Las Empresas de Alquiler de Vehículos del Azuay en el Contexto de l COVID 19 y su Impacto en los Indicadores Financieros.
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Universidad Católica de Cuenca.
La Pandemia del COVID-19 causó severas consecuencias en el sector económico, debido a las restricciones de movilidad llevando a la disminución de rentabilidad de las empresas, siendo el alquiler de vehículos, uno de los más afectados por la reducción de las visitas turísticas, por lo tanto, el objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el impacto de la pandemia sobre los indicadores financieros en las principales empresas de alquiler de vehículos de Azuay. Se realizó una investigación cuantitativa usando como indicador el número de contagiados e indicadores financieros empleando el sistema Dupont a partir del análisis de los balances financieros, para el caso de muestras pareadas antes y post COVID-19 se analizaron los datos mediante una prueba T de Student, considerando el valor de probabilidad de P<0,05, siendo el resultado obtenido que el COVID-19 afectó de manera negativa el desempeño económico de algunas empresas, observándose una disminución de hasta 1,18%·en el capital invertido por los accionistas (ROA) y de 0,04 % en la rentabilidad total de los activos de las empresas (ROE); así como la liquidez corriente hasta 0,09, la capacidad de endeudamiento a 0,67 % y el endeudamiento por patrimonio y capital se redujo a 0,08 y 7,38 % respectivamente por lo que se deben generar medidas de recuperación económica en aquellas empresas con indicadores financieros negativos como la apertura paulatina de fronteras para la activación del sector turístico, restructuración de deuda en bancos públicos y privados, otorgamiento de créditos y facilidades de pago para obligaciones tributarias y laborales.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused severe consequences in the economic sector due to mobility restrictions leading to a decrease in the profitability of the companies; being car rental one of the most affected industries due to a decrease in tourist visits. Therefore, the research objective was to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on the financial indicators of the leading car rental companies in Azuay. Quantitative research was carried out using the Dupont system as a parameter for the number of infected people and financial indicators from the analysis of financial balance sheets. In the case of paired samples before and after COVID-19, data were analyzed using a Student's t-test, considering the probability value of P<0.05. The result was that COVID-19 negatively affected some companies' economic performance, with a decrease of up to 1.18% in the capital invested by shareholders (ROA) and 0.04% in the total return on company assets (ROE). Also, current liquidity was down to 0.09%, a respective reduction in debt capacity to 0.67%, the debt per equity to 0.08%, and the debt per capital to 7.38%. Hence, in those companies with negative financial indicators, economic recovery measures should be generated, such as the gradual opening of borders for the activation of the tourism industry, restructuring of debt in public and private banks, granting of credit and payment facilities for tax and labor obligations.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused severe consequences in the economic sector due to mobility restrictions leading to a decrease in the profitability of the companies; being car rental one of the most affected industries due to a decrease in tourist visits. Therefore, the research objective was to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on the financial indicators of the leading car rental companies in Azuay. Quantitative research was carried out using the Dupont system as a parameter for the number of infected people and financial indicators from the analysis of financial balance sheets. In the case of paired samples before and after COVID-19, data were analyzed using a Student's t-test, considering the probability value of P<0.05. The result was that COVID-19 negatively affected some companies' economic performance, with a decrease of up to 1.18% in the capital invested by shareholders (ROA) and 0.04% in the total return on company assets (ROE). Also, current liquidity was down to 0.09%, a respective reduction in debt capacity to 0.67%, the debt per equity to 0.08%, and the debt per capital to 7.38%. Hence, in those companies with negative financial indicators, economic recovery measures should be generated, such as the gradual opening of borders for the activation of the tourism industry, restructuring of debt in public and private banks, granting of credit and payment facilities for tax and labor obligations.
Palabras clave
COVID-19, Pandemia, Recesión económica, Rentabilidad
Alvarado, J. (2022). Las Empresas de Alquiler de Vehículos del Azuay en el Contexto de l COVID 19 y su Impacto en los Indicadores Financieros.