Trabajos de Titulación - Sede Azogues - Economía

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  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de los determinantes socioeconómicos que inciden en la deserción estudiantil área de salud UCACUE sede Azogues, período 2014-2018
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Puli Palaguachi, Elsa Maribel; Quezada Calle, Sonia María; 0302704440; ., .
    This study identified the socioeconomic determinants and their impact on student dropout focused on students from UCACUE Azogues, who belong to the healthcare area during the period 2014 – 2018. A methodology with a nonexperimental quantitative longitudinal approach was assumed and through the explained variable of dummy type, a binary Logit econometric model was built in order to analyze whether the socioeconomic variables have an impact on this phenomenon. To obtain consistent results, first, the coefficients were calculated to determine the significance and relationship between the dependent and independent variables, then the model was adjusted by eliminating the insignificant variables to obtain a parsimonious model. With the respective results and analysis, it is concluded that, for this period, the socioeconomic determinants that have a significant impact on dropout are: household income, study resources, school, grade point average, and career.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Diagnóstico de las determinantes de las actividades económicas en el desarrollo de la parroquia San Miguel de Porotos, en el 2019
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Pérez Minchala, Janneth Guillermina; Quezada Calle, Sonia María; 0302929484; ., .
    This study investigates the determinants of the economic activities of the parish of “San Miguel de Porotos” in the year 2019, to identify its level of incidence in the development of its locality. This research was conducted by collecting information through a socioeconomic survey, considering families as units of analysis, to avoid obtaining selection problems. The methodology used in this study is based on the application of the binary logit model, through which, its estimation allowed to obtain the respective levels of incidence, and about the results, it is shown that the hypothesis posited as; the determinants of economic activities, such as income, number of family members, gender, among others, are within the established parameters (p≤0.05), therefore, its concluded that, affect the economic development of the parish “San Miguel de Porotos”.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis de los factores que impiden el desarrollo de las MIPYMES y su generación de empleo en el cantón Azogues
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Cárdenas Palomeque, Katherine Michelle; Quezada Calle, Sonia María; 0302703509; ., .
    The present investigation was developed by evidence of various studies, theories and concepts of different authors that contribute different data, information about business stagnation and the making of jobs; those of which have been of the out most importance for the development of the topic of investigating factories that prevent the development of MSMEs ( micro, small and medium sized enterprises) and generating employment in the heart of Azogues and analyze the specific factors that influence this problem; for this there has been conducted a quantitative investigation to prove the hypothesis that has been propounded during the second investigation and based on theories about the topic, those of which have stated that the influential factors on the establishment of MSMEs and their the generation of employment on the Canton is a result of lack of financing and the lack of capacity of the personal, for that there have been 155 submissions of the businessmen that form part of a study, obtaining the result that the hypothesis is partly proven, through the result its verified that the financing is an important factor of which is cancider a principal limitation of the its growth and for the development of employment which produces a halt on the economy in general; meanwhile lack of capacity of personal is not consider an important limitator for the businessman of Canton.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La gestión administrativa y su impacto en la rentabilidad en la empresa pública municipal terminal terrestre del cantón Cañar (EMUTTEC-EP) en el período 2015-2018
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Vera Verdugo, Daniela Paulina; González Maldonado, Diana; 0350214573; ., .
    The subsequent research analyzes the impact of organizational management on the success of the Bus Station of the Township Company of Cañar Town during the period time 2015-2018. This study has a mixed methodological approach since the tools that were used are; strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats analysis, as well as flat and upright financial analysis were performed and finally financial indexes were applied; as foremost findings we found the lack of a manual of functions, a Strategic Plan that allows a broader conception of the sequence to take, Programs and Projects over the time and as a very important point that the Bus Station of the Township Company of Cañar Town has a lack over the financial autonomy as established in its creation decree; circumstances that have been able to prove that Management has not been effective, all the aforementioned reasons have been taken into consideration as a starting point to propose improvements aimed at accomplishing better monetary outcomes by the corporation.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Análisis económico del comercio en la cabecera central cantonal de Cañar a partir de la implementación del sistema de parqueo tarifado ROTAC hasta el año 2018
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) López Izquierdo, Carlos Xavier; Amoroso Castro, Gabriela; 0302674080; ., .
    The territorial ordering as a means to promote local development through the organization of trade for sustained economic growth is an important premise that has given way to the present research, which is part of objective 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Organization (UN); and the regional and local development research line; is of a quantitative type with a cross section, a survey was applied to a sample of 72 businesses, in order to analyze trade from the economic point of view within the cantonal capital of the city of Cañar after the implementation of the ROTAC Tariff Parking System . Among the main results is the decline in commercial economic activity and therefore the social discontent that led to the implementation of this project despite the compliance in the area of land use planning.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Capital humano y crecimiento económico en el Ecuador durante el período 2007-2016
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Amoroso Vintimilla, Inés María; Quezada Calle, Sonia María; 0301830113; ., .
    This research analyzes the relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth for Ecuador during the period 2007-2016, from a quantitative approach of correlation type. Human Capital was measured by means of the Economically Active Population with Employment, while Economic Growth was measured through the Gross Domestic Product per capita. It was obtained as a result, after a descriptive analysis, that the growth of the Economically Active Population with Employment for the period is marked by the growth of the Economically Active Population with Employment with secondary education. On the other hand, through the calculation of the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, it was determined that the Economically Active Population with Employment with higher education is the one that has a bigger direct relationship with the Economic Growth of the country; the correlation was 90%, evidencing in this way the need of more investment in Higher Education.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Generación de trabajo inclusivo mediante la economía social y solidaria en la provincia del Cañar. Período 2088 - 2016
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Vásquez Bernal, Carlos Sebastián; Amoroso Castro, Gabriela; 0302655329; ., .
    Work today is considered as a way for people to earn money and generate income for their homes; inclusive work addresses issues related to the hiring of personnel with different characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, age, disability, etc., so the objective of this work was to analyze the capacity of popular and solidarity economy organizations to generate work Inclusive in the province of Cañar in the period 2008 - 2016, with the use of empirical and mathematical methods working with a relative sample of 57 organizations, which belong to a population of 365 organizations of popular and solidary economy, to which were applied surveys , obtaining the results that are detailed within the investigation.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Sectores que componen la economía popular y solidaria de la provincia del Cañar, período de estudio 2008 - 2016
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) González Minchala, Jonnathan Marcelo; Molina Hugo, Jhon; 0302307020; ., .
    The social and solidarity economy is composed of those components that organize the processes of production individually and collectively. They are developed to be in line with the financing and consumption of goods and services. The goal is to satisfy the necessities generating incomes. Due to this, the EPS is an intermediary between the Solidarity Economy and the Social Economy according to the logic norms which are immerse in the common good. Because of this, a capital could be accumulated according to the humans' needs and requirements, as well as the accumulation of the heritage can exist. All of this must be integrated in the Mixed Economy system. It includes the three fundamental areas: the capitalist, public sector and business sector. The financial institutions of the EPS in Ecuador have an economic greater impact in the country. This is largely due to the first level activities which are money lending with interests according to the law. Secondly, it is the purchase of landed property. It leads to the thought that an outstanding management of the micro and macro finances is the main instrument to fight against high levels of poverty. It leads to counter the fluidity and liquidity directly and indirectly. The current Constitution of Ecuador has restructured the financial sector including the Social and Solidarity Economy. It schedules the new schemes for the proposal and performance of the different sectors including the financial entities, as an important part to manage the economic resources of the population. Due to this, this study is focused on the features of the sectors that are part the EPS. It allows to recognize these organizations' characteristics and activities.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Caracterización del proceso de producción y comercialización de la leche en las asociaciones ganaderas del cantón Biblián 2015-2017
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Flores Fernández, Darío Javier; Palomeque Cantos, René Patricio; 0302635958; ., .
    The purpose of the following graduation work presented in this document was to diagnose the dairy sector in rural parishes in Biblián- Province of Cañar. It was concluded that the production system is precarious and deficient, and that production costs exceed the price at which it is sold, taking into account as main factor the marketing system considered rudimentary. In order to carry out the study, a quantitative approach was proposed, with two surveys being conducted to four associations of milk producers, as well as documentary literature research h on the subject: the influence of dairy production on the economy of Biblián. It was also determined that producers could achieve better production levels if they adapt to standard hygiene, production and marketing techniques recommended by various state institutions and international organizations, since according to their perception, the profit from the sale is hardly profitable to production costs.
  • Ítem
    Participación polÍtica y desarrollo en el caso actual del Ecuador
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2011) Siguencia Nivelo, Diego; Matovelle, Moisés
  • Ítem
    Proyecto estructura analítica y estudio de mercado y población objetivo para la capacitación a los internos del centro de rehabilitación de la ciudad de Azogues
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2009) Romero Oliveros, Amada Elizabeth; Mendieta Muñoz, Rodrigo
  • Ítem
    Proyecto para mejorar la motivación y productividad de los niños de la fundación Jesús para los niños
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2010) Amoroso Calvijo, María Eulalia; Mendieta Muñoz, Rodrigo
  • Ítem
    Mejoramiento de las áreas de bosque y vegetación protectora de la microcuenca del río Tabacay proveedora de agua para la ciudad de Azogues
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2008) Merchan Merchan, Marcos Manuel; Mendieta Muñoz, Rodrigo
  • Ítem
    Proyecto casa de acogida para mujeres maltratadas del cantón Azogues
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2008) Flores Flores, Maria Eliza; Mendieta Muñoz, Rodrigo
  • Ítem
    Proyecto para mejorar la motivación y productividad de los niños de la fundación Jesús para los niños
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2012) Valdez, Mayra; Verdugo, Flavio
  • Ítem
    Implementación de una tienda artesanal en el Cantón el Tambo
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2012) Ortíz Cuesta, María Valeria; Verdugo, Flavio
  • Ítem
    Plan de implementación de seguridad alimentaria en el Cantón Deleg
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2011) Astudillo Flores, Natlalie; Ormaza, Jorge
  • Ítem
    Implementación de una planta productora de pasta de cacao en el sector de playa seca
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2013) Rojas Calle, Eddy Geovanny; Verdugo Peñafiel, Flavio
  • Ítem
    Implementación de un centro de cuidado infantil la casa de la abuela en la cuidad de Azogues
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2011) Chacha Pesántez Jaime Patricio; Ormaza, Jorge
  • Ítem
    Estudio Técnico para el desempleo en la ciudad de Azogues durante el período 2006-2007
    (Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de economia, 2009) Campoverde Tixi, Clara Ceneida; Mendieta Muñoz, Rodrigo
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