Examinando por Autor "Loja Criollo, Guadalupe Jacqueline"
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Ítem Acceso Abierto Estrategias de Diversificación de Productos en el Modelo de Negocios de la Fabrica de Lácteos El Paisano del Cantón San Fernando de la Provincia de Azuay - Ecuador(Universidad Católica de Cuenca, 2021) Loja Criollo, Guadalupe Jacqueline; Ordoñez Valencia, Hugo Javier; 0106208465This business model is focused on the growth of the "Paisano" factory located in the San Fernando canton, province of Azuay, Ecuador, to incorporate new products derived from dairy products to satisfy the needs of the population. For the diversification of dairy products, a study was conducted to recognize the feasibility of new goods, the profits that will be obtained by incorporating them into the production chain, as well as the investment that will have to be made. To this end, both a market study and financial analysis were performed. The research findings focus on the profitability of the business, and the conclusions include the fact that diversification represents a feasible, viable, and successful alternative for improving the company's positioning in the market and its performance vis-à-vis the competition. As for the recommendations, it is necessary to improve the performance of each of the actors that are part of the “El Paisano” factory, through leadership that invites teamwork, maintaining an optimal organizational climate, working under the concept of shared vision so that everyone can suggest improvements in their areas to strengthen the integral development of the company, increase productivity and achieve better performance by workers.