Sede Azogues - Arquitectura
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Alternativas de cerramiento modular provisional de construcción en seco para los terrenos baldíos de la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Coronel Ortega, Erika Adriana; Canton Ormaza, Wilson Jacinto; 010497504; ., .Latin American cities have experienced urban growth in recent years, this, in most cases, has been conducted out in a disorganized and uncontrolled manner, being one of the causes for the existence of vacant land, a situation that does not go unnoticed in the city of Azogues, that It has also been affected despite the existing urban regulations that attempt to improve this situation. The vacant land lots have become unsafe places, dumps, dens for delinquents, latrines for passers-by, and also damage the image of the city. For this reason, this research work looks for alternatives for enclosures that are reusable, easy to assemble and inexpensive, to provide greater accessibility to these, to solve some of the problems caused by the presence of batches in these terms. The enclosures alternatives are proposed based on the analysis of some materials that facilitate their construction, starting with the design of modular panels joined by metal columns, which are formed by a frame made with metal angles to which a laminated iron plate is welded, previously folded to stiffen it or an electro-welded mesh. Three types of panels are proposed based on their materials: a solid that is built only with the iron plate, a mixed one that results from the combination of the sheet metal with the welded mesh, and a translucent that is only made with welded mesh. The different types of panels that are designed will allow fencing all the lots of “16 de Abril” Avenue of the city of Azogues since its modulation was studied based on its sizes.Ítem Acceso Abierto “Análisis funcional de las viviendas sociales entregadas por el MIDUVI en las parroquias rurales: Javier Loyola, Guapán y Cojitambo del cantón Azogues”(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Torres Avila, Elva Carolina; Cantos Ormaza, Wilson Jacinto; 0104927587; ., .ln this degree work, it is analyzed the functionality of social housing built by MIDUVI (by its Spanish acronym) in the parishes Javier Loyola, Guapán, and Cojitambo. In consequence, a bibliographic review is conducted on social housing and its characteristics. Social housing in Ecuador, habitability, and regulations is necessary information forthe theoretical framework. Then, surveys and observation sheets are used to analyze the housing design, which considers aspects of function and habitability. Thus, for the first analysis, surveys were applied to users of the dwellings to determine the perception of homes; an observation sheet with 31 indicators was applied to define the level of functionality. Finally, applying these instruments, problems in the homes are evidenced, so strategies and recommendations are proposed such as the possibility of expansión and construction of exterior spaces, the design of the residences considering the site of the location, and the design of built-in furniture to fix deficiencies and improve the users’ quaiity of life.Ítem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto arquitectónico de rediseño y ampliación del cuartel central del Cuerpo de Bomberos del cantón Biblián, mediante criterios de arquitectrura pasiva(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Ávila Cabrera, Daniel Fernando; Mogrovejo Arias, María José; 0302260641; ., .Fire departments have different institutional needs that are required to provide the necessary comfon for the normal performance of their daily activities. Passive architecture contemplates various aspects of design to provide environmental comfort, The general objective of this project is to develop a preliminary architectural project for the redesign and expansion ofthe central fire station ofthe Biblián fire department, applying passive architecture critcria to achieve an integrated design with functional, spatial, formal, tcchnical, and environmental characteristics suitable for the dcvelopment of their activities. For the development ofthe project, we staned with a theoretical analysis ofthe history, national and intemational regulations regarding fire departments and passive architecture strategies; we also carri ed out a case study of 5 different fire dcpartm ent projects in which the passivc architectur e criteria. required spaces and an adequa tc design for a correct operation of this type of equipment are refleeted, in addition to idcntifying the charactcristics of the site and the current sta te of the building complex. Based on the analysis of case studies, the necessary information was collected to develop the architectura l proposal, which allowed to gen erate a design where the application of passive architcctur e criteria is evidenced, same enable an adequate solution to the thermal aspect and environmental comfon for the that working in the instituti on; in addition to a contribution to the improvement of the urban landscape of the sector. staffÍtem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto arquitectónico de un centro educativo autista, aplicando los métodos de la accesibilidad cognocitiva y sensorial, caso Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Flores Cedillo, Andrea Tatiana; Auquilla Clavijo, María Daniela; 0105957138; ., .Architecture becomes unnecessary when man and his diversity are ignored. One out of 144 children in the province of Azuay is diagnosed with some type of Autism Spectrum Disorder and there are no suitable educational spaces that respond satisfactorily to their needs. The skills and perceptual difficulties experienced by people with this condition is the central motivation of this degree work, which main purpose was to generate an empathic model to support learning, treatment and autistic development, facilitating their understanding of the environment and providing actors of greater autonomy. The methods of cognitive and sensory accessibility made it possible to meet this objective; proposing a preliminary project that uses the circular shape to provide continuity, balance and centrality, with a clear spatial compartmentalization and distribution to the autistic routine, with similar and compatible sensory functions. TEACCH learning principles were applied in the design of rigorously structured classrooms, which at the same time become flexible scenarios through movable partitions, modular and rolling furniture. Colors, textures and materials were carefully selected so as not to cause overstimulation. References and inferences were handled in transitional spaces as anticipatory clues to their activities. The interior was provided with green areas for social interaction, shelters in crowded areas and reinforced acoustic and light isolation. In short, an educational center was designed, where children with autism are allowed to be children and not only people with disabilities.Ítem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto arquitectónico de un centro gerontológico para la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Espinoza Romero, Ana Cristina; Auquilla Clavijo, María Daniela; 0301546610; ., .This academic work contemplates the architectural draft of a gerontological center for the city of Azogues since the only place for older adults in the city is the "Rosa Elvira de Leon" nursing home, a notorious problem due to the lack of adequate buildings, because it is currently overcrowded. For the correct development of the proposal, four stages are managed; the first part is related to a literature review in which is analyzed the state of the art regarding gerontological centers, besides a study of older adults and universal accessibility criteria; the second consists on an evaluation of different cases related to the design to be proposed, considering in each one the DALCO accessibility criteria and determining the needs of the older adult by conducting surveys directed to the users of the nursing home in the city; the result of the analysis offers an answer to these needs having objective and subjective data to consider in the design; the third one is a study and analysis of the site, evidencing the results in a SWOT matrix; finally, it is performed a development of the proposal. The product shows that it is necessary to have spaces designed and built in compliance with parameters based on the DALCO universal accessibility standards and the respective regulations in order to improve the lives of users and thus mitigate an urgent need of the city.Ítem Acceso Abierto “Anteproyecto de vivienda en altura de interés social, aplicando el sistema de soportes. Caso de estudio: Azogues, sector -La Playa-”(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Gavilanes Ulloa, María Gabriela; Cantos Ormaza, Wilson Jacinto; 0302804034; ., .The topic in this research responds to the challenges faced by social housing at the urban- architectural level. The problem of marginality and accelerated growth causes a disorganized development, increasing costs in infrastructure and essential services. In addition, the economic housing model in Ecuador generates standardized construction, which does not adapt to the context and the population. Encountered with this situation, the "Theory of Supports" is proposed. This theory applies concepts of densification, participation, flexibility, adaptability, and evolution that articulate and complement housing to satisfy the requirements and expectations of the users. It utilizes a theoretical and graphic analysis based on the characteristics, elements, and methodological processes that create a system for designing an urban-architectural residential proposal in Azogues city. The project achieves the densification of the sector through vertical construction, which suggests the city's height expansion; it submits an enveloping structure and established facilities. However, the user can modify or expand the house's internal spaces according to needs and economic resources, considering the spatial adaptability in reply to the reality of families. The housing units suggested implementing the concepts presented by John Habraken, where the inhabitant is the essential piece in the design of the building.Ítem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto urbano-arquitectonico del Instituto Tecnológico Superior Luis Rogerio González a reubicarse en la parroquia Bayas, cantón Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Crespo Saquicela, Ignacio Alfonso; Mogrovejo Arias, María José; 0301563508; ., .This thesis contains the architectural preliminary project created for the relocation of the Technological Institute “Luis Rogerio Gonzalez” in Bayas from the city of Azogues.It’s divided in five chapters and its objective is to satisfy the needs of the users of this institution through the solution of the spatial problems and the adaptation to the natural and urban environment. To do this, the first chapter contains the generalities, background, objectives and justification of the proposed topic. The second develops a theoretical framework that gives an approach to the modern parameters that exist for the design of educational buildings; on the third is carried out the analysis of cases related to the topic, in order to know some specific characteristics applicable to the design, which have worked in similar contexts and projects. The fourth chapter contains a diagnosis of the current problematic of the Institute and the proposal of the solutions to the problems found and finally, the fifth chapter contains the design proposal based on the analysis of the chosen site and ends up with the presentation of the architectural plans that define the preliminary projectÍtem Acceso Abierto Arquitectura moderna en Azogues (1955 - 1990)(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Caguana Chimbay, Lenin Andrés; Mogrovejo Rivera, Fabián Patricio; 1751379155; ., .he present degree work focuses its attention on the works of modern architecture, built in the city of Azogues between 1955 and 1990. It has been possible to demonstrate that, in this study area Z7 - Center, there is a considerable sample of buildings that they are esteemed as exponents of the modern movement. Initially, basic parameters were established for the correct development of the investigation, the problem was formulated and delimited, then the justification, objectives and 2 hypothesis; next, we address the study on the state of the art that aims to understand of the modern movement in Europe, its adaptation in Latin America and in the main cities ; of Ecuador such as Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca and, their arrival in Azogues. The in-depth knowledge of the city could not be avoided, so an analysis of the city was carried out, which includes the approach to the study area, determination of the study period, (architectural evolution and recognition of modern attributes. Finally, the works of Modern Architecture were documented through the application of cards, which compile historical, graphic and photographic information of each building, documents that categorize the 27 selected works, according to the architectural typologies that are: building major, minor building and dwelling. The result of the investigation becomes a first approximation to the development of modernity in Azogues; Its importance lies in the enhancement and awareness of Modern Architecture in Azogues.Ítem Acceso Abierto Catálogo de elementos arquitectónicos elaborados con piedra andesita de Cojitambo en proyectos arquitectónicos y urbanos(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Paida Ortega, William Adrián; Cantos Ormaza, Wilson Jacinto; 0302199617; ., .This research has as motivation the inexistence of orderly and detailed information on the several architectural elements made by hand with andesita stone from Cojitambo, whose representation for the city of Azogues is of the utmost importance. The investigation consisted in the collection of information and cataloging of these architectural elements, work that has as purpose to be a didactic and consultation support for all kinds of interested people, whether professionals, students or general public who wish to know more about the stone material existing in Azogues, and thus be able to use it at the moment of making a design or in the construction of an architectural and I or urban project. The catalog contains technical data sheets in which people will find complete information about different elements, either by their location, type of finish, color, dimensions, etc.; the catalog also contains detailed 20 graphics and photographs.Ítem Acceso Abierto Criterios de categorización para el patrimonio edificado del centro histórico de la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Faicán Lozano, Juana Monserrath; Venegas Tomalá, Andrés Oswaldo; 0301801007; ., .In this titling work, categorization criteria are proposed for the built heritage of the city of Azogues. The issue is carried out due to the non-existence of specific cataloging parameters for real estate in the locality. The investigation is carried out through a methodology in which the criteria that heritage properties must meet both nationally and internationally are investigated and analyzed, through this evaluation those criteria that are considered applicable specifically to the real estate of the city. The result of the research is the creation of categorization levels for the built heritage of the city of Azogues. It is intended that the investigation be considered by the authorities in charge of managing heritage in the city, as a tool to prevent the loss of an important part of the history and culture of the town.Ítem Acceso Abierto Determinación del déficit de dotación de equipamientos educativos en el área urbana de la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Vargas Vázquez, Juan Fernando; Verdugo Romero, Lauro Miltón; 0301568705; ., .The present work called DETERMINATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT SUPPLY DEFICIT IN THE URBAN AREA OF THE CITY OF AZOGUES, is developed as a prerequisite to obtaining the title of architect. This is aimed at generating a database that will serve for future interventions within the educational facilities system in the urban area of Azogues. For this purpose, after reviewing the theoretical framework and delimiting the study area, we proceed to propose the strategic objectives and carry out a diagnosis of demographic aspects, levels of provision of land surface and construction and levels of coverage of educational facilities. . This is achieved through the collection of information from physical and digital bibliographic sources; With the data from the diagnosis made, quantitative indicators are established for the number of students per classroom, land area in square meters per student, total construction area in square meters per student, and location and coverage of educational establishments, the same as compared with the norm to establish the existing deficit or surplus in each of the variables studied. Finally, it is shown that it is possible to comply with the proposed hypothesis and there are concrete results of the deficit and surplus of educational establishments in the urban area of Azogues; and, as a result of this study, the conclusions and recommendations are formulatedÍtem Acceso Abierto Determinar el cumlimiento del marco legal relacionado con la división del suelo durante el período 2014-2017 en el área urbana de la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Romero Ordóñez, Cristian Alfredo; Verdugo Romero, Lauro Miltón; 0302334479; ., .The objective of this work is to determine the level of compliance with the legal framework related to the division of land in the Urban Area of the City of Azogues, was developed as a prerequisite for obtaining the title of Architect. For this purpose, the conceptual and legal framework related to the proposed topic was reviewed and analyzed; subsequently, the diagnosis was developed, for which a total of 10 urbanizations approved during the 2014-2017 period were delimited and selected, on which the level of compliance with the legal framework was evaluated with respect to the following variables: transfer of land, infrastructure works, land occupation characteristics and building characteristics. This process allowed the identification of problems, which are the result of field research and comparative analysis of current regulations, with the current state. The results were then studied in each period, in order to identify and define the problems encountered. Subsequently, strategic objectives and guidelines were proposed to contribute to the solution to the problems encountered in the diagnosis of the study area. With this process, it was possible to achieve the proposed objectives and finally formulate the relevant conclusions and recommendations.Ítem Acceso Abierto Diagnóstico para intervención en márgenes de rìos urbanos caso de estudio: tramo puente hospital Homero Castanier Crespo - av. Aurelio Jaramillo, río Burgay - Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Còrdova Vintimilla, Francheska Jacqueline; Arias Gutiérrez, Liliana Josefina; 0302453915; ., .THE CURRENT ASSESSES THE USE AND QUALITY OF THE PUBLIC SPACE OF A SECTOR OF THE BANKS OF THE BURGAY RIVER, BETWEEN THE HOMERO CASTANIER CRESPO BRIDGE AND AV. AURELIO JARAMILLO, OF THE CITY OF AZOGUES, PROVINCE OF CAÑAR – ECUADOR. IN HIS STUDIO, HE THEY APPLY TWO METHODOLOGIES PROPOSED BY RENOWN URBAN PLANNERS INTERNATIONAL, WHICH USE OBSERVATION AS A TOOL OF ANALYSIS. IN PRINCIPLE, THE FIELD INVESTIGATION IS CARRIED OUT, WHICH CONSISTS OF PERIODICALLY EXAMINING THE USE OF THE SITE DURING ONE WEEK, SEVERAL TIMES A DAY; TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO ATTEND AND ESTABLISHING THE MAIN ACTIVITIES THAT THEY PERFORM. LATER, APPLYING COMPONENTS SUCH AS: VITALITY, ACCESSIBILITY, LEGIBILITY, SAFETY, COMFORT AND CONNECTIVITY, THE QUALITY OF THE SPACE IS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO CATEGORIES OF: EXCELLENT, VERY GOOD, ADVANCED, MEDIUM AND LOW. THE RESULTS DEMONSTRATE THAT THE MAIN USE OF SPACE IT IS OF PEDESTRIAN TRANSIT AND IN A MINIMUM PERCENTAGE OF ACTIVITIES SOCIAL. IT IS DETERMINED THAT THE STUDY SPACE DOES NOT HAVE THE ADEQUATE CONDITIONS TO DEVELOP OTHER TYPES OF ACTIVITIES COMPLEMENTARY; EVIDENCED, THEN, THE PERCEPTION OF A LOW QUALITY OF THE SPACE BY THE USERS. FINALLY I KNOW MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION IN THE STUDIED AREAÍtem Acceso Abierto Diagnóstico para la implementación de una red de espacios públicos para la zona Z7 de la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Redrován Macas, Raúl David; Sacoto Molina, Diana Monserrat; 0302281308; ., .The public space is considered a witness of the evolution and development of cities, activities such as recreation, integration, and rest; it also allows improving the environment, the urban image, the performance, and the quality of life of the population. It is, therefore, an indispensable tool for city planning. According to the results of the 2010 census, the Azogues canton had an urban green index of 5.21 m2 per inhabitant, in non- compliance that was suggested by the World Health Organization that stipulates 9-11 m2 per inhabitant. Therefore, the purpose of the research work is the implementation of an interconnection network of public spaces in zone Z7. To achieve this, we proceed to an analysis by layers: natural, urban and heritage reflected in maps, and to know the social perception, through the granting of surveys that allow establishing landscape units to characterize them, and get strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats. The proposal reflects two aspects: a) to establish the function of the new public spaces based on the landscape units and coverage ranges of equipment, and, b) the implementation of ecological corridors and/or alternative transport lanes that link the spaces. Corresponding audiences with the components studied. In this way, a network of public spaces interconnected with the parameters described above is obtained, which fulfill the WHO index.Ítem Acceso Abierto Diseño de un anteproyecto de parque en la cabecera urbana de la parroquia Javier Loyola(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Cárdenas Parra, Daniela Jacqueline; Verdugo Romero, Lauro Milton; 0302804166; ., .The following study responds to a critical need identified according with the PDOT of the Parish of Javier Loyola, regarding the lack of green areas and public recreational spaces. Therefore, a draft of a park design for its urban area is proposed, using a methodology known as " Six steps to transform public space", where a procedure based on research, envisioning, strategizing, designing, implementing and evaluating takes place, in order to achieve a wide study of the physical-biotic context, as well as the requirements from the population of the area studied, prior to the design. Consequently, a proposal suited to the community's needs and considering its opportunities and challenges in terms of social and spatial aspects has been developed, thereby providing a feasible and functional park to be built in the parish, as it responds to a number of variables studied within the five spheres of public space.Ítem Acceso Abierto Diseño y organización de lotes mínimos para vivienda social en la ciudad de Azogues, zona Z6 - Uchupucun(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2018) Avila Zea, María Augusta; Cantos Ormaza, Wilson Jacinto; 0302961230; ., .The present work, sustains an open vision and directed to the design and organization of the urban structure of the cities, from a perspective focused on the development of the social groups of low economic resources, analyzing the housing projects in terms of the efficiency offered by a lot, which is considered as an organizing element and translator of the urban fabric of the cities, which lasted over time. The research aims to propose a design and organization of minimum lots for social housing under the criteria of inclusion, security, resilience, and sustainability, which were raised at the United Nations conference on housing and sustainable urban development (Habitat III, carried out in the city of Quito in 2016), in search of the densified and equitable growth of the cities, creating a proposal that allows the maximum use of the soil, reducing costs both in obtaining the land and in the construction of housing and equipment of infrastructure. By means of the present one it looks for to give solution to the problems related to the urban organization of the site, independently of the design of the housing units, which will not be defined in this investigation, reason why finally the distribution and definition of the new typology is proposed of lot that responds to the needs of the users and offers the opportunity to build houses at a low cost, guaranteeing the good living of its owners.Ítem Acceso Abierto “Estrategias de diseño sobre accesibilidad universal en equipamientos educativos. Caso de estudio: Zona 7 del área urbana de Azogues”(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Vargas González, Zulay Verenice; Verdugo Romero, Lauro Milton; 0301944294; ., .Universal accessibility is a characteristic that any infrastructure or equipment must meet to be used without difficulty by all people, regardless of gender, physical condition, age, or culture, thus allowing free access to different places. The general objective of this work is to propose design strategies for universal accessibility in twelve educational facilities in zone 7 of the urban area of Azogues city, based on the analysis of the main accesses and the close relationship with the street. For this, as a research technique, direct observation was used. Additionally, considering the Ecuadorian Construction Standard on Universal Accessibility, an observation sheet was elaborated, in which data on the elements and parameters defined for the analysis were recorded, therefore determining the level of compliance of each one. It made it possible to quantify the accessibility deficits of the facilities observed from the results of a matrix prepared in which the parameters that generate accessibility problems were visualized and prioritized. These problems served as the basis for the proposal. Finally, it was possible to present design strategies for universal accessibility in educational facilities in Zone 7 in Azogues city through the evaluation of compliance with the Ecuadorian Construction Standard.Ítem Acceso Abierto Estratégias orientadas a disminuir el congestionamiento vehicular relacionado con la ubicación de la unidad educativa La Providencia, en la ciudad de Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Guambaña Velecela, Nube Yadira; Verdugo Romero, Lauro Miltón; 0301844445; ., .The present work called STRATEGIES ORIENTED TO REDUCE THE TRAFIC JAM RELATED TO THE LOCATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL UNIT LA PROVIDENCIA, IN THE CITY OF AZOGUES, was developed as a prerequisite to obtain the title of architect and is part of the lines of research established by the Research Center of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Catholic University of Cuenca extension Azogues; The same, seeks to formulate strategies aimed at reducing traffic jam related to the location of the Educational Unit La Providencia, in the city of Azogues. For this purpose, after reviewing the theoretical and regulatory framework related to the proposed topic and delimiting the study area, we proceeded to identify, characterize and prioritize the problems related to traffic jam caused by the location of the Educational Unit La Providencia , through the collection of information, through: interviews with authorities; surveys of students and parents of the educational center; review and analysis of research works related to the topic and strategies applied in other cities of Ecuador. Consecutively, we proceeded to raise the methodological objectives to solve the problems identified in the diagnosis. Once the methodology was developed, the respective strategies were established. Finally, as a result of this study, conclusions and recommendations are formulated.Ítem Acceso Abierto Evaluación del confort térmico de la unidad educativa 16 de abril - Azogues(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Astudillo Delgado, Andrea Salomé; Mogrovejo Rivera, Fabián; 0302397948; ., .The thermal comfort assessment of an educational institution in Azogues was carried out, which was upgraded in 2014 by the Programa Escuelas del Milenio del Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador. In order to carry out this research, topics such as: basic concepts of bioclimatic architecture, the regulations and existing laws in Ecuador regarding sustainable buildings, contemporary educational centers and Escuelas del Milenio, among others, were addressed. The thesis focused on the architecture diagnosis of the building, the measurement of the indoor temperature and the analysis of the user factors that are the fundamental aspects for the evaluation, whose interaction defines the thermal comfort of this educational institution. Regarding the software used for the thermal comfort evaluation, the “Ecotec” program used worldwide for the measurement of thermal comfort in building was generally discussed. From the data obtained it was possible to establish the conclusions of this particular case, and, additionally, a set of basic recommendations was proposed to overcome a part of the issues showed up in the study areas.Ítem Acceso Abierto Evaluación del confort térmico de las viviendas constriudas por el MIDUVI en la parroquia Javier Loyola(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Sarmiento Mendieta, Junior Israel; Cantos Ormaza, Wilson Jacinto; 0302717020; ., .In this titling work, the evaluation of thermal comfort in the houses built by MIDUVI located in the Javier Loyola parish center is carried out. For the correct analysis, two methodologies were used, starting from a principle in which similar parameters are considered, related to the thermal comfort of the dwellings. The first methodological analysis was to carry out surveys aimed at home users, through which the thermal sensation of people is determined; and after this technology was used and methodological concepts were applied with which the houses were modeled in the Ecotec software, whose results offer us technical data on the temperature of the constructions. The products show that there is an incorrect thermal comfort during half of the year, since the detected temperature is below 18°C, which causes a cold thermal sensation to originate. To improve thermal comfort in future constructions carried out by MIDUVI, passive architecture strategies have been recommended, which are applicable to the Javier Loyola area, and thus improve the quality of life of the users of MIDUVI homes
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