Trabajos de Titulación - Trabajo Social

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    La intervención del trabajador social en el sistema judicial: acompañamiento a familiares de víctimas de femicidios en Cuenca, Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Verdugo Astudillo, María del Cisne; Cañizares Medina, Andrés Ernesto; 0106540891
    The research focuses on the essential role of social workers within the judicial system in their intervention with the families of femicide victims. This work aims to analyze the participation of the State Attorney General’s Office Azuay from the area of the System for the Protection and Assistance of Victims, witnesses, and the Azuay Judicial Council, in the support of families of femicide victims in Cuenca, Ecuador. Through qualitative methodology based on interviews with four social workers, the study describes their roles, responsibilities, and the impact of their work in the support process. The specific objectives detail the activities and responsibilities assumed by the professionals, giving a clear vision of their role in managing the judicial process for the families. Furthermore, intervention practices and strategies were identified, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. Finally, a social work intervention proposal was developed for these institutions, which seeks to promote awareness and prevention of violence against women. The research reveals the need for flexible approaches, analyzing family dynamics, providing specialized support, and improving interdisciplinary collaboration. It is suggested that development methods be increased to enhance the work in these processes by revising and updating current protocols and support programs so that these families can adopt approaches based on gender and human rights perspectives.
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    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-08-16) Romero Piedra , Kimberly Nahomi; Urgiles Patiño, Estefanía Mishell; Cárdenas Lata, Bertha Janneth; 0706413051; 0302519459
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    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-08-14) Illescas Pugo, Tania Guadalupe; Montero Vega , Karolina Aracely; Herrera Hugo, Blanca; 0106664071; 0302480918
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    Deserción en la educación escolar en zona de Ricaurte - Cuenca – Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Gómez Correa, Adrián Leonardo; Cañizares Medina, Andrés Ernesto; 0704910157
    School dropout or desertion is a phenomenon that expanded during the global COVID-19 pandemic due to the closure of economic activities throughout the country, which produced unemployed people with no income. This issue had a more significant impact on rural areas than the urban zones of Cuenca in the province of Azuay. In the Ricaurte parish, these conditions of school dropout have been observed among students due to the lack of economic resources. Therefore, it has been proposed to address this phenomenon generated in rural education during the closure of the educational units. This research aims to analyze the causes that determine school dropout in the “Santiago de Compostela” School in the rural area of Ricaurte, Cuenca, Azuay. A quantitative research method with a field design was used. The population was 430 students, and the sample consisted of 220 subjects. A documentary and field technique was applied through a survey and a questionnaire as an instrument. The results showed a medium level of school dropout attributed to migratory, economic, and family conditions. The school does not attract students' interest, and consequently, it is concluded that there is a direct relationship between the social, economic, and family causes of students and school dropout.
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    La educación sexual frente al embarazo adolescente en la Unidad Educativa Andrés F. Córdova de la ciudad de Cañar.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ojeda Narvaez, Karen Amanda; Chacha Lozano, Diana Gabriela; Urgiles León, Sandra Jackeline; 0302323977
    Teenage pregnancy is the state of pregnancy of women between 10 and 19 years of age. It is considered a global problem because there is a high mortality range, transmission of sexual diseases, and school dropouts. Thus, when starting and maintaining an active sexual life at an early age, it is important to have adequate knowledge of sexual and reproductive rights to have a tool to avoid unplanned pregnancies. Therefore, this research aims to analyze how sexual education affects adolescent pregnancy in the “Andrés F. Córdova” Educational Unit. The methodology used the quantitative approach, with the survey technique, applied to 38 pregnant students from the educational unit under study. The type of research was descriptive and correlational. The results indicate that in the institution, there is little information on all the topics that are part of sexual education, which is why it is concluded that the lack of sexual education negatively influences adolescent pregnancy as it is non-existent. Consequently, it symbolizes the fact that it is extremely positive if it is present in adolescents’ lives because it would serve as a guide on sexual and reproductive rights; by having all this knowledge, early or unwanted pregnancies can be avoided.