Gaming as a motivational strategy to teach English grammar
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Universidad Católica de Cuenca
This study describes the implementation of games-based learning to teach English grammar to children. It also evaluates the importance of using games as a pedagogical tool to teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to young learners. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the use of classroom and virtual games in learning English grammar in the seventh-grade students from "Alborada" school of Cuenca. This study includes a grammar pre- and post-test that was composed of 10 multiple choice questions and a survey that shows students’ opinion about the level of satisfaction of learning grammar with games and their effectiveness. The participants’ ages ranged from 10 to 12. Two groups of students were purposefully selected from all the seventh-grade groups. This study contributes to second language learning by conducting systematic research on the success of games as a tool for learning grammar.
Palabras clave
classroom games, virtual games, learning grammar, engagement, children, motivation
Alaña Quiñonez, A., & Argudo Serrano, J. (2023). Gaming as a motivational strategy to teach English grammar. Polo del Conocimiento, 8(3), 1139-1157. doi: