Trabajos de Titulación - Extensión La Troncal - Enfermería

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    Factores asociados con la aparición de disfunciones sexuales en la población masculina
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-12-27) Peralta Vintimilla, Sthephanny Claraluz; Zambrano Garcés, Rosa María; 0942088494
    Sexual dysfunctions represent a significant public health issue affecting men. The perception of masculinity often hinders the search for help, which can lead to emotional consequences such as depression. This study investigates genetic, pathological, physical, and psychosocial risk factors associated with these dysfunctions, aiming to identify the determinants influencing the onset of various sexual dysfunctions in the male population. A descriptive bibliographic review in meta-study was conducted using databases such as SciELO, Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed, DSpace, and the UCACUE repository. From an initial set of 40 publications, 15 articles (10 quantitative and 5 qualitative) were selected for comprehensive analysis. The results indicate that premature ejaculation is the most prevalent dysfunction (79.61%), followed by erectile dysfunction (22.31%). Key risk factors include age, hypertension, smoking, and emotional and social factors that impact quality of life. It is crucial to address sexual dysfunctions as a significant public health concern. It is recommended to implement educational campaigns targeting various age groups, promote research on the link between sexual dysfunctions and mental health, and encourage the establishment of specialized male sexual health clinics.
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    Factores de riesgo que predisponen a contraer cáncer cérvico uterino en mujeres de 35 a 50 años
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-10-28) Sánchez Cordero; Montero Galarza, Gloria Ignacia; 0104813381
    Cervical cancer is the most feared gynecological pathology among the female population due to its social and health impact and high mortality rate. This research aimed to determine the main risk factors that predispose women aged 35 to 50 to cervical cancer through a descriptive, qualitative study, using a document review and employing the PRISMA method for the collection and inclusion of 16 publications from Redalyc, BVS, SciELO, Google Scholar, KILLKANA SALUD, UCACUE Repository, and other higher education sources. The study identified various risk factors associated with the development of the disease, including being over 34 years old, early sexual debut, number of sexual partners, teenage pregnancies, multiparity, rural residence, educational and socioeconomic level, smoking, and lack of knowledge about preventive measures as sociodemographic factors. Additionally, healthcare-related factors included access to gynecological check-ups and Pap smears, prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives, family history of cancer or sexually transmitted infections, including HPV, and a lack of health education. Therefore, the nursing team has implemented various intervention strategies to strengthen education and awareness among women about preventive measures such as vaccination, screenings, and medical check-ups. The study concludes that there are multiple risk factors associated with the development of cervical cancer, most of which are modifiable through health education, promoting the adoption of healthy behaviors related to health and lifestyle among women.
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    Factores predisponentes del cáncer de mama en Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-10-23) Villa Miranda, María José; Molina Calle, Carmen Victoria; 0929090629
    Breast cancer is a condition in which breast cells become altered and multiply uncontrollably, forming tumors that, if not treated in time, become malignant. It is the most common type of cancer and the leading cause of death among women in Ecuador. This research aims to identify the predisposing risk factors for breast cancer in Ecuador. This is a systematic, descriptive review using the PRISMA 2020 methodology, based on databases such as SciELO, Medline, Elsevier, and repositories of Ecuadorian universities. The results showed that the main risk factor is being female, with 99.5%, followed by overweight and obesity at 56.9%, being over 50 years old at 28.92%, and family history at 40%. Consumption habits also show a significant impact, with tobacco at 34.93% and alcohol at 17%. Additionally, it has been determined that breast cancer is related to factors associated with sexual and reproductive health, such as the use of hormonal contraceptives (44%), being multiparous (61.44%), and early menarche (56%). Consequently, the main predisposing factors for breast cancer in Ecuador are related to age and sex, lifestyle, and hormonal factors, meaning that some of them can be modified through a healthy diet, physical exercise, and avoiding harmful habits.
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    Factores asociados a infecciones nosocomiales en pacientes con síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-10-23) Jachero Martillo, Cristhian Alexander; Molina Calle, Carmen Victoria; 0942357880
    Nosocomial infections are a negative indicator of the quality of healthcare services, with patients suffering from Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) being highly prone to acquiring them due to their immunodeficiency and the presence of multiple risk factors. The research aimed to determine the factors associated with nosocomial infections in AIDS patients through a qualitative, documentary, descriptive, and non-experimental methodology, using the PRISMA tool, which led to the inclusion of 12 publications from databases such as Redalyc, Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO, KILLKANA SALUD, UCACUE Repository, and other Higher Education Institutions. The results showed that the most frequent nosocomial diseases in AIDS patients included pneumonia, tuberculosis, urinary sepsis, neuroinfection, candidiasis, and digestive pathologies. Risk factors that enhance their development include comorbidities, the absence of antiretroviral therapy, emotional issues such as anxiety and depression due to the diagnosis, immunocompromise inherent to the pathology, the use of invasive devices and procedures, and prolonged hospital stays. A significant direct relationship was identified between risk factors and the development of nosocomial diseases in AIDS patients. The study concludes that the greater the exposure of AIDS patients to risk factors, the higher the likelihood of acquiring a nosocomial infection during hospitalization, which prolongs their hospital stay, complicates their clinical situation, and endangers their lives.
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    Complicaciones del estrés laboral en el personal de salud
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-10-21) Narváez Burgos, Joselyn Martha; Castro Alcocer, Gabriel Elías; 0943148890
    Work-related stress is an overall health issue among healthcare professionals globally, driven by the demanding responsibilities of patient care and continuous exposure to stressors in the workplace. This research aimed to identify the complications of work-related stress in healthcare professionals, employing a qualitative, descriptive, non-experimental, and documentary methodology. The PRISMA method was applied for the initial selection of 41 publications gathered from databases such as SciELO, Google Scholar, Dialnet, Elsevier, Research Gate, UCACUE Repository, and other Higher Education Repositories, with a final sample of 17 studies included in the review process. The findings revealed high levels of work-related stress among healthcare personnel, which lead to various long-term physical consequences, including headaches, gastrointestinal, dermatological, digestive issues, and cardiovascular disorders. Moreover, this study identified some mental health conditions such as anxiety, sleep disturbances, depression, excessive fatigue, job dissatisfaction, and emotional exhaustion. In response to work-related stress, healthcare professionals employ many coping strategies targeting problem-solving and emotional regulation. Among the most commonly used strategies are seeking social support, practicing religiosity, avoiding and resolving conflicts, engaging in wishful thinking, and utilizing emotional intelligence. In conclusion, healthcare professionals are constantly exposed to high levels of work-related stress, which, in the long term, results in complications affecting their health and professional performance, significantly impacting their biopsychosocial well-being.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estrés postraumático en niños víctimas de maltrato físico, sexual y psicológico.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-10-04) Cordero Pozo, Steffanía del Cisne; Martínez Vicuña, Enriqueta de los Ángeles; 0929782662
    Physical, sexual, and psychological abuse in children is a social and health issue due to its medium- and long-term impact and consequences, which disrupt normal development and future adult life. This study aims to determine the consequences related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in child victims of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. A qualitative, descriptive, and non-experimental document review methodology was used, analyzing 42 publications from databases such as Redalyc, BVS, SciELO, Google Scholar, and UCACUE Repository, using the PRISMA method, with a sample of 13 studies. The results indicate a high prevalence of PTSD in abused children; sexual abuse ranges from 20% to 57%, while physical and psychological violence fluctuates between 10% and 16.7%. Psychological and emotional consequences include behavioral changes, aggressive behavior, anxiety disorders, depression, low self-esteem, concentration and learning difficulties, and suicidal ideation. The physical consequences manifest as eating disorders, somatic problems, and sexual dysfunction in adulthood, with a tendency to substance abuse and perpetuation of violence in the future. The primary strategies for addressing these cases include cognitive-behavioral therapy and individual and family psychotherapy. In some exceptional situations, medication is also used alongside psychological treatment to support recovery. When there is not the necessary support, various emotional, physical, and psychological consequences of PTSD arise in abused children, leading to long-lasting effects that may impact their future lives.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Rol de enfermería en cuidados paliativos en enfermedades terminales
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-10-02) Vázquez Parra, Jonnathan Steven; Naula Chucay, Luis Enrique; 0302344460
    This research aims to determine the role of nurses in providing palliative care to terminally ill patients. It is provided by nurses and plays a role in assisting and accompanying the patient and their family in the transition toward death and grief. It is a systematic review using the PRISMA 2020 methodology. Information was gathered from SciELO, Elsevier, Medline, PubMed, Redalyc, Dialnet, BVS databases, and university repositories. The papers were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and subsequently synthesized, analyzed, and discussed. The results showed that the role of nursing in palliative care for terminally ill patients involves physical aspects ―such as pain relief, symptom management, basic needs, nutrition, and pharmacological treatment―, psychological aspects ―providing emotional support to both the patient and family, as well as the transition towards death and grief management―, and, the spiritual aspect ―giving support for the patient to find peace and tranquility according to their own religious beliefs―. The most common terminal illnesses have been oncological, diabetes, hypertension, pulmonary, renal, and cardiovascular diseases. Consequently, the nurse's role involves providing comprehensive support to patients in the final stage of their lives to provide the necessary comfort and relief for a dignified death, making their optimal assistance paramount.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Factores asociados a las enfermedades tropicales en el Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-09-19) Lozano Robles, Amada Isamar; Naula Lliguicota, Luis Marcelo; 0928930718
    Tropical diseases represent a significant public health issue due to their high prevalence and considerable potential for impact. This study aimed to identify the factors associated with tropical diseases in Ecuador using a qualitative, descriptive, non-experimental methodology and a literature review approach, employing the PRISMA method as the primary strategy. It collected 42 publications from databases such as Dialnet, SciELO, Redalyc, Google Scholar, BVS, ResearchGate, and various repositories of higher education institutions. After applying inclusion criteria, 24 studies were included in the document review process. The findings revealed that the most prominent tropical diseases in the country are Dengue, Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Chagas Disease, Zika, Chikungunya, Cysticercosis, and Geohelminthiasis, with Dengue being the most prevalent. Risk factors associated include socioeconomic status, type and sector housing, seasonal patterns, climate, and the population’s lack of knowledge about preventive measures. Various strategies were employed to prevent and control these diseases, such as awareness campaigns and education of the population, environmental sanitation, vector control by eliminating reservoirs and in patients already diagnosed, medical treatment, management, and active surveillance of cases. The study concludes that there is a high prevalence of tropical diseases in the country, with modifiable risk factors, which is necessary to strengthen educational activities aimed at preventing these diseases and the self-care of the population.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Factores de riesgo que inciden en la morbi-mortalidad materno neonatal
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-28) Solis Carranza, Nailly Gabriela; Molina Calle, Carmen Victoria; 0942357609
    The risk factors predisposing to maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are those evident before gestation and before the first 28 days of the newborn's life. However, maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rates are high in least developed countries. These rates statistically record the pathologies and deaths occurring during gestation, provoked by certain circumstances or factors. The study aims to raise awareness of the importance of tackling this issue comprehensively to prevent women’s and neonates’ health complications. This qualitative retrospective study’s methodology involves reviewing bibliographic repositories and databases, such as SciELO, Google Scholar, DSpace, Scopus, and PubMed. The analysis discerned ten quantifiable publications and five articles with a qualitative approach, from which various data were extracted and verified. Demographic factors, gynecological history, obstetric risks, and dystocia presentation are some identified maternal and neonatal factors. For neonates, the identified factors include APGAR scores, birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, gestational age, genetic disorders, and breathing problems. Therefore, multidisciplinary strategies are promoted to reduce morbidity and mortality, involving healthcare staff in raising awareness of pregnant women’s need for optimal health.
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    Análisis de la aplicación de los protocolos de enfermería y su incidencia en el riesgo de bioseguridad hospitalaria de la red de salud pública
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-28) Garzón Insuasti, Yilda Isabel; Naula Chucay, Luis Enrique; 0302253885
    Nursing protocols are a set of actions that are based on the most recent scientific evidence, serve as a strategy to unify criteria, and agree together on the approach to different nursing techniques or problems that affect the patient, family, and community. Hence, there is a need for a more significant theoretical approach of this nursing scientific outcome. Under this argument, this research aims to analyze the application level of nursing protocols and their impact on hospital biosecurity risk within the public health network. A descriptive methodological framework based on documentary review techniques and bibliographic sources from academic databases is used to achieve the objectives. Among the findings, the nursing staff, through the Ministry of Public Health (MSP by its Spanish acronym), have established protocols ranging from handwashing to protocol application in surgical patients. Regarding biosecurity-focused protocols, it is found that most healthcare professionals in a specific Health District usually apply these measures, while a small part does not due to the lack of availability of supplies and personal protective equipment. In conclusion, the level of applicability of the protocols is proportional to the knowledge about them, supply availability, and staff willingness. The main protocols are those proposed by the MSP at the national level, some of which are advised by international organizations.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Intervención de enfermería en pacientes con complicaciones de pie diabético: modelo de introspección, cuidado y curación
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-27) Marca Quilli, Jenny del Rocio; Naula Chucay, Luis Enrique; 0350133237
    This research addresses one of the most complex diabetes-induced health conditions and complications, namely diabetic foot. It has a high prevalence in the hyperglycemic population and leads to severe pathological states that can even result in death. Under this assumption, this study aimed to analyze nursing interventions in patients with diabetic foot complications using the Introspection, Care, and Healing model proposed by Lydia Hall, who stated that nursing functions include implementing preventive measures through managing factors that could impact the health of the affected individual, in addition to emphasizing the importance of coping with their health condition or illness. This approach enables more effective interventions, thereby reducing the rate of complications due to negligence, lack of attention, or health care assistance. The methodology used in the study was documentary and descriptive, including bibliographic sources from updated academic databases, which were presented in a table with the most relevant data to meet the proposed objectives. The study concluded that Lydia Hall's model would be beneficial for treating diabetic foot complications because this care model focuses on basic pillars such as self-awareness and education, which can prevent the beginning and aggravation of infections, ulcers, osteomyelitis, amputations, and other complication.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Calidad de vida en pacientes adultos mayores con hipertensión arterial en el Ecuador y países de Sudamérica, enfocado en la promoción y prevención en salud
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-27) Ortíz Silva, Evelyn Prisila; Naula Chucay, Luis Enrique; 0953660933
    In Ecuador and Latin America, there is a significant challenge regarding hypertension in the elderly population. This study aims to identify the quality of life of elderly patients with hypertension in Ecuador and other South American countries, focusing on health promotion and prevention. The methodology used includes a qualitative analysis utilizing databases from scientific journals and repositories such as Revista Electrónica Medimay, Revista de Salud Pública, Revista de Ciencia y Enfermería, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; Escuela Académico Profesional de Medicina Humana, Revista de Medicina Interna, Universidad de El Salvador, Revista de Ciencias de Salud, Dominio de las Ciencias, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, and Revista Médica Vozandes, which conducted studies with elderly patients. The results reveal that hypertension negatively impacts the quality of life of the elderly, especially in aspects related to cardiovascular and cognitive health. This limits their participation in activities, deteriorating their independence and overall wellbeing. The conclusions emphasize the need to adopt comprehensive and preventive approaches to improve the well-being of this population.
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    Factores de riesgos que influyen en el contagio de virus de papiloma humano en mujeres adolescentes
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-05-22) Vargas Moran, Daniela Nathaly; Naula Chucay, Luis Enrique; 0952739852
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection that primarily affects young people and is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner. This pathogen is prevalent among nearly all sexually active individuals, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Objective: This study aimed to determine the risk factors influencing HPV infection in adolescent girls. Methodology: A meta-study and descriptive literature review was used through a mixed-method approach. The strategy chosen for this study was a review of databases such as SciELO, Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed, and DSpace, addressing 40 publications and selecting ten articles with a quantitative focus and five with a qualitative one, allowing for a comprehensive examination of the topic. Results: The results showed that the main risk factors identified for HPV infection in adolescent girls were unsafe sexual practices, a high number of sexual couples often with a high risk of transmission, a lack of knowledge regarding sexual education, and demographic factors, such as socioeconomic status, education level, and psychological factors. Conclusions: The primary age group with a high HPV infection incidence and impact is adolescent girls under the age of 25. It is recommended to strengthen sexual health services by providing preventive talks to promote optimal sexuality, exploring topics such as HPV infection and its main complication, cervical cancer.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Factores de riesgo del cáncer cervicouterino en mujeres adultas.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-04-26) Peralta Mayllasungo, Mayra Estefania; Vicuña Palacios, Andrea; 0650333842
    Cervical cancer is a major health problem affecting women throughout the world. This study, based on a comprehensive review of the literature, aimed to identify and understand risk factors associated with uterine cancer in adult women. The main objective is to elucidate factors that increase the probability of developing this disease in this population, which will contribute to enriching scientific knowledge and provide valuable information for prevention and early detection strategies. A total of 50 relevant scientific articles on uterine cancer in adult women were collected and reviewed. The PRISMA approach was used for the selection of articles, including specific inclusion criteria to guarantee the quality and relevance of the literature analyzed. The results highlight several key risk factors that influence the incidence of uterine cancer in adult women. Among these factors, persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, premature initiation of sexual intercourse, number of sexual partners, and smoking were identified. The findings provide a more complete picture of the factors that increase the risk of developing the disease. These results emphasize the importance of prevention and early detection strategies, and the need for future studies that delve into the relationship between these factors and uterine cancer. Ultimately, this research provides important insights that can help improve women's health and reduce the burden of cervical cancer on society.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La calidad de vida y el estado emocional en los pacientes con hipertensión arterial: Una revisión bibliográfica
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-03-24) Cruz Pomavilla, Diana Carolina; Martínez Vicuña, Enriqueta; 1206456103
    Arterial hypertension is one of the most frequent and recurrent chronic diseases in the world, however, it is not detected immediately because it takes time to manifest itself, the care and prevention of the same goes beyond avoiding death, rather focuses on improving the lifestyle and quality of life of people who suffer from it, and also prioritizes the emotional well-being of the same, after the detection of the disease; The objective of the study was to determine the quality of life and emotional state in patients with arterial hypertension, by means of a documentary review, using a bibliographic, non-experimental and qualitative methodology, through the compilation of publications in recognized databases such as PubMed, Redalyc, SciELO and Institutional Repositories of Higher Education, with application of the PRISMA Method for search, classification and verification of compliance with criteria, including 7 investigations by various authors, which were analyzed, obtaining as a result that arterial hypertension considerably affects the quality of life, because this disease limits people to follow several treatments in order to improve their health. In addition, the patient's quality of life will improve significantly if the nursing staff executes their work correctly, maintains adequate clinical control, and collaborates with other experts to give confidence to the person suffering from arterial hypertension.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Determinaciones que desencadenan las complicaciones de la hipertensión arterial en adultos mayores
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Extensión San Pablo de La Troncal, 2024-01-08) Rodríguez Ortíz, Jeremy Steven; Dolores Quizphi, Deicy; 0303023378
    The determinants of arterial hypertension are the systolic and diastolic components that depend on cardiac output volume and peripheral vascular resistance. Arterial hypertension in elderly patients is one of the most common diseases due to factors leading to cardiovascular complications and a case fatality rate of 30% in America. The study aimed to identify the determinants triggering the complications of arterial hypertension in older adults. A qualitative-descriptive search was conducted, in full-text, in English and Spanish, examining the sources consulted for the research: SciELO and Google Scholar, using various studies conducted from 2018 to 2023 as a foundation. The information available from the data reviewed in 17 publications, mainly in Ecuador and Latin America, revealed the risk factors with the highest incidence of developing hypertension: inappropriate diet, sedentary lifestyle, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and family history. The study concluded that complications of arterial hypertension were more predominant in the Afro-descendant ethnic group and among females in the older adult population. Risk factors influence multiple cardiovascular diseases associated with organ damage. Notably, the prevalence in geriatric patients linked to high blood pressure is relatively influenced by the benefit of multiple pharmacotherapy treatments and altered pharmacokinetics inherent to this elderly group.
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    Complicaciones de la diabetes Mellitus tipo II en adultos mayores a nivel nacional
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Extensión San Pablo de La Troncal, 2024-01-08) Zumba Vera, Dayana Patricia; Montero Galarza, Gloria; 0942350943
    This study aimed to identify the complications associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in older adults in Ecuador. The methodology employed a qualitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional approach that involved the selection of articles from various scientific journal databases from the last five years through a comprehensive literature review. The findings from the reviewed studies converge to indicate that T2DM in older adults is associated with a number of multifaceted complications. The most frequently identified complications encompass thyroid alterations, arterial hypertension, obesity, renal diseases, neuropathies, retinopathies, cardiopathies, and metabolic disorders. Furthermore, a significant correlation is evidenced between diabetes and functional loss, decreased muscular mass, and comorbidities such as arterial hypertension, renal disease, visual impairment, cardiovascular disease, and amputations, alongside an increased risk of premature mortality. The study highlights the need to develop more effective healthcare and prevention strategies for these complications aimed at enhancing this vulnerable population’s quality of life.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Calidad de vida en adultos mayores con hipertensión arterial.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023-12-04) Buestán Paucar, Ana Isabel; Vicuña Palacios, Andrea; 0302437835
    The nursing profession is primarily dedicated to human care, where the execution of activities and procedures requires extensive knowledge regarding their correct implementation. Biosecurity is fundamental in the daily practice of healthcare. This study aims to determine compliance level with biosecurity measures in nursing practice in Primary Health Care. The qualitative, descriptive, and bibliographic research is based on a documentary review of previous studies by various authors, using relevant databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Elsevier, SciELO, and Google Scholar. The PRISMA Method was applied for analysis and selection, following established inclusion parameters and criteria. Most professionals indicated familiarity with biosecurity recommendations related to Primary Health Care, including using personal protective equipment and nurse-patient safety protocols. The most common biosecurity practices among caregivers are hand washing, using safety barriers usage when handling sharp objects, and waste classification and disposal. However, the availability of knowledge does not guarantee the effective implementation of these biosecurity measures in Primary Health Care, highlighting that some professionals may lack the expected coherent knowledge. Strengthening the acknowledgment of the nursing team and constant monitoring of compliance with biosecurity measures are emphasized.
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    Factores asociados a multidrogorresistencia en pacientes con tuberculosis en Ecuador.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023-12-04) Romero Vélez, Mayra Alejandra; Dolores Quizphi, Deicy; 0302660543
    Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is a public health issue. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with multidrug resistance in tuberculosis patients. A qualitative-descriptive approach was employed in a bibliographic investigation encompassing diverse information sources from 2018 to 2023. The review analyzed nineteen publications predominantly originating from Ecuador. It was evidenced that most of these studies pertained to factors associated with the development of tuberculosis and its treatment abandonment. The method employed in this study is bibliographic with a qualitative approach and descriptive scope concerning factors associated with multidrug resistance in tuberculosis patients in Ecuador. It was concluded that tuberculosis transmission occurs through regular or prolonged exposure to patients disseminating tubercle bacilli in confined or poorly ventilated spaces. Furthermore, factors contributing to multidrug resistance include treatment abandonment or irregularity, resistance to unwanted influences, alcohol, tobacco, and drug consumption, lack of family support, knowledge deficits, and economic constraints, preventing effective recovery and leading to severe health complications and the proliferation of strains, thereby increasing population-wide contagion. Keywords: Tuberculosis, multidrug-resistant, tubercle bacilli, health complications, risk factors.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Factores de riesgo que predisponen a adquirir Diabetes Mellitus tipo II en adultos de 30 a 50 años.
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023-11-24) Barahona Arévalo, Grace Fernanda; Martínez Vicuña, Enriqueta; 0303004857
    Diabetes mellitus stands as one of the most relevant non-communicable diseases alongside cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic respiratory diseases. It encompasses type I and type II diabetes as well as gestational diabetes. Consequently, the general objective of this study was to identify the risk factors predisposing adults aged 30 to 50 to acquire type 2 diabetes mellitus. In order to accomplish this objective, a systematic review was conducted to gather pertinent data on the factors that contribute to the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the adult population between the ages of 30 and 50. The research followed a non-experimental design with a qualitative approach. Among the main findings, 11 studies conducted within the last five years were identified from various databases. These studies highlighted the risk factors and sociodemographic elements contributing to the beginning of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults.
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