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Examinando Periodismo por Asesores "Illescas Reinoso, Diego"
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- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnálisis De La Memética En El Mundial De Fútbol Qatar 2022: Caso Selección Del Ecuador.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Garnica Ortuño, Jorge Sebastián; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0105180293This scientific article aims to analyze memetics in the Qatar 2022 World Cup, considering the material related to the Ecuador national team as a case study, by collecting information through observation and using different types of interviews with experts and specialists in communication and memetics. This research is qualitative, ethnographic, descriptive, and bibliographic. In the new era of communication, the Internet and social networks have become a medium prone to creating new communication strategies — such as memes— leading the way of communicating to a different level. This perspective was adapted by several media in Ecuador, and several of these strategies were used to communicate information related to the participation of the Ecuador national team in the Qatar 2022 World Cup. This paper analyzes the influence, reaction, and interaction caused by the informative meme in the network content consumers, using informative material related to the participation of the Ecuador national team in the World Cup Qatar 2022. It also tries to know whether memes contribute to communication with a good purpose or are simply humorous resources.
- ÍtemSolo MetadatosAnálisis de la red social instagram como herramienta de promoción en emprendimentos de Zaruma(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Romero Valarezo, Daymar Elena; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 1753263993This qualitative research aims to analyze the use and management of the tools of the social network Instagram used to promote Zaruma's businesses. The application of research techniques such as observation, semi-structured interviews, and in-depth interviews allowed the analysis of this social network and the application of digital communication strategies that improved the communicative processes and use in the promotion of companies. Instagram has gained strength in recent years in the digital world, where many followers, national and international brands are added every day, and so, many entrepreneurships are on this social network. As a digital marketing tool, social media aims to spread a brand, service, or product through social networks, websites, and virtual worlds, so Instagram is part of these digital processes that use its tools to achieve this goal.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnálisis de las características, cualidades y estereotipos de un presentador de entretenimiento de la televisión en Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Castillo Guerrero, Gabriela de los Ángeles; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0107128597The main goal of this research is to analyze the characteristics, qualities and stereotypes of a TV entertainer in Cuenca, the role of TV entertainers as a key factor in the overall success or failure of any TV show. Therefore, considering and analyzing their figure is an aspect that all television networks should be aware of. Focusing on entertainment categories, the current research provides an in-depth study of the entertainer. Using a qualitative methodology based on literature reviews, interviews with current prime time contest hosts to establish the essential qualities and standards of entertainers in today's national TV in Cuenca.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnálisis del discurso periodístico deportivo en la radiodifusión cuencana: caso de estudio: radios la voz del tomebamba y radio activa(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Jachero Chicaiza, Pablo Sebastián; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0106569585; Valverde Lojano, Carlos AntonioAt present, sports journalism has become one of the most important branches of this profession due to its great acceptance by the audience and also because it monopolizes the most important tournaments in the world. Over the years, the academic training or specialty in this branch has been transcendental, to comply with professionalism in this branch, under the different ethical codes since few are the professional journalists who have become professionalized, and others have relied on experience to stay in the media in our environment. This research was conducted based on the problem of journalistic discourse analysis in the radio broadcasting of La Voz del Tomebamba and Radio Activa in Cuenca. Qualitative research aims to analyze the problem that has incurred the media today, conducting an in depth study, using different techniques and mentioned to experts on social issues.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnálisis del manejo de tik tok en el desarrollo de marketing digital en empresas cuencanas(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) León Siguencia, Mayra Jazmín; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0302303748This qualitative research aims to analyze the management of the social network Tik Tok in enterprises from Cuenca. The rapid growth of Tik Tok has led to the daily addition of a considerable number of users and, with them, well-known brands, turning this network into a tool for the development of digital marketing. The application of research techniques such as observation, semi structured interviews, and in-depth interviews has permitted the analysis of this social network and the application of digital communication strategies that improved the communication processes for the promotion of enterprises. Tik Tok provides segmentation and analysis tools that let brands identify and target specific groups of people through more precise and effective marketing strategies, contributing to achieving visibility, generating interaction, and significant results in digital marketing. Presenting a predominantly young user base offers brands to connect with a generation of potential consumers that will generate long-term loyalty.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnálisis del mensaje de la caricatura política en las elecciones para el alcalde de Cuenca y prefecto del Azuay: Caso de estudio diarios El Tiempo y El Mercurio.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Rojas Merino, Lilandia Judith; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0750596298This research work considered the historical context of political cartoons in print media of Cuenca from the problem: What is the message of the analysis of political cartoons in the elections of Mayor of Cuenca and Prefect of the Azuay province in “El Mercurio” and “El Tiempo” newspapers? The objective is to analyze the message of the analysis of political cartoons in the elections of Mayor of Cuenca and Prefect of the Azuay province in the newspapers: “El Tiempo” and “El Mercurio”. The methodology applied was the qualitative approach, and the method is the analysis of content. The techniques for the collection of the information were the digital and physical documental revision, analysis of the issues from January to March, as well as interviews made to experts. The research shows that the examined neither envisioned all the political personalities nor gave the coverage to the process as usual, when it is time for national elections.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnálisis del uso de las redes sociales como medio alternativo de promoción para las Pymes del sector comercial en la ciudad de Cuenca, en Facebook(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2021) Deleg Sarmiento, José Armando; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 1724198724This research work seeks to determine whether the use of the social network Facebook contributes to the promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Cuenca as an alternative means for the promotion of both communication and Digital Marketing. At present, these last two fields constitute an essential element for advertising promotion in a world marked by the New Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). It is in this framework where this research is developed, emphasizing the digital era and its connotations. To this end, the methodological techniques of observation and monitoring of the Fanpage of the most representative SMEs in the city were applied. Furthermore, the interview with experts and the survey to potential customers were utilized to determine the effectiveness and interactivity of this social network in Digital Marketing. Although the use of Facebook as a tool for promotion is identified, there is a deficit in the use of the potentialities offered by this social network, as well as the lack of confidence of part of the business sector of the city.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoConstrucción de la noticia cultural en el diario El Mercurio de Cuenca y su representación de la cultura en el periodismo escrito(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2015) Sarmiento Moscoso, Diana Estefanía; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0104990452SIN
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoLa influencia de la inteligencia artifical en el periodismo. Uso de herramientas y aplicaciones(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Palacios Tapia, Ana Gabriela; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0106502842This qualitative research aims to analyze the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in journalism, and describe the use of some tools and applications. Artificial Intelligence is a technology with a great transforming capacity increasingly used as a work tool. This research attempts to understand what AI involves to develop the skills to understand, explain, and discuss its implications and possibilities in journalism. Initially, a review of scientific literature was used to explore what has been written on the subject, which is helpful in understanding and focusing on the topic of study. In addition, observation was applied, enabling the description of various applications and tools to elaborate on their use. The in-depth interviews provided an analysis from the experts' perspective regarding how Artificial Intelligence is employed in the implementation of systems for generating informative products based on data and algorithms. This includes automating the writing of texts with a novel narrative approach and facilitating the composition of journalistic pieces with predictable structures and formulas, which are sufficient for repetitive events of routine coverage.
- ÍtemSolo MetadatosProducción de una revista digital para promover la cultura y las artes en Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Paucar Morocho, Tamara Isabel; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0106925100This research is qualitative, with the primary objective of producing a digital magazine to promote Cuenca's culture and arts. For this investigation, information collection techniques such as observation, semi-structured interviews, and in-depth interviews were applied to experts knowledgeable in the proposed topic. Currently, digital communication is a process of information exchange that occurs through electronic and digital media. This type of communication can be accomplished through different platforms, such as digital magazines, social networks, and instant messaging. Unlike traditional communication, digital communication permits a two-way process; therefore, interacting and receiving an immediate response is possible. A digital magazine is a powerful tool that enables reaching a worldwide audience, leveraging technology to enrich the reader's experience, facilitating content dissemination, and adapting to the shifting needs of the digital world. Its importance lies in its ability to combine the tradition of magazines with the advantages and possibilities offered by the digital era.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoPropuesta de un plan de comunicación y marketing estratégico para empresas privadas en Cuenca(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Sánchez Álvarez, Francis Milena; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 010757915This research is qualitative, descriptive, and bibliographic in nature. It aims to design a strategic communication and marketing plan for Cuenca private companies focusing on improving their visibility in the local market and increasing their competitiveness. A strategic communication plan is a program that seeks to coordinate all communication actions —internal and external— of a company. This plan includes specific objectives the company tries to achieve in the short, medium, and long term. A scientific literature review was conducted to build a theoretical axis to support this research. The observation of the company was used as a case model to describe communicative actions in digital and traditional media and to visualize the strategies applied. In addition, in-depth interviews were performed with experts to understand the proper execution of a communication and marketing plan and propose new strategies to enhance companies' visibility in Cuenca.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoEl uso de la plataforma youtube para promocionar la música popular ecuatoriana(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Ordoñez Ochoa, Mónica Elizabeth; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0104788930The goal of this research is to analyze the use of You Tube as a digital tool to promote Ecuadorian folk music. The research will be carried out around the main local folk music artists. Observing and analyzing their official YouTube channels. The purpose is to develop a guide that helps artists to take advantage of this social network through an adequate digital strategy that allows them to promote their music, and pretend that more people know about them. The lack of space in traditional media and the lack of interest by the music companies, elicit artists to search for new distribution channels. The launch of digital media, as well as virtual musical platforms, exemplifies a great opportunity for advertising. Currently the success of an artist can be measured through its involvement on the network.
- ÍtemSolo MetadatosEl uso de la plataforma youtube para promocionar la música popular ecuatoriana(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2019) Ordoñez Ochoa, Mónica Elizabeth; Illescas Reinoso, Diego; 0104788930The goal of this research is to analyze the use of You Tube as a digital tool to promote Ecuadorian folk music. The research will be carried out around the main local folk music artists. Observing and analyzing their official YouTube channels. The purpose is to develop a guide that helps artists to take advantage of this social network through an adequate digital strategy that allows them to promote their music, and pretend that more people know about them. The lack of space in traditional media and the lack of interest by the music companies, elicit artists to search for new distribution channels. The launch of digital media, as well as virtual musical platforms, exemplifies a great opportunity for advertising. Currently the success of an artist can be measured through its involvement on the network.