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Examinando Enfermería por Materia "abandono escolar"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Influencia de la pandemia por COVID 19 en la deserción universitaria en estudiantes de Enfermería a nivel de Latinoamérica(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Tenezaca Tenezaca, Angel Heriberto; Bermeo Macas, Cristhian Gonzalo; Vizuela Carpio, Johnny; 0302549381; 0705699304Introduction: The isolation caused by the emergence of COVID-19 generated significant changes, among which the educational field and university permanence were not the exception. Latin America was affected by the sudden change in the educational system modality, generating a suspension of face-to-face academic activities, resulting in virtuality. Objective: To determine the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on university desertion in nursing students in Latin America. Methodology: A review of bibliographic material was performed in scientific databases such as SciELO, Google Scholar, Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, and Redalyc. After reviewing 429 articles related to the research topic, a critical reading of 78 potential studies was conducted, and 50 papers that responded to the research questions were thoroughly selected. Results: The main factors of university desertion, in addition to its prevalence in the different Latin American countries in the Nursing context, and possible strategies to minimize it were found. Conclusions: Academic desertion due to the pandemic is a multicausal phenomenon; the prevalence in the Nursing career at the Latin American level represents a very high percentage; being multicausal, it started highlighting many factors associated with dropout. University dropout means a great challenge for educational institutions and students; the strategies to curb or regulate this situation can give correct follow-up and support in multiple sectors. Keywords: Influence, pandemic, university dropout, nursing, Latin America.