Extensión Cañar - Enfermería
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Examinando Extensión Cañar - Enfermería por Asesores "Luzuriaga, Maria Agusta"
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- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAlternativas terapéuticas farmacológicas para covid-19. Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022-07-01) Pomavilla Álvarez, Luz María; Luzuriaga, Maria Agusta; 035000307-5Ever since the emergence of the new Covid-19 disease, different laboratories around the world began searching for several studies and therapeutic alternatives for treatment to fight the virus, which presents several evolutionary phases. Each stage consists of the administration of certain chemical compounds to stop, treat or prevent the clinical symptoms that the patient may show. Such substances derive from a meticulous process of scientific experimentation, however, currently; there is a lack of clinical trials as well as pharmacological therapies, which prove reliably the validity and efficacy of any pharmacological treatment. Objective: To learn about the pharmacological therapeutic alternatives for Covid-19. Materials and methods: Qualitative systematic review meta-study; it included ten studies attained from different databases such as Redalyc, PubMed, Scielo, and Google Scholar. Results: The presence of the pathogenic agent SAR CoV-2 in a person's organism produces a severe acute respiratory syndrome, with a high mortality rate, since none of the care or treatments used for its approach had positive effects on the human host. Conclusion: Among the pharmacological alternatives for Covid-19, the administration of antiviral drugs such as arbidol and ritonavir, antibacterial drugs, azithromycin, corticosteroids, chloroquine, remdesivir, anakinra, baricitinib, sarilumab, and Kaletra stand out. Keywords: covid-19, drugs, alternatives, medications, therapeutic treatment
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoConsumo de tipos de alimentos en tiempo de pandemia covid-19(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022-07-01) Pinguil Buscan, Juan Pedro; Luzuriaga, Maria Agusta; 030236899-8The planet holds a great biodiversity that has allowed humans to survive with a balanced diet. However, with the appearance of SARS-CoV-2 diets have lost the balance of food intake, this study aims to systematize the scientific evidence available on the complications regarding food consumption during the pandemic, the methodology used in this research was a systematic review of scientific articles that meet the requirements of having been published in the last four years either in Spanish or English and that provide relevant information to the research. By the end of the selection process, we got 10 publications that met the inclusion criteria and among the results obtained we highlight that the global concern about food points to the fact that if these changes are kept up in a long term, they are potentially worrying from a public health perspective as they were characterized by a low adherence to healthy diets. In addition, there are some implications for policy makers and food supply chain actors on healthy diets, food system resilience and behavioral change. Finally, changes in household diets have undergone noticeable changes as people have chosen processed products leading to obesity; on the other hand, in underdeveloped countries an increase in malnutrition has been shown. Keywords: Types, food, covid - 19, pandemic.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoEficacia de las estrategias aplicadas en la disminución del síndrome de burnout en el personal de enfermería: Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022-11-06) Paguay Gomezcoello, Karla Johanna; Luzuriaga, Maria Agusta; 030245707-2Abstract Introduction: Family planning is the right of every human being to decide when and how many children they wish to conceive in a certain period. It also prevents possible sexually transmitted infections. Objective: To conduct a systematic review of scientific studies on the sociocultural influence of the method used for family planning in women in their childbearing years. Methods: It was based on a literature review, selecting articles in both English and Spanish, using keywords and boolean operators AND and OR, from 2018 to 2022. Using search engines of the Virtual Health Library, Google Scholar, and the Virtual Library of the Catholic University of Cuenca within the last five years. Results: Socio-cultural influences identified included myths and taboos, deep-seated views that children are 'divine blessings', men's fear of losing control over their spouses, and patriarchy. In addition, couples' perceptions, machismo, and religious taboos where the man is the decision-maker. At the same time, women with a low level of education are at risk of not using birth control. Along with the beliefs that it would reduce women's fertility, the side effects, adaptation to family and social pressure to have children, and prioritization of sons. Conclusion: The sociocultural influence on family planning methods is demonstrated. Keywords: influence, sociocultural, family planning, women, childbearing age.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoEficacia del tratamiento farmacologico en pacientes con diabetes gestacional: Una revision sistematica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022-11-02) Arcentales Campoverde, Carmen Estefania; Luzuriaga, Maria Agusta; 030265231-8ABSTRACT Introduction: Diabetes is a health problem whose incidence has been increasing, Its development in pregnancy is known as gestational diabetes, which brings several complications. For this reason, several analyses and studies have been carried out to identify the highest efficiency and lowest incidence of a drug regarding its adverse effects. Objective: To determine the efficiency of drug treatment in patients with gestational diabetes. Method: A systematic review that includes studies from 2018-2022 was carried out. Some digital databases, such as Google Scholar and Scopus were used to search information; 10 articles were selected, when applying the inclusión and exclusión criteria. Results: It was found that insulin was the most studied drug, along with metformin; drugs like glyburide and myoinositol were also investigated. It proved the efficiency of all the drugs in treating gestacional diabetes; however, metformin was the drug whit a minor incidence of adverse effects. Conclusions: Metformin in different cases, has proved to be effective and safe, becoming a feasible option in the treatment. of gestational diabetes. Nevertheless, it is necessary to continue researching on other drugs that allow a diversity of treatments to face possible contraindications for patients. Keywords: gestational diabetes, efficiency, pharmacological treatment
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoMedidas de bioseguridad que aplica el personal de enfermería con pacientes hospitalizados Durante la pandemia covid-19. Una revisión sistemática.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022-07-01) Rodríguez Ortiz, Israel Andrés; Luzuriaga, Maria Agusta; 094208529-1Biosafety measures are a set of rules and procedures applied to the care of the multidisciplinary healthcare team to counteract physical, chemical, or biological risks. Covid-19 is an infectious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The coronavirus outbreak has caused a high percentage of contagion all over the world due to a lack of adequate precaution in personal care. Objective: To analyze the biosecurity measures applied by nursing staff with hospitalized patients during the covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: We present a study based on the Prisma method with a qualitative approach, full text both in English and Spanish. Sources like Google Scholar, Scielo, Redalyc, and Scopus were used in this research. Findings: It was possible to carry out the different predominance of studies with the information available in the manuscripts: work experience, suitable training, lack of supplies, inadequate handling of protective clothing, and professional burnout. Conclusions: Health professionals´ conditions when facing a health emergency such as the covid-19 pandemic were affected with a case fatality rate of 3.40%, a value close to the world average of 4.80%. The supplies and other factors instability ended up in health personnel reducing the protective clothing use, as well as the shortage of supplies in health care centers. It is worth indicating that although the personnel have been trained, there is still a need for this training to be continuous as well as the information provided to be put into practice to protect the professionals´ health and avoid further contagion. Keywords: pandemic, covid-19, biosecurity, care, nursing
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoSalud mental del personal de salud en situaciones de pandemia. Una revisión sistemática(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2022-07-01) Montero Zhao, Roxana Maribel; Luzuriaga, Maria Agusta; 030263131-2It is important to address the mental health of health staff during pandemic since it has not been comprehensively taken into consideration and in some cases, it has been undervalued, ending up in risk behaviors among which stand out depression and anxiety and disorders such as anxiety and fear were increased during quarantine causing the Burnout Syndrome. That was because of the incapacity of the health system to secure workers as there was no safety equipment and likewise, the workday was intensified. Based on this, this research aims to gather information about the state of mental health in health staff during the pandemic. The descriptive method with a qualitative approach was used in this research, the data collection technique was the systematic review and the instrument was the PRISMA methodology which guaranteed the scientific rigor of the information systematized. The results showed that disorders such as anxiety and depression were intensified in health workers due to stressors such as work intensification, extreme fear of contagion, and the institution’s inadequate sanitary management. It is concluded that health staff registered a higher risk of suffering from mental illness during the pandemic, that is why the importance of implementing mental health programs to prevent serious manifestations such as emotional burnout and depersonalization. Keywords: covid-19, pandemic, psychology, health staff, mental health.