Examinando por Autor "Nivelo Vásquez, Samantha Mishel"
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- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoActualización del diagnóstico y tratamiento clínico-quirúrgico de los abscesos hepáticos producidos por infecciones bacterianas(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Nivelo Vásquez, Samantha Mishel; Crespo Vintimilla, Edgar Adriano; 0350105474Background: Pyogenic hepatic abscess is an encapsulated intraparenchymal pus collection of variable size, most commonly located in the right lobe, mainly originating from direct spread from the biliary tract. The primary causative microorganism is E. coli, followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae. It is a complex clinical condition that requires prompt intervention to prevent potentially life-threatening complications, such as sepsis. Objective: To analyze the various diagnostic strategies and the current clinical-surgical treatment for hepatic abscesses caused by bacterial infections. Methodology: A systematic review of primary and secondary articles with updated information on the diagnosis and treatment of bacterial hepatic abscesses was conducted, following the guidelines in the PRISMA 2020 declaration. The search was performed using digital databases like PubMed, Science Direct, and Cochrane Library, using the DeCS/MeSH descriptors in combination. Results: Initially, 2490 documents were obtained; 2470 articles were excluded based on the four established filters since they did not meet the inclusion criteria; 20 studies were included in the qualitative analysis. Conclusions: Imaging techniques have higher diagnostic accuracy than laboratory parameters, with computed tomography showing greater sensitivity. Therapeutically, antibiotic therapy, percutaneous drainage, and surgical approach depend on a series of factors, including the infection’s size and location and the general condition of the patient.