Trabajos de Titulación - Derecho

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  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de los mecanismos de reparación integral para el delito de lesiones en la legislación jurídica del Ecuador.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ortiz Jaramillo, Paola Alejandra; Ullauri Calderón, Carmen Lucía; Monsalve Robalino, Bernardo Xavier; 1400676530; 0941410649
    According to the legislation in force in Cuenca, Ecuador, the research focuses on a detailed analysis of the integral reparation mechanisms applicable to the crime of injury. The study objectives are diverse, and firstly, it aims to define the concept of integral reparation and the associated theories within the Ecuadorian legal context. Secondly, it seeks to comprehensively describe the mechanisms applicable in cases of injury. Finally, it examines how these mechanisms are being implemented in practice, mainly focused on underutilizing the mechanism for non-pecuniary damage. The qualitative methodology employed in this research is based on the hypothesis that victims of crimes of injury do not receive complete and adequate reparation. This issue reveals several deficiencies in the mechanisms provided by Ecuadorian legislation. The proposal includes a critical evaluation of current practices and their alignment with international justice standards to ensure adequate and fair reparations.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La vulneración de los derechos de la naturaleza y sus consecuencias en la zona de exclusión minera en el cantón Zaruma periodo 2017-2022.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Tinoco Tinoco, Christian Diego; Martínez Calderón, Karina del Rocío; 0705633717
    This article analyzes the violation of the rights of nature within the mining exclusion zone in the canton of Zaruma, province of El Oro, in the period 2017-2022, focusing on legal and socio-environmental aspects regarding illegal and uncontrolled mining. From a qualitative approach, national regulations were examined, emphasizing the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, as this was a pioneer at the regional level in recognizing the rights of nature, leaving aside an ancient belief that nature was a property of human beings, that is, it was given the importance of an object but not as a subject of rights, this changed after the reform that was carried out in 2008. Likewise, the research examined how the lack of interim control and the insufficiency in the application of public policies have facilitated negative impacts on ecosystems, affecting biodiversity and causing adverse effects on the environmental balance, in addition to causing setbacks in the development of the local community, leading to irreversible damage to property.
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Villavicencio Flores, Juan José; Piedra Sarmiento, Mónica Patricia; 0105482624
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis sobre la aplicación de hábeas corpus frente a la medida cautelar prisión privativa arbitraria
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Gallegos Lazo , Lissette Aracely; Orellana Calle, Cristina Siloé; Clavijo Vergara, Andrés Santiago; 0106145436; 0705314839
    This research analyzes the relationship between pretrial detention as a precautionary measure and habeas corpus as a jurisdictional guarantee within the framework of the Ecuadorian legal system. Pretrial detention is conceived as a procedural instrument to ensure the defendant’s presence in the criminal process; however, in Ecuador, its application has shown flaws such as arbitrary, illegitimate, and illegal detentions, violating fundamental rights, including freedom. On the other hand, habeas corpus is an essential constitutional guarantee to protect personal freedom against abuses in the application of pretrial detention. Through the study of provisions such as Article 534 of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code and Articles 77 and 89 of the Constitution, as well as rulings of the Constitutional Court, the need to respect principles such as exceptionality, proportionality and motivation in restrictions on freedom has become evident. These regulations strengthen the Ecuadorian legal framework, promoting a balance between the protection of individual rights and the purposes of the penal system. The study concludes that, far from being contradictory, pretrial detention and habeas corpus are complementary. The former, as a precautionary measure, seeks to ensure the defendant’s presence in the criminal process, while the latter protects the prevalence of the constitutional right, freedom against possible illegitimate, illegal, or arbitrary violations. This interaction strengthens the protection of fundamental rights and legal security in Ecuador, reaffirming the commitment to a fair penal system that respects constitutional principles.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Vulneración del principio de inocencia a través del uso excesivo de la prisión preventiva en delitos flagrantes
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Cedillo Yánez, Bryan Adrián; Hidalgo Palacios, José Felipe; 0704394840
    The presumption of innocence, a fundamental pillar of human rights, ensures that every person is considered innocent until proven guilty through a fair judicial process. However, the excessive use of pre-trial detention, especially in cases of flagrant offenses, significantly undermines this principle. In such cases, the immediate detention of suspects often leads to a presumption of guilt, turning pre-trial detention into a de facto punishment rather than a precautionary measure. This study analyzes the disproportionate application of pre-trial detention in flagrant offenses, highlighting its deviation from the principles of legality, necessity, and proportionality. This practice not only violates fundamental rights but also generates severe social and personal consequences, such as stigmatization, loss of employment, and prison overcrowding. The analysis incorporates international human rights standards, particularly the Inter-American Court of Human Rights jurisprudence, which emphasizes that pre-trial detention should be maintained as an exceptional measure. The research underscores the need for legislative reforms, judicial training, and the adoption of non-custodial alternative measures to ensure the effective protection of the presumption of innocence and achieve a balance between justice and individual rights.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis jurídico de la prescripción adquisitiva extraordinaria de dominio de los bienes mostrencos en el cantón cuenca periodo 2022-2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Chávez Huanga, Daniela Carolina; Palacios Vintimilla, César Patricio; 0107411985
    The research focuses on analyzing the extraordinary acquisitive prescription of ownership of the unclaimed goods in the Canton of Cuenca; since this type of property does not have an owner, the law provides that they belong to the State or some Decentralized Autonomous Government. However, its application in judicial cases is usually complex, even though the Constitution of the Republic determines the right to property in all its forms, and the Civil Code expressly states that any good can be prescribed as long as it is within human commerce and that the rules and requirements provided for by civil law are met. The Organic Code of Territorial Planning also defines unclaimed goods as assets with no owner. In that sense, the demand for extraordinary acquisitive prescription of ownership of unclaimed goods must be sued by the ordinary procedure regulated in the General Organic Code of Processes.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    El cumplimiento normativo en la aplicación de la prisión preventiva como medida cautelar por parte de la fiscalía y los jueces en Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Sagbaicela Marca, Lourdes Patricia; Brito Brito, Juan José; Clavijo Vergara, Andrés Santiago; 0106471535; 0106971062
    Pre-trial detention in the Ecuadorian criminal procedural system is a precautionary measure aimed at guaranteeing the accused’s presence in the process, ensuring compliance with an eventual sentence, and facilitating reparation to the victim. It is conceived exclusively as a procedural tool. Among the precautionary measures, pre-trial detention is the most burdensome since it limits personal freedom. Consequently, it should be considered a measure of last resort, applicable only when strictly necessary, proportional, and suitable. However, its incorrect application has led to situations where it is applied disproportionately, including as an anticipatory means of sentencing, rather than as an appropriate procedural measure. Article 534 of the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code (COIP by its Spanish acronym) regulates the requirements for the imposition of pre-trial detention. The main objective of this article is to analyze the said article and, through a historical-logical approach and an as analytical-synthetic one, the evolution of pre-trial detention in the Ecuadorian penal system is described. The duty of the Prosecutor's Office and judges in its implementation is analyzed in accordance with the principles of presumption of innocence and minimal criminal intervention. Furthermore, the necessary arguments for its application are outlined, and the reasoning that the judge must adopt to grant it is proposed since the lack of reasoning would violate the human rights of the accused, especially his natural state of innocence, which must be protected by the rule of law.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La jubilación frente a la productividad intelectual en el Ecuador, un análisis entre la naturaleza jurídica y la eficacia.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Cango Medina , Sisa María; Quizhpe Ávila, Erika Lizbeth; Gallegos Avendaño , Mónica Cecibel; 1105882748
    Retirement is a fundamental right that guarantees the security and social protection of workers after their working lives. However, in Ecuador, flexible retirement is an urgent necessity, due to the aging population and the pressure on the pension system. This research analyzes the effectiveness of Ecuadorian regulations in the continuity of the intellectual contribution of retirees, as well as the jurisprudence and doctrine related to retirement. The study uses an analytical-synthetic, descriptive, exploratory, correlational, and explanatory approach. The research results show that flexible retirement benefits workers and the country's economic system. It is concluded that it is necessary to promote flexible retirement to foster more inclusive work environments and contribute to the dynamism of the economy, thus ensuring effectiveness and efficiency in terms of intellectual productivity. This study also contributes to understanding the close relationship between retirement and intellectual productivity in Ecuador.
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) de la Rosa Pineda, Édgar Enrique; Pozo Cabrera, Pablo Arturo; 0152089421
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-12-05) Cochancela Chacho, Katherine Fernanda; Gutierrez Tacuri, Nathaly Alexandra; Vallejo Cardenas, Paola Priscila; 0106977010; 0151207222
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Cumbe Dután, Daisy Jacqueline; Torres Ortega, Junner Patricio; Arévalo Vásquez, Carmen; 0151136231; 1400693295
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Los derechos de imagen, honor y buen nombre frente al uso de las inteligencias tecnológicas artificiales.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Faicán Faicán, Janneth Alexandra; Martínez Albornoz, Juan Pablo; 0105105084
    This article describes the possible violation of personal rights such as image, honor, and good name in the use of artificial technological intelligence with the exploration of the use and application of IA platforms. In Ecuador, although technological advancement has encouraged the development of electronic platforms, it also creates challenges in the protection of these rights. The focus of the work is to prevent violations by regulating and establishing ethical and legal limits for the use of Artificial Intelligence. In the development of this article, a qualitative method was used, based on doctrinal, legal, and comparative analysis with other legislation to review jurisprudence ― national and international regulatory legal frameworks―. The study showed different possible violations of these personal rights, such as the manipulation of audiovisual content and image modification platforms. Thus, some methods were identified to avoid these effects on personal integrity. Once the context and the problem are understood, limiting parameters were proposed based on comparative law, to prevent the violation of the aforementioned personal rights, in which current and new regulations are supported and applied to ensure the appropriate use of a technological platform created by Artificial Intelligence.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La efectividad de la reparación integral a la víctima en delitos sexuales en el sistema procesal de Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Rea Ávila , Freddy Xavier; Hidalgo Palacios, José Felipe; 0104827555
    This research analyzes the concept of comprehensive reparation for victims of sexual crimes within the context of the Ecuadorian criminal process. The aim is to achieve an integrated response that protects the victim’s rights as a subject of the process and its recognition through the preparatory phase, employing a penalty as a practical response that comprehensively protects their rights and needs. Comprehensive reparation for the victim has proven ineffective within the legal system because, in most cases, it is not fully implemented, and, in many instances, the victim is again subjected to the violation of constitutional rights. Therefore, the State must implement public policies and programs that ensure comprehensive reparation in all its forms, considering that the rights violated in sexual crimes are complex to compensate.
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-11-27) Peralta Abril , Juan Antonio; Romero Jarrín, Fabián Alejandro; 0105636831
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Anguisaca Brito, Gladys Marisol; Parra Vicuña , Raúl Mauricio; 0302643754
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de la reparación integral en las sentencias de acción de protección dictadas por los jueces constitucionales de la ciudad de Cuenca durante el mes de enero hasta el 7 de junio de 2024
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Viñanzaca Quichimbo, Jonnathan Patricio; Robles Fernández, Paul Andrés; 010753302
    In order to fulfill the objective of this study, we analyzed the most common measure of integral reparation in the first instance (restitution) and the most common in the second instance (economic compensation), and we also visualized the compliance of all the reparation measures dictated; therefore, our analysis was developed in the current context of integral reparation; however, to understand the current situation we reviewed its antecedents. When speaking of integral reparation, the existence of a damage is implicitly recognized; therefore, the reparation measures granted must be in accordance with the damage caused. With this in mind, our analysis provided an overview of the types of damage, the subjects who may suffer them and those who may cause them. In addition, the problem of compliance was addressed through a quantitative approach, thus determining that, of all the sentences in which reparation measures were ordered, only a small percentage were complied with.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Evaluación de los instrumentos de rehabilitación social como mecanismo para la reinserción de mujeres privadas de libertad
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Zhuno León, Camila Alexandra; Castillo Cañar, Gissela Michelle; Vallejo Cárdenas, Paola Priscila; 0150321164; 0150307023
    In this article, social rehabilitation instruments were analyzed as a mechanism for the reintegration of women deprived of liberty into society, based on the perspective of women who were previously sentenced with this kind of sanctions in Ecuador. In this sense, it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive approach that will guarantee their rights and facilitate their social reintegration since these women faced particular conditions while serving their sentences, such as gender violence and lack of access to basic services, education, and job opportunities. Despite the existence of regulations and public policies designed to protect their rights, the implementation of rehabilitation programs is insufficient and do not adequately address the needs of this vulnerable group, which contributes to an alarming rate of criminal recidivism. Likewise, it was evident that institutional violence and inadequate conditions in social rehabilitation centers aggravate the situation, limiting women's ability to reintegrate. Furthermore, there is a need for a commitment from the State and civil society to improve the living conditions of women in prison and guarantee their fundamental rights. In this context, the limited participation of civil society in the design and execution of programs limits the effectiveness of the implemented policies. Finally, the urgent need to treat the psychosocial problems of prisoners and the correct implementation of essential public policies to achieve effective and dignified social reintegration have been determined.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Garantías jurisdiccionales: ¿abuso del derecho o derecho ilimitado? Análisis del caso Jorge Glas.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-11-21) Jaramillo Romero, Carlos Agustín; Quito Mendieta, Víctor Hugo; Robles Fernadez , Paul Andres; 0105200349; 0106431125
    This scientific article aims to analyze ruling No. 98-23-JH/23, issued by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador. Based on this analysis, the intention is to determine whether the former Vice President of the Republic of Ecuador, Jorge Glas Espinel, abused the right to file several Habeas Corpus actions, claiming that his rights were violated, or conversely, whether the judges of the Constitutional Court made an erroneous interpretation of the current regulations in Ecuador. To achieve the described objective, the spirit of the jurisdictional guarantee of Habeas Corpus will be analyzed, from its creation to its incorporation into Ecuadorian legislation, as well as its application and limits. Consequently, the concept of abuse of rights will be defined to understand its implications and how the Court links these criteria to its decision; finally, it will be examined whether there is any regulation that limits the possibility for a person to file a jurisdictional guarantee when their rights are violated.
  • ÍtemEmbargo
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Rodríguez Gavilanes, Manuel Sebastián; Parra Vicuña, Raúl Mauricio; 0350269973
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis del uso abusivo de la prisión preventiva bajo el enfoque del derecho penal del enemigo en Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Altamirano Pacheco, Evelyn Mariela; Monsalve Robalino, Bernardo Xavier; 0150518124
    This study analyzes the influence of preventive detention in the context of the Criminal Law of the Enemy in Ecuador, focusing on its impact on the fundamental rights of individuals. The lack of motivation and justification by judges in applying this precautionary measure has generated a debate over its legitimacy and justification. On the one hand, it is argued that preventive detention should not contravene fundamental rights such as freedom and physical integrity nor be a means to exercise violence, emphasizing the need for this measure to be proportional, reasonable, and necessary. On the other hand, its usefulness is defended as an essential tool to guarantee public safety and prevent the perpetration of serious crimes. The main objective of this research is to analyze how the application of preventive detention within the framework of the Criminal Law of the Enemy affects these fundamental rights and to examine the existing relationship between insufficient judicial justifications and human rights violations in criminal proceedings. The main conclusion is that the disproportionate application of preventive detention, without adequate justifications, not only violates fundamental rights but also delegitimizes the judicial system in Ecuador, highlighting the urgent need to review and reform its use to balance public safety with the protection of human rights.
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