Análisis hidrosocial en el periurbano de la parroquia Baños, caso de estudio comunidad Minas

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Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Carrera de Arquitectura
In the last decade, the Minas community has suffered an accelerated growth in its urban area, which has led to a problem in the agrarian landscape. For this reason, it is proposed to analyze the hydraulic system according to the fragmented characteristics of the peri-urban community of Minas in Baños parish, to strengthen the circular economy and containment of waste at the local area. The research work consists of four stages: 1) Definition of the hydro-social territory, 2) Analysis of the water landscapes, 3) Analysis of the agro-environmental profile and 4) Analysis of the urban landscape. In addition, there is a review of different sources of investigation and mapping that helps to urdenstand the current situation of the territory. Through these analyzes, a dynamic of changes was identified from 2008 to 2018, since it is the grown of the urban area, together with the deficit of public services, causing the loss of agricultural soil in 2018 with approximately 65 per cent. This has caused that the agriculture is not profitable and that the construction of new buildings appropriates the space, originating that the agricultural vocation gets lost. Based on the results obtained, a proposal of renaturation of the peri-urban was established, this originates the strengthening of the circular economy and recovery of the space with its own productive networks that will serve for the consumption of the inhabitants, strengthening its environmental, cultural and socioeconomic values.
Palabras clave
Territorio Hidrosocial, Fragmentación Periurbana, Paisaje Agrícola, Paisaje Del Agua