Examinando por Autor "Paucar Quito, Janneth Elizabeth"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Evaluación de tres dilutores comerciales sobre el semen de ovino post congelación(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2025) Paucar Quito, Janneth Elizabeth; Alvarado Alvarado, Juan Carlos; 0106540495Sheep breeding has a significant impact on the country's economy; however, traditional management practices are often maintained in this industry, which reduces international competitiveness. For this reason, it is essential to improve sheep production through the genetic improvement of animals with high productive and reproductive potential. The objective of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of three commercial dilutors, Ovixcell, Andromed and Triladyl on the sperm quality of post-freezing ovine semen. According to the parameters of each commercial house in semen from rams of the Katahdin, Pelibuey and Dorper breeds, with 15 extractions, 5 for each sheep, for a total of 45 samples, evaluated by traditional microscopy by staining, fluorescence, pH, also included kinetic parameters evaluated by the CASA system, all variables were evaluated at two intervals, in fresh semen freshly diluted and post-freezing. In the analysis of permeability and progressivity in fresh diluted semen, Triladyl obtained efficient results (p< 0.05), while in kinetics Andromed and Triladyl achieved a remarkable impact (p< 0.05), when analyzing the mentioned parameters in post-freezing Triladyl obtained significant results (p< 0.05). 05) while the other controls rotated, Ovixcell in second place demonstrating better resistance to cryopreservation (p< 0.05) before Andromed, which has evidenced a significantly drastic decrease, indicating high mortality in thawed semen. It is concluded that the Triladyl extender better preserves the functional characteristics of ovine sperm by protecting the plasma membrane, conserving vitality and providing greater protection against the consequences of cryopreservation. Keywords: sheep, sperm, diluent, cryopreservation