Examinando por Autor "Moyano Brito , Edison Gustavo"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Calidad de atención en los servicios de salud a nivel hospitalario(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Fernández Uyaguari , Silvia Lorena; Moyano Brito , Edison Gustavo; 0150576940Introduction: Quality care means ensuring that each user receives the set of hospital services involving the participation of individuals, families, and communities in which patient safety is important for the implementation of standards and protocols, thus avoiding negligence in the different health services. Methodology: A literature review of narrative type, where the quality of care at the hospital level is exposed, performing the search in different scientific databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Sciencedirect, ProQuest, La Referencia, ReserchGate, Medigraphic, Redalyc, and Scielo; as well as in libraries of instance such as the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 51 articles of different languages were selected between the years of 2016-2021. Results: Regarding the quality of hospital care, it varies between 77% as satisfied and 55% not at all satisfied, being waiting time in 100% and inappropriate medical evaluation 52.7% the factors that affect user care at the hospital level; in management, models emphasize that the more time a health manager spends the better the health quality at hospital level; concerning the patient's perception, it is evidenced| that problems in the physical conditions exist, empathy and workload causing conflicts to patient care. Conclusion: it is necessary to implement actions that help us to know the users' opinions, thus satisfying the needs of patients and families and adequately reducing the risks that can generate problems during hospital care. keywords: health quality, hospital care, health services, health managementÍtem Acceso Abierto Estudio comparativo de los patrones de crecimiento OMS 2007 y referencias nacionales en la evaluación del estado nutricional en niños de 6 a 12 años del Ecuador 2023(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Moyano Brito , Edison Gustavo; Cuenca León, Katherine"The objective of this work was to analyze the level of agreement between the WHO 2007 growth patterns and national references in the evaluation of nutritional status in children from 6 to 12 years of age in Ecuador. Materials and Methods: Observational, retrospective, descriptive cross-sectional study. The sample for the research was obtained from an open database of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) made up of a population of 2540 schoolchildren from 6 to 12 years old belonging to the cities of the different provinces of Ecuador, the data were taken of age, city of birth, weight and height, to establish the anthropometric indicators weight for age (P/E), height for age (T/E) and Body Mass Index (BMI) for each of the models to be compared. In the statistical analysis, the average and standard deviation for the anthropometric measurements were calculated and for the comparison between the groups of women and men, the T-means test of independent samples will be carried out. In addition, percentage frequency tables were generated for the variables of nutritional status and height according to WHO 2007 reference and national reference and will be compared through Pearson's Chi square test of independence, considering p < 0.05 significant; In addition, 95% confidence intervals were calculated for both proportions and means. To compare nutritional status according to the two national classification criteria and WHO 2007, agreement was analyzed using the Kappa index. Results: The anthropometric characteristics of the weight and height values by age of the sample showed that there is no difference between the two sexes; Regarding nutritional diagnosis according to the reference of the World Health Organization compared to the national reference, overweight decreases by 3.5%, and in normal nutritional status by 12.9%; a comparison that increases morbid obesity by 7.1%, obesity by 0.7%, thinness by 6.7%, and severe thinness by 1.9%, finally when comparing the two evaluation models a Kappa index of 0.53 equivalent to moderate agreement. Conclusion: The analysis revealed that, when applying national references, the prevalence of obesity and morbid obesity is considerably higher than when using WHO references. In particular, 10-year-old boys and 12-year-old girls showed a notable increase in these diagnoses. This difference suggests that national references are more appropriate for the population studied, providing a more accurate assessment of the nutritional status of children in this region."Ítem Acceso Abierto Intervención de enfermería en la mujer mastectomizada con linfedema(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Méndez Huerta, Marco David; Moyano Brito , Edison Gustavo; 0105071013Post-mastectomy lymphedema is a complication resulting from the removal of the breast and lymph node territories, a chronic disease that is incorporated with several negative outcomes of women who have suffered breast cancer, influencing their quality of life, their physical, psychological and emotional well-being, this is located among the most serious complications resulting from lymphatic damage. Objective: To analyze the existing literature on lymphedema in mastectomized women through guiding research questions. Methodology: It is a literature review study of narrative type in the following databases: Scopus, Web of Science, Ovid, Springer Link, ProQuest, Taylor & Francis, The Reference, Pubmed, Redalyc, Scielo, the inclusion criteria were: field articles, scientific papers in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Results: The prevalence of lymphedema is reflected in patients with age >50 years, with a prevalence in Brazil of 55%, in Mexico of 32.63%, in the Oncology Unit of Solca del Chimborazo in Ecuador with 13.5%, the associated factors were treated with radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and overweight, the nursing intervention consists of a series of preventive measures such as compression sleeves in which no patient developed lymphedema. Conclusions: Lymphedema develops more in Latin American countries with 32.6% to 55% and in European countries with 17.1% to 23.9, this pathology is reflected in patients with age >50 years, this is more affected in patients with overweight and obesity. Keywords: lymphedema, mastectomy, cancer, nursing, prevalence.