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Examinando Enfermería por Materia "acalasia"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Intervenciones de enfermería en acalasia esofágica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Garzón Saeteros, Laura Azucena; Juela Neira, Sonia Fernanda; Cumbe Guerrero, Karla Maria; 0302618202; 0106400781Introduction: Esophageal achalasia, although a rare disorder, represents a pathology that requires attention because it affects the esophagus, preventing it from functioning correctly in the passage of food to the stomach. Objective: To determine the nursing interventions used in esophageal achalasia. Methodology: A literature review used documents from scientific databases such as SciELO, Mediagraphic, Redalyc, ProQuest, Scopus, PubMed, and Taylor & Francis from 2018 to 2023. Results: The study found that achalasia affects both men and women, with the highest incidence occurring between 25 and 60. Although there is limited information on the associated factors, age, viral infections, and autoimmune diseases are highlighted. In terms of the therapeutic approach, botulinum toxin, surgical interventions such as Heller myotomy, pneumatic dilation, and Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) can be mentioned. Nursing interventions are essential as they cover patient care, providing support and guidance to the patient and their family, especially in the nutritional aspect. Conclusions: Despite being a rare pathology, it is essential to know its prevalence, associated factors, therapeutic approach, complications, and nursing interventions. This is because patients should be provided holistic care, depending on their individual needs, to prevent future complications or comorbidities. Keywords: achalasia, esophagus, risk factors, prevalence, nursing interventions (DeCS).