Trabajos de Titulación - Ingeniería Psicología Clínica
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- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAbordajes psicoterapéuticos de trastornos depresivos en adolescentes.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Avilés Fajardo, Yanileth D.; Molina Luna, Evelyn F.; Mazón Ávila, Juan P.; 1400696256; 0302988936Depression is recognized as one of the most prevalent health problems worldwide among adolescents, leading to unfortunate consequences, such as social and academic deterioration and high suicide rates. Therefore, it was necessary to explore appropriate therapeutic treatments for this condition through a descriptive literature review in indexed journals such as Elseiver, Web of Science, Mendeley, PubMed, among others. For this study, the following keywords were used: adolescents, depressive disorder, psychotherapeutic intervention, stages of development, and depressive symptoms. During the stages of adolescent development, they undergo changes that generate vulnerability to the onset of potential mental disorders like depression. The characteristics of depressive disorder were also evaluated, including suicidal ideation or planning, academic failure, low self-esteem, among others. Irritability emerged as a prominent symptom in the diagnosis of adolescent depression. In conclusion, the most effective therapeutic treatment for this problem was identified as interpersonal and cognitive-behavioral therapy, according to the study findings.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAbordajes psicoterapéuticos en adultos con consumo problemático de cannabis(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Peñarreta Matute , Ronald; Roldán Vásquez , Irma; Betancourtt Aguilera , Marcia; 0105802813; 0104636519The issue related to cannabis consumption in adults has been the subject of research within the field of psychotherapy. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report stated that cannabis is the most consumed drug worldwide, with a significant increase in its prevalence from 3.8% in 2010 to 8% in 2020. According to the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, approximately 1% of the population in Ecuador consumes this substance. Similarly, the Pan American Health Organization states that the relationship with drug-consuming peers is a predictive factor for drug addiction in adults, regardless of family and individual factors. This research aimed to understand psychotherapeutic approaches in adults with problematic cannabis consumption. A literature review was conducted in the main PsycInfo and PubMed databases by evaluating experimental and comparative studies. Randomized trials with control groups were used, and articles with low methodological quality were excluded. As a result, it was found that the most effective healing treatment included cognitive-behavioral therapy, emphasizing first and second-generation techniques. Other successful strategies included motivational interviewing and relapse prevention. Brief therapies demonstrated benefits similar to long-term therapies, and individual therapies were more effective than group ones.
- ÍtemSolo MetadatosAbuso sexual infanto-juvenil en Centro de Salud del Azuay 2014-2018(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Bustillos Hernández, Bárbara Pamela; Llivisupa Rivera, Rosa Ana; Hernández Rodríguez, Yenima de la Caridad; 0106421761; 0105125355En el Cantón Santa Isabel, se ha observado en mayor auge el grado de violencia sexual hacia niños, niñas y adolescentes en edades de 5 a 9 años, con una totalidad de 31 casos desde el año 2014 al 2018, acotando la existencia de tres casos no analizados debido a la falta de documentación.
- ÍtemSolo MetadatosAcoso escolar y su relación con pensamientos suicidas en adolescentes.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Buestan López, Daniela Patricia; Quito Tapia, Fausto; 0105707293
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAcoso sexual en el ámbito universitario en Latinoamérica.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Granda Maldonado, Simone S.; Guevara Valdivieso, María C.; Mazón, Juan P.; 0706149150; 1104507999Introduction. Sexual harassment in universities is a latent reality in Latin America, affecting mainly women, which is little visible; however, it constitutes a social problem. Objective. To analyze the characteristics of sexual harassment in the university environment in Latin America through a documentary review in digital databases. Methodology. Integrative, exploratory, and descriptive literature review study, with a qualitative approach, based on the search for information in scientific platforms such as Scopus, Web of Science, Taylor & Francis, ProQuest, Redalyc, and SciELO, using search strategies that combined keywords with the "AND" operator to filter documents from 2018 to 2023 in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, including only original scientific articles, systematic reviews, and books or book chapters. Results. Scientific evidence was found in 9 countries in the region, in Spanish (80%), English (16.7%), and Portuguese (3.3%). Scientific articles (76.7%), books/book chapters (13.3%), and systematic reviews (10%). The occurrence of sexual harassment averages 44.5%; compliments or unwanted comments are the most common manifestation of harassment, while poor academic performance, anxiety, and depression are the most frequently reported consequences. Conclusion. Universities should implement programs or protocols for dealing with cases of sexual harassment.
- ÍtemSolo MetadatosActitudes hacia la homosexualidad y la relación con estereotipos sexuales en personas privadas de la libertad.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Barrera Quito, Karla Alejandra; Hernández Rodríguez, Yenima de la Caridad; 0107061822
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAdicción a los videojuegos en adolescentes.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Yánez Fernandéz , Cristian; Padilla Samaniego, María; 0302543970Introduction. Excessive video game use in adolescents has become an addictive behavior that triggers a significant impact on their well-being and quality of life. Objective. To determine video game addiction in adolescents. Methodology. A quality descriptive literature review was conducted, employing Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, Redalyc, and Dialnet databases, including descriptive, experimental, meta-analysis, observational narrative, cross-sectional, and systemic review studies, and also undergraduate and postgraduate theses were analyzed —only those referring to video game addiction in adolescent population—. Results. According to the chosen and evaluated studies, it was found that the lack of affection and communication with parents and personality traits, such as neuroticism, increase the risk of addiction to video games, having a considerable effect on both health psychological and physical health. Conclusion. Video game addiction in adolescents is closely related to the excessive use of technological devices and, in particular, video games. From an early age, people begin to use these devices, contributing to video game dependence becoming a prevalent problem during adolescence. It has been identified that the population most susceptible to this addiction are men aged between 11 and 18 years old.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAdicción al internet y comportamientos agresivos en adolescentes(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Calle Pesantez , Victoria; Zumba Guallpa , Cristina; Narvàez Pillco, Viviana; 0302711510; 0105916894Introduction. In the current era, digital technologies have become a constant presence, especially among adolescents. This growing dependence on technology has led to a concerning phenomenon: Internet addiction. Objective. To analyze internet addiction in adolescents and its relationship with aggressive behaviors. Methodology. It is a literature review conducted through Scopus, Redalyc, ProQuest, Taylor & Francis, Web of Science, Dialnet, and SciELO databases, with sources published from 2018 to 2023. Results: Diverse types of internet addiction were identified, including dependence on social networks, video games, and compulsive consumption of digital content, which have severe psychological consequences on adolescents, such as depression, sleep disorders, and low self-esteem. Additionally, a significant relationship was found between internet addiction and aggressive behaviors in adolescents. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of implementing preventive and therapeutic measures that focus on the various forms of internet addiction and how they affect the mental health and well-being of adolescents. It is essential to prioritize digital education and media literacy, promote social interaction, and provide emotional support to encourage balanced use of technology and reduce potential risks associated with internet addiction in this demographic group.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAdicciones al Internet: Estudiantes de Primero y Segundo de Bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Alicia Loza Meneses. Periodo 2018-2019.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Mendieta Torres, Priscila Gabriela; Yanza Méndez, Rafael Gerardo; 0106528250
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAfectación de la violencia intrafamiliar en salud mental de la población geriátrica.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Andrade Honores , Carmen; Morocho Guamán , Deysi; Viñanzaca López, Juan; 0704584671; 1950188597Intrafamily violence greatly impairs the mental health of older adults. This research employed a bibliographic design with a qualitative approach and a descriptive scope supported by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. This research aimed to determine the affectation of intrafamily violence on the mental health of the geriatric population, to relate intrafamily violence and the mental health of older adults, and to identify intervention strategies in cases of intrafamily violence within this demographic. For this reason, scientific articles were collected from PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Taylor & Francis, and Redalyc. It was determined that intrafamily violence in the geriatric population generates diverse psychological consequences, encompassing depression, feelings of worthlessness, uncertainty, post-traumatic stress, depression, anguish, fear, social anxiety, diminished psychological well-being, dissatisfaction with life, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, social maladjustment, feelings of submissiveness, dementia, psychopathy, eating disorders, decreased self-esteem, anger, difficulty concentrating, confusional syndromes, social withdrawal, decreased interest in life, and suicidal ideation, among others. Therefore, effective psychological interventions to reduce these symptoms were psychoeducation, problem-solving, behavioral activation, prolonged in vivo exposure therapy, problem-emotion-focused coping, and cognitive behavioral therapy. It is concluded that intrafamily violence affects the mental health of the geriatric population, causing different consequences, and thus, psychological intervention is required to counteract them.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAfectividad en adultos mayores institucionalizados y en condición de mendicidad de Cuenca.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Gomezcuello Coronel, Edwin Andrés; Neira Cárdenas, Olga Susana; 0105776975
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAfectividad en adultos mayores institucionalizados y en condición de mendicidad de Cuenca.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Gomezcuello Coronel, Edwin Andrés; Neira Cárdenas, Olga Susana; 105776975
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAfrontamiento al estrés en padres y cuidadores de niños con cáncer.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Mejía Tuquiñagui, Fernanda Gabriela; Ochoa Salamea, Mónica Priscila; Tamayo, Mónica del Carmen; 0104309869; 0105549232
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAgresividad y adicción a videojuegos e internet en adolescentes de la Unidad Educativa Técnico Salesiano de la ciudad de Cuenca 2018 – 2019.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Farez Uyaguari, Marco Xavier; Cabrera Guerrero, Juan Aquilino; 0105117667
- ÍtemSolo MetadatosAgresores de pareja y el riesgo de reincidencia de violencia.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Rodríguez Bermeo, María Angélica; Paredes Tello, Verónica Isabel
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAgresores sexuales sentenciados del CRS Machala, 2019: El perfil criminal y el riesgo de reincidencia de violencia sexual.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Elizalde Martínez, Braulio Andrés; Paredes Tello, Verónica Isabel; 0705117414
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAjustes psicosociales en jóvenes que utilizan una prótesis debido a un accidente de tránsito: Una revisión Bibliográfica.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) García Tenesaca, Mónica P.; Yange Castro, Karelys N.; Ormaza Ulloa, Luis M.; 0107584484; 0706712841The present study aims to identify, from a literature review, the psychosocial adjustments in young people who use prostheses due to a traffic accident. Also, it analyzes the individual's resilience and level of coping and describes adaptation strategies that allow the individual to reintegrate in all areas. Even though the primary goal of amputation is to save a life, the procedure comes as a shock due to the consequences on both their physical and functional limitations; it comes to influence the significant impact on their new body image and other associated aspects. The research aims to analyze and study the scientific literature to learn about the psychosocial adjustments in all aspects of the individual's life and to investigate the mental health of amputees through the studies. A non-experimental descriptive literature review was conducted. The review was developed with scientific studies published in English and Spanish between 2016 and 2022 and registered in the database of high-impact journals. The studies reviewed indicate problems in the mental health of amputees, such as alterations in their body image and difficulties in social, occupational, family, and academic reintegration. In addition, resilience and coping capacity have become a slow process; despite the publications in the network on psychological problems, the presence and need for further studies in the field of psychological intervention for first-hand care with this group is discussed.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAlteraciones psicológicas en los niños por migración parental en Latinoamérica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Calderón Vanegas, Katherine Giselle; Valverde Chogllo, Diana Maribel; Torres Moscoso, Amanda de los Ángeles; 010525616-8; 010728943-1Psychological alterations in children due to parental migration in Latin America greatly impact all the variables of functioning, producing a visible imbalance within the family dynamics, affecting the mental health of their first-born children. The general objective of this research is to analyze the psychological alterations in children due to parental migration in Latin America. The methodology used is a literature review collecting data from scientific articles and books, the search strategy is systematic exploratory with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results obtained indicate that in Latin America, children with migrant parents present mental health problems due to the change in the family nucleus, as well as the repercussions of parental absence during development, with changes in mood and psychosomatic symptoms. In addition, showing emotional, behavioral, and cognitive alterations.According to the research conducted, psychological disorders have been identified in the child population, such as childhood depression, separation anxiety disorder, behavioral disorders, eating disorders, substance use disorders, sleep disorders, reactive attachment disorders, and anxiety symptomatology. Having psychosomatic repercussions and negative emotions producing anger, sadness, fear, and insecurity. As well as isolation, difficulty controlling impulses, substance abuse, and pathological attachment behaviors, resulting from an imbalance in the family structure and members' roles. Finally, cognitive alterations were identified, such as difficulty concentrating on their academic activities and poor retention of information.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAlternativas de mediación psicológica para la coparentalidad en proceso de divorcio y determinación de Custodia.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Torres Tenorio, Medardo; Rodríguez Reyes, María; 0105831762The family system, characterized by its autonomy, has undergone changes in its structure and roles, influenced by external and internal factors. It is the couple who establish bonds and face challenges in coexistence, leading to difficulties that occasionally result in the dissolution of the marital bond. At this point, divorce litigation is detrimental to the mental health of both children and parents. The aim was to describe the role of mediation alternatives for co-parenting in contentious divorce processes and custody determination. The proposed design for this research was a bibliographic analysis with a qualitative descriptive approach. The relevant results highlight the priority of protecting the well-being of children, with strategies such as mediation and parental coordination offering efficient outcomes. Coparenting training is valuable for former spouses with minor children, providing them with the effectiveness of parenting plans and mediation regarding children's mental health. Advocacy for mediation interventions in high-conflict cases is emphasized, highlighting the effectiveness of parental coordination. In conclusion, mediation alternatives, crucial in conflict resolution, become relevant in processes such as divorce, impacting the mental health of the parties involved, especially children. By considering the well-being of children, mediation can mitigate negative emotional impacts and strengthen co-parenting capacity. However, its effectiveness may be limited when the judicial system fails to address anti-therapeutic aspects.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAlternativas de tratamiento en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH).(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Ortega Aguilar , Yajaira; Pozo López, Pablo; 0705761377Introduction: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by neurocognitive dysfunctions that disrupt attention, impulse control, and behavioral regulation. Objective: To explore the different treatment options available and their influence on the development of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Methodology: A qualitative literature review with a descriptive scope collected information through the virtual library of the Catholic University of Cuenca using repositories such as Scopus and Web of Science, including scientific articles, randomized trials, and books covering the period from 2018 to 2023. Conclusion: ADHD, with its high prevalence, requires a multidisciplinary approach for its treatment. Medication and cognitive-behavioral therapies are essential as they are highly effective and contribute to generating multidisciplinary therapeutic adherence. On the other hand, approaches such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), yoga, and mindfulness offer promising results due to their high contribution to improving behavioral symptomatology, contribution to learning and communication. Therefore, as long as conservative treatments accompany these techniques, the results are encouraging; however, the research and treatment base is limited.