Evaluation of structural damage caused by landslide in the Paccha parish and mitigation measures for affected structures



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Universidad Católica de Cuenca



This article is a structural record of the houses of the parish head of Paccha  in the city of Cuenca in Ecuador, sectors that are classified as high risk areas by landslides, whose objective is to evaluate the real and current structural situation of the houses, through a visual analysis where all the characteristics of the structural system, the quality and the year of construction can be rescued; in order to find the structural damage index through the structural monitoring methodology established by the company Consultores en Ingeniería y Medio Ambiente CI Ambiental SAS. In addition, the characteristics of the structures will be reflected in georeferenced maps in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program to obtain a database of the current state of the houses integrated to the current zoning of the landslide risk levels established by the "PLAN DE ORDENAMIENTO TERRITORIAL DEL AÑO 2020" of the Paccha parish.  Finally, a comparison is made between the landslide risk level established in the existing risk map and the effects caused by this phenomenon on the structures, in order to analyze the behavior of the structures of known characteristics in the different risk levels in each evaluation zone

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