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Prevalencia de maloclusiones en niños del proyecto juntos por una sonrisa
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Cárdenas Amendaño, Cristopher Andrés; Crespo Crespo, Mercedes Cristina; 0302737143
The project "Juntos por una sonrisa" (Tied Together with a Smile) aims to identify the prevalence of malocclusions in children and determine its most common type according to gender and age. This research employed a quantitative approach and descriptive design, conducting an observational and retrospective study using clinical and system records. The sample comprised 447 children from various locations, such as Javier Loyola, Azogues, La Troncal, Borrero, and Cañar. The results revealed that children aged 8-10 had the highest prevalence of malocclusions (36% in males and 31% in females). There was no significant association between Angle's malocclusions and gender, although Type I was the most prevalent in both genders. Additionally, no relationship was found between age and the Angle's malocclusion types. In conclusion, Angle's Type I malocclusion was the most frequent (96%), followed by Type II (3%) and Type III (1%). No significant differences in prevalence were observed between gender or age, suggesting that the types of malocclusion could be related to genetic, environmental, or developmental factors. These findings underscore the need for further studies to better understand the causes and consequences of malocclusions, enabling the development of more effective prevention and treatment strategies for affected children. Keywords: angle's type, prevalence, malocclusions, association, children
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Intervenciones de enfermería en pacientes colostomizado por cáncer de colon
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Aviles Cerrufo, Jhandry Rubén; Puentes Arroyo, Anita del Carmen; 1105139156
Colon cancer is defined, according to the WHO, as a pathology in which rectal cells multiply excessively within it; this type predominates in the left part of the colon canal. Objective: To identify priority nursing interventions in colostomized patients due to colon cancer. Methodology: A literature review was conducted in Redalyc, Scopus, and SciELO databases and institutional pages, with publications in English, Spanish, and Portuguese between 2019 and 2024. Results: Worldwide, by the end of 2024, the American Cancer Association expects a higher number of cases around the globe. It is the leading cause of morbidity. Its predisposing factors can be genetic, dietary, environmental, or lifestyle. The therapeutic approach contemplates diagnosis with colonoscopy and biopsies of abnormal tissue. Complications that may occur must also be taken into account, such as liver metastases, dermatitis, stoma ischemia, prolapses, and stenosis. Nursing interventions in colostomized patients include screening, emotional support, management of signs and symptoms, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care. Conclusions: Colon cancer represents a global concern due to its increasing prevalence and high mortality. Its incidence is increasing, particularly among young people, which highlights the need to understand related factors, including genetics, an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle or little physical activity, and tobacco and alcohol consumption. Within the Nursing Care Process, it is crucial to identify problems and plan interventions that optimize and improve the lifestyle of colostomized patients. Keywords: Prevalence, ostomy, cancer, treatment, nursing care, colon prevalence, cancer, cancer treatment, colon cancer.
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Medidas fisioterapéuticas dirigidas a mejorar la calidad de vida en pacientes con Parkinson
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Andrade Castillo, Lisseth Paola; Torres Criollo, Larry Miguel; 0105673354
Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative condition that causes both motor and non-motor symptoms. This pathology affects the structures of the central nervous system due to a neuronal decrease in the substantia nigra, leading to the main clinical manifestations such as rigidity, resting tremor, and bradykinesia, which alter gait and balance. The quality of life in patients with Parkinson's is based on their perception and clinical presentation, which influences their social and emotional participation and mobility limitations. Given the high prevalence and incidence of Parkinson's disease, research is necessary to determine this condition's progression, define diagnostic methods and clinical characteristics, and identify treatments to improve quality of life. Objective: To determine through a systematic review the quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease. Methodology: This work is a systematic review with a qualitative and quantitative descriptive approach utilizing digital databases such as PubMed, SciELO, and Elsevier. Results: Sixteen studies that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed regarding the quality of life in patients with Parkinson's. Conclusions: An analysis based on the results was conducted to contribute to and serve as an approach to improving the quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease. Keywords: Parkinson's disease, rating scales, quality of life
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Importancia del POCUS (ultrasonido Point - Of - Care)
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Guaraca Ordoñez, Jorge Sebastián; Idrovo Vázquez, Víctor Aníbal; 0302284138
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) refers to using ultrasound directly at the patient's bedside, whether in stable conditions or emergencies. Numerous studies have demonstrated ultrasound's effectiveness as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool across various medical fields, including pulmonary, cardiac, vascular, and abdominal care. Compared to traditional diagnostic methods like radiography, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging, POCUS offers several significant advantages such as being quickly available, portable, radiation-free, and cost-effective, and enhancing diagnostic efficiency while reducing the need for additional diagnostic procedures. Objective: To establish the importance of POCUS in the contemporary management of patients. Material and Methods: This review follows the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews and includes information from Google Scholar, SciELO, Scopus, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Web of Science, and Thieme databases. Results: This work focused on demonstrating the multiple applications of POCUS and its benefits when used by non-imaging physicians in patient management; it also detailed the advantages of its application compared to other imaging methods. Keywords: ultrasound, high-resolution tool, non-invasive imaging methods, contemporary applications of POCUS.
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Factores de Riesgo asociados a Cáncer Cervicouterino. Revisión sistemática
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Mainato Guamán, José; Molina Jaramillo, José Luis; 0302313911
Cervical cancer is a prevalent pathology and is considered the third leading cause of mortality among the most common cancers worldwide. It commonly affects the epithelium of the squamocolumnar transition zone. It mainly appears after the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection causing intraepithelial lesions. These lesions, in interaction with other exposed elements, elevate the risk of progression to cancer. This research aimed to establish the risk factors related to cervical cancer. Method: A review of academic-scientific documents published in Spanish and English between 2018 and 2022 was conducted through a qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive systematic technique based on the PRISMA 2020 guide of articles in digital bases such as Redalyc, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, SciELO, and ResearchGate. Results: Nineteen papers were identified, with the following primary risk factors: HPV, multiple sexual partners, early onset of intercourse, Trichomonas, Chlamydia, and smoking. Conclusions: Based on the results, it was concluded that, in addition to other risk factors related to women's sexual behavior and smoking, HPV remains the leading risk element. Given that more than 50% of the risk factors are modifiable, it is clear that, by implementing a prevention strategy, the prevalence of cervical cancer can be reduced worldwide. Keywords: cancer, cervix, risk factors, neoplasms
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Termografía Infrarroja como técnica alternativa para la detección de Mastitis Subclínica Bovina en la parroquia Cumbe
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Vega Cárdenas, Lisseth Estefanía; Cuenca Condoy, Mercy del Cisne; 0105757512
The study aimed to validate the use of infrared thermography (IRT) as a diagnostic technique for subclinical bovine mastitis (SBM). A total of 250 Holstein Friesian and crossbred female bovines were evaluated from the first to sixth calving, between 30 and 150 days of lactation, managed under a semi-intensive system in the Cumbe parish, Cuenca-Ecuador. Initially, SBM was detected using infrared thermography, with predefined temperature ranges for healthy and diseased quarters. These thermal ranges were validated through the California Mastitis Test (CMT) field test. From the positive mammary quarters for CMT and IRT, milk samples were collected in 10 ml falcon tubes for somatic cell count (SCC) using Ekomilk Scan. The evaluated variables included Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV), Validity Index, Youden Index, Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratio. The results showed a prevalence of SBM of 28.8% and 16.5% at cow and mammary quarter levels, respectively. Regarding the variables studied, Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV), Accuracy, Youden's Index, Positive Likelihood Ratio, and Negative Likelihood Ratio were determined as 99.46%, 92.19%, 97.60%, 97.37%, 98.33%, 0.92%, 12.73%, and 0.01%, respectively. No positive correlation was found between temperature and environmental humidity with the thermal values of IRT. It is concluded that Infrared Thermography could be implemented as a promising technique for SBM detection. Keywords. Bovine mastitis; infrared thermography; diagnostic technique
Conocimiento sobre Clave Obstétrica Roja y Azul en Internos Rotativos del Hospital de especialidades José Carrasco Arteaga, Cuenca-Ecuador. 2024
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Culcay Córdova, Iván Santiago; Vargas Loayza, Verónica Nicole; Muñoz Arteaga, María Verónica; 0107589863; 0107475816; Muñoz Arteaga
Antecedents: Obstetric codes were created to support health staff in being better prepared when attending obstetric emergencies since they help facilitate communication and coordinated efforts to prevent maternal death. In Ecuador, the estimated number of women who die from obstetric causes is 150 per year, and among these causes is obstetric hemorrhage. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified maternal care as a public health priority. Therefore, it is recommended to create prevention, management, and control programs to reduce maternal deaths. However, after a literature review, it was shown that the interns’ knowledge level was average. Consequently, it is considered necessary to perform this test in Ecuador. Objective: To determine the knowledge about the Red and Blue Obstetric Code among Rotating Interns at the “José Carrasco Arteaga” Specialty Hospital, Cuenca-Ecuador, in 2024. Methodology: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with 80 rotating interns of the “José Carrasco Arteaga” Specialty Hospital who have already rotated or are rotating in the gynecology and obstetrics area. The study used a validated test by the author Gomez Y (36). Results: The rotating interns at the “José Carrasco Arteaga” Specialty Hospital demonstrated an average level of knowledge in the three universities surveyed. The University of Cuenca had the highest average knowledge level with a frequency of 17 participants representing 25.8%, followed by the Catholic University of Cuenca with a frequency of 13 participants representing 19.7%, and finally the University of Azuay with a frequency of 12 participants representing 18.2%. The Catholic University of Cuenca had the highest frequency among the rotating interns surveyed, with 42 participants representing 63.6 %. Conclusions: The study determined that in 2024, most rotating medicine interns at the “José Carrasco Arteaga” Specialty Hospital in Cuenca, Ecuador, presented an average level of knowledge regarding the Red and Blue Obstetric Codes, representing a 63.6%.
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Autonomía femenina y despenalización del aborto: Un enfoque a la protección integral de los derechos reproductivos de la mujer en Ecuador.
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Calle Larrea, Manuel Josué; Moncayo Pesántez, Víctor Andres; Rojas Valdivieso, María Caridad; 0302114301; 0350141701
The study analyzed the importance of safeguarding women's reproductive rights and respecting their authority and disposition over their bodies within the context of the decriminalization of abortion in Ecuador. A specialized national and international literature review was conducted. A qualitative approach, inductive-deductive, dogmatic-legal, and comparative methods were used, together with bibliographic and literature review techniques. The findings showed the urgency of reforming Ecuadorian legislation concerning pregnancy termination, focusing on guaranteeing women's decision-making capacity over their bodies. Similarities and disparities between Ecuadorian and Spanish legislation were identified, underscoring the need for reforms to protect the reproductive rights of Ecuadorian women and proposing a reform of the current legislation to guarantee free and informed sexuality. Keywords: decriminalization, abortion, autonomy, legislation, law
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Participación activa de los padres en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de educación básica media
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Mora Romero, Leslie Jazmin; Mejía Rodríguez, Israel Neptalí; 0350119319
The active participation of parents plays a determining role in their children's academic performance. Constant involvement in school life reinforces the values of responsibility, commitment, and motivation towards learning. Thus, the active involvement of parents not only strengthens the family bond and provides a supportive environment that favors the student's educational success. This research aims to analyze how parents' active participation influences the academic performance of middle school students. The methodology applied is a systematic literature review guided by the PRISMA method, detailing the selection and exclusion process of articles contributing to the research. The vocabulary was obtained from UNESCO and ERIC thesauruses, and a thorough search was conducted using the RAYYAN tool. The digital databases of the Catholic University of Cuenca, such as Web of Science, Scopus, Erick, and ProQuest, were used. Sixteen articles contributed to the study, which addresses the fact that the active participation of parents is one of the most influential factors in the academic performance of students and shows that this active participation is a fundamental element in ensuring academic success and reaching students' maximum potential in the fulfillment of their academic objectives. It is necessary to implement new strategies to promote parental involvement in their children's education and to prioritize considering contributions from other disciplines, understanding that the current practices of family-school relationships within the school appear to be exhausted. Keywords: family, school, participation, academic performance, strategies
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La inclusión cultural educativa con recursos tecnológicos y su impacto en el interaprendizaje de estudiantes de básica media
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Pesantez Pesantez, Rosa Elizabeth; Castro Salazar, Ana Zulema; 0106279128
Currently, global education is undergoing a rapid transformation process driven by technology integration in the classroom. Technological resources provide learning opportunities and present challenges that educators must address. This study aims to analyze educational cultural inclusion through the adaptation of technological resources and its impact on middle school students' interlearning through a systematic literature review to strengthen the teaching-learning process. The methodology employed a systematic literature review using the PRISMA method; a flowchart facilitated an analysis of the entire process conducted via the RAYYAN tool for the selection of articles pertinent to the topic and the exclusion of ones unrelated. Vocabulary was obtained through the UNESCO and ERIC thesaurus. A comprehensive search was conducted by accessing the Catholic University of Cuenca databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science, SciELO, and ProQuest. Out of this process, 14 articles provided comprehensive information for this study. The chosen papers were from 2017 to 2023 in English and Spanish. Continuous teacher training underscores that the use of technology and ensuring that all students have access to devices and a quality internet connection are crucial elements for maximizing the positive impact of these resources. Keywords: inclusion, interlearning, technology, students