Trabajo Social
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Examinando Trabajo Social por Materia "adulto mayor"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Percepción del adulto mayor sobre la familia y su incidencia en la calidad de vida en el cantón Sevilla de Oro(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) López Villavicencio, Kelly Yadira; Fernandez Aucapiña, Nancy Yolanda; 0105481048The family is considered the basis that supports society, likewise, it is a basic element in elderly people, over the years people are prone to need care and protection from their near ones. This research work aims “to determine the perception of elders about their families and its incidence in life quality in the Canton Sevilla de Oro”. The research has a qualitative approach which gets objective data to counter the stated hypothesis, likewise, it was used the deductive method which allows drawing from a feature such as the aging theory toward particular cases, it is a transversal research, therefore, it was developed in a certain time and space, the study population were 31 elderlies from the Canton Sevilla de Oro. Through the A Ch-squared test the hypothesis was proved: the perception of the elderly about how the family relationship affects on their quality of life. In conclusion, the majority of elderly perceive between satisfactory and highly satisfactory the family relationship, similarly, the most of the elderly stated that they have never felt abandoned by their families and more than half of them said that they feel loved by their families.Ítem Acceso Abierto Política pública de transferencia monetaria no contributiva y su incidencia socioeconómica en el adulto mayor de la parroquia Llacao(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2020) Salgado Rentería, Glenda Anabel; Urgilés, Sandra; 0704680115The following research aims at the public policy offered by the Ecuadorian State through social services programs to elderly people. The problem is evidenced when these groups lack information and programs by the public administration and its management so that the group of priority attention can be benefited from it; this way it is proposed to study what the effect of the non-contributory monetary public policy transfer is, regarding the risk of elderly people in the parish of Llacao, whose objective is to determine the socioeconomic impact of these public policies on elderly people of Llacao parish in the city of Cuenca. The quantitative approach was utilized through the application of the survey technique to 200 elderly people from the different neighborhoods of the vicinity; the extent of the research was descriptive and the inductive method was applied to spread the theory of this research product amongst other parishes of the canton. The impact reached as a result of the study is intended forthose in charge of guaranteeing the efficacy ofthis government policy due to the lack of planning to bestow the elderly people this benefit. The results show that the elderly population is granted to be beneficiary of the pension labeled “Mis Mejores Años”. In conclusion, the income elderly people receive isin the region of 91 to 110 dollars, positioning them on level C (medium to low) in the socio- economic scale