Sede Azogues - Arquitectura
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Examinando Sede Azogues - Arquitectura por Materia "Anteproyecto arquitectónico"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Anteproyecto arquitectónico de rediseño y ampliación del cuartel central del Cuerpo de Bomberos del cantón Biblián, mediante criterios de arquitectrura pasiva(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2022) Ávila Cabrera, Daniel Fernando; Mogrovejo Arias, María José; 0302260641; ., .Fire departments have different institutional needs that are required to provide the necessary comfon for the normal performance of their daily activities. Passive architecture contemplates various aspects of design to provide environmental comfort, The general objective of this project is to develop a preliminary architectural project for the redesign and expansion ofthe central fire station ofthe Biblián fire department, applying passive architecture critcria to achieve an integrated design with functional, spatial, formal, tcchnical, and environmental characteristics suitable for the dcvelopment of their activities. For the development ofthe project, we staned with a theoretical analysis ofthe history, national and intemational regulations regarding fire departments and passive architecture strategies; we also carri ed out a case study of 5 different fire dcpartm ent projects in which the passivc architectur e criteria. required spaces and an adequa tc design for a correct operation of this type of equipment are refleeted, in addition to idcntifying the charactcristics of the site and the current sta te of the building complex. Based on the analysis of case studies, the necessary information was collected to develop the architectura l proposal, which allowed to gen erate a design where the application of passive architcctur e criteria is evidenced, same enable an adequate solution to the thermal aspect and environmental comfon for the that working in the instituti on; in addition to a contribution to the improvement of the urban landscape of the sector. staff