Extensión La Troncal - Enfermería
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Examinando Extensión La Troncal - Enfermería por Asesores "Montero Galarza, Gloria Ignacia"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Factores de riesgo que predisponen a contraer cáncer cérvico uterino en mujeres de 35 a 50 años(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024-10-28) Sánchez Cordero; Montero Galarza, Gloria Ignacia; 0104813381Cervical cancer is the most feared gynecological pathology among the female population due to its social and health impact and high mortality rate. This research aimed to determine the main risk factors that predispose women aged 35 to 50 to cervical cancer through a descriptive, qualitative study, using a document review and employing the PRISMA method for the collection and inclusion of 16 publications from Redalyc, BVS, SciELO, Google Scholar, KILLKANA SALUD, UCACUE Repository, and other higher education sources. The study identified various risk factors associated with the development of the disease, including being over 34 years old, early sexual debut, number of sexual partners, teenage pregnancies, multiparity, rural residence, educational and socioeconomic level, smoking, and lack of knowledge about preventive measures as sociodemographic factors. Additionally, healthcare-related factors included access to gynecological check-ups and Pap smears, prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives, family history of cancer or sexually transmitted infections, including HPV, and a lack of health education. Therefore, the nursing team has implemented various intervention strategies to strengthen education and awareness among women about preventive measures such as vaccination, screenings, and medical check-ups. The study concludes that there are multiple risk factors associated with the development of cervical cancer, most of which are modifiable through health education, promoting the adoption of healthy behaviors related to health and lifestyle among women.