Trabajos de Titulación - Ingeniería Comercial

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  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estrategias para la Exportación de leche de ganado vacuno y sus derivados en el cantón Nabón Provincia del Azuay Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Coronel Campoverde, David Israel; Venegas Sánchez, Nube Estefanía; 0106228943
    This project is aimed exclusively at the dairy industry of the Nabón canton in the province of Azuay, where a considerable number of dairy farms produce more than 300 liters of milk daily. This project aims to propose strategies for exporting milk and its related products, searching for overseas markets that require dairy products, to improve the producers' income and thus to enhance their life quality helping them to raise their profitability and increasing their finances. Likewise, to allow them to improve their economic growth, increase their production and create new sources of employment, promoting a socioeconomic growth of this rural region. The methodology used was through fieldwork, non-experimental, with a descriptive research level, with documentary support. In order to achieve this objective, the export and production processes, demand, supply, and technical and financial analyses were studied. The study concluded that the investment project is feasible, given that the NPV was greater than zero, the IRR was 42.90%, the cost-benefit ratio was 1.1, and the investment recovery period was 2.08 years. This research shows that the proposal is an innovative development and a regional benchmark with an agricultural approach committed to the sustained development of the region.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Herramientas tecnológicas como factores estratégicos de mejora continua de modelo de negocios para un portal inmobiliario de la empresa Plusvalia.Com a nivel nacional
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Urquiza Aguiar, Nataly Yolanda; Andrade Pesantez, Daniel Jacobo; 1719739250
    The present work is about establishing a mechanism that supports the commercial area of so that it can advise on its services to its clients and future clients; based on the experience of its current customers; know which service best meets the needs of each one; depending on the characteristics that each one manages. Based on the Machine Learning Studio program, Microsoft's program, it is intended to perform data analysis and suggest the service (s) that are most effective for a client; the commercial area of; It is benefited by having a reference that can provide a client; being the commercial consultant or not an expert in the area of real estate; You can establish metrics that guide you in advising your clients.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La planificación estratégica como instrumento para la toma de decisiones en el modelo de negocios de la mueblería "El Tablón" en el cantón Paute Azuay.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Paida Miranda, Edgar Andrés; Calle Jaramillo, Carmen Yolanda; 0106114259
    The present work is about strategic planning as an instrument for making decisions in the business model, which are of great help for organizations that in one way or another is the strategic impulse that they manage to provide information periodically on the level of completion established labor Therefore, the organizations have to manifest their strategic planning that they must impart a control and an integral command jointly of the people that participate in the business process. In this way the present work reveals the improvement and progress that I mean the application of a strategic instrument within an SME of the wood industry "EL TABLON" dedicated to the production and commercialization of furniture for the honre retail of products for uses domestic as: doors, windows, chairs, cabinets and other furniture. "The TABLON" as an Ecuadorian microenterprise has shown numerous difficulties due to its growth to achieve a strategic position in the short term leaving in the oblivion different administrative responsibilities that directly affects the sustainability of the business, however and as a proposal for improvement the organization will raise axes and concepts from the balanced scorecard, seeking not only to meet objectives but to become a leading organization in the market adapted to the environment that surrounds it, which will transform and mobilize various variations of the environment resulting in: development, map strategy and achieve initiatives that will lead to successful implementation of the balanced scorecard.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Elaboración del modelo de negocio para la implementación de oficinas de la información turística Cojitambo, en la ciudad de Cuenca y en la parroquia de Cojitambo en el año 2017
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Zhinin González, Norma Isabel; Gomezcoello Rodríguez, Jorge Jhovany; 0105612402
    This project aims to assess the feasibility, economic and financial assistance for the implementation of an office of tourist information, called "Cojitambo tourism and charm" in the city of Cuenca and in the parish of Cojitambo, for tourists who wish to experience experiential tourism, recreational, cultural and adrenaline, within the parish of Cojitambo belongs to the province of Cañar. The study was carried out by visits to the site, literature and documentary review, interviews with experts, which was developed in five phases In the first chapter are expressed the historical background of the canton Azogues, parish Cojitambo getting information on specific topics needed for the proposal and in this way develop the pertinent analysis of the tourist information offices. In the second chapter a market study was developed to know the unmet demand of the business model, as well as the tastes and preferences of both domestic and foreign tourists, through quantitative and qualitative methods of research, through these methods will be checked if "Cojitambo tourism and charm" was developed successfully. In the tbird chapter is generated an overall picture of the internal structure of the parish itself, from the history of its origins, as is made up till today, in addition to the different approaches that a tourist will find at the time of their trip as they are, the diversity of cultures, customs, laws, and of course the basic services that you can find such as health, safety and transportation. In the fourth chapter presents important issues for the operating activities with alI its stages in order to comply with effectiveness and efficiency of the processes, using the flow diagram, the internal distribution; legal aspects for the operation of the business; the organizational structure, employment policies, brand strategy, segment of the market, advertising and promotional plans. In the fifth chapter, the initial investment of the project, its financial statements, the cash flow and the analysis of the financial ratios, results obtained with the project are developed, to conclude whether the Business Model is viable or not.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Modelo de negocio para el mejoramiento de la producción y comercialización de JEANS VCD en la ciudad de Cuenca, provincia del Azuay
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Ochoa Morales, Jhoanna Paola; Astudillo Arias, Pedro Yamil; 0105832950
    The present research work was developed with the purpose of applyíng an improvement plan for production and marketing of jeans in the city of Cuenca, province of Azuay. For that a qualitative and quantitative field research has been carried out through the application of surveys, where the likes and preferences of consumers were determined by purchasing the different designs of jeans with which the demand was subsequently established. To establish the unsatisfied demand, we proceeded to the study of National production of jeans and the import of foreign jeans with what we obtained the information for the work. Finally, the economic and financial analysis was carried out, as well as the evaluation of the business model through the calculation of financial indicators such as the IRR, NPV and the cost-benefit ratio where it was determined that the improvement of production is profitable for the business.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Instrumentos de la Lógica Difusa para el estudio de la factibilidad en la creación de una Empresa.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2016) Loor Morales, Andrés; Tinto Arandes, Jaime; 0104565163
    The purpose of this study is to introduce the theory of uncertainty in the field of business management as a fundamental element for decision making on the study of a feasibility project for the creation of a beauty products distribution company of Schwarzkopf Professional brand, aiming to give a predictive and dynamics vision to estimate the technical study, financial and market of the company. It is intended based on the accounting data from similar companies, reflected in the balance sheets and financial results, applying expertisé techniques and counter-expertise to achieve the construction of balances and provisional income statements, where it ís reflected uncertainty over the medium and long term, for correct decision making in the feasibility study. It is about to present dynamic models that allow to the professional of the business administration the decision making in the future, becoming one of the essential decision-makers for both business feasibility studies as for the intervention of possible causes that may affect the company under construction in a world of continuous changes.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Modelo de Gestión del Departamento de Talento Humano como Estrategia de la Empresa FEGOAUTO S.A.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Albán Dután, Daysi Verónica; Espinoza Pillaga, Héctor Alejandro; 0106528649
    A human talent management model is considered a tool to guide the actions to be taken into consideration to achieve objectives, and the Ecuadorian market is currently facing an economic crisis. Moreover, organizations take a totally differentiated approach, emphasizing that the decisive factor for success, competitiveness and higher productivity is human resources. The main objective of this project is to provide FEGOAUTO with a useful means to effectively manage human resources management and its subsystems, thus increasing its competitiveness vis-à-vis other organizations. The proposed human talent management model has been developed to document in detail the processes of each subsystem, the procedures, those responsible and their formats. The objective of the model is to improve the way the organization manages its human resources and to continuously improve the performance of its staff. It also proposes an administrative procedures manual that will contribute to management and administration, improve the services provided by the unit, optimize the resources available to it, and help it achieve its objectives.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La Reactivación Económica en la Ciudad de Cuenca, a través de Alternativas de Emprendimiento en el Sector de la Industria del Helado.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Yuquilima Zeas, Evelyn Patricia; Vásquez Valverde, Thomas Edmundo; Banegas Peña, Tito Max; 0106873003; 0105408769
    The ice cream marketing and production companies contribute to the development of the economy, which allows the generation of a business model that creates and implements new corporations in the city of Cuenca. The research problem is the lack of spaces for ice cream consumption in the sector, which causes people to go to other places. The project’s objective is to clearly and precisely determine the viability of this business for its implementation, which will contribute to the sector’s economic development by attracting consumers of the product. The methodology is descriptive in the quantitative field, using the survey technique directed to the specific sector. The result obtained about the business idea is feasible within the margin considered, so it is concluded that it is feasible to implement the "BON GOUT" ice cream shop project
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Modelos de Gestión para la Elaboración y Producción de Camisas Fernando Torres
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Torres Chapa, Carlos Fernando; Banegas Peña, Tito Max; 0105191365
    The following research work aims to determine the market, technical study, and marketing plan to analyze of the company's profitability: Fernando Torres, which deals with the management model of production and development of formal, sportive, and casual shirts within the city of Cuenca. It is placed in the city's center, in a strategic location. According to the analysis, the business is profitable based on the demand that has these types of products in the citizenship, as people seek to dress elegantly, feel good or look good. This company seeks to position itself in the local, national, and international markets with its brand and impact the textile market. Its designs are at the height of global fashion, with the best national and imported fabrics. According to the analysis of the 100% male respondents, 44% of those surveyed have a fixed salary. Therefore, they are future customers because they like the original design that Fernando Torres offers. The production of shirts, in the company “Fernando Torres”, allows us to know in a closer way each of the processes for the manufacture of a man's shirt and, likewise, helps us to see the role of each of the people who are part of the company, from the administrative function to the operative position.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Percepción de los Usuarios en Compras de los Sitios E-Comerce en tiempo de Pandemia en la Ciudad de Cuenca - Ecuador.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Sarmiento Zamora, Johnatan Christtopher; Sarmiento Espinoza, William Henry; 0104413216
    El comercio electrónico o E-Commerce, ha ganado un gran espacio en la economía ecuatoriana, siendo Cuenca una de las ciudades con mayor movimiento de compras virtuales en el país, con un incremento importante a comienzos de la pandemia. El problema de la investigación se enfoca en los obstáculos que tienen los usuarios en la navegabilidad de las páginas de ventas en línea; el objetivo de este estudio es identificar el perfil de los usuarios que realizan compras vía internet en la ciudad de Cuenca, que sirva de apoyo a las empresas para brindar a sus clientes una mejor experiencia, facilitando el acceso a sus productos o servicios e incrementar sus ventas. La metodología que se utiliza en esta investigación es de tipo mixto cualitativo - cuantitativo por medio de encuestas, bajo un modelo SERVQUAL que nos ayuda a medir el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes, elaboradas de manera aleatoria en la ciudad de Cuenca a personas que hayan realizado este tipo de transacciones en tiempos de COVID-19, los resultados se enfocan a identificar el perfil que tienen los clientes al realizar sus compras en páginas web locales, permitiendo determinar algunos obstáculos que tienen los usuarios al momento de su uso, para que sirva de apoyo a las empresas permitiendo realizar un análisis de su página y hacer mejoras en su sistema de negocios en línea facilitando la navegabilidad de sus usuarios en el momento de realizar sus compras.
  • Ítem
    Plan de negocios para la creación de un centro geriátrico de atención diaria en la Ciudad de Cuenca - Ecuador
    (2008) Plasencia Cobos, Hilda Zoraida; Sanchez Bercerra, Sixto Marcelo; 104073515
  • Ítem
    Plan de marketing para el taller de mecanica industrial CANDY
    (2013) Zaruma Cobos, Tania Maribel; Cisneros Quintanilla, Diego Patricio; 104656798
  • Ítem
    Implementacion de programas de control interno para la cooperativa de ahorro y credito COOPAC - AUSTRO LTDA.
    (2014) Calle Delgado, Juan Francisco; Sanchez Becerra, Sixto Marcelo; 102358272
  • Ítem
    El reclutamiento y selección de personal como herrmienta para el centro de integracion Inculcar.
    (2014) Guillen Soliz, Omar Esteban; Calle Masache, Oscar Rene; 104796198
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estudio de factibilidad para implementacion de un supermercado en la parroquia Victoria del Portete del Canton Cuenca
    (2015) Maldonado Peralta, Juan Diego; Sanchez Becerra, Sixto Marcelo; 0106562606
    The commercialization of basic products in Victoria Portete Parish, which belongs\nto Cuenca County, is provided only by small shops with minimum capital.\nIn downtown Victoria Portete, there are three stores that are dedicated to the\ncommercialization of retail products.\nThe Draft Feasibility Study for the implementation of a supermarket in this region\nwill be located 25 km away from Cuenca, following the Panamericana Sur until downtown.
  • Ítem
    Elaboracion de un plan de marketing para el segmento de consumo del Banco Pichincha C.A. ubicado en la Ciudad de Cuenca.
    (2014) Arevalo Arevalo, Silvia Ximena; Lopez Castillo, Jhon Edwin; 302070461
  • Ítem
    Aplicación de un plan de marketing estrategico a la empresa la paja toquilla en la Ciudad de Cuenca
    (2013) Flores Ojeda, Juam Carlos; Sanchez Becerra, Sixto Marcelo; 104775812
  • Ítem
    El tratado de Libre Comercio y los impactos en el sector bananero y otros productos agrícolas de exportación en el Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Ingeniería Comercial, 2008) Vintimilla Cabrera, César Augusto; Abril Bustamante, Iván Marcelo; 300449683
  • Ítem
    Riesgo operativo en la Mutualista Azuay para los créditos de vivienda
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Ingeniería Comercial, 2009) Espinoza García, Juana Catalina; Ortiz Gonzalez, Sandro Ivan; 103978201
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