Extensión Cañar - Enfermería
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Eficiencia en el manejo de la gestión de residuos y desechos hospitalarios. Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2021-08-12) Cuesta Vasquez, Maria del Carmen; Ochoa Maldonado, Katty; 030201032-7ABSTRAC Introduction: The waste originated from the health centers contain a high pathogen-microorganism charge, which have a high noxiousness for both the environment and the overall population’s health state. Objective: To determine the efficiency of the hospital-waste management through a systematic revision. Methodology: This is a meta-qualitative systematic review. Ten studies from different data bases such as Redalyc, PubMed, SciELO and Google Scholar both in English and Spanish, published in the last 5 years were included. Results: Ten scientific papers were reviewed in order to gather the necessary information; such information addresses the efficiency of hospital-waste management. Conclusions: Hospital-waste management are the main problem related to the health staff´s biosecurity, therefore, it is important to elaborate a training program related to hospital-waste management in order to raise awareness in the health staff, avoiding putting both the health staff and general population at risk. The incorrect management of such waste, may reverberate on the appearance of conditions on the person who handles them, regardless of whether or not he or she belongs the health staff. Among them respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, malaria and other infectious diseases such as AIDS or HIV are highlighted. Keywords: management, sanitary waste, knowledge, practices.Ítem Acceso Abierto Impacto de las políticas económicas implementadas en la pandemia sobre el sistema De salud del país. Una revisión sistemática.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2021-09-07) Padilla Encalada, Julia Margarita; Ochoa Maldonado, Katty; 035022169-3Abstract Introduction: This paper analyzes the economic policies implemented from the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic to the immunization phase. Objective: To analyze the economic policies implemented under the pandemic in the Ecuadorian heath system. Methodology: The research was carried out through a systematic review according to the PRISMA method guidelines, which helps the authors using a systematic review based on the analysis of different studies considering certain key points proposed by the researcher. Results: It was found that there were crucial resolutions during the pandemic, which were advised by the state to generate a positive economic impact to counteract the damage caused by the crisis generated by Covid-19. Conclusion: The policies implemented in the country by the state helped to generate a greater amount of resources in the country's health system to stop the spread and increase of corona virus cases, on the other hand, political decisions regarding the refinancing of the external debt with the State money, which caused a lack of sustainability in the country costs during the pandemic. Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, economic policies, EcuadorÍtem Acceso Abierto Inmunosupresión en pacientes durante y post-infección COVID-19.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2021-10-20) Angamarca Pomavilla, Verónica Alexandra; Yamasqui Padilla, Isidro; 030272232-7ABSTRACT Introduction: The treatment with immunosuppresses causes patients to be at high contagious risk. It has been worrisome during the COVID-19 times, because such patients are at high contagious risk, in addition, it goes beyond the effects that the immunosuppression medicine might generate. Objective: To describe the scientific evidence, as well as, the recommendations regarding the use of immunosuppresses in patients during and after COVID-19 infection. Method: A systematic review of literature through the PRISMA bibliographic selector was conducted from March to June 2021. Results: A total 0f 20 bibliographic references were systematized, all of them focused on different illnesses that require immunosuppressive treatment, such as heart, kidney and autoimmune disease. The references indicate that immunosuppressive treatment does not complicate COVID-19 infection, therefore, it is not a risk factor in itself, however, there is a risk associated with certain diseases, especially heart disease and cancer. Conclusions: Evidence suggests that patients under immunosuppressive treatment do not show either the worst-case clinical endings or a major risk for COVID-19. Some immunosuppressive treatments are positive at stopping the progress of the COVID-19 infection, it is recommended to reduce the doses to avoid high risks of contagion. There still exists debate about whether treatment should be discontinued in some cases, such decisions must be made by the physicians in charge. The pandemic has caused many people with immunosuppressive treatment to discontinue taking their medicine, which constitutes a risk to their health. Keywords: COVID-19, immunosuppression, immunomodulatory, pre and post-infectionÍtem Acceso Abierto Terapia con plasmas de convaleciente añadido al tratamiento de UCI. Una revisión(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2021-11-18) Arcentales Mainato, Vilma Patricia; Verdugo Rojas, Erica Paola; 030262325-1ABSTRACT Introduction: COVID-19 shows itself from asymptomatic to conditions such as insufficiency respiratory, which may need mechanical ventilation that is provided in the intensive care units (ICU). Thus, in cases of multi-organ systematic manifestations such as sepsis and septic shock, the use of plasma from convalescent patients represents a treatment option that nowadays is still in use. Objective: To analyze the scientific production involving the application of plasma therapy from convalescent patients linked to the treatment provided in ICU. Materials and methods: A systematic review of the literature that included quantitative studies, random clinical essays in accordance with the PRISMA criteria. The search of information was conducted through the health terminology (DCS), in databases such as Google scholar, health virtual libraries, and Scopus in both English and Spanish from May to July 2021. Conclusions: The plasma from convalescent patients has been used as therapy for more than a century. The antibodies have an antiviral effect, as well as non-specific anti-inflammatory activity, on its efficacy in SARS-CoV-2 infection, in this case, the COVID-19. Keywords: therapy, convalescent plasma, COVID-19 patient, I.C.U., treatment outcomeÍtem Acceso Abierto Deterioro del sistema sanitario a causa de COVID-19: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2021-11-26) Tenezaca Avecillas, Efraín Sebastián; Contreras Briceño, José Ivo; 030265466-0ABSTRACT Introduction: Covid-19 outbreak has showed the imminent deterioration of the health care system, which has led to the reorganization of hospital and community action in order to increase hospital resources and cover the care of patients affected by this pathology, decreasing in promotion and prevention of other types of pathologies, resulting in an increase in the deterioration of the health care system worldwide. Objective: To systematize the available scientific evidence on the deterioration of the health system due to Covid-19. Methodology: The systematic review study was conducted through the interpretation of full open access scientific articles, Spanish and English publications, between 2017 and 2021 with the use of the Prisma method and the search engines Scopus, Google Scholar and Virtual Health Library. Twenty articles were selected obtaining as a result five categories of analysis. Results: The increase in patient demand due to Covid-19 has generated worldwide concern, resulting in the growth of the deterioration of the health system, significantly reducing the attention and priority of the rest of existing diseases, especially patients with chronic diseases. Conclusion: The precarious reality of the health system is public knowledge and its causes are well known, which has been affected, even more with the appearance of Covid-19, causing the reorientation of the health system in a 100%, reaching in a satisfactory way to bring the world health attention afloat. Keywords: hurt, health system, covid-19.Ítem Acceso Abierto Mortalidad y Morbilidad en pacientes con coinfección TB-VIH/COVID-19. Una revisión Sistemática.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2021-11-30) Mainato Duy, Nube Beatriz; Bustamante Espinoza, Katerine; 030214234-4ABSTRACT Introduction: The binominal HIV and Tuberculosis is associated with high morbility and mortality in patients with this pathology due to the COVID-19. Hence, patient with HIV the antiretroviral in patients had to be interrupted. In patients with Tuberculosis (TB) the promotion and prevention health program had been limited, consequently, the world health system has seen great deal of demand and problems. Objective: To systematize the scientific evidence available bout the mortality and morbidity in patients re-infected with TB-HIV/VOVID-19. Methodology: This systematic review study was conducted through the interpretation of complete scientific papers published both in English and Spanish from 2017 and 2021 of open access, using the PRISMA method and the searching engines Scopus, Google Scholar and the health virtual library. Results: The coinfection VIV-COVID-19 and TB-COVID-19 represents an imminent risk of the morbidity and mortality rate, but at the moment there are no records about the mortality rate mortality rate from triple infection, although due to carelessness prevention programs and health promotion on HIV and TB, the morbidity and mortality rate has increased, at the level of HIV by 2.75%, while at the level of Tuberculosis by 2.58%. Conclusion: The impact of COVID-19 in patients with HIV and Tuberculosis is uncertain, because there have been no cases of triple infection, so the exact percentage of mortality due to this triple coinfection cannot be specified. Keywords: morbidity, coinfection, Tuberculosis, VIH, COVID-19.Ítem Acceso Abierto Variantes del virus Sars-covid identificados en el Ecuador y frecuencia de la reinfección(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2021-12-01) Espinoza Torres, Vilma Margarita; Rodriguez Pañora, Patricia Elizabeth; 030263046-2ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the Sars-CoV-2 variants and their frequency in the reinfection with the virus in Ecuador.Material and method: A systematic review of the literature was carried out through the organized exploration of scientific articles published since 2019 both in English and Spanish, in databases such as PubMed, Medline, Scielo, and the documents from organizations and sanitary authorities, including the following keywords: variants, COVID-19. Results: The SARS-CoV-2 variants circulating in Ecuador include B.1.1.7, A1b/131K and the A2/re5. Once the serch was carried out, 7 articles related to the theme were found such as “Sars-CoV-2 virus variants identified in Ecuador and frequency of reinfection with the virus in Ecuador. A Systematic Review ". Taking into consideration the date it seems that there are a few investigations about the theme since 2020. Conclusions: When the virus shows new mutations, these are known as original variants of the virus. Worldwide there are several variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that cause the COVID-19 disease, these variants generate concern by increasing the amount of infections and new variants begin to affect different age groups, being young men the population most vulnerable. Variants of the virus may have the ability to re-infect people who have recovered from previous versions of the coronavirus. They may even be resistant to the coronavirus vaccines that are being developed. However, in Ecuador there are no studies that determine whether there are cases of reinfection Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, variants, reinfection.Ítem Acceso Abierto Manejo clinico integral del sars-cov-2 en el embarazo. Una revision sistematica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2021-12-01) Ortiz Tenesaca, Byron Fabian; Aguaiza Pichazaca, Erlinda; 0330229106-7ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the Sars-CoV-2 variants and their frequency in the reinfection with the virus in Ecuador.Material and method: A systematic review of the literature was carried out through the organized exploration of scientific articles published since 2019 both in English and Spanish, in databases such as PubMed, Medline, Scielo, and the documents from organizations and sanitary authorities, including the following keywords: variants, COVID-19. Results: The SARS-CoV-2 variants circulating in Ecuador include B.1.1.7, A1b/131K and the A2/re5. Once the serch was carried out, 7 articles related to the theme were found such as “Sars-CoV-2 virus variants identified in Ecuador and frequency of reinfection with the virus in Ecuador. A Systematic Review ". Taking into consideration the date it seems that there are a few investigations about the theme since 2020. Conclusions: When the virus shows new mutations, these are known as original variants of the virus. Worldwide there are several variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that cause the COVID-19 disease, these variants generate concern by increasing the amount of infections and new variants begin to affect different age groups, being young men the population most vulnerable. Variants of the virus may have the ability to re-infect people who have recovered from previous versions of the coronavirus. They may even be resistant to the coronavirus vaccines that are being developed. However, in Ecuador there are no studies that determine whether there are cases of reinfection Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, variants, reinfection.Ítem Acceso Abierto Complicaciones frecuentes por covid 19 en adolescentes: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Heredia Villota, Cinthya Camila; Rodriguez Pañora, Patricia Elizabeth; 030203669-4Adolescence is a transition period between childhood and adulthood, in which a series of physical, mental and psychological changes occur; such become the basis for shaping their personality and behavior. Hence, adolescents are referred to as a group vulnerable to different conditions that may alter their physical and/or mental health, such as the recently discovered Coronavirus or COVID-19. This infectious-contagious illness from the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen causes a seriously acute respiratory syndrome with an extremely high mortality rate. Methodology: The current investigation is a systematic review of the literature using the qualitative approach. Consequently, scientific articles from databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, MEDLINE, SciELO, Redalyc and ProQuest were analyzed. Results: Adolescents are not exempt from getting COVID-19 and all the clinical symptoms; nevertheless, their mortality rate is lower than that of the adult population since most affected adolescents recover efficiently. Conclusion: Frequent complications of COVID-19 in the adolescents occur in the pulmonary (chest discomfort, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis, dyspnea), cardiac (myocarditis, myocardial injuries, arrhythmias), renal (kidney damage), neurological (brain swelling) and psychological (mental disorders, depression, anxiety, stress) levels. keywords: adolescents, covid-19, complications, conditions, physical.Ítem Acceso Abierto Estudio nutricional y el rendimiento académico de las niñas y niños en etapa escolar: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Ordoñez Barahona, Milton Humberto; Regalado Vázquez, Zandra Maribel; 030229902-9Nutrition is a significant element in children’s academic performance in school. Previous research shows that nutrition significantly impacts children’s intellectual, cognitive, and affective development, among others. This systematic review aims to evaluate the influence of nutrition on children’s academic performance at school. Methodology: This systematic review is a Meta study carried out under a qualitative approach. Twelve publications from 2018 to 2022 were chosen using selection criteria such as Spanish and English, keywords, and thesaurus logical operators gathered from scientific databases from the Catholic University of Cuenca. Results: Nutrition is a crucial factor that affects individuals’ academic performance. Based on this, good nutrition allows children better to achieve academic, personal, and social development. For this reason, children’s nutrition is mainly the family’s and school’s responsibility. 12 articles from 2018 to 2022 in Spanish are shown. Conclusion: Nutrition greatly affects children’s integral and holistic formation in several aspects of their daily lives. However, it includes other aspects, such as academic formation and interpersonal relationships in their first years at school. Keywords: nutritional status, children, academic performance, school period. ABSTRACT Nutrition is a significant element in children’s academic performance in school. Previous research shows that nutrition significantly impacts children’s intellectual, cognitive, and affective development, among others. This systematic review aims to evaluate the influence of nutrition on children’s academic performance at school. Methodology: This systematic review is a Meta study carried out under a qualitative approach. Twelve publications from 2018 to 2022 were chosen using selection criteria such as Spanish and English, keywords, and thesaurus logical operators gathered from scientific databases from the Catholic University of Cuenca. Results: Nutrition is a crucial factor that affects individuals’ academic performance. Based on this, good nutrition allows children better to achieve academic, personal, and social development. For this reason, children’s nutrition is mainly the family’s and school’s responsibility. 12 articles from 2018 to 2022 in Spanish are shown. Conclusion: Nutrition greatly affects children’s integral and holistic formation in several aspects of their daily lives. However, it includes other aspects, such as academic formation and interpersonal relationships in their first years at school. Keywords: nutritional status, children, academic performance, school period. ABSTRACT Nutrition is a significant element in children’s academic performance in school. Previous research shows that nutrition significantly impacts children’s intellectual, cognitive, and affective development, among others. This systematic review aims to evaluate the influence of nutrition on children’s academic performance at school. Methodology: This systematic review is a Meta study carried out under a qualitative approach. Twelve publications from 2018 to 2022 were chosen using selection criteria such as Spanish and English, keywords, and thesaurus logical operators gathered from scientific databases from the Catholic University of Cuenca. Results: Nutrition is a crucial factor that affects individuals’ academic performance. Based on this, good nutrition allows children better to achieve academic, personal, and social development. For this reason, children’s nutrition is mainly the family’s and school’s responsibility. 12 articles from 2018 to 2022 in Spanish are shown. Conclusion: Nutrition greatly affects children’s integral and holistic formation in several aspects of their daily lives. However, it includes other aspects, such as academic formation and interpersonal relationships in their first years at school. Keywords: nutritional status, children, academic performance, school period. ABSTRACT Nutrition is a significant element in children’s academic performance in school. Previous research shows that nutrition significantly impacts children’s intellectual, cognitive, and affective development, among others. This systematic review aims to evaluate the influence of nutrition on children’s academic performance at school. Methodology: This systematic review is a Meta study carried out under a qualitative approach. Twelve publications from 2018 to 2022 were chosen using selection criteria such as Spanish and English, keywords, and thesaurus logical operators gathered from scientific databases from the Catholic University of Cuenca. Results: Nutrition is a crucial factor that affects individuals’ academic performance. Based on this, good nutrition allows children better to achieve academic, personal, and social development. For this reason, children’s nutrition is mainly the family’s and school’s responsibility. 12 articles from 2018 to 2022 in Spanish are shown. Conclusion: Nutrition greatly affects children’s integral and holistic formation in several aspects of their daily lives. However, it includes other aspects, such as academic formation and interpersonal relationships in their first years at school. Keywords: nutritional status, children, academic performance, school period. ABSTRACT Nutrition is a significant element in children’s academic performance in school. Previous research shows that nutrition significantly impacts children’s intellectual, cognitive, and affective development, among others. This systematic review aims to evaluate the influence of nutrition on children’s academic performance at school. Methodology: This systematic review is a Meta study carried out under a qualitative approach. Twelve publications from 2018 to 2022 were chosen using selection criteria such as Spanish and English, keywords, and thesaurus logical operators gathered from scientific databases from the Catholic University of Cuenca. Results: Nutrition is a crucial factor that affects individuals’ academic performance. Based on this, good nutrition allows children better to achieve academic, personal, and social development. For this reason, children’s nutrition is mainly the family’s and school’s responsibility. 12 articles from 2018 to 2022 in Spanish are shown. Conclusion: Nutrition greatly affects children’s integral and holistic formation in several aspects of their daily lives. However, it includes other aspects, such as academic formation and interpersonal relationships in their first years at school. Keywords: nutritional status, children, academic performance, school period. ABSTRACT Nutrition is a significant element in children’s academic performance in school. Previous research shows that nutrition significantly impacts children’s intellectual, cognitive, and affective development, among others. This systematic review aims to evaluate the influence of nutrition on children’s academic performance at school. Methodology: This systematic review is a Meta study carried out under a qualitative approach. Twelve publications from 2018 to 2022 were chosen using selection criteria such as Spanish and English, keywords, and thesaurus logical operators gathered from scientific databases from the Catholic University of Cuenca. Results: Nutrition is a crucial factor that affects individuals’ academic performance. Based on this, good nutrition allows children better to achieve academic, personal, and social development. For this reason, children’s nutrition is mainly the family’s and school’s responsibility. 12 articles from 2018 to 2022 in Spanish are shown. Conclusion: Nutrition greatly affects children’s integral and holistic formation in several aspects of their daily lives. However, it includes other aspects, such as academic formation and interpersonal relationships in their first years at school. Keywords: nutritional status, children, academic performance, school period.Ítem Acceso Abierto Alternativas terapéuticas ancestrales en pacientes covid 19: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Yamasqui Ron, Cristóbal Adrián; Luzuriaga Calle, María Agusta; 030268960-9Introduction: Ancestral alternative therapies are methods and techniques that help balance the individual's physical, mental, and spiritual body and environment. This use is based on the knowledge of the ancestor who has been transmitting its use for decades, even more so in the era of SARS-CoV2. Consequently, the world's population used it as a preventive alternative to the virus. Objective: To describe the available scientific evidence on ancestral therapeutic alternatives in COVID-19 patients. Methodology: A systematic descriptive review was used under the PRISMA methodology. To perform the search, keywords in Spanish, such as "therapies," "ancestral," "patients," and "SARS-CoV2", boolean connections AND, OR, inclusion and exclusion criteria were used. Fourteen original articles in Spanish and English were acquired from various sources: BV Salud, UCACUE Virtual Library, Digital Repository, Medigraphic, and Google Scholar. Discussion/Results: six categories were created: ancestral medicine as an alternative to SARS-CoV2, the effect of medicinal plants against SARS-CoV2, phytotherapy as an alternative to SARS-CoV2, therapeutic realities of SARS-CoV2, the use of domestic ancestral medicine COVID-19, and herbal plants as a preventive alternative to SARS-CoV2. Conclusion: studies show that medicinal plants contain bioactive amino acids, vitamins B and C, essential oils, flavonoids, etc., that help fight respiratory infections caused by SARS-CoV2. Keywords: therapies, sar-cov2, alternative, ancestralÍtem Acceso Abierto Análisis de las estrategias aplicadas para la integración de los sistemas se salud ancestral en el Ecuador: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Deleg Bonilla, Diana Maribel; Andrade Encalada, Hernán Alonso; 010625732-2Introduction: Ecuador is a multinational country where different knowledge systems exist in the health area, being ancestral health practices identified as a characteristic of indigenous people and nationalities. The state is committed to integrating this knowledge into the public health system to guarantee respect for diversity and preservation of the systems. Applying strategies that provide a real integrative possibility to understand ancestral health is challenging. Objective: To describe strategies used to integrate ancestral medicine into public health systems. Method: A systematic review of the bibliography was carried out through the PRISMA method for document selection. Results: It is necessary to start from public policies support an ancestral knowledge validation, reinforced by scientific research entities —like Universities— to ensure true equality in the knowledge systems perceptions. Conclusions: Nowadays, it is possible to link different health systems from an integral health perspective. It considers human health beyond the physiological in its different dimensions, such as emotional, social, cultural, and worldview; these perspectives are indeed addressed in ancestral health systems. Keywords: public health, ancestral health, strategies, integrationÍtem Acceso Abierto Cumplimiento de las normas de bioseguridad del personal de enfermería intrahospitalario, en el Ecuador: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Crespo Bermejo, Erika Gabriela; Peralta Cárdenas, María Fernanda; 030261491-2Introduction: Biosafety standards are a set of rules and techniques for safety. They regulate and guide health practices to protect personnel while handling of pathogenic and infectious agents and their associated procedures. Objective: To analyze scientific literature on compliance with biosafety regulations in nursing staff. Methods: A systematic bibliographic research using a qualitative approach was carried out according to the PRISMA methodology. The following information sources, SciELO, PubMed, Dialnet, Taylor & Francis, Scopus, ProQuest, Web of Science, search engines from the Virtual Library UCACUE, Google Scholar, bibliographic documents in English and Spanish in the last five years, a combination of keywords, and DeCS and Boolean operators AND and OR were used. Results: It was found that there is a non-compliance with biosafety standards and protocols in the intra-hospital environment by professionals; even though they have enough knowledge; the aspects of most significant non-compliance were correct hand washing, use of personal protective equipment, sharps waste handling, and blood and fluid exposure accidents. Conclusions: Biosafety standards must be correctly applied to avoid accidents when treating patients and handling elements that transmit microorganisms, which may affect health. Keywords: compliance, biosafety, intra-hospital, nursingÍtem Acceso Abierto Impacto de la pandemia covid 19, en la formación de enfermería: Una visión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Gervacio López, Nathaly Daniela; Aguaiza Pichazaca, María Erlinda; 11BT2022EN.66The COVID-19 pandemic affected people in different ways; most of them had mild or moderate symptoms leaving irreversible sequels on the whole society, including the teaching-learning process. This systematic review aims to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing education. Methodology: This research is a meta-study that follows a systematic review under a qualitative approach. Some eligibility criteria were applied, such as Spanish and English language, use of keywords and Boolean operators. Ten articles were gathered from scientific databases such as Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Latindex, SciELO, Scopus, and the Catholic University of Cuenca published between 2019 and 2022, were considered. Results: A total of 10 articles were analyzed, showing that COVID-19 greatly influenced nursing education. It established new personal and academic challenges due to inequality in access to new technologies and the Internet. As it was a practical career, there was a deficit in learning this profession. In conclusion, students were significantly affected in their academic training, especially in clinical practice, as it had to be temporarily postponed during the COVID-19 health crisis, making it impossible to accomplish the planning practices. Keywords: nursing education, pandemic, covid-19, professional practices.Ítem Acceso Abierto El parto intercultural y los sistemas de salúd pública del Ecuador: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Medina Gárate, Albania Mercedes; Peralta Cardenas, María Fernanda; 030218101-1Introduction: Intercultural childbirth is a typical indigenous community practice that still keeps its beliefs in women’s care; it is also practiced in families with economic or geographic scope problems that cannot access conventional health systems. Its use implies preservation of the knowledge and respect for ethnic diversity; it can also represent a risk of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality, especially where ancestral knowledge cannot attend complications. Objective: To describe strategies for integrating intercultural childbirth into public health systems in Ecuador. Method: It was carried out through the PRISMA method to classify thirteen publications from 2018 to 2022. Results: Intercultural practice in the public health systems has often been focused on vertical childbirth, with no consideration of the elements such as worldview, family, and community participation, like the midwives —who have been considered in some cases only as informants—, their knowledge, beliefs, and practices. Conclusion: It is necessary to have a perspective close to the reality of the culture on intercultural childbirth to have an equal dialogue in the different knowledge systems in Ecuador. Keywords: intercultural childbirth, health systems, childbirth, traditional medicineÍtem Acceso Abierto Análisis en los factores que influyen en el esquema incompleto de vacunas en los niños de 0 a 5 años en el Ecuador: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Guaman Agualema, Pedro Fabricio; Peralta Cardenas, Maria Fernanda; 035000343-0Compliance with the vaccination schedule protects children against infections by stimulating their immune system to prevent diseases, disabilities and deaths. This research aims to determine the factors that influence an incomplete vaccination schedule in children O to 5 years old using a systemic bibliographic review. It was carried out through the PRISMA methodology using databases such as PubMed, Scielo, Dialnet, Elsevier, and national repositories that complied with the inclusión and exclusion criteria according to the topic. Therefore, thirteen articles that answered the proposed research questions and objectives were selected under a quantitative and qualitative approach. The results showed that 100% of the studies belong to national repositories, 92.3% stated that sociocultural factors are associated with non-adherence to vaccination, and 75% reported poor communication. In conclusion, factors affecting the non-adherence are sociocultural components, a mother's education level, economic, institutional, and lack of communication in healthcare personnel regarding immunization. Keywords: factors, immunization, immunization, schedule, children 0 to 5 years old.Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores de riesgo para que se desarrolle el síndrome de burnout en docentes universitarios: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Angamarca Siguencia, Karen Patricia; Luzuriaga Calle, María Agusta; 030301227-2Burnout syndrome appears as a result of fatigue at work. This syndrome frequently occurs in university teachers due to the different academic job demands, together with the continuous evolution of the various fields of knowledge and social needs that force university education to be continuously renewed. This research aimed to identify risk factors for the development of burnout syndrome in university teachers. It was a bibliographic investigation that followed a systematic review of the literature through the PRISMA method. 17 publications from 2018 to 2022 indexed in scientific journals and publications were identified. The results showed that the risk factors are associated with the areas in which university classes are taught, the continuous need for teachers to face problems, conflict resolution, evaluations and constant monitoring of teaching work, the need for ongoing updating, organizational factors, and severity levels of institutional policies. On the other hand, personal factors include the male gender and people over 50 years of age. In conclusion, it is necessary to deepen these investigations in Latin America since there is a lack of interest in this syndrome in the teaching process, which is why its actual prevalence is unknown. Keywords: burnout syndrome, teaching, university, risk factors.Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores determinantes en desnutrición en escolares en el ecuador: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Huerta Chimborazo, Rafael; Rodriguez Pañora, Patricia Elizabeth; 030290350-5There are different determining factors for malnutrition in children, such as social, economic, and political factors that include poverty, inequality, and poorly educated mothers; families with low economic incomes who are not able to afford a balanced diet rich in nutrients necessary for the normal development of children in Ecuador. Objective: To know determining factors associated with nutritional issues for malnutrition in children at school in Ecuador. Method: This research is a Meta-Analysis study that follows a systematic review carried out according to PRISMA methodology. It complied with inclusion and exclusion criteria using a qualitative approach. The following sources, Google Scholar, SciELO, PubMed, Scopus, Redalyc, and WHO regional databases fully published in the last five years, were used. Results: After analyzing the 20 articles, it was found that individual, family, social, cultural, and economic factors are determinants for malnutrition in Ecuador, emphasizing the child’s close family social environment. Conclusions: The main determining factors for malnutrition in Ecuador are: parents who do not care about feeding their children, children with low economic resources, children who have parasites due to poor hygiene and feeding, lack of controls in health centers; leading to malnutrition, anemia, and other causes. Keywords: malnutrition, determinants, factors, school children.Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores que influyen en el desarrollo del síndrome metabólico en adultos jóvenes:Una revisión sistematíca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Cantos Pino, Janeth Beatriz; Rodriguez Pañora, Patricia Elizabeth; 030279904-4Introduction: Metabolic syndrome consists of different cardiovascular risk factors. This has been a health problem among young adults and increased worldwide in recent years. Objective: To analyze the available scientific evidence on the factors that influence metabolic syndrome among young adults using a systematic review. Methods: A systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) method was carried out. Data was collected from scientific databases such as PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and the Virtual Library from the University of Cuenca. Qualitative approach research was carried out to collect information from 2018-2022; some filters were used, such as English and Spanish lenguage, Decs terms, Boolean AND and OR operators, and keywords. Results: The study was besed on 13 articles that were classified into four main categories, making it possible to know the factors that influence the development of metabolic syndrome among young adults, such as habits (diets based on high energy and high in calories foods, fat, and sugar), not getting enough physical activity, tobacco alcohol consumption, overweight, abdominal obesity and high cholesterol. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome is a common disorder influenced by increased obesity, resulting insulin resistance, visceral adiposity, dyslipidemia and hypertension. Which are interconnected. Keywords: Factors, Metabolic syndrome, Young adults.Ítem Acceso Abierto El éxito de los tratamientos contra la desnutrición en los niños: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022) Correa Serpa, Catalina Elizabeth; Aguaiza Pichazaca, Erlinda; 030265994-1Child malnutrition is a pathologic condition that must be treated systematically and continuously. Treatment success depends on replenishing the missing nutrients in the infant's body and the mitigation of the symptoms that such disease entails. Objective: The study aims at determining the characteristics and aspects that influence the success of treatments against malnutrition in children. Methodology: This investigation is a Meta study that follows a systematic review of literature lacking the registration of a developmental protocol. It was carried out under the qualitative approach based on twelve publications gathered from scientific databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, MedLine, SciELO, Redalyc, and other ProQuest databases from the Catholic University of Cuenca. These studies were referenced through the Mendeley data manager. Results: The physical growth and intellectual development of children require a healthy and balanced diet; that is, the ingested food and substances must provide the nutrients, proteins, vitamins and antibodies that the infant's body requires to prevent a series of conditions such as child malnutrition, which might affect their integral development. Conclusions: The success of a child malnutrition treatment depends on aspects that include getting quality health care, fulfilling the doctor’s prescription to the exact detail, administering therapeutic foods, ensuring a nutritious diet, complying with all the visits suggested by the health professional, and maintaining hygiene measures when preparing and consuming foods. Keywords: treatment, malnutrition, children, infants, success.