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Ítem Acceso Abierto Índices antropométricos y estado nutricional de niños en edad escolar de la provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador-2023(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Wampash Paati, Nelly Edith; Pozo Mosquera , Jose"Introduction: In recent years, an increase in nutritional problems has been identified and therefore a condition in the body condition of the subjects, currently, the main nutritional problems that affect children, adolescents, youth, adults and older adults include malnutrition, underweight, overweight and obesity. In general, it has been shown that malnutrition affects the future physical development of a human being, reducing work capacity, resistance to physical exertion and the ability to concentrate. (2-4) Therefore, in order to understand the nutritional condition and objectives of an individual population, it is necessary to evaluate anthropometric variables; For example, in the pediatric population, they help to show the general state of health, the adequacy of the diet and help to monitor growth and development over time (8). Objective: To determine the anthropometric indices and nutritional status of school-age children in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador, during the period 2023. Methodology: Initially, information on school-age children in the province of Tungurahua, Ecuador, will be collected from data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), thus obtaining information on the sex, age, place of residence, weight and height of the children. Subsequently, a digital database will be created in the Microsoft Excel program, where the body mass index of the participants will be calculated and with the help of the growth curves of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, the height/age and weight/age relationship of the 400 participants will be identified. The data will be processed in the statistical program SPSS version 26, where descriptive statistics will be carried out by creating frequency and percentage tables, in addition to applying the chi-square statistical test to associate the study variables. Results: The results obtained offer a clear view of the prevalence of malnutrition, either due to excess or deficiency. This information is crucial for nutritionists, pediatricians, and other health professionals for the planning and execution of specific nutritional strategies, based on the local needs of the population. Conclusions: According to the Body Mass Index, most of them have a normal weight. Likewise, the indicators of Weight/Age and Height/Age showed that more than half of the participants have a normal weight and height respectively in the school population of Tungurahua."