Trabajos de Titulación - Administración de Empresas

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    Factores de desempeño que inciden en la mejora laboral de los colaboradores en las empresas privadas de la ciudad de Cuenca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Vega Guanolique, Jennifer Daniela; Orellana Bueno, Diego Vinicio; 0107200255
    This research analyzes performance factors that affect employees' labor improvement in private companies in the city of Cuenca. The data was collected from scientific databases to be analyzed, explained, and described later; therefore, this is a non-experimental, literature, explanatory, and descriptive research. In addition, a questionnaire with a Likert scale was applied to 61 employees of a well-known company in Cuenca; thus, statistical tools such as SPSS Statistics and Excel were used, and a linear regression model and the ANOVA test were presented to find the relationship and to validate the results of the study variables: individual well-being, professional development, motivation, and technological use. The results indicate their importance for employees' optimal participation in the organizations, achieving objectives, and thus, their expected labor improvement.
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    Clima laboral como factor de desempeño en empresas agrícolas del Azuay
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Lozano Ramírez, Allison Nicole; Ordóñez Valencia, Hugo Javier; 0750266025
    In agricultural companies located in the province of Azuay, Ecuador, there is a series of complex labor dynamics that have the potential to impact organizational performance significantly and, consequently, the productivity and sustainability of these companies. The objective is to identify the key elements that shape the working environment in agricultural companies in Azuay, including aspects such as work environment, interpersonal relationships, leadership style, job motivation and satisfaction, conflict management, and the perception of performance. This qualitative methodology uses a descriptive design, convenience sampling, observation, and surveys to collect primary data and explore the participants’ experiences, perceptions, and interpretations. Three agricultural companies were selected for the study because of their relevance in the sector and their importance in the region. The results demonstrate a variety of experiences in the studied companies, highlighting the substantial impact of elements such as the leadership approach, interpersonal interactions, and communication on shaping the working environment. Organizations that adopted participative methodologies, transparent communication, and employee recognition showed more rewarding and cooperative work environments. However, certain challenges were also recognized in particular entities, such as autocratic behaviors and lack of recognition, highlighting the need for specific interventions to improve the work environment and promote employee well-being.
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    Análisis de la satisfacción generada por los incentivos laborales en las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito del cantón Saraguro
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guazha Solano, Gissela Tatiana; Cuadrado Sánchez, Gina Patricia; 01061533299
    Effective human resource management is essential to the success of any organization. In this way, organizations have opted for the use of incentives as a practice to motivate employees and improve their satisfaction. Consequently, job satisfaction in companies is a crucial factor, and it is necessary to understand how incentives are related to it. In this context, this research’s central problem is understanding the satisfaction generated by work incentives in the seven savings and loan unions located in the canton of Saraguro. The methodology was descriptive, with a non-experimental, quantitative, and cross-sectional design. It included the collection of data through surveys administered to employees of the different savings and loan unions studied, followed by an analysis through the construction of indicators. This resulted in a job satisfaction index of 78%, with medium-high indexes in appreciation for the company and vacations, but low indexes in salary and pension plan or external insurance. It is possible to conclude that it is necessary to strengthen these last factors.
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    Programa de incentivos y su efecto en la gestión empresarial en la hostería dos chorreras, de la provincia del Azuay- Ecuador 2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Urrea Zhunio, Diego Andrés; Espinoza Pillaga, Héctor Alejandro; 0106387756
    Globalization is driving changes in labor, trade, and investment relations, among other business dimensions. Business management continually explores new strategies to improve operational efficiency and strengthen companies' market positioning. In this context, this research aims to design an incentive program as a tool for business management to promote compliance, improve labor productivity, and increase job satisfaction at the “Hostería Dos Chorreras” in Cuenca, Ecuador. A mixed research approach was employed, using survey and interview techniques, which three experts in the field validated. A survey was conducted on a sample of 89 employees selected from a total study population of 114 individuals, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. Consequently, the results revealed a lack of acceptance of the company's current incentive program, job dissatisfaction, and insufficient personal recognition. The existing approach to incentives has been predominantly economic and shows a clear need for innovation. Therefore, a new incentive program is proposed, focusing on non-economic incentives to align employees’ increased productivity and job satisfaction with more significant achievement of objectives and measure individual and collective results leading to business success.
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    “La innovación y su influencia en la ventaja competitiva en el sector minero del cantón Ponce Enríquez.”
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Quezada Abad , Juan Carlos; Mendieta Andrade, Patricio Esteban; 0104812193
    The relationship between innovation and competitive advantage is fundamental in the business context. Thus, this research aims to evaluate the influence of innovation on competitive advantage in the mining sector of the Ponce Enriquez canton in the Azuay province, Ecuador. The methodology was quantitative, descriptive, and correlational. Thirty-six mining companies from the mentioned canton were involved in the research. The application of contingency charts and a multivariable linear regression model was proposed to analyze the results. This analysis shows that innovation has a positive and significant influence on the dependent variable of competitive advantage; moreover, the dimensions of innovation, knowledge management, and technology directly and significantly influence the competitive advantage variable. It is concluded that every effort to innovate constitutes progress toward strengthening competitiveness and serves as a means to achieve greater sustainability in an environment of constant market change.