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Proyecto de Titulación embargado con fines de publicación de impacto.
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Orellana Guamán, Juan Pablo; Quevedo Sacoto, Andrés Sebastián; 0105435457
Open Access
Intervenciones de enfermería en otitits bacteriana en pacientes pediátricos
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Matute Landi, Viviana Lisseth; Morocho Morocho, Diana Elizabeth; Guapasaca Yanza, Ana Beatriz; 0106520828; 0106731367
Introduction: Otitis is an ear infection caused by bacteria, mainly affecting the middle ear, causing pain, hearing loss, and fever in children. Methodology: A literature review was conducted using scientific databases such as Scopus, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Springer, Medigraphic, PubMed, ProQuest, and Web of Science. The Health Sciences Descriptors DeCS/MeSH were used to obtain the following keywords: "otitis," "nursing care," “risk factors," "prevalence,” “treatment," “disease prevention,” “child,” “pediatrics,” “standardized nursing terminology” and “complications,” along with Boolean operators to establish search strategies. Results: The prevalence of bacterial otitis varies globally, with a notably high rate of 22.48% in the Balkan Peninsula. Associated factors include age, daycare attendance, environmental conditions, and exposure to cigarette smoke. Common complications are mastoiditis, with Bezold abscess being less frequent. Treatment involves the administration of antibiotics, surgical interventions, and tympanostomy tube placement. Nursing interventions focus on educating parents and providing quality care. Conclusions: Mastoiditis is the main complication of bacterial otitis. Nursing interventions emphasize the administration of medications during patient care and providing educational material to parents, which is key to reducing cases. Keywords: Otitis, prevalence, complications, nursing care, pharmacotherapy
Open Access
Intervenciones de enfermería en hepatitis A
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Mora Morales, Marjori Silvana; Castro Salinas , Josselinne Verenise; Toalongo Salto, Janeth Esperanza; 1150337978; 0106253487
Introduction: The hepatitis A virus (HAV) constitutes an important public health problem worldwide. This pathology is characterized by liver inflammation, and its transmission occurs via the fecal-oral route through contaminated water or food intake. Therefore, a lack of hygiene contributes to its spread. Objective: To develop a literature review focused on “Nursing interventions in hepatitis A.” Methodology: An analysis of bibliographic sources was conducted using scientific databases such as SciELO, Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and the institutional page of the World Health Organization (WHO), among others. Results: The reviewed articles showed a high prevalence of the disease in endemic areas affecting the general population. Among the associated factors, a low socioeconomic level, illicit drug use, ingestion of contaminated food, and low vaccination coverage were found. The most frequent complications are fulminant autoimmune hepatitis, acute liver failure, and problems during pregnancy, such as premature placental abruption, fetal liver injury, and mother-to-child transmission. Regarding the therapeutic approach, there is no pharmacological treatment. However, there are options, such as vaccination and hygienic practices, to combat it. Finally, nursing interventions focus on promoting and preventing this disease. Conclusion: The role of nursing is essential in the prevention and management of hepatitis A; it goes from strictly following infection control practices to the administration of vaccines, actively contributing to efforts to eradicate this pathology. Keywords: Hepatitis A, risk factors, complications, prevalence, nursing role.
Open Access
Shock séptico en pacientes críticos. Revisión sistemática
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) González Estrella, Karla Ximena; Vásquez Cárdenas , Andrés Leonardo; 0350197406
Open Access
Producción de embriones in vitr de vacas Holstein estimuladas en fsh-rb
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Iñamagua Lala, Luis Nelson; Argudo Garzón, Daniel Ernesto; 0302174289
The conventional use of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) in follicular hyperstimulation has raised concerns due to its effects on gene expression and embryo quality. In addition, considerable variability in the response of hyperstimulated cows has been observed, affecting the efficacy of the process. Follicle Stimulating Hormone - pituitary (FSH-p) of porcine origin, commonly used in these protocols, can induce immune responses in cattle, increasing the risk of pathologies and affecting the quality of the resulting embryos. In contrast, recombinant bovine Follicle Stimulating Hormone (rbFSH), derived from recombinant technology, is a promising alternative to improve in vitro embryo production and quality in Holstein cows. This research aimed to thoroughly evaluate the effects of rbFSH on in vitro embryo production in Holstein cows. The results indicate that rbFSH did not significantly increase the production of viable oocytes according to the classification table established by the International Embryo Technology Society (IETS). On the other hand, during embryo development, the stage of segmentation was evaluated, a percentage variable measured as cleavage rate, where it is clear to note a specific numerical difference in the group treated with bovine recombinant FSH (74.38) compared to the control (68.4), but this difference was not statistically significant (P<0.05), obtaining similar statistical results in terms of the number of embryos obtained at the end of this study. Keywords. Production; embryos; rbFSH; culture; In vitro.
Open Access
Estimulación folicular con FSH recombinante bovina previo a la opu en vacas Holstein
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Chauca Guamán, Jennifer Eliana; Argudo Garzón, Daniel Ernesto; 0350173571
Ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration has been recognized as an effective technique for obtaining high-quality oocytes in cows with high genetic value, especially when combined with prior follicular synchronization protocols. Over the decades, the use of conventional FSH in follicular hyperstimulation protocols has faced challenges, such as the need for multiple doses to maintain its biological activity and the risk of contamination and variability between batches. In response to this, recombinant gonadotropins such as recombinant bovine FSH (rFSH) have emerged as a promising alternative. Purified by affinity chromatography, rFSH offers higher purity and hormonal stability. In this experimental research, the use of rFSH in follicular stimulation of Holstein cows was evaluated, and it was compared with standard hormonal synchronization. The results suggest that rFSH, compared to the control protocol, did not yield significant differences in follicular development and consequently in the recovery rate. However, numerical differences were observed (rFSH= 50.63 + 19.22; Control= 45.85 + 19.22). Similarly, the oocyte recovery rate based on category shows similarity in results, with categories I and II highlighted as more recovered. This approach could potentially represent a significant advancement in the next stage, specifically in the production of in vitro embryos in dairy farming, enhancing the efficiency and profitability of the process. Keywords: rbFSH, OPU, Follicular Stimulation, Reproduction
Open Access
Prevención de lesiones de rodilla en futbolistas. Revisión Sistemática
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Rivera Novillo, Jaime Emmanuel; Crespo Vintimilla, Carlos; 0302262621
Background: In recent years, knee injuries in soccer players have been increasing due to the lack of methods that help athletes prevent this type of pathologies; among the most frequent have been seen muscular injuries in ligaments, meniscus, tendons, and bones, in such a way, prevention constitutes one of the fundamental parameters within athletes. Objective: To determine the prevention of knee injuries in soccer players through a systematic review based on scientific articles published in the last five years. Method: This systematic review was qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive. For this, a search for information was conducted in digital databases associated with the health area, such as Google Scholar, published in the last five years. The selection followed the PRISMA 2020 guide, from which characteristics such as title, author, year of publication, results, and methods were retrieved. Results: Fifteen studies were included, which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria; an analysis of the prevention of knee injuries in soccer players was performed, concluding that ligament injuries are the most frequent, and proprioceptive and neuromuscular exercises were identified as the primary prevention methods. Conclusion: It was recognized that the primary structure where most knee injuries occur is the anterior cruciate ligaments. In addition, various prevention methods were discussed, including training, nutrition, and even the use of appropriate footwear. Keywords: primary prevention, knee, soccer, knee injuries.
Open Access
Hernia Discal Lumbar: factores de riesgo, diagnóstico y tratamiento en adultos.
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Arévalo Arcentales, Jocelyne Estefania; Crespo Domínguez, Juan Sebastián; 0302617303
Introduction: Lumbar disc herniation occurs when the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc is injured, causing the nucleus pulposus to protrude into the spinal canal. Approximately 70 to 80% of individuals consult for low back pain, and only 40% present symptoms due to lumbar disc herniation. The prevalence of this pathology increases in adults, mainly affecting their mobility. Objective: To conduct a systematic review on lumbar disc herniation in adults that will compile information from scientific articles published in the last five years. Method: This research is a systematic review based on PRISMA 2020 guidelines with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data were retrieved through high-impact digital databases of recent years, such as PubMed, SciELO, Scopus, and Dialnet. Results: Thirty articles were selected that met all the inclusion criteria, and the risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of lumbar disc hernia were analyzed. Conclusions: Lumbar disc hernia has a multifactorial basis where intervertebral disc degeneration depends on age, weight, and occupation. Magnetic resonance imaging is ideal for confirming the presence of a herniation. Therapeutic methods will depend on the patient's situation, with conservative methods as suitable to start treating a herniated disc. Among surgical options, endoscopic lumbar discectomy has evidence of being effective and having fewer adverse effects. Keywords: lumbar disc herniation, lumbociatica, low back pain, microdiscectomy, discectomy
Open Access
Proceso de atención de enfermería en pacientes con VIH/SIDA. Revisión sistemática
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Montero Montero, Mónica Mishel; Abad Martinez, Nancy Isabel; 0106955057
Open Access
Prevalencia de violencia contra los hombres. Revisión Sistemática y Metaanálisis.
(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Carangui Calle, Anahi Monserrath; Moreira Celi , Melissa Dayanna; Estrella González, María de los Ángeles; 0302961743; 1150013702