Examinando por Autor "Mejía Criollo, Jacqueline Abigail"
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Ítem Solo Metadatos Determinación de escherichia coli y coliformes en jugos de coco expendidos en el mercado 12 de Abril de la ciudad de Cuenca, período abril 2023.(Universidad Católica de Cuenca., 2023) Mejía Criollo, Jacqueline Abigail; Pesantez Hurtado, John Steven; Martínez León, Maritza del Rosario; 0105248769; 0106671746Introduction: Foodborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, among which coliforms and E.coli are considered contamination indicators. Objective: To determine the presence of E. coli and coliforms in the juices sold in the “12 de Abril” market in Cuenca during April 2023. Methodology: The research was descriptive, quantitative, and observational. The universe of the study was the four stalls selling coconut juice. Thirty-two samples were collected, and inoculated in Petrifilm plates to quantify coliforms and E.coli colony-forming units (CFUs). Results: Positive coliform growth was observed in 84.38% of the samples analyzed, while E.coli growth was 18.7%. Conclusion: Petrifilm plates determined the presence of both coliforms and E. coli. The stalls with the highest contamination for E.coli were Stall 3 (50%) and Stall 4 (25%). As for coliforms, 100% for Stall 3 and 87.5% for Stall 4