Trabajos de Titulación - Administración de Empresas
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Estrategias para la sostenibilidad en la comercialización de productos de gramíneas en la ciudad de Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Bravo Guaraca , Edison Edmundo; Calle Masache, Oscar Rene; 0605469535This study analyzes the economic and social context of all grain traders in the canton of Cuenca, Ecuador, and evaluates the reliability of the survey used. The Gross Value Added (GVA) of cereal production and the rural unemployment rate, which was 1.3% until April 2024, were examined. Additionally, a survey was administered to traders in six markets in Cuenca to obtain data on the distribution of vendors, type of trader (retailer or wholesaler), experience, product variety, restocking times, and customer acquisition strategies. The results indicate that the Mercado “3 de Noviembre” has the highest percentage of vendors, most of whom are retailers with over 10 years of experience, and profit margins do not exceed 20%. The reliability of the questionnaire, initially low (α = 0.46), improved to 0.81 after adjusting the variables. The study provides a detailed overview of the grain sector in Azuay and validates the questionnaire used, highlighting the importance of adjusting data collection tools to enhance their accuracy.Ítem Acceso Abierto Propuesta para implementación del proceso administrativo en la empresa importadora GLOBAL DIESEL S.A.S en la ciudad de Cuenca.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Yuqui Quizhpi, Ivan Elvis; Astudillo Arias, Pedro Yamil; 0104999768This research focuses on designing a comprehensive administrative process for the import company Global Diesel, based in Cuenca, Ecuador. Founded in 2020, the company has positioned itself as a benchmark in the country's import and distribution of spare parts for heavy machinery Mercedes Benz. However, the lack of a formalized administrative system has led to operational and financial inefficiencies compromising its sustained growth due to identified issues such as the absence of standardized procedures, inadequate inventory management, and reactive decision-making. Therefore, a structured administrative model that encompasses the stages of planning, organization, direction, and control is proposed. The aim is to optimize internal processes, improve efficiency in the supply chain, strengthen data-driven decision-making, and ensure the quality of the services offered through the implementation of this model. The expected benefits of this research include increased productivity, reduced operational costs, improved customer satisfaction, and greater responsiveness to market demands. With a well-defined administrative process, Global Diesel will be better equipped to face the challenges of the sector and consolidate its position as a leader in the heavy machinery spare parts market in Ecuador.Ítem Acceso Abierto Modelo de gestión de procesos de recuperación de cartera y aplicación de pagos del sector cerámico de la ciudad de Cuenca.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Jaén Barahona, Yerlin Stefany; Ortiz Lazo , Diego Fernando; 0105289664This work focuses on analyzing job creation by popular and solidarity sector associations in Zone 6 of Ecuador. Key patterns and characteristics that distinguish associations based on their capacity to generate full employment were identified through multivariate analysis techniques such as Multiple Component Analysis and clustering. The results show that certain clusters of associations, characterized by their affiliation with social security, legal benefits, and types of contracts, have a greater influence on job creation. Furthermore, the relationship between each cluster and the type of association is highlighted, leading to the main finding that agricultural associations are predominant in the first cluster, associations related to food, cleaning and maintenance, and textiles in the second cluster, while agricultural, food and textile associations dominate the third cluster. This allows for a better understanding of these organizations' role in the local economy. It can be stated that, although associativity has had a positive impact on job creation, the evidence shows that the research hypothesis regarding the creation of full employment is not fully achieved, as this depends much more on other factors such as investment levels, benefits characteristic of formality, and the implementation of public policies to strengthen less developed associations. This study provides a solid foundation for future research and the design of public policies to enhance the popular and solidarity sector.Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores que inciden en la evaluación de desempeño en los servidores públicos del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería-Zona 6.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Barrera Álvarez, Danny Patricio; Espinoza Pillaga , Héctor Alejandro; 0107130460This research analyzes the factors that affect the performance evaluation of public servants of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock-Zone 6. The research involves why workers do not have an excellent performance evaluation, focusing on those with occasional contracts, and evaluating the following factors: the operational management indicators of each unit or internal process, the efficiency levels of individual performance, the satisfaction levels of external and internal users, and compliance with internal standards. In this research, a mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative) will be conducted, with a descriptive and explanatory nature since these approaches will be channeled through analysis and treatment of text that could be obtained in a simple and stealthy way by the Coordination. MAG Zone 6. It will also be evident that the number of evaluated is a total of 58 workers. The results indicate that out of the total number of workers, eight do not obtain an excellent performance evaluation due to work overload. The factors to be worked on for a better staff performance have also been identified. In this way, it can be concluded that it is necessary to give priority to improvements in the satisfaction of internal users and improve operational management indicators, since, if an immediate solution is not given, the set goals and achievements proposed during the established time will not be perceived.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en el medio ambiente de las empresas de sector comercial: Caso aplicado en la ciudad de Cuenca – Ecuador.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Chicaisa Morocho, Edisson Vinicio; Quinde Tola , Chistopher Valentin; Mendieta Andrade , Patricio Esteban; 0107255838; 0105244149This research highlights the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in environmental care— a practice that companies are beginning to recognize as an act of awareness and a competitive advantage. In Cuenca, several organizations have implemented strategies to reduce their environmental impact. This research aims to analyze how three companies in Cuenca—Italimentos, Coral Hipermercados, and Cervecería La Paz—carry out environmental CSR practices. Through case studies, documentary research, and observation, the initiatives of these companies and the benefits derived from implementing environmentally friendly strategies are examined. The results show that by incorporating practices such as reuse, reduce, and recycle, companies not only improve their public image but also generate additional income by reusing previously underutilized materials. This environmental collaboration not only has a positive financial impact but also contributes to the companies’ satisfaction by aligning with the values of the community and the environment. The study also emphasizes the importance of educating business leaders to foster a social responsibility culture beyond mere regulatory compliance. Thus, a genuine commitment to environmental and social well-being is promoted, strengthening both the sustainability and community impact of organizations.Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores que influyen en las estrategias de marketing para el crecimiento empresarial. Caso de la empresa “Cartonera del Austro” de la ciudad de Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guartasaca Bermeo, Marco Stalin; Romero Chamba, Servio Andrés; Venegas Sánchez , Nube Estefania; 0750598278; 0106294424In a business environment with continuous transformation and high competition, marketing tactics play a fundamental role in the progress and sustainability of companies. Within this framework, this study aims to identify the factors influencing the marketing strategies for the company “Cartonera del Austro” business growth in Cuenca-Ecuador. The study uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, along with a descriptive type of research, through interviews with members of the main areas of the entity analyzed together with the documentary analysis of external market factors through statistical tools, such as contingency tables and a regression model with multiple predictors. The results show that among the various factors analyzed, the evaluation of internal resources and capabilities is the only factor that presents a significant and direct relationship with the business growth of the company. This suggests the company should strengthen its internal capabilities to improve its market performance.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de distribución de pallet de la empresa MADERPALLET de la ciudad de Cuenca -Ecuador.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Segovia Olivos, Andrés Sebastián; Mendieta Andrade, Patricio Esteban; 0105037964Logistics is a fundamental part of a company's operations as it defines how well the resources are managed; poor logistics can be detrimental to a company. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to analyze the distribution logistics problems faced by the company MADERPALLET in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. A deductive and quantitative research approach was conducted, focusing on a sample of the company's clients who experienced issues related to logistics activities. Through the analysis of previous studies by various authors, four variables that influence logistics problems were identified (geographical location of clients, transportation infrastructure, market demand, and product characteristics). A survey was then conducted for the sample of clients. After analyzing the results, it was concluded that the variables that significantly impact the company are the "geographical location of clients" and "product characteristics." Thus, this study provides a solid foundation for MADERPALLET to implement improvements in its supply chain, focusing on the factors that truly affect its distribution capacity, which will enhance customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the market.Ítem Acceso Abierto Estrategias para la disminución de cartera vencida en las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito del Segmento 1. Cuenca – Ecuador.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Saca Andrade, Priscila Soledad; Rico Saldaña , Bryan Daniel; Barahona Vásquez , Pablo Eduardo; 0106427412; 0302730114In the context of Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Segment I in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, there is a persistent concern regarding the default of the credit portfolio, especially in microcredits, which constitute 40% of the total. This growth has generated pressure on these institutions’ profitability and financial stability, directly affecting their ability to meet operational obligations. In response to this issue, there is a need to create or identify effective strategies to minimize overdue loans and improve credit risk management. This study focuses on the twenty cooperatives in Segment I of the city, representing a significant part of the local economy. The methodology employed combines quantitative and qualitative approaches through a structured questionnaire directed at the leaders of the studied cooperatives, using a sample of 15 of them, addressing aspects such as the strategies implemented, the challenges faced, perceptions of the effectiveness of current strategies, and the availability of financial education programs for members. The results indicate that all cooperatives have established strategies for reducing overdue loans and consider them effective; however, challenges persist, such as the lack of training and motivation for the staff responsible for this work. Additionally, the importance of interaction with other institutions and technology implementation for optimizing results is highlighted.Ítem Acceso Abierto Gestión de Talento Humano y su incidencia en el logro de los objetivos de las empresas de gestión de cobranzas(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Illares Aviles, Sonia Marisol; Ordóñez Valencia , Hugo Javier; 0151206877This research was elaborated to analyze human resources management and its impact on achieving the objectives of collection management companies in Cuenca. Therefore, a non-experimental methodology was applied with a quantitative design. The instrument for data collection was a survey developed strategically and validated using Cronbach's Alpha test. The population comprised 3,663 category K collaborators in active status; the sample was 348 collection managers from the companies in charge of recovering overdue loans, chosen through simple random probabilistic sampling, selecting the participants at random. The results determined that the dependent variables Human Resources Management (62.7%), and the independent variables, Control (63.4%) and Leadership (74.1%), had an impact on each other. A strong positive correlation was found between the dependent variable and Control with 0.901 and Leadership with 0.930. Linear regression models were established in which Control with 90% and Leadership with 93% explain the influence on Human Talent Management. To determine that the models are well established and that there is no redundant information, the autocorrelation test was applied, using the Durbin-Watson test, which returned a value of 1.658 within the established parameters. The research hypothesis is accepted where a positive relationship between the study variables is determined.Ítem Acceso Abierto Analizar la influencia de la Gestión del Talento en el desempeño laboral de los empleados de los GAD parroquiales del cantón Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ordoñez Romero, María Fernanda; Vasconez Urgiles, Kevin Leonardo; Espinoza Pillaga , Héctor Alejandro; 0151440856; 0150468676In the context of Parish Governments, regulated as Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GADs, by its Spanish acronym), staff play an essential role in developing and providing services at the community level. Therefore, efficient talent management in these environments is crucial to ensure effective administration. This article uses a mixed and descriptive research approach to determine the influence of talent management on the work performance of employees of the parish GADs of Cuenca Canton. A questionnaire was applied to 102 employees of various parish GADs in the Cuenca canton to collect the information. The results suggest that effective talent management is linked to higher job performance. In this context, the dimension of Human Resources, especially motivation, is the most determining factor of job performance, followed by attitude and ability, so the conclusions indicate that human resources management strategies should focus on these aspects to achieve optimal performance in workers.Ítem Acceso Abierto Incidencia del acceso a crédito en el desarrollo de los microempresarios. Casos comerciantes del mercado 9 de octubre de la ciudad de Cuenca-Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Punín Santos, Maximiliano; Andrade Velez, Juan Sebastian; Calle Masache, Oscar Rene; 0150531739; 0106433543Promoting an enabling environment for micro-entrepreneurs depends mainly on the active collaboration of society, encompassing government, educational, and financial entities. The crucial influence of financial entities in the development of these entrepreneurs’ activities is undeniable, which underlines the importance of their active participation in promoting business growth. Considering this background, the research aims to study the impact of credit access on micro-entrepreneurs development in the “9 de Octubre” market in Cuenca, Ecuador. Descriptive and cross-sectional quantitative research was conducted by applying a questionnaire to 111 merchants. The inferential analysis required the simple linear regression test to analyze this relationship. The results reveal that access to credit has a positive and significant effect on the micro-entrepreneurs development. The conclusions highlight the need to improve access and effectiveness of financial services, and strengthen training and technical support programs focused on financial management and strategic business development.Ítem Acceso Abierto Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Amay Redrovan, Johanna Estefanía; Pacheco Chiriap , Jorge Luis; Cuadrado Sánchez, Gina Patricia; 0106094980; 1400782700“Proyecto de Titulación embargado para publicación. Estará disponible a la fecha de publicación o de cierre de embargo.”Ítem Acceso Abierto La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, su impacto en la toma de decisiones dentro de las entidades financieras de la economía popular y solidaria del cantón Cuenca.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guevara Vidal, Milton Andrés; Andrade Rodríguez, Karen Dayanna; Ordóñez Valencia, Hugo Javier; 0106529522; 0106745441This article analyzed how corporate social responsibility influences decisions within this financial sector. This is regulated by the Super Intendency of a Popular and Solidarity Economy, contributing to the growth of society, as stated in the Constitution of Ecuador, Art. 283, in which the famous and solidarity economic system recognizes the human being as a subject and end. That is why a dynamic and balanced relationship is maintained between society and the Institutions of the Financial System. The work used tools such as the Social Balance, a methodology regulated by the Super Intendency of Popular and Solidarity Economy that measures compliance with cooperative principles through qualitative and quantitative indicators. The study explored five critical areas of corporate and social responsibility: environment, human and labor rights, community investment, market, values, and ethics. Each of these areas influences the decision-making of cooperatives. It is concluded that values and ethics, along with market consultations and suggestions, are the most significant factors that indicate the importance of cooperatives aligning their management with principles of sustainability and social responsibility, which allows them not only to improve their relationships with interest groups but also to comply with current legal regulations.Ítem Acceso Abierto Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Rodas Ramón, Vanessa Jamileth; Segovia Orellana, Lesly Dayanna; Astudillo Arias, Pedro Yamil; 0150627842; 0106362148Ítem Acceso Abierto Responsabilidad social corporativa y su impacto en la competitividad de las empresas comerciales de la parroquia de Totoracocha del cantón Cuenca - Azuay(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Sarmiento Arpi , Damian Alexander; Cuadrado Sánchez , Gina Patrcia; 0106543937This paper examines the relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in generating competitiveness through the adoption of socially responsible practices. The main issue is commercial companies’ limited understanding and adoption of these practices and the lack of awareness of the long-term benefits that can result from their implementation. This study aims to verify the adoption of socially responsible practices in commercial companies in the Totoracocha sector. The methodology is descriptive and cross-sectional, with a quantitative approach, applying the inductive method, using the survey technique directed to the administrative staff of the commercial companies of the Totoracocha sector and using structural equations to establish indicators that allow evaluating the relationships between the independent and dependent variables. The results demonstrate the impact of socially responsible practices on competitiveness and the low adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility practices in the sector studied since these practices obtain average scores.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de la gestión de calidad y su influencia en el crecimiento empresarial de las microempresas del sector venta de cárnicos en la ciudad de Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guamán Gutama , Neyma Priscila; Cantos Ochoa , Marcos Eduardo; 0107082729Quality management is a crucial element for competitiveness and business development in a dynamic business environment. However, previous research indicates that a lack of knowledge in this area limits the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises. In this regard, this article aims to analyze quality management and its influence on the business growth of microenterprises in the meat product sales sector in the city of Cuenca. To this end, it employs a quantitative and descriptive approach to explore the relationship between quality management and business growth through multiple linear correlation analysis. The results underscore that operational controls and performance evaluation, as dimensions of quality management, are determining factors for business growth. Furthermore, continuous improvement and efficient resource management are suggested as key areas for future research and business practices. In conclusion, this study supports the critical relevance of quality management for sustainable economic development in the specific sector, providing a solid foundation for future research and business strategies.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de calidad del servicio al cliente como factor de competitividad en las MIPYMES de Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Pizarro Jarama, Gina Elizabeth; Andrade Amoroso, Rolando Patricio; 0151073004The quality of customer service is a determining factor for the competitiveness of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). In this case, the focus is on the food service industry in Cuenca, as this sector is highly dependent on direct interaction with customers. This allows for a comprehensive and representative evaluation of the impact on business performance. This study centers on analyzing how service quality influences the competitiveness of MSMEs, exploring crucial aspects such as customer service, product quality control practices, and post-sale follow-up. The methodology employed was descriptive and non-experimental, using a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach with a cross-sectional design; a questionnaire composed of 9 items for data collection was implemented. The results revealed the importance of improving staff training, implementing appropriate technologies, and strengthening the organizational culture oriented toward customer satisfaction. These findings provide MSMEs with tools to optimize their internal processes and improve their positioning in the local market. Likewise, the results of the analysis of customer service quality in MSMEs in the industrial food sector in Cuenca are essential because they provide information on areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. This allows companies to identify and address deficiencies and improve operational efficiency, thus strengthening their competitive positioning.Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores de desempeño que inciden en la mejora laboral de los colaboradores en las empresas privadas de la ciudad de Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Vega Guanolique, Jennifer Daniela; Orellana Bueno, Diego Vinicio; 0107200255This research analyzes performance factors that affect employees' labor improvement in private companies in the city of Cuenca. The data was collected from scientific databases to be analyzed, explained, and described later; therefore, this is a non-experimental, literature, explanatory, and descriptive research. In addition, a questionnaire with a Likert scale was applied to 61 employees of a well-known company in Cuenca; thus, statistical tools such as SPSS Statistics and Excel were used, and a linear regression model and the ANOVA test were presented to find the relationship and to validate the results of the study variables: individual well-being, professional development, motivation, and technological use. The results indicate their importance for employees' optimal participation in the organizations, achieving objectives, and thus, their expected labor improvement.Ítem Acceso Abierto Clima laboral como factor de desempeño en empresas agrícolas del Azuay(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Lozano Ramírez, Allison Nicole; Ordóñez Valencia, Hugo Javier; 0750266025In agricultural companies located in the province of Azuay, Ecuador, there is a series of complex labor dynamics that have the potential to impact organizational performance significantly and, consequently, the productivity and sustainability of these companies. The objective is to identify the key elements that shape the working environment in agricultural companies in Azuay, including aspects such as work environment, interpersonal relationships, leadership style, job motivation and satisfaction, conflict management, and the perception of performance. This qualitative methodology uses a descriptive design, convenience sampling, observation, and surveys to collect primary data and explore the participants’ experiences, perceptions, and interpretations. Three agricultural companies were selected for the study because of their relevance in the sector and their importance in the region. The results demonstrate a variety of experiences in the studied companies, highlighting the substantial impact of elements such as the leadership approach, interpersonal interactions, and communication on shaping the working environment. Organizations that adopted participative methodologies, transparent communication, and employee recognition showed more rewarding and cooperative work environments. However, certain challenges were also recognized in particular entities, such as autocratic behaviors and lack of recognition, highlighting the need for specific interventions to improve the work environment and promote employee well-being.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis de la satisfacción generada por los incentivos laborales en las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito del cantón Saraguro(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guazha Solano, Gissela Tatiana; Cuadrado Sánchez, Gina Patricia; 01061533299Effective human resource management is essential to the success of any organization. In this way, organizations have opted for the use of incentives as a practice to motivate employees and improve their satisfaction. Consequently, job satisfaction in companies is a crucial factor, and it is necessary to understand how incentives are related to it. In this context, this research’s central problem is understanding the satisfaction generated by work incentives in the seven savings and loan unions located in the canton of Saraguro. The methodology was descriptive, with a non-experimental, quantitative, and cross-sectional design. It included the collection of data through surveys administered to employees of the different savings and loan unions studied, followed by an analysis through the construction of indicators. This resulted in a job satisfaction index of 78%, with medium-high indexes in appreciation for the company and vacations, but low indexes in salary and pension plan or external insurance. It is possible to conclude that it is necessary to strengthen these last factors.