Trabajos de Titulación - Ingeniería Ambiental

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    Acceso Abierto
    Propuesta de Biocorredor de conectividad entre la Laguna Busa, San Martín y Zhogra, Cantones Girón y San Fernando
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Sari Antunish, Shiram Mercedes; Cordero Cueva, Paula Milena; 0150626703; Leonardo
    Anthropogenic activities constitute a significant risk to lacustrine ecosystems and their services, emphasizing the need to propose conservation and restoration measures. This study was conducted in the Busa, San Martín, and Zhogra lagoons, suggesting the establishment of ecological connectors to facilitate species movement and promote biodiversity in fragmented landscapes. This work mainly aims to analyze water quality using the Water Quality Index of the National Sanitation Foundation (WQI- NSF) method in the lagoons and identify prevalent human activities in the surrounding areas. Based on this, the study area was analyzed using ArcGIS software to delineate core areas, including native forests, shrublands, and herbaceous vegetation zones. From this, sustainable land management strategies are recommended, such as land use regulation, preservation of vulnerable ecosystems, and passive and active restoration efforts to ensure the functionality, structure, and resilience of areas designated as bio-corridors. In this way, the objective is to safeguard biodiversity and provide valuable ecosystem services such as climate regulation, water and soil conservation, ecotourism, and environmental education.
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    Acceso Abierto
    Estimación de la producción de gas metano en los sitios de disposición final de residuos sólidos en Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Zhicay Gómez, Jessica Daniela; Solano Peláez, José Luis; 0107497778; García Calle, Anthony Alxander
    This research aims to estimate methane (CH4) production generated by waste and/or municipal solid waste (MSW) in Ecuador on a cantonal level according to the final disposal sites (FDS) where they are deposited. A Corenostos model was used, and geographic information systems were presented, which is fundamental due to the polluting potential of this gas. Obtaining the amounts of these emissions will allow better practices in the integrated management of MSW, becoming the first national database on CH4 emissions generated in a historical period between the years 2014-2023 and a predictive one between 2024 - 2058. This information provides specific data to each of the 221 cantonal governments of the country, which will be able to make decisions to improve their systems for an adequate quality of life in their jurisdictions. The base information comes from an ex-situ exploration in websites such as the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC by its Spanish acronym) and other scientific information sources. Finally, the results revealed that CH4 production for the 2014-2023 period was 1288.15 kton, and for the 2024-2058 total period was 5650.61 kton.
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    Acceso Abierto
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Sinchi Sinchi, Benito Fabián; Cordero Cueva, Paula Milena; 0106104037;
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    Acceso Abierto
    Calidad del aire en tres parques recreacionales del Cantón Cuenca, Ecuador mediante el uso de Bioindicadores Liquénicos
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Orrala Vásquez, Doménica Daniela; Alvarez Vera, Manuel Salvador; 0106549009; García Calle, Anthony Alxander
    The study assessed the air quality in three recreational parks in Cuenca, Ecuador, using lichen bioindicators in the La Luz, Tarqui-Guzho, and Ictocruz parks. Primary data regarding the physicochemical air quality were collected on-site from the bioindicators, and secondary data were obtained from the Municipal Mobility Company, EMOV-EP. Ictocruz Park has a more extraordinary species richness than Tarqui-Guzho and La Luz. The atmospheric purity index showed that Ictocruz has better air quality than Tarqui-Guzho and La Luz. Significant differences were found in the Air Quality Index (AQI) by pollutant, with PM2.5 AQI being noteworthy. The study confirmed the reliability of the Atmospheric Purity Index for assessing air quality in urban environments, suggesting the effectiveness of lichens as indicators. These results underscore the importance of using bioindicators to monitor air quality continuously and systematically, along with the need for interdisciplinary strategies for effective environmental management in the city.
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    Fitorremediación de suelos contaminados en mecánicas automotrices, utilizando Lolium perenne y Medicago sativa, en laboratorio
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Moreno Molina, Jorge Andrés; Martínez Vega, Augusto Polibio; 0106579568; García Calle, Anthony Alxander
    One of the most prevalent environmental issues is soil contamination due to the spillage of harmful elements, such as automotive residual oil, causing negative impacts on soil's properties and productive capacity. Phytoremediation is an efficient alternative that uses the capacity of certain plant species to extract different contaminants. This research project aimed to analyze the remediation capability of two plant species (Lolium perenne and Medicago sativa) in soils contaminated with automotive residual oils using experimental methods. The findings revealed that, although both selected species have a good capacity for contaminant extraction, Lolium perenne proved to be more efficient. In the case of Lolium perenne, treatment with 25 seeds degraded 44% of the contaminant, and treatment with 50 seeds degraded 54%, being the most effective. In contrast, for Medicago sativa, treatment with 25 seeds degraded 23% of the contaminant, which is the least efficient, and treatment with 50 seeds degraded 39%.