Maestría en Salud Pública
URI permanente para esta colección
La Maestría en Salud Pública es un programa de posgrado que suministrará a los participantes los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos para fortalecer las competencias y habilidades necesarias para el cumplimiento de los objetivos del PCO 2021-2025 y la resolución de los diversos problemas que se presentan en el sector de la salud, tanto en el ámbito público como privado, aplicando herramientas de la salud pública y la investigación científica que le permitan desempeñarse en posiciones de liderazgo para el cumplimiento de las transformaciones que demanda la modernización y reforma del sector salud.
Examinando Maestría en Salud Pública por Asesores "Cuenca León, Katherine"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Cumplimiento de la norma del control del neonato en el Ecuador en zonas urbano y rural 2023(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Pacurucu Avila, Nube Johanna; Cuenca León, Katherine"Introduction: Newborn care is of great importance for the growth and development of the new human being since it helps us in a timely and effective way to identify risk factors, which favors the healthy growth and development of the newborn and prevents complications that may occur during the growth periods of a healthy child, contributing to reducing morbidity and mortality problems in healthy children. Objective: To compare compliance with the neonatal control standard in Ecuador in urban and rural areas in 2023 reported in the database. Materials and methods: The research is quantitative and cross-sectional, as it focuses on the collection and analysis of numerical data to assess compliance with neonatal control regulations according to geographic location. In addition, a descriptive and comparative approach will be used to examine and contrast differences in compliance between urban and rural areas of Ecuador at a single point in time (2023). Results: The analysis shows a high neonatal survival rate in Ecuador according to the reported results of newborns. These data reflect an excellent neonatal health condition in the sample and suggest that care practices and medical interventions are working well for most newborns. The low mortality rate may also be useful to assess and confirm the effectiveness of neonatal health strategies and policies in the population studied. Conclusion: The data reveal a very high neonatal survival rate, indicating that overall care practices and medical interventions are being effective. However, it is important to continue monitoring these indicators to identify possible areas for improvement"Ítem Acceso Abierto Estudio comparativo de los patrones de crecimiento OMS 2007 y referencias nacionales en la evaluación del estado nutricional en niños de 6 a 12 años del Ecuador 2023(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2024) Moyano Brito , Edison Gustavo; Cuenca León, Katherine"The objective of this work was to analyze the level of agreement between the WHO 2007 growth patterns and national references in the evaluation of nutritional status in children from 6 to 12 years of age in Ecuador. Materials and Methods: Observational, retrospective, descriptive cross-sectional study. The sample for the research was obtained from an open database of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) made up of a population of 2540 schoolchildren from 6 to 12 years old belonging to the cities of the different provinces of Ecuador, the data were taken of age, city of birth, weight and height, to establish the anthropometric indicators weight for age (P/E), height for age (T/E) and Body Mass Index (BMI) for each of the models to be compared. In the statistical analysis, the average and standard deviation for the anthropometric measurements were calculated and for the comparison between the groups of women and men, the T-means test of independent samples will be carried out. In addition, percentage frequency tables were generated for the variables of nutritional status and height according to WHO 2007 reference and national reference and will be compared through Pearson's Chi square test of independence, considering p < 0.05 significant; In addition, 95% confidence intervals were calculated for both proportions and means. To compare nutritional status according to the two national classification criteria and WHO 2007, agreement was analyzed using the Kappa index. Results: The anthropometric characteristics of the weight and height values by age of the sample showed that there is no difference between the two sexes; Regarding nutritional diagnosis according to the reference of the World Health Organization compared to the national reference, overweight decreases by 3.5%, and in normal nutritional status by 12.9%; a comparison that increases morbid obesity by 7.1%, obesity by 0.7%, thinness by 6.7%, and severe thinness by 1.9%, finally when comparing the two evaluation models a Kappa index of 0.53 equivalent to moderate agreement. Conclusion: The analysis revealed that, when applying national references, the prevalence of obesity and morbid obesity is considerably higher than when using WHO references. In particular, 10-year-old boys and 12-year-old girls showed a notable increase in these diagnoses. This difference suggests that national references are more appropriate for the population studied, providing a more accurate assessment of the nutritional status of children in this region."