Examinando por Autor "Paucar Montero, John Armando"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Prototipo de una aplicación móvil con sig para el control de usuarios del cantón el tambo por nap georeferenciado de la red de fibra óptica de milenium computer Cañar(Universidad Catolica de Cuenca extension Cañar, 2022-09-15) Paucar Montero, John Armando; Pinos Castillo, Luis; 030256766-4ABSTRACT This project aims to design a mobile app prototype which allows locating the users of the Millenium Computers company in El Tambo canton. The waterfall methodology and its 5 phases: requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance were used. Likewise, android studio tools with Java programming language and SQLite for data storage were applied. A feasibility study was conducted at the internet provider company in order to determine the feasibility of the prototype implementation and the ISP technologies to be used. It was proved that an application to users´ location is required in order to solve incidents in the fiber optic network. The mobile prototype allows to visualize attended and unattended incidents as well as the customer´s data and routes by using google maps API, it is worth mentioning that single tests during the third phase (implementation) of the waterfall methodology were carried out for its verification. In addition, the application will be backed up in the Git Hub repository. Keywords: mobile application, android studio, java, waterfall, georeferencing