La posible vulneración del Principio de orden jerárquico de aplicación de las normas, en la ordenanza de la empresa pública Cuerpo de Bomberos del GAD Municipal de Zamora

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Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
This research work entitled "POSSIBLE VIOLATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF HIERARCHICAL ORDER OF APPLICATION OF THE RULES IN THE ORDINANCE OF THE PUBLIC COMPANY FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE MUNICIPAL DECENTRALIZED AUTONOMOUS GOVERNMENT OF ZAMORA" presents unconstitutionality when conducting the ordinance of adscription of the Fire Brigade of Zamora by the City Council of the Municipal Decentralized Autonomous Government of Zamora since it clearly contravenes the principle of the hierarchical order of norms, due to the non-observance of the specific regulations for the organization of the firefighting institution, as is the case of the Law of Defense against Fires and its regulations, which were in force totally until 2017, and later partially repealed by the Organic Code of Security and Public Order Entities
Palabras clave
Adscripción, Auónomos Descentralizados Municipales, Insconstitucionalidad, Vulneración, Principio Jerárquico, Gobiernos
Vásquez Criollo, A. (2021) La posible vulneración del Principio de orden jerárquico de aplicación de las normas, en la ordenanza de la empresa pública Cuerpo de Bomberos del GAD Municipal de Zamora[Trabajo de Investigacion de Grado. Universidad Católica de Cuenca].