Sede Azogues - Ingeniería Electrónica
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Ítem Solo Metadatos Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de vehículo auto balanceado(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Palacios Rodas, Ricardo José; Villacreses Torres, David Eduardo; Minchala Ávila, David EduardoÍtem Solo Metadatos Automatización del panel de control de una termo con rangos analógicos a digitales(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Romo Amoroso, Daniela Patricia; Wohlwend, Kaspar MichaelÍtem Solo Metadatos Términos de referencia para la automatización del sistema de recuperación de material del prehomogenizador de industrias guapán(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Cáceres Guallpa, Wilson Eduardo; Cadme, JaimeÍtem Solo Metadatos Términos de referencia para la automatización del sistema de apilamiento de indsutrias Guapán S.A.en la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Guatumillo Rojas, Jhon Paúl; Cadme, JaimeÍtem Solo Metadatos Términos de referencia para la automatización del sistema de tributación de industrias guapán(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Calle Peralta, Nelson Andrés; Cadme, JaimeÍtem Solo Metadatos Diseño de un sistema de automatismo y control en las instalaciones del colegio Humberto Vicuña Novillo, bajo el estándar IEEE 802.15.4 ZIGBEE(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Ávila Campoverde, Juan Carlos; Ortega Castro, Juan CarlosÍtem Solo Metadatos Sistema de medición y supervición del almacenamiento de hidrocarburos del hospital Homero Castanier Crespo(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Cabrera Córdova, Bolívar Santiago; Izquierdo Buestán, Juan Andrés; Wohlwend, Kaspar MichaelÍtem Solo Metadatos Sintonización del lazo pid para el control del ventilador D59 en la compañía industrias Guapán S.A(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Pérez Minchala, Nancy Jacqueline; Quintuña Pérez, Diana Graciela; Cadme, JaimeÍtem Solo Metadatos Diseño e implementación de un control automático de presión de vapor de un prensa de neumáticos y basado en PLC(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Calle Sarmiento, Vicente Martín; Verdugo Ormaza, DiegoÍtem Solo Metadatos Términos de referencia para el Suministro de equipos, y puesta en operación del sistema de control del motor eléctrico del triturador primario de industrias Guapán S.A.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013) Torres, Carlos; Cadme, JaimeÍtem Acceso Abierto Red de fibra óptica hasta el hogar, con servicio triple play, para nuevos abonados en la SERPORMUL S.A., en el cantón Biblián, provincia del Cañar(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Prieto Reinoso, Edwin Santiago; Ortega, Juan Carlos; 0301590675; ., .This thesis pretends to perform a network design of optical fiber in SERPORMUL in Azogues city, Cañar Province, in a use case applied in Biblián, considering GPON technology for optical communication and CWDM processes for wavelength multiplexing. In this way look for how to reach to the final consumers in order to provide a “bundle” of services “Triple Play” (cable television, telephony and internet access.) The main goal is to design an optical fiber network which gets home using GPON to improve the quality and speed data in TV, internet and IP telephony services in Biblián downtown. In Chapter I the theoretical foundations will be presented to understand the optical networks and fiber world, its history and evolution as well. In chapter II an analysis about the Enterprise actual situation is done, the work schemes are defined and the main equipment of the network proposal are determined. Chapter III is the most important part of this work, here the design and calculations are defined, also the GPON complementary equipment. In chapter IV a feasibility analysis and projects costs are carried out, defining in numbers the application possibility.Ítem Acceso Abierto "Adaptación de la tecnología estándar de comunicación en el campo del control y supervisión de procesos industriales (OPC), en un prototipo de sistema SCADA basado en la plataforma Ignition y controladores lógicos programables"(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Ordoñez Lliguicota, Luis Vinicio; González Redrován, Javier; 0302893169; ., .The implementation of an OPC communication architecture, allows to integrate diverse independent technologies of the manufacturer, offering a better management in the control and monitory of an industrial process. The existence of proprietary systems dependent of hardware and skilled software, require of costly investments and of problems of interoperability in front of a deficient adaptation. In this, the protocol OPC presents a firm solution, reliable and flexible, deleting these impositions endowments that the OPC Foundation compact in his versions of OPC classical and OPC UA. This graduation work shows a prototype of system OPC SCADA designed in the platform Ignition, which controls and monitor from a local network the micro climate of a greenhouse scale model. By means of basic control techniques, it is possible to regulate the climatic conditions of humidity, temperature and quantity of water. To do it, it is employed OPC servers with different types of technologies (PLC, Arduino and Raspberry Pi) that manage several processes and that are executed from different platforms. In conclusion, the prototype proposed, constitutes an interesting subject to explore new alternatives, by evaluating embed devices so that they can be used as profitable and sustainable tools in the industry, allowing the adequacy of this technology with a very low cost of investment.Ítem Acceso Abierto Monitoreo de tráfico vehicular mediante el tratamiento de imágenes usando OPENCV(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Carangui Siguencia, Héctor Adrián; Mata Quevedo, Jean Paúl; 0302628847; ., .This work is about the use of artificial vision and the digital processing of images to monitor traffic in real time, also it targets the use of electronic devices such as the electronic card Latte Panda it is the electronic brain, additionally Microsoft Visual Basic software and the OPEN CV bookshops were used to reach the objective. The MOTRAVE project was developed, it means “Monitoreo de Trafico Vehicular” this study determines the vehicular flow in different zones of the city and permits to be adaptable to the return variable to measure, it could be reached through out the programming, it means this device can isolate objects from the census offering some ways to do studies. It has a database, which helps that data could be stored by date and time. This study determines the traffic flow on the streets in Azogues.Ítem Acceso Abierto Diseño y construcción de un sistema de aquisición, procesamiento y visualización de datos para el análisis de la radiación UV. Casos de estudio: Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) García Tarqui, Fabián Antonio; Mata Quevedo, Jean Paúl; 0302365549; ., .The purpose of this present investigation is to expound the design - construction and implementation of a data acquisition system which allows analyzing the Ultra Violet (UV) radiation emitted by the sun over the city-Azogues, as well as visualize it by means of using a visual indicator (solar-tra c light). In order to monitor the solar activity in an arranged period of time, from 7:00 am to 19:00 pm, a system which consists of a Zopt2201 radiation sensor is used. This settled period of time is controlled by using a RTC clock module that is synchronized with an Arduino microcontroller, which is the brain of the process. The obtained data is stored in a micro SD memory in a text le. Once the monitored index data has been obtained, the microcontroller activates itself the accurate light indicator according to the color scale established by the World Health Organization (WHO). For six months in a roll the solar radiation has been monitored, an analysis of the variations that the UV index showed throughout the day with a time interval of ve minutes between each sample is done, as well as the average of the data collected in every single month respectively, these variations are being represented using graphs of sequential values. The process of the designing detail, construction, implementation and outcomes are presented in the content of this document and in the respective Annexes that prove the process carried out and the data acquisition as reliable. Finally, the conclusions, recommendations and future work are presented, the prior one being one of the most important aspects, thus being recommended the continuance of the present project either short or long term, with all the aforementioned, the achievement of the proposed objectives is clear.Ítem Acceso Abierto Prototipo de un sistema electrónico para el monitoreo de los niveles de agua potable en un tanque de reserva mediante tecnología GSM(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Arévalo Yauri, Wilson Daniel; Mata Quevedo, Jean Paúl; 0302636378; ., .The present academic work includes the use of open source electronic equipment and systems such as Arduino and GSM mobile communication technology. The system aims to monitor the water level of a reserve tank which collects the information and transmits it through the GSM network. The project itself was developed with the ultrasonic level sensor Prosonic FMU41 as the basis of the sensing. For the management of data control, it was made with the Arduino Mega 2560 electronic card and finally the packaging and data transmission was done with the GSM 900 shield.The data obtained is stored in the computers in a microSD memory and in a database in MySQL. The validation of this project was carried out by monitoring the water level of one of the Mahuarcay water tanks and the measure was obtained every hour during 10 days.The information obtained from the water tank is the volume in cubic meters. This gathered information was contrasted with the empirical measurement techniques of the technicians in charge at EMAPAL E.P. This system was developed with the aim of preventing leaks or emptying the reserve tank, in the latter case, it can cause problems of air entering the pipes, generating costly maintenance or damage to its measuring equipment and losses for the company.Ítem Acceso Abierto Sistema de semaforización inteligente, caso de estudio: Azogues Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) González Pinos, Patricia Verónica; Ortega Castro, Juan Carlos; 0301971057; ., .This research work presents and develops the planning for an intelligent traffic light system based on a telecommunications network that is capable of stipulating metrics with which algorithms are designed that help its implementation, in one of the points with the most congestion in the hours peak of the center of the city of Azogues, through the use of sensors and low-cost hardware and software devices, determining a solution to this social problem. Chapter I details the theoretical foundation and the study of the state of the art, referring to vehicular congestion, causes, consequences, etc., as well as detailing principles on traffic lights, intelligent traffic lights, intelligent systems and their operation. In Chapter II, the situational diagnosis is developed, about the congestion that exists in the center of the city, in order to determine which is the most critical point, with the greatest congestion, using a type of investigation of an exploratory and descriptive nature, in This chapter also details all the elements to be used for the development of the project to end in Chapter III with the description of the implementation proposal, which consists of block diagrams, where the elements used are explained, as well as You will find physical diagrams of how the connections between devices areÍtem Acceso Abierto Prototipo electrónico para el desarrollo de prácticas experimentales de física en el bachillerato(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Matute Nieto, Carlos Sebastián; Mata Quevedo, Jean Paúl; 0302187133; ., .In chapter one, the problem and the possible solutions are diagnosed; in addition, the general objective, the specific objectives, the hypothesis, the thesis contributions that are: theoretical - methodological contribution, the practical contribution, the scientific novelty; and the state of the art, are in it. The second chapter is about the theoretical foundation where the fundamental bases referring to physics laboratories are investigated, such bases are their use, basic laboratory practices and the stages to carry out laboratory practices; An analysis is also carried out on: software in teaching - learning, educational software, educational programs characteristics, types of educational software, among others; In addition, electronic software is investigated: Arduino and LabVIEW, sensors, motor, conveyor belt, module to control the direction and speed of the motor, these will be used in the electronic prototype construction for physics practices. The third chapter refers to the materials or elements basic requirements which are part of the physics laboratory; an investigation on the diagnosis of the Azogues schools physics laboratories is made through surveys in six different schools which were selected strategically, for this survey the first year high school students were selected, the objective of this is to know the physics laboratories current situations in different schools, the total number of students surveyed is 192. The fourth chapter aims to the electronic prototype design and construction, which has been developed in five parts. The first one is the model design, the second part is about the model design, the model was made in wood for its easy handling, the third part is the software design, it is subdivided in two sections, the first one is LabVIEW the programming and the second is Arduino programming; the fourth part is about the flow diagrams for each practice, and finally there is the practices manual where each of them is specified: uniform rectilinear movement, uniformly varied rectilinear motion, kinetic energy, work and power. In the fifth chapter a results analysis is made to expose them by means of conclusions and recommendations, in order to meet this objective, the first and second year students of the Catholic University Educational Unit were surveyed after having completed the internship.Ítem Acceso Abierto Prototipo de un sistema electrónico para el ahorro de energía eléctrica en una vivienda rural usando energía solar con alimentación en corriente continua(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Acevedo Paredes, Wilson Aurelio; González Redrován, Trajano Javier; 0302168083; ., .This research work presents the development of an electronic system for the generation of electrical energy in a rural houssing with direct current power, through the use of photovoltaic solar energy as a renewable source. To carry out this project, different electronic devices are used, among which the solar panel that is used to capture photons and generate electricity, the Arduino Mega 2560 electronic card which is in charge of controlling the entire system and the battery system. to provide the service at night or when there is little solar irradiation. Through the design of an electronic system, with a power meter, the loads that were connected to the lighting system were determined, whose information is presented on a digital screen; All this system based on programming algorithms, which help in the determination of voltage and electrical current, with the option of accessing the conventional electrical network in case the battery is not sufficiently charged. The results of this work allow the operation and implementation of the system to facilitate access to electricity in remote areas, where the cost of implementing the public service is high for sectors of the population with low economic resources, thus demonstrating that the new technologies that take advantage of the solar resource are useful, in this case with the application in the entire lighting system of the home, with future scalability options to increase services and improve the quality of life of the population.Ítem Acceso Abierto Diseño e implementación de un sistema automatizado para el ahorro de agua en la regulación de temperatura de duchas y lavamanos(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Lliguichuzhca Lliguicota, Edison Alfredo; Mata Quevedo, Jean Paúl; 0302622816; ., .The degree project proposes the design, construction and implementation of a system to save water in showers and sinks through temperature control, with the aim of having a team to preserve this essential resource for life. The problem arises from the need to have hot water for hygiene and cleaning in homes, industries and companies, which allows obtaining the minimum temperature suitable for its use, and to achieve this objective there is currently a waste of a certain volume of water , which depends on the distance that the heater is placed from the shower and/or the sink. The project has been developed under a methodology guide that consists of several phases. In the first phase, it is proposed to obtain knowledge of different types of devices on the market and propose all the requirements for the design, which is developed in the theoretical foundations chapter. In the second phase, the operation of the system was programmed, complementing the equipment to the hydraulic system; the electronic components are then attached to the existing hydraulic system. And a final phase of the project, that shows the results of the saving of the vital liquid both in volume and in costs.Ítem Acceso Abierto Diseño e implementación de un prototipo para la medición del nivel de contaminaciòn del agua del río Burgay de la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Lozado Campoverde, Edgar Francisco; Mata Quevedo, Jean Paúl; 0301937959; ., .For a long time, environmental damage has been one of the main problems which have concerned society, since it produces various changes in the ecosystems that affect the city. The uncontrolled use of chemicals in agricultural areas and the discharge of pollutants through marginal sewers, determine the need to create systems to monitor the pollution of the Burgay River and water quality. This water is used for agriculture and animal consumption and wa- shing of vegetables; for this reason, it is important to conduct this research on the level of contamination of the water being utilized. The project tries to develop a prototype that will allow for the measurement of the pollution of the Burgay River that flows through the city of Azogues using pH, conductivity, turbidity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen sensors. In this way, people in charge of managing water resources will improve water quality through stra- tegies to avoid contamination, or plan better management of the Burgay River watershed, for the benefit of society in general. The results obtained are important because they will help to make decisions for future planning that will allow the search for new alternatives to counteract the contamination of the Burgay River watershed that crosses the city of Azogues.
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