Extensión Cañar - Enfermería
URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://dspace.ucacue.edu.ec/handle/ucacue/61
Examinando Extensión Cañar - Enfermería por Autor "010279840-0"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Calidad de vida tras la hospitalización en UCI por covid-19 una revisión sistemática.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022-07-01) Pomavilla Calle, Rosa Oliva; Espadero, Rosa Gabriela; 010279840-0Introduction: The WHO defines the quality of life as an individual's perception of his or her health, but COVID-19 has been the cause of causing sequelae in patients who have been infected and required admission to ICU, which has led to a decrease in the quality of life after their hospital stay. Objective: To systematize the scientific evidence available on the quality of life after hospitalization in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) due to COVID-19. Methods: A systematic review was carried out by searching for information using the keywords "quality", "life", "hospitalization", "post-acute", "Covid-19", using Boolean operators ¨AND¨, ¨OR¨; which allows performing. The search was carried out using the following databases: BvUCACUE, SCOPUS, PubMed, Medline, and Redalyc. Results: A total of 2,835 studies were located, and after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria necessary for the topic addressed, a final sample of n=18 literary sources were obtained. Discussion: Covid-19 has drastically affected the health of people worldwide, it has caused in-hospital mortality 39%, in severe patients causing admission to the ICU area, in post-hospitalization the most frequent complaints were: fatigue (46.4%), anosmia (70.2%), ageusia (54.2%), myalgias (20.1%), anxiety, depression, psychological, pulmonary and cardiac alterations, these being some of the main factors that have affected the health of people causing a decrease in the quality of life. Conclusion: Covid-19 is the cause of the decrease in the quality of life in patients after hospitalization. Keywords: quality, life, hospitalization, post-acute, covid-19