that the lack of sexual education negatively influences adolescent pregnancy as it is non-existent. Consequently, it symbolizes the fact that it is extremely positive if it is present in adolescents’ lives because it would serve as a guide on sexual and reproductive rights; by having all this knowledge, early or unwanted pregnancies can be avoided.Ítem Acceso Abierto El embarazo en la adolescencia y su influencia en la deserción escolar y el trabajo infantil(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Célleri Alvear, Ruth Paulina; Fernández Aucapiña, Nancy Yolanda; 0603270414Early pregnancy is an unmistakable sign of inequality, social injustice, and violation of the human rights of children and adolescents. This condition produces a complex biopsychosocial imbalance in adolescents, risking their health and life. It is caused by poverty, marginalization, low education, and cultural patterns, among others; it also generates school dropout and child labor as consequences. This research analyzes the repercussions of adolescent pregnancy on education, school dropout, and child labor in patients treated in two health centers in Cuenca, Ecuador, from January 2020 to July 2021. Within the methodology, a quantitative approach with a non-experimental transectional design was determined. The research had a descriptive and explanatory scope; the deductive method allowed the formulation of hypotheses tested with the PSPP statistical program. Furthermore, we worked with the universe considering the 281 cases. The results show that adolescent pregnancy influences school dropout, mainly in adolescents between 13 and 18 years of age, and in child labor, especially in adolescents who have dropped out of school. The conclusion is that adolescent pregnancy is one of the most significant social problems affecting this population's life project, causing severe repercussions in the educational sphere.Ítem Acceso Abierto La pobreza como factor asociado al embarazo adolescente: niveles económicos(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Almeida Bazurto, Marife Jacqueline; Kastdalen Mendoza, Nathalie Anette; Urgilés, Sandra; 0107748923; 2000110441Teen pregnancy is a global problem, with only a slight decrease in most countries in recent years. The regions with the highest teenage pregnancy rates are low- and middle-income countries. In the national context, Ecuador is ranked as one of the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with the highest rate of pregnancy in the country. Therefore, the objective of this research was to analyze poverty as a factor associated with teenage pregnancy in a medical center in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador. The findings showed that most teenagers belonged to a medium economic condition and poverty and to a Medium Typical C+ and Medium Low C- economic level. In addition to this, in the medium condition, teenagers were able to access better jobs, and in a poverty condition, they represented one of the highest percentages of illness. Therefore, it was established that a medium-low economic level and a poverty condition are factors associated with teenage pregnancy.Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores que inciden en la violencia intrafamiliar en los estudiantes de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “Río Cenepa”, Morona Santiago-Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Astudillo Samaniego, Natividad Alexandra; Tapia Segarra, Jenny Irlanda; 0105745327Domestic violence, a phenomenon that transcends various social spheres and significantly affects family structures, is a universal problem that manifests itself in all social classes, cultures, religions, ethnicities, nationalities, and sexual orientations. This type of violence can include physical, psychological, and emotional abuse and has severe and lasting repercussions on the health and wellness of individuals and families. This problem not only deteriorates personal and family relationships but also has a deep impact on the psychosocial development and academic performance of the victims, especially children and adolescents. The objective of the study was to identify domestic violence and its influence on psychosocial factors and academic performance in high school students of the “Río Cenepa” High School in Morona Santiago, Ecuador. These findings show the importance of addressing the emotional and academic effects of domestic violence to develop effective intervention strategies that can improve children’s wellness and school performance. The research managed to identify the presence of domestic violence and its influence on psychosocial factors and the academic performance of students. A correlation was found between domestic violence and psychosocial factors; another significant correlation was evident between emotional wellness and academic performance, and also between domestic violence at home and academic performance. There is a need to implement intervention strategies that address domestic, psychosocial, and academic violence.Ítem Solo Metadatos Factores sociales que provocan la mendicidad en niños, niñas y adolescentes en la ciudad de Cuenca – Ecuador.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Paladines Coello, Giovanna Jamileth; Quichimbo Sapatanga, Martha Isabel; Tapia Segarra, Jenny; 0706151214; 0106015621Introduction. Begging is a social problem that is directly linked to inequality and poverty. It becomes a factor of social inequality when it is considered that it arises based on the lack of socioeconomic resources within a family. The situation of begging among children and adolescents is based on problems such as: human mobility and scarce labor opportunities. The objective of this research is to identify the social factors that cause begging among children and adolescents in the Fundación Ciudadanos en Acción in the city of Cuenca. Methodology. A descriptive quantitative methodology was used to meet the objective and its design was non-experimental. Results. The results obtained show that social factors, especially the scarce job opportunities, have a significant impact on the family structure, thus generating begging activities. Conclusion. The conclusions indicate that both human mobility and employment opportunities constitute causes of child begging, since children and adolescents feel the need to support their families by using this means to obtain money and food. It is therefore recommended that comprehensive strategies be developed to promote decent employment, access to education and social protection, providing children and their parents with an opportunity for a more secure and prosperous future.Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores que inciden en la inserción laboral de ciudadanos/as venezolanos en la fundación "Haciendo panas" Cuenca-Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Andrade Chacho, Jermany Cristina; Cárdenas Lata, Bertha Janneth; 0107471765Venezuela has been facing a political, economic, and social crisis, along with uncontrolled inflation resulting in insecurity and a scarcity of job opportunities. This, in turn, triggered the migration of Venezuelans and their integration into the labor market in Ecuador. These are highly relevant issues today due to the significant flow of migrants who have arrived in Ecuador in search of better opportunities and to improve their living conditions; for this reason, this research work aimed to analyze the factors that affect the labor insertion of Venezuelan citizens. They come to the Foundation "Haciendo Panas," in Cuenca, Ecuador. Using the bibliography on the incidence of Venezuelan migrants in the labor market, an instrument was designed to understand these factors and achieve significant learning aligned with the stated objectives. The methodology used was qualitative with a descriptive scope; the deductive method was also used with scientific databases. Life history techniques were applied to six Venezuelan migrants and semi-structured interviews were conducted with three officials from the institution from April to August 2023. The results of this study revealed that migratory status and challenges in the visa acquisition process are obstacles to the labor insertion of Venezuelan migrants in Ecuador, leading to precarious working conditions and labor exploitation that also violates the rights to social security, in a way, that also violates the right to social security.Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores que influeyeron en la educación durante la pandemia en la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Alicia Loza Meneses, Cuenca, Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Díaz Coronel, Angélica Johanna; Piña Cabanilla, Diana Steffania; Cañizares Medina, Andrés Ernesto; 0106474067; 0941163107Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, educational processes at all levels were considerably affected, so several educational institutions proposed a series of modifications and alternatives to overcome the difficulties determined by the teaching-learning process. As a result of this problem, it was frequently pointed out that numerous factors made it difficult to establish adequate education in this context. Based on this situation, the objective of this work was to determine the factors that influenced education during the pandemic, specifically in the “Alicia Loza Meneses” School in Cuenca, Ecuador. A quantitative study was carried out with a transversal approach to achieve this objective. Data were collected in a sample of 220 students, applying a survey based on the contributions of previous studies. As the results of this work, it can be noted that 1) the problems of the wireless Internet network did affect the teaching-learning process during the pandemic virtual education, 2) teachers’ training was not ideal, and 3) a significant percentage of them indicated a medium level of difficulty in using technological tools. From these results, it is established that students need in-person tutoring from the teacher. It was also evident that not all of the teaching population was capable of technological management, and were not provided with adequate training in teaching methodology.Ítem Acceso Abierto Sobrecarga del cuidador con pacientes paliativos en la fundación al servicio del enfermo de cáncer Lola Farfán de Palacios “Fasec” Cuenca-Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Cuzco Arpi, Veronica Andrea; Sari Aguilar, Lourdes Maribel; Fernández Aucapiña, Nancy Yolanda; 0105345060; 0104497805In recent years, there have been intense debates about the decisive factors impacting the well-being of palliative caregivers since their role involves emotional, physical, economic, and social strain, with notable repercussions on the caregiver’s quality of life, the family, and their immediate environment. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the factors influencing palliative patient caregivers. The methodology used was quantitative, descriptive in scope, and cross-sectional. Data were collected through surveys, and subsequently, the information was processed using the PSPP statistical software. It was observed that the stress presented by the caregiver is related to caregiving; it is also linked to the dependency level, economic sufficiency, and the affective bond shared with the patient. In conclusion, it is fundamental to understand the incident factors to promote the caregiver's health and emotional balance. It was identified that social support from formal and informal networks or programs is necessary for enhancing the caregiver's quality of life.Ítem Acceso Abierto Impacto de las enfermedades oncológicas en el entorno familiar de pacientes que acuden al centro de apoyo integral para pacientes con cáncer y la fundación FASEC de la ciudad de Cuenca, una visión desde el modelo sistémico(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Quiroga Uzhca, Sandra Elizabeth; Urgilés, Sandra; 0104464540Oncological diseases afflict all people without distinction, every day the number of people who die from this disease increases worldwide, the patient goes through drastic changes at a personal, family and social level. This research was developed with the objective of determining the impact of oncological diseases on the family environment of patients who come to the Comprehensive Support Center for Cancer Patients and the Foundation for the Service of Patients with Cancer, FASEC, in the city of Cuenca.Ítem Solo Metadatos Acoso laboral y su incidencia en el desempeño profesional de los empleados que laboran en la empresa EMAC-EP(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Valladares Peralta, Lucila Blanca; Ortega Flores, Karen Emilia; Sánchez, Andrés; 0107061350; 0105839781The present investigation was carried out in the field of human rights and citizen security, in order to determine the incidence of workplace harassment in the professional performance of EMAC-EP workers due to the constant events of violation of rights and the lack of knowledge of the topic under investigation. The study had a qualitative-quantitative approach of descriptive and deductive type, the information used for the analysis was taken from the surveys applied to the entire population. Among the main results, 53,63% (96 workers) claim to have been subjected to physical, psychological or verbal attacks in the workplace, of which 32,40% (58 workers) indicate that discriminatory behavior and insulting or outrageous expresseions have been presented repeatedly (monthly), and 43,02% (77 workers) report that their work performance was affected. In general terms, the conducted research indicates that workplace harassment has an impact on the workers` profesional performance. The elaborated analysis suggests that there are trainings that guarantee a healthy working environmentÍtem Acceso Abierto Estudio de los factores asociados a la influencia de las redes sociales en los adolescentes del Colegio República del Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Heras Guaman, Katherine Abigail; Urgilés, Sandra; 0107071904The research is based on determining social networks factors, which influence on Ecuadorian adolescents, considering a population of 90 adolescents between men and women in the period of march-july 2019. The collected information for this research was carried out through surveys from adolescents to determine influential factors , and in this way ,it was possible to verify the hypothesis raised where adolescent high school students state the following : they consider social networks as a source support for their tasks ,in turn indicate that it is a source of communication in wich they maintain a good relationship inside and outside the institution ,but they also reveal that social networks influence school performance and consider it an addiction ,the greatest, in addition ,they express that they are not under supervision by their parents when using social networks and finally comment that there are no problems of harassment or cyberbullying in their institution. It concludes with an action plan proposal addressed towards Ecuadorian scholar s adolescents, with the aim of promoting the good use of social networks in benefit to the students, teachers, and parents of any institution.Ítem Acceso Abierto Impacto sociodemogràfico de estudiantes migrantes de la Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales de la Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales de la UCACUE(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Galarza Castro, Gissella Maribel; Gómez Lozano, Rocío Elizabeth; Cardenas Lata, Janneth; 0150625044; 1400745699This study is focused on determining the sociodemographic impact of migrant students of the Academic Unit of Social Sciences of the UCACUE, it is considered as population the students enrolled for the period March-August 2019, for which an information survey was carried out and it was registered 157 students from other provinces of Ecuador or other countries, men and women belonging to four careers. The information was collected by applying a structured survey to the population under study, the same that after being tabulated, analyzed and interpreted, the Chi-square test was carried out, obtaining as a result the approval of the null hypothesis “The economic status of migrant students is a sociodemographic factor that does not influence student drop-out”, in addition the present study has the criteria of experts (teachers) with relevance in the psychological, social and economic area from a qualitative - quantitative approach. Although the migration to this city has had an economic implication to 59.32% of migrant students, 66.67% indicate that the main reason for dropout is due to poor academic performance, followed by the emotional situation with a percentage of 45.45% Finally, an intervention plan was designed for the Department of Student Welfare, being the relevant entity for its execution, with the objective of contributing to the socio educational well-being of migrant students of the Academic Unit of Social Sciences.Ítem Solo Metadatos Mejía Hurtado, D. (2021). Prestaciones no contributivas en las condiciones de vida de los pacientes con discapacidad de la fundación DONUM: un análisis desde el trabajo social. [Trabajo de titulación]. Universidad Católica de Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Mejía Hurtado, Daniela Estefanía; Tapia Segarr, Jenny; 0106696578Non-contributory benefits are welfare bonuses granted by the State to vulnerable sectors in order to generate a positive impact on the integral development of this sector. This initiative arose after the 1999 economic crisis to compensate in some way for the elimination of subsidies. There are several definitions when talking about living conditions, but all of them agree as a state of integral satisfaction of the human being. The right to a dignified and full life, with access to education, health, food, decent housing, employment with remuneration that allows them to have a good living condition, is typified in the constitution. In order to satisfy the access to quality health care, non-profit medical centers such as DONUM provide their services to vulnerable groups since, for reasons of location, lack of medical specialties, deficient priority attention financed by the State, they are forced to go to private health institutions.Ítem Solo Metadatos Factores socioeconómicos que influyen en las condiciones de vida de los estudiantes de la carrera de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca frente a la pandemia(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Tepán Luna, Edison Paúl; Torres Cuji, Karina Natalia; Cárdenas Lata, Bertha Janneth; 0106420029; 0105551733The quality of life of individuals can be constantly disturbed and particularly in the face of the reality of a global pandemic, given that they have certain difficulties in their welfare, such as living from day to day, not having their own home, or not having adequate basic services, health problems, overcrowding, unemployment, among others, realities that show the social inequalities that directly affect the rights of individuals, especially priority groups. Reason for which this research work has been proposed, whose objective is "To analyze the socioeconomic factors that influence the quality of life of the students of the Social Work degree program at the Catholic University of Cuenca in the face of the pandemic". On the other hand, the methodology utilized in the research was through the deductive method with a quantitative approach, using a structured survey which highlighted that within the degree program of Social Work, students have the necessary basic services reflecting good health. However, it has been identified that the monthly income is not enough in certain homes; additionally, there are certain alterations in academic connectivity, as well as in aspects of human mobility. Making Summarizing all of the above, it has been concluded that despite certain particular cases, socioeconomic factors do not have a significant influence on the living conditions of the students.Ítem Acceso Abierto Estatus migratorio y su relación con la situación sociodemográfica: el caso de los migrantes venezolanos radicados en el cantón Cuenca-Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Seraquive Poma, Amauta Atipak; Sumba Villa, Angel Patricio; Tapia Segarra, Jenny; 1900869494; 0106003312At present it has become evident that migration has grown significantly due to social, economic, and political problems, not only in Ecuador but in several countries such as Venezuela, in recent years this country has gone through a catastrophic economic crisis and this has led its citizens to leave the country in search of a better state of life for the migrant and his family; but upon arrival at their destination, they faced another problem, unemployment, which forced in some cases to beg and opt for other alternatives with the simple fact of surviving. The objective of this work was to "Analyze the situation of the Venezuelan migrant population living in Cuenca-Ecuador, who attend the institutions through a study of the migratory status that determines its incidence in the sociodemographic factors", with the collaboration of the "Casa del Migrante, Fundación Corazón Vino Tinto, Organización Uniendo Voluntades". The methodology used was quantitative descriptive, which contributed to data collection, the universe that was taken in this research is 75 Venezuelan migrants which were affirmed through a database provided by the Catholic University of Cuenca. The results showed that the migratory status has a direct relationship with the sociodemographic situations because the social factors and characteristics will depend on a current migratory status, which will allow them to access the free legal benefits provided by the State.