Maestría en Salud Pública

URI permanente para esta colección

La Maestría en Salud Pública es un programa de posgrado que suministrará a los participantes los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos para fortalecer las competencias y habilidades necesarias para el cumplimiento de los objetivos del PCO 2021-2025 y la resolución de los diversos problemas que se presentan en el sector de la salud, tanto en el ámbito público como privado, aplicando herramientas de la salud pública y la investigación científica que le permitan desempeñarse en posiciones de liderazgo para el cumplimiento de las transformaciones que demanda la modernización y reforma del sector salud.


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Mostrando 1 - 15 de 15
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Control prenatal en mujeres en edad fértil a nivel del Ecuador duranta el año 2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2025) Calderon Carabajo , Valeria Fernanda; Orellana Barros, Marco
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Factores asociados al abandono del esquema de vacunación en menores de 4 años de la parroquia de Sinincay durante el periodo enero–junio 2024
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2025) Vásquez Cajamarca, Rosa María; Junior Pozo , Jose
    Introduction: Despite all efforts to ensure the distribution and application of vaccines, there are people and groups who have concerns about the safety and need for the application of vaccines. Objective: To determine the factors associated with the abandonment of the vaccination schedule in children under 4 years of age in the parish of Sinincay. Methodology: A descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional study was conducted. To determine the sample size, the probabilistic sampling technique was used, obtaining a total of 260 representatives or caregivers of children under 4 years of age as a sample. To collect the information, a previously designed survey was used, which addresses the health determining factors that influence the abandonment of the vaccination program. The data were processed in the SPSS statistical program, where descriptive statistics were performed and the chi-square statistical test was applied. Results: It was identified that 56.54% of the representatives reported complying with the vaccination schedules on time and 43.46% reported not complying on time. Regarding the determining factors for non-compliance with the vaccination schedule, 15.4% of the representatives reported lack of knowledge about the vaccine, 13.1% reported a shortage of the vaccine, and 40.4% reported a lack of guidance. Conclusion: The highest percentage of mothers reported that they did not comply with their children's vaccination schedule due to a lack of guidance. Likewise, the majority reported that they did not comply because they considered the vaccine to be harmful to the child or because of lack of knowledge about the vaccine.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Frecuencia de la automedicación con antibacterianos en adultos de 18 a 60 años en la ciudad de Cariamanga parroquia Cariamanga
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2025) Chacón Tinitana, Olmer Nicolás; León , Katherine
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Crecimiento físico y estado nutricional de escolares de zonas urbanas y rurales de la provincia del Guayas, Ecuador- 2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2025) Cedillo Villamagua , Michelle Edith; Castillo Morales , Ruzbelt
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en personas de 40 a 75 años de la parroquia Guapán, enero-junio 2024
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Faicán Rocano, Pedro Fernando; Pérez Ramírez, Jacinto
    "Cardiovascular diseases are a group of pathologies considered chronic non communicable diseases, with numerous interventions aimed at halting their progression and reducing complex situations resulting from poor control. Objective: to determine the frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in people between 40 and 75 years of age in the Guapán parish. Methods: Descriptive, quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach through the application of an instrument proposed by the World Health Organization that was applied to the population defined in the Guapán parish. Results obtained: The main cardiovascular risk factors in the study population are overweight (48.5%) and obesity (39.1%), smoking, alcohol consumption and hypertension is relatively low. Conclusions: High prevalence of overweight and obesity in Guapán, with significant differences according to gender, with a higher incidence of overweight in men and obesity in women. Also, marital status, level of schooling and occupation influence predisposition to cardiovascular risk."
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Índices antropométricos y estado nutricional de niños en edad escolar de la provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador-2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Wampash Paati, Nelly Edith; Pozo Mosquera , Jose
    "Introduction: In recent years, an increase in nutritional problems has been identified and therefore a condition in the body condition of the subjects, currently, the main nutritional problems that affect children, adolescents, youth, adults and older adults include malnutrition, underweight, overweight and obesity. In general, it has been shown that malnutrition affects the future physical development of a human being, reducing work capacity, resistance to physical exertion and the ability to concentrate. (2-4) Therefore, in order to understand the nutritional condition and objectives of an individual population, it is necessary to evaluate anthropometric variables; For example, in the pediatric population, they help to show the general state of health, the adequacy of the diet and help to monitor growth and development over time (8). Objective: To determine the anthropometric indices and nutritional status of school-age children in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador, during the period 2023. Methodology: Initially, information on school-age children in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador, will be collected from data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), thus obtaining information on the sex, age, place of residence, weight and height of the children. Subsequently, a digital database will be created in the Microsoft Excel program, where the body mass index of the participants will be calculated and with the help of the growth curves of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, the height/age and weight/age relationship of the 400 participants will be identified. The data will be processed in the statistical program SPSS version 26, where descriptive statistics will be carried out by creating frequency and percentage tables, in addition to applying the chi-square statistical test to associate the study variables. Results: The results obtained offer a clear view of the prevalence of malnutrition, either due to excess or deficiency. This information is crucial for nutritionists, pediatricians, and other health professionals for the planning and execution of specific nutritional strategies, based on the local needs of the population. Conclusions: According to the Body Mass Index, most of them have a normal weight. Likewise, the indicators of Weight/Age and Height/Age showed that more than half of the participants have a normal weight and height respectively in the school population of Tungurahua."
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Asociación entre vulnerabilidad social territorial hábitat y maloclusión en escolares de 12 años de las instituciones educativas públicas de la parroquia de Bellavista de la ciudad de Cuenca en el año 2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Chiriboga Guartambel , Gladys Roxana; Castillo Morales , Ruzbelt
    "Territorial-habitat social vulnerability reflects the conditions in which people live and work, which can present unfavorable circumstances that worsen over time, increasing their risk of health problems. Essentially, vulnerability refers to a population's inability to avoid adverse circumstances that affect their quality of life due to a lack of resources or opportunities. Dental malocclusion is an alteration in the position of the teeth, resulting from various genetic or environmental factors. Objective: To associate territorial-habitat social vulnerability with dental malocclusion. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study will be conducted, analyzing 458 schoolchildren enrolled in public schools in the Bellavista parish of Cuenca City. To measure socio-territorial-habitat vulnerability, a survey based on David Acurio's doctoral thesis will be used. For the diagnosis of malocclusion, the dimensions included in the clinical record from the epidemiology health book will be used. Vulnerability data will be transformed into a three-level scale: high, medium, and low vulnerability. Malocclusion will be classified as normocclusion, class I malocclusion, class II, and class III. For statistical analysis, the chi-square test will be used with a confidence level of 95% and the odds ratio. Results: The study aims to determine whether there is an association between territorial-habitat social vulnerability and dental malocclusion and to determine whether this association serves as a protective or risk factor."
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Asociación entre vulnerabilidad social territorial-hábitat y enfermedad periodontal en escolares de 12 años de las instituciones educativas públicas de la parroquia Bellavista de la ciudad de Cuenca en el año 2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Portilla Kirby, Miryam Jacqueline; Miño Armijos, Edison
    "Territorial-habitat social vulnerability refers to the inability of a population to prevent adverse events from negatively affecting their living conditions. This is due to the lack of resources to protect against risks and the absence of opportunities to improve their situation. It involves physical and geographical aspects of the territory, as well as the interaction of the community with the available infrastructure and services. Periodontal disease is an infection that affects the tissues that support the teeth. General objective: To analyze the association between territorial-habitat social vulnerability and periodontal disease in 12-year-old schoolchildren in Bellavista parish. Materials and methods: The study used a quantitative cross-sectional descriptive design, analyzing a randomized sample of 458 schoolchildren in public schools. The Russell index was used to measure periodontal disease, evaluating gingival inflammation and bone destruction. For territorial-habitat social vulnerability, the David Acurio index, adapted for a doctoral thesis, was used. Periodontal disease data were classified into four categories: excellent, good, fair and poor. Vulnerability was divided into three levels: high, medium and low. Statistical analysis included confidence intervals and the chi-square test with 95% confidence and Odd Ratio. Results: The study found no significant association between territorial-habitat social vulnerability and periodontal disease in 12-year-old students from Bellavista, Cuenca. The majority presented medium vulnerability, and the prevalence of periodontal disease was high."
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estado nutricional de escolares de 6 a 12 años de la provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador- 2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Paredes Valdivieso, Alexandra Maribel; Pérez Ramirez, Jacinto
    "A first-level indicator in the field of public health is the nutritional status of minors. The nutritional status of children in Pichincha is in serious danger, despite changes in the quality of food and access to a balanced diet, given that they are facing malnutrition and overweight. The objective of this research is to assess the nutritional status of schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years in the province of Pichincha during 2023. A quantitative methodology with a descriptive design was used, analyzing data from an anonymized database of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC). The body mass index (BMI), based on factors such as geographical distribution, sex and age, was analyzed in the sample of 990 students. The analysis and data collection were carried out with methodological rigor and following bioethical standards. The study uncovered significant nutritional challenges among schoolchildren in Pichincha, identifying cases of malnutrition along with problems of overweight and obesity. The findings revealed that boys were more likely than girls to be overweight or obese, and these problems were particularly prevalent among children aged 6 to 11 years. Variations in nutritional status across different cantons were attributed to factors such as diet quality, access to healthy foods, and lifestyle differences. Socioeconomic and cultural factors, along with public policies, were identified as key factors contributing to these problems. The findings emphasize the urgent need for canton-specific interventions, improved nutritional education, and adaptation of public policies to effectively address these concerns."
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Prevención de obesidad en escolares de 5 a 12 años de la parroquia Cañar en el período enero-junio 2024
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Calderon Guaraca , Prissila Banesa; Orellana Barros, Marco
    "Introduction: Given the increasing prevalence rate of overweight/obesity, it is relevant to highlight its impact on Ecuadorian national public health, where it has been shown that the mountain provinces occupy the first places, constituting a factor of great interest in all age groups, particularly in childhood, since there is a marked tendency for the acquisition of various diseases in adulthood, which puts future generations at risk. Objective: Determine the prevalence of obesity in schoolchildren aged 5 to 12 years in the Cañar parish in the period January - June 2024. Methodology: Descriptive quantitative study on the prevalence of obesity in children aged 5 to 12 years in the parish of Cañar, the sample was made up of 335 students, from the first to the seventh year of basic education in fiscal and trustee institutions of the Sierra regime, in whom a data collection form and anthropometric measurements were used. Results: It was determined that the prevalence of obesity in schoolchildren from 5 to 12 years of age in the Cañar parish ranges between 20%, it is important to emphasize that although a predominance of ""normal weight"" is confirmed, the sum between the states of ""overweight” and “obesity” amounts to 42.4%. Conclusions: The prevalence of overweight was slightly higher than obesity, however, although overall they do not exceed the cases of normal weight, it can be stated that there is a notable presence of disorders due to excess weight in the school population of Cañar"
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estudio comparativo de los patrones de crecimiento OMS 2007 y referencias nacionales en la evaluación del estado nutricional en niños de 6 a 12 años del Ecuador 2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Moyano Brito , Edison Gustavo; Cuenca León, Katherine
    "The objective of this work was to analyze the level of agreement between the WHO 2007 growth patterns and national references in the evaluation of nutritional status in children from 6 to 12 years of age in Ecuador. Materials and Methods: Observational, retrospective, descriptive cross-sectional study. The sample for the research was obtained from an open database of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) made up of a population of 2540 schoolchildren from 6 to 12 years old belonging to the cities of the different provinces of Ecuador, the data were taken of age, city of birth, weight and height, to establish the anthropometric indicators weight for age (P/E), height for age (T/E) and Body Mass Index (BMI) for each of the models to be compared. In the statistical analysis, the average and standard deviation for the anthropometric measurements were calculated and for the comparison between the groups of women and men, the T-means test of independent samples will be carried out. In addition, percentage frequency tables were generated for the variables of nutritional status and height according to WHO 2007 reference and national reference and will be compared through Pearson's Chi square test of independence, considering p < 0.05 significant; In addition, 95% confidence intervals were calculated for both proportions and means. To compare nutritional status according to the two national classification criteria and WHO 2007, agreement was analyzed using the Kappa index. Results: The anthropometric characteristics of the weight and height values by age of the sample showed that there is no difference between the two sexes; Regarding nutritional diagnosis according to the reference of the World Health Organization compared to the national reference, overweight decreases by 3.5%, and in normal nutritional status by 12.9%; a comparison that increases morbid obesity by 7.1%, obesity by 0.7%, thinness by 6.7%, and severe thinness by 1.9%, finally when comparing the two evaluation models a Kappa index of 0.53 equivalent to moderate agreement. Conclusion: The analysis revealed that, when applying national references, the prevalence of obesity and morbid obesity is considerably higher than when using WHO references. In particular, 10-year-old boys and 12-year-old girls showed a notable increase in these diagnoses. This difference suggests that national references are more appropriate for the population studied, providing a more accurate assessment of the nutritional status of children in this region."
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Cumplimiento de la norma del control del neonato en el Ecuador en zonas urbano y rural 2023
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Pacurucu Avila, Nube Johanna; Cuenca León, Katherine
    "Introduction: Newborn care is of great importance for the growth and development of the new human being since it helps us in a timely and effective way to identify risk factors, which favors the healthy growth and development of the newborn and prevents complications that may occur during the growth periods of a healthy child, contributing to reducing morbidity and mortality problems in healthy children. Objective: To compare compliance with the neonatal control standard in Ecuador in urban and rural areas in 2023 reported in the database. Materials and methods: The research is quantitative and cross-sectional, as it focuses on the collection and analysis of numerical data to assess compliance with neonatal control regulations according to geographic location. In addition, a descriptive and comparative approach will be used to examine and contrast differences in compliance between urban and rural areas of Ecuador at a single point in time (2023). Results: The analysis shows a high neonatal survival rate in Ecuador according to the reported results of newborns. These data reflect an excellent neonatal health condition in the sample and suggest that care practices and medical interventions are working well for most newborns. The low mortality rate may also be useful to assess and confirm the effectiveness of neonatal health strategies and policies in the population studied. Conclusion: The data reveal a very high neonatal survival rate, indicating that overall care practices and medical interventions are being effective. However, it is important to continue monitoring these indicators to identify possible areas for improvement"
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