Examinando por Autor "Samaniego Samaniego, Eddy Alexander"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Optimización para el pre dimensionamiento de zapatas de borde, mediante el software SMATH STUDIO(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2024) Samaniego Samaniego, Eddy Alexander; Palma Zambrano, Eduardo Dioney; 0106479314; García Calle, Anthony AlxanderThis paper focused on developing a specialized program for designing and optimizing reinforced concrete strip footings using Smath Studio software. This program aims to reduce the time and errors in the design process. A literature review was conducted to achieve this goal, finding two approaches on which this programming was based, which were proposed by José Calavera and Luis Garza. The final product of the programming was the creation of an executable file that allows for the entry of data such as material properties, design requirements, soil geotechnical characteristics, geometric properties, and structural reinforcement. Furthermore, the program features five main interfaces: input data, verification charts, results charts, design drawings, and a user guide. The final product offers users precise information on the preliminary sizing of footings, including optimal dimensions and details of the required structural reinforcement to comply with design demands. Additionally, these results are presented graphically through structural detailing to facilitate understanding and application of the design. The programming was validated with the modeling in Robot Structural software, and two examples were presented in the bibliographies used, which were proposed by Luis Garza, Andrés Miranda, and Jhunior Fabriciano. The validation was conducted in accordance with the regulations and considerations specified in the American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318-19 and the Ecuadorian Construction Standard (NEC, by its Spanish acronym) 2015.