Trabajos de Titulación - Sede Macas - Administración de Empresas

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  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025-01-16) Jimenez Rios , Andrea Rubi; Gualán Oviedo, Jimmy Rodrigo; 1450041932
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Barriga Ortiz , Luis Gonzalo; Morquecho Salto , Julio Cesar; 1401237209
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-12-18) Revelo Villavicencio , Jheymi Nicol; Gualán Oviedo, Jimmy Rodrigo; 1401319213
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado para publicación. Estará disponible a la fecha de publicación o de cierre de embargo
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto. 3. En el espacio destinado para el resumen, se deberá
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-12-18) Tsakimp Tsuink, Numi Vicente; Pinzón Prado , Leidy Tatiana; 1450170897
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado para publicación. Estará disponible a la fecha de publicación o de cierre de embargo.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-11-27) Espinoza Marquez, Antonio Israel; Cabrera Lituma , Esteban Andres; 1720557162
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-11-27) Chucay Chacha, Lisbeth Evelin; Vallejo Yucci , Timoteo Efraín; 1401310352
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-11-27) Lucero Arevalo, Escarleth Talia; Vallejo Yucci, Timoteo Efrain; 1401306467
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Bitcoin: Análisis de uso y situación legal en Ecuador.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Salazar Nugra , Aarón Antonio; Morales Pazmiño, Klever Alfonso; 1400733364
    Payment methods converted into items, objects and different metals ultimately lead to then creation of money. The use of digital currencies is currently attracting attention, and money uses the Internet for transactions. This makes research an important area of interest. Bitcoin was chosen as the initial and best-known cryptocurrency. The bibliographic review method was used to examine sources related to the topic in question. By analyzing the situation of cryptocurrencies in Ecuador and comparing Bitcoin in various countries that were relevant to this topic. Analyze the relevant data, run a trading tutorial on software, evaluate the pros and cons of this digital currency, and ultimately provide unbiased information on the potential of cryptocurrencies in the nation. There are numerous skepticisms about its use and concerns about its regularization, but with the exception of El Salvador's Bitcoin Law, there is no conclusive legal basis for this issue, probably due to recent development and continued value. Due to globalization, Ecuador could potentially use its currency with the adoption of digital currencies or other means such as cryptocurrency price regulation.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de los factores de producción que han generado crecimiento económico en las PYMES del Cantón Morona.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Tseremp Tekamch , Yankur Fernando; Jaramillo Quezada , Jovina Alejandra; 1400590426
    Small and medium-sized SMEs seek to generate wealth, sources of employment, profitability and have sustainable development in the local, national and international economy. The objective of this research work was to determine which are the production factors that have generated economic growth in small and medium-sized companies in the Morona Canton in the province of Morona Santiago – Ecuador. The methodology used is mixed because at first bibliographic sources from previous studies carried out were used and on the other hand a Likert-type survey of 30 questions was applied to a sample of 98 representatives of micro, medium and small businesses in the Morona Canton, for content validation the method of individual aggregates was applied and to measure trust the statistical method of Cronbach's alpha was used. To analyze the data, a statistical correlation analysis was carried out in the SPSS statistical software. Among the main conclusions of this study that allowed us to measure the independent and dependent variables, it can be determined that the production factors that have generated growth are: Financial resources; human resources and financial skills, which show a statistical result of positive qualification, that is, less than 0.005.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Desarrollo del turismo comunitario en el Cantón Morona y su relación con otros cantones de la Amazonía.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Bautista Acevedo , Evelin Tatiana; Morquecho Salto , Julio Cesar; 1401312168
    Community tourism in the Morona Canton represents a representative contribution to improving the economic and social environment. In recent years this activity has been intensifying in a poorly organized way. The objective of the study was to analyze the development of community tourism in the Morona canton and the relationship it has with the other cantons of the Amazon. The methodology was qualitative, descriptive and bibliographic review which allowed obtaining information from previous studies through local, national and international impact platforms. The results highlight the importance of promoting community tourism in Morona, as evidenced from 2015 to 2022, it has generated more than $105,000 produced by lodging, food service, and trail tours activities. Community tourism is based on highlighting and transmitting the customs and traditions of communities. It is a source of jobs since in 2016 it generated 484,884 vacancies while in 2019 it rose to 522,508. This is due to the policies proposed by the GAD's of Morona to improve tourism. In conclusion, Morona tourism is the strongest compared to the canton of Logroño, Pablo Sexto, San Juan Bosco, Tiwinza and Palora.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estrategias financieras que generan crecimiento en las PYMES del sector comercial del Cantón Morona.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Patiño Ramon, Edgar Josue; Pinzón Prado, Leidy Tatiana; 1400859227
    Currently, small and medium-sized companies known as SMEs have shown a variety of conflicts regarding the development of their economic activities. That is why, for this research, the objective was to identify the financial strategies in the Morona canton by collecting data and information from different authors and the SMEs of Morona. For which the mixed approach was used as a methodology, that is, collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative information. In addition, descriptive and bibliographic research was used to further support the research. To collect information, 98 SMEs from the commercial sector of the Morona canton were sampled, obtaining the following results: 85% consider that their SMEs are profitable; 83% know the importance of applying financial strategies in their business; 32% apply functional strategies and 29% apply financial strategies; It was later evident that the financial strategy most applied by SMEs in the Morona canton is profitability and investment. SMEs base their financial capital on their own and co-financed funds. Finally, SMEs use social networks, conventional marketing, billboards as advertising in order to boost their economic growth.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Evaluación de las habilidades emprendedoras y el crecimiento de las PYMES en el Cantón Morona.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Jara Cardenas, Jhosselyn Paulina; Jaramillo Quezada, Jovina Alejandra; 1400857296
    Currently, SMEs are considered the engine of a country's economy; they are capable of generating greater sources of stable and secure jobs for the population of the Morona canton. The main objective of the scientific article is to know the different entrepreneurial skills and how they influence the growth of SMEs in the canton. The methodology used was qualitative-quantitative with the documentary bibliographic method, based on secondary sources of information. A descriptive approach was also used, the SMEs, growth and main obstacles were analyzed and characterized, based on information obtained from surveys of a sample of 98 SMEs in the canton in person and virtually. According to the research carried out, it was determined that 36% of the SMEs in the canton do not carry out a market study or research; while 77% allude that their financing mainly comes from financial institutions. In relation to the obstacles that SMEs have presented, 80% allude to the high level of competition in their surroundings, since they use innovative strategies, provide a similar product or service at a lower cost. Which considerably influences the economic profits and stability of SMEs.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de estrategias empresariales que aplican las MIPYMES agropecuarias de la ciudad de Macas - Ecuador.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Mejía Velepucha , Joselyn Elizabeth; Ruiz Ruiz, Martha Isabel; 1450013923
    Companies dedicated to marketing agricultural products play a determining role not only in the city of Macas, but also in the economy of the province of Morona Santiago. The objective is to determine the most optimal business strategies for the agricultural Mi SMEs in the city of Macas. It has a mixed approach, that is, it is made up of qualitative and quantitative methodology, in addition, descriptive, bibliographic and documentary research was used with a non-experimental design. In addition, surveys were used to obtain research data. Obtaining as results that 96% of the Mi SMEs within the city are profitable, since they have been in the market for more than 16 years. Their main obstacle is the high level of competition, which is why they use 55% of operational strategies, such as customer service. The capital is based on own funds and co-financing. New future strategies will contribute to growth and sustainability, such as innovation and technology, so it is important to take into account new innovations that allow the agricultural sector to create new opportunities locally, nationally and internationally.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de estrategias financieras en las pymes del Cantón Morona.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) León Jaramillo , Kevin Sebastian; Pinzón Prado, Leidy Tatiana; 1401183775
    The main problem addressed in this study is the lack of adequate financial strategies for SMEs in the Morona Canton. The main objective is to design a research approach that allows proposing financing strategies and their relevance to profitability in SMEs in the Morona Canton. It was carried out through a quantitative and qualitative approach and reliable sources of information such as government data and specialized literature on financial management of SMEs were used. An important result obtained is the placement of credits by banks, with Banco Pichincha being the one that contributes the most with credits to these companies. Likewise, another important result is the volume of microcredits placed by cooperatives, finding that CACPE Pastaza is the one that contributes the most with these financing services for SMEs. Both banks and cooperatives play a crucial role in supporting and financing SMEs. Through various financial products, these establishments provide credit and other financial services that help SMEs develop and expand their operations.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de los tipos de financiamientos para microemprendimientos en el Cantón Morona.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Tsuink Kayuk , Candy Rebeca; Morquecho Salto , Julio Cesar; 1450170228
    For a micro-enterprise to function correctly, it is essential to have adequate financing to be able to carry out its different activities. The objective of this research was to know the types of financing for ventures in the Morona canton. For which the qualitative approach, descriptive research and mainly the bibliographic review were used. Documentary bibliographic research being the essential part of the study since different secondary sources of information were used for theoretical support and fulfillment of the stated objective. Several platforms were used such as Redalyc, Scielo, Dialnet, FIPCAEC, Digital Publisher, Recimundo among others, to collect information and subsequently analyze and synthesize the main ideas. Finally, it was observed that the types of financing used by micro entrepreneurs include: own and family capital, Banks, Savings and Credit Cooperatives, and Mutual Funds. This analysis demonstrates the importance of financial institutions for the growth and sustainability of microbusinesses in the Morona canton. These institutions offer various types of financing with interest rates and payment terms adapted to the needs and payment capabilities of entrepreneurs. The COACs are considered the main entities used by micro-enterprises as they provide flexibility and ease in acquiring credit.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Reactivación económica a través de la ganadería bovina.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Zhiminaicela Saquicaray, Dayana Elizabeth; Morales Pazmiño, Klever Alfonso; 1400974604
    In the present research, the economic reactivation in bovine farming in the Morona Canton was analyzed, through the organizations of the livestock sector and the public entities that provide support to this sector, where it was possible to obtain the necessary information for the study. The methodology of this research is of a bibliographic and exploratory type where the current situation that Ecuador experienced due to the impacts of the covid 19 pandemic was studied and how it affected the sector under study, the measures and strategies that they took to reactivate their economy were also analyzed, through measurement, data collection from various sources including databases, interviews, on-site visits. In 2013, the association sold 13,502 cattle. For 2019 there is a pronounced decrease of 46.01% due to confinement, which led to the covid 19 health emergency, which is equivalent to 10,761. However, for the year 2020 there is an increase of 62.21%, corresponding to 17,456 cattle. Therefore, for 2021 there is an increase of 9.39%, which is equivalent to 19,096 cattle. The study details a forecast of livestock activity and its industrialization as added value to the productive sector in the Morona Canton
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Plan de negocios para el establecimiento de un e-commerce direccionado a la venta y asesoría de planes de alimentación personalizados.
    (Universidad Cuenca., 2022) Tigre Loja, Boris Ricardo; Morquecho Salto, Julio Cesar; 0106482003
    The remarkable growth of e-commerce caused by the COVID-19 pandemic put into consideration the digitalization of small and large companies dedicated to the sale of products and services, among which, professionals from various areas were forced to be part of this new normality, being the nutritional field one of them, since, due to the lack of movement or physical inactivity and the poor diet of people due to social isolation, overweight has increased worldwide, which prompted the development of a business plan for the establishment of an e-commerce aimed at sales and advice on personalized food plans. The research was carried out quantitatively, in which surveys of 168 frequent users of gyms and crossfits in the city of Macas were used to determine the viability of the project. The results were analyzed and interpreted. Among them, 70% affirmed the importance of having a correct daily diet and a potential demand of 41% was obtained, which means people willing to buy a personalized food plan, in such a way that the study allowed to develop the business idea and determine its viability.
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