Trabajos de Titulación - Extensión Cañar - Enfermería

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  • Ítem
    Integración de la inteligencia de negocios como estrategia de gestión del rendimiento empresarial
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Arce Cuesta, Paco Antonio; Ordoñez Espinoza, Cristina Guadalupe; 0302425061
    Nowadays, in the digital era, business intelligence (BI) has become an essential tool for organizations aiming to optimize their performance and remain competitive. For this reason, the objective of the research was to analyze the integration of business intelligence as a business performance management strategy, which involved an investigative approach under the PRISMA methodology for which, the systemic method was used. It was developed through orderly and centralized processes in the documentary collection that allowed the coherent analysis of the integration of business intelligence as a management strategy. The results indicate that business intelligence (BI) significantly improves decision-making by providing accurate and up-to-date data, which reduces uncertainty and risk, and optimizes business processes by identifying inefficiencies and improving productivity, contributing to better financial and operational performance. In conclusion, business intelligence is a powerful tool for business management, and its effective implementation can transform business decisions and operations, providing sustainable competitive advantage and improving long-term performance. Keywords: business intelligence, company, administration, decisions, management
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    Acceso Abierto
    Prevalencia de la desnutrición infantil de 0 a 5 años: Una revisión sistemática.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Pomaquiza Pomaquiza, Tania Mariela; Miranda Muñoz, Anabel Vanesa; Rodriguez Pañora, Patricia Elizabeth; 0350076956; 0302324512
    Introduction: The prevalence of undernutrition in children aged 0 to 5 years is fundamental to understand the magnitude of the global public health problem, especially in low-income and developing countries, Ecuador stands out with significant rates of chronic (25.2%) and acute (8.3%) undernutrition. Objective: To identify the existing scientific evidence on the prevalence of child undernutrition in children aged 0 to 5 years. Methodology: An exhaustive search was carried out in databases such as Scielo, PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, SCOPUS and the UCACUE library, applying specific inclusion criteria, 30 relevant studies were selected for the review. The information collected was systematically structured to facilitate the analysis and synthesis of the results obtained. Results: The prevalence of child undernutrition varies in different countries, with high rates in places such as Cuba (65%), Paraguay (64.9%), Palestine and Africa (49.1%), likewise, Ecuador has chronic undernutrition (25.2%) and acute undernutrition (8.3%), being more common in children from rural areas. Conclusion: Worldwide, the prevalence of child malnutrition in children aged 0 to 5 years reveals variability. In Ecuador, the highest prevalence is observed in the highlands region with 32%, followed by the Amazon region with 22.7%, in contrast, the coastal region has a prevalence of 15.7%, and the insular region shows a low incidence of this disease, with 5.8%. Key words: child malnutrition, prevalence, children aged 0 to 5 years, childhood.
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    Acceso Abierto
    Calidad de vida en los pacientes con tuberculosis atendidos en el distrito 03D02: Una revisión sistemática.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Angamarca Padilla, Karina Jazmin; Zhao Quizhpilema, Mariuxi Alexandra; Rodriguez Pañora, Patricia Elizabeth; 0302947387; 0302654090
    Introduction: Tuberculosis is a contagious disease that represents a significant global challenge, mainly in developing countries. Beyond the physical symptoms, the disease affects mental health and social relationships due to associated stigmas, which makes tuberculosis a problem that impacts multiple aspects of life, requiring a comprehensive approach to its management and treatment. In Ecuador, despite attempts to control tuberculosis, there is evidence of a significant prevalence of this disease. Objective: To determine the quality of life of patients with tuberculosis treated in District 03D02 through a systematic review. Methodology: The PRISMA 2020 protocol was used. The primary databases for the search were Google Scholar, SciELO, PubMed, and institutional repositories, among others. The included studies passed the proposed filters in the inclusion criteria: year of publication, language, keywords, and publication type. Results: Tuberculosis affects the quality of life of patients in terms of physical, psychological, and social aspects. Additionally, a direct association between socioeconomic level and the disease was found. On the other hand, it was found that most cases of tuberculosis occur in men, but women present the quality of life with the most significant deterioration. Conclusion: There were 230 cases of tuberculosis reported in the year 2022; however, the results indicate a lack of information regarding the quality of life in patients with the disease in district 03D02. Keywords: quality of life, tuberculosis, stigma.
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    Medidas utilizadas en la prevención de caídas en adultos mayores: Una revisión sistemática.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Castillo Romero, Rocio Elizabeth; Siguencia Quizhpilema, Edison Israel; Espadero, Rosa Gabriela; 0350100228; 0302797766
    Introduction: As the population ages, falls in older adults are much more prevalent. Fall prevention has become a priority. Strategies aimed at preventing falls include the assessment of known risk factors and the treatment of identified modifiable factors; therefore, preventing falls in older adults is the responsibility of all healthcare personnel. Objective: To systematize information on the measures used to prevent falls in older adults in nursing homes, focusing on the construction of scientific knowledge and the development of skills to contribute to the assessment and care of geriatric patients. Methodology: The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis) method was employed using keywords and Boolean operators in the main health databases, considering the measures used for preventing falls in older adults. Conclusions: Preventing falls in older adults is fundamental; therefore, several strategies such as identification of risk factors, education of the patient and the staff in charge of the care of older adults, specific nursing interventions within their context, and physical exercise —vital not only in fall prevention but also in the quality-of-life improvement— should be applied. Keywords: measures, prevention, falls, older adults.
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    Acceso Abierto
    Abandono del adulto mayor que residen en los centros gerontológicos: Una revisión sistemática.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Romero Padilla, Michaelle Dayana; Buñay Patiño, Alicia Magaly; Rojas, Erika Paola; 0303105548; 0302148259
    Introduction: Abandoning older adults is considered a form of mistreatment towards individuals in their advanced years, which implies neglect or abandonment in vulnerable conditions. However, upon admission to gerontological centers, many of them are abandoned by their relatives, which is manifested in the lack of family visits, negligence in care, and poor attention by healthcare personnel. Objective: To systematize the scientific evidence on the neglect of older adults in gerontological centers. Methodology: A systemic review was conducted by searching for information using the keywords "abandonment," "older adult," and "gerontological centers" with the use of Boolean operators ¨AND, ¨ and ¨OR; ¨ which allowed the search using the databases Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, Medline, and Redalyc. Results: The main factors that are responsible for the abandonment of the older adults by their loved ones have been identified, such as social, psychological, political and economic factors, Conclusions: Leaving older adults alone in gerontological centers is a complex problem that requires careful attention and effective measures for its prevention and management. Keywords: older adults’ abandonment, risk factors, gerontological centers.